ELTEX Cloud Configuration Manager
System description. Requirements for equipment and personnel
Firmware version 1.5.0

|| DeviceType | ELTEX Cloud Configuration Manager |
|| DeviceName | ECCM |
|| DocTitleAdditional | System description. Requirements for equipment and personnel |
|| fwversion | 1.5 |
|| username | eccm |
|| password | eccm |

Features and capabilities

ECCM (ELTEX Cloud Configuration Manager) is a centralized network equipment management system. The system is managed using a web interface, which provides convenient tools for configuring the system and network equipment for the needs of the user.

This system offers an opportunity to implement the following:

Equipment requirements

Requirements for the server

Minimum server configuration for the start, stable system operation and maintenance about 100 devices:

Resource requirements depend on the devices number non-linearly. The system can be run in various configurations and has horizontal scaling capabilities, so the parameters should be calculated based on an individual project.

Requirements for the operator's workplace

Operator interacts with the system using a web interface, therefore, to work, they will need a computer that meets the following requirements:

Personnel requirements

The system provides a wide range of functionality and uses a large number of technologies. Most system processes are hidden from users and administrators and do not require special knowledge from them. However, to deploy and maintain the system, the system administrator must have the skills for working with docker containers. Working with the equipment also requires appropriate skills from the operator.

Requirements for the administrators

To administer the system, it is enough to know the following technologies and be able to work with them:

Knowledge of the following technologies will be an advantage:

Requirements for the operators

All operations with the devices are performed in the ECCM web interface. For the system operators it is enough to be able to work with the device configurations.