
Today, large-scale communication network development projects are becoming increasingly common. One of the main tasks in implementation of large multiservice networks is the creation of reliable high-performance transport network that will serve as a backbone in multilayer architecture of next-generation networks.

ESR series service routers could be used in large enterprise networks, SMB networks and operator's networks. Devices provide high performance and bandwidth, and feature protection of transmitted data.

This operation manual describes intended use, specifications, design, installation, first time setup, and firmware update guidelines for the ESR series service router (next, the router or the device).

Target audience

This user manual is intended for technical personnel that performs device installation, configuration and monitoring via command line interface (CLI) as well as the system maintenance and firmware update procedures. Qualified technical personnel should be familiar with the operation basics of TCP/IP protocol stacks and Ethernet networks design concepts. 




[   ]

In the command line, optional parameters are shown in square brackets; when entered, they provide additional options.

{   }

In the command line, mandatory parameters are shown in curly braces. Choose one of the following:



In the command description, these characters are used to define ranges.


In the description of the command, this sign means 'or'.

Semibold font

Notes, warnings, or information are shown in bold.

<Semibold italic>

Keyboard keys are shown in bold italic within angle brackets.

Text box

Examples and results of the commands are given within the text boxes.

Notes and warnings

Notes contain important information, tips or recommendations on device operation and setup.

Warnings inform users about hazardous conditions which may cause injuries or device damage and may lead to the device malfunctioning or data loss.

The information contains information on the use of the device.