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StepDocumentation sectionResultNote
1. Checking the hardware requirements for the system

1.1 The latest software versions of internal devices and server controllers (BIOS, RAID, iDRAC, iLO, etc.) are installed

See the documentation for the server that is used
1.2 The presence of at least a dual-core CPU in the systemDevelopment of the system project
Defined by the system project
1.3 The presence of at least 8 GB of RAM in the systemDevelopment of the system project
Defined by the project depending on the required load. For test purposes, a reduction of up to 4 GB is allowed
1.4 Enough disk spaceCreating disk partitions

1.5 Partitioning done correctlyCreating disk partitions

1.6 SWAP file is NOT used in the system

Disabling swap

2. Checking the software requirements for the system

2.1 The correct version and bit depth of the operating system are set (Ubuntu Server 18.04.x LTS 64bit)

Ubuntu Server 18.04 x64
2.2 The correct hostname is set: ecss1 or ecss2

Configuring user and server names

When using redundancy
2.3 Current updates are installed in the system

System update

2.4 The recommended software is installed in the system

Necessary software installation

2.5 The ECSS-10 repository has been added to the system and is accessibleSystem update

2.6 The network interfaces are configured correctly:

Configuring network interfaces

- addresses of network interfaces are static and do not change dynamically via DHCPConfiguring network interfaces

- the keepalived service (VRRP) is configured and running

Configuring VRRP

When using redundancy
- IPv6 support is enabled at least on lo interfaces

Configuring listen interface for epmd service


Без форматирования
ssw@ecss1:~$ ip -6 addr show lo
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 state UNKNOWN qlen 1
    inet6 ::1/128 scope host 
       valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

2.7 The eToken/RuToken key is connected to the USB port of the server:Checking Token operation

- The eToken/RuToken key has been defined in the system (lsusb)

Checking Token operation

- Checking the eToken/RuToken keyChecking Token operation

2.8 Checking network availability between ecss1 and ecss2 hosts:

When using redundancy
- ping delay between hosts does not exceed 100 ms

It is necessary to minimize traffic delays between hosts as much as possible

- no packet loss during data exchange between hosts

The ping command is run for a few minutes, after which the statistics are removed by a combination of keys:

Без форматирования


Без форматирования
ssw@ecss1:~$ ping -q -c 200 ecss2
PING ecss2 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
177/177 packets, 0% loss, min/avg/ewma/max = 0.062/0.131/0.117/0.489 ms

- hosts are accessible to each other by DNS name (as written in /etc/hosts/ and in accordance with the license)

Configuring /etc/hosts

Checking ping from ecss1 to ecss2 and vice versa
- key authentication between hosts is configured

Generate ssh key and transfer it to another server:

Без форматирования
ssh-copy-id ssw@ecss2

Similarly from ecss2 to ecss1

2.9 Time synchronization with the NTP server is running on the server:Time synchronization on servers

Check the status:

Без форматирования
ntpq -p

- the correct time zone is set


Без форматирования
date +%Z

- time synchronization in orphan mode or synchronization with a single NTP is configured on ecss1 and ecss2 hostsTime synchronization on servers

When using redundancy

2.10. Glusterfs-server of the recommended version is installed:Configuring RestFS

Software version 3.13.2 and later

3. Checking the correctness of the ECSS-10 installation

3.1 Installation of system component packages was completed successfully without errors:

ECSS packages installation

Без форматирования
dpkg -l | grep ecss

- ecss-mysql

ecss-mysql installation

- ecss-node

ecss-node installation

- ecss-media-resources
ecss-media-resources installation

- ecss-media-server

ecss-media-server installation

- ecss-restfs

ecss-restfs installation

- ecss-user

- ecss-web-conf

ecss-web-conf installation

- ecss-dns-env

- additional optional packages according to the project Additional packages optional installation

4. Checking the performance of the ECSS-10 system

4.1 Checking the installed ECSS-10 license:System start and activation

- pcscd service is operatingSoftware Installation and Token Connection

Без форматирования
pkcs11-tool --module $(find /usr/lib/ecss/ecss-ds/lib/ -name librtpkcs11ecp.so | head -n1) -L

- the correct passport is installed in the systemSystem start and activation

CoCon command:

Без форматирования

- the current license is installed in the systemSystem start and activation

CoCon command:

Без форматирования

4.2 The dnsmasq service is up and running:

- if the system is redundant, the correct primary addresses are registered in the dnsmasq configuration.broker.ecss and secondary.broker.ecssCluster system installation features

Note that the content is the same on both servers.

Без форматирования
address=/primary.broker.ecss/<ecss1 address>
address=/secondary.broker.ecss/<ecss2 address>

- addresses are available by DNS nameDNS

Без форматирования
ping -c1 cocon.mysql.ecss
ping -c1 dialer.mysql.ecss
ping -c1 statistics.mysql.ecss
ping -c1 tc.mysql.ecss
ping -c1 tts.mysql.ecss
ping -c1 controlchannel.zmq.ecss
ping -c1 system.restfs.ecss

4.3 Listen interfaces for the epmd service are registered on ecss1 and ecss2 hostsConfiguring listen interface for epmd service

Без форматирования
sudo systemctl cat epmd.service

4.4 MySQL Database server is up and running:

Без форматирования
sudo systemctl status mysql.service

- it is possible to connect to the MySQL server by DNS name

Без форматирования
mysql -uroot -p -h ecss1

- when using redundancy, database replication is started and working correctlyMySQL master-master replication deployment scheme using keepalive

Без форматирования
mysql -uroot -p -e 'show slave status \G;'

On both servers:

Без форматирования
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

- mysql port should listen on

Без форматирования
netstat -nl | grep 3306

4.5 The cluster name is registered in the system with redundancy (not undefined)Cluster system installation features

Без форматирования
cat /etc/ecss/ecss-mycelium/mycelium1.config | grep name

4.6 ecss services are up and running (in the running state):

  • ecss-mycelium
  • ecss-core
  • ecss-ds
  • ecss-pa-sip
  • ecss-pa-megaco
  • ecss-media-server
  • ecss-web-conf
  • ecss-restfs
Checking the status of services


Без форматирования
systemctl list-units --type service --all | grep ecss

The status should show "active"
Or for each service separately:

Без форматирования
systemctl status <service name>

Same for the is-active key:

Без форматирования
sasha@ecss1:~$ systemctl is-active ecss-core ecss-ds ecss-pa-sip ecss-mycelium ecss-pa-megaco ecss-media-server ecss-web-conf ecss-restfs

- The CoCon "system-status" command outputs an empty Alarms list

4.7 The MSR media server is configured and connected to ECSS-10:Configuring a software media server

- configuring the MSR to connect to ECSS-10Configuring the MSR configuration file

From shell servers:

Без форматирования
cat /etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/config.xml

- MSR is declared in system media resources


Без форматирования

If the system is redundant, check if it is connected to both cores.
Pay attention to the correct kernel addresses (not

- MSR is configured on the ecss2 host in the same way

When using redundancy

4.8 Restfs is configured and accessible from the ECSS-10 server:

- RestFS is available for recording and downloading media files

From shell servers:

Без форматирования
wget http://ecss1:9990/system/sounds/ai_you.wav
wget http://ecss2:9990/system/sounds/ai_you.wav

4.9 The TTS service (text to voice message conversion) is configured and running:

If tts is selected when installing ecss-restfs
- The service returns the voice file after converting from text

From shell servers:

Без форматирования
wget http://ecss1:9990/generate?key=<Key>&text=<Text>&format=wav&lang=ru-RU&speaker=alyss&emotion=good&quality=hi
wget http://ecss2:9990/generate?key=<Key>&text=<Text>&format=wav&lang=ru-RU&speaker=alyss&emotion=good&quality=hi

key=<Key> — is the key to access the tts server;
text=<Text> — is a text message to convert into a voice message

4.10 Users, their rights and roles are configured


Без форматирования
cocon/list users

Web - "User manager"

4.11 Subscriber service restriction rules are configured


Без форматирования

Web - "User manager"

5. Checking the correctness of the domain configuration in ECSS-10


Без форматирования

Web - "Domains"

5.1 SIP transport (ip-set) is configured in the domain

- Addresses (node_ip) and ports (listen_port) are set in accordance with the project


Без форматирования

Web - "Clusters"

- node_ip addresses are assigned on both nodes of the SIP adapter ecss1 and ecss2

When using redundancy

Без форматирования

Web - "Clusters"

- node_ip addresses match the addresses of the reserved interfaces configured in keepalived

When using redundancy

Без форматирования

Web - "Clusters"

- ipset is set on the domain


Без форматирования

Web - "Domains"

5.2 The necessary services have been added to the domain:

- installation into the service system has been performed


Без форматирования
cluster/storage/ds1/ss/install ds1@ecss1 *

Web - "SS install"

- the domain is added to the services to the access-list 

View services installed in domains:

Без форматирования
/cluster/storage/ds1/ss/access-list show

To add services on a domain:

Без форматирования
/cluster/storage/ds1/ss/access-list add <DOMAIN> <SS>

Web - "SS install"

- CDR collection system is configured (if necessary)


Без форматирования

Web - "CDR manager"

5.3 The routing context has been configured:Virtual PBX. Telephone calls routing


Без форматирования
/domain/<DOMAIN>/routing/show <CTX>

Web - "Routing manager"

- the necessary trunks are configured

If necessary.

Без форматирования

Web - "Trunk manager"

- the necessary bridges are configured

If necessary.

Без форматирования

Web - "Bridge manager"

- routes are processed both in enblock set and overlap modes


Без форматирования

Web - "Routing manager"

5.4 Correct settings of the SIP subscriber(s) have been made:Virtual PBX. Connecting and configuring SIP subscribers


Без форматирования

- subscribers have been created


Без форматирования

Web - "Subscriber card"

- a reliable SIP login/password have been installed

Без форматирования
domain/<DOMAIN>/sip/user/info * *

or filter (from shell):

Без форматирования
ssh admin@ecss1 -p8023 '/domain/<DOMAIN>/sip/user/info * *' | grep '(ds)'

- trusted ip is installed

If SIP registration is required without authorization

Без форматирования

Web - "Subscriber card"

- the subscriber has the correct routing context installed


Без форматирования


Без форматирования
cluster/storage/ds1/iface/list <DOMAIN> * <GROUP> routing_context

(select the preferred)

Web - "Subscriber card"

- the correct terminal type is set (basic/smart)


Без форматирования
/cluster/storage/ds1/iface/list <DOMAIN> * <GROUP> terminal_type ~ smart

(or basic)

Web - "Subscriber card"

- the subscriber has the necessary services activated


Без форматирования

Web - "Subscriber card"

5.5 Setting routing contexts for system interfaces:

Без форматирования
/domain/<DOMAIN>/iface/user-set .system .system system:ivr routing.context

- system:ivr is configured

If it is necessary to use the IVR service. In most cases, only the routing context is written:

Без форматирования
/domain/<DOMAIN>/iface/info .system .system system:ivr

- system:teleconference is configured

If it is necessary to use the Teleconference service. In most cases, only the routing context is written:

Без форматирования
/domain/<DOMAIN>/iface/info .system .system system:teleconference
