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Installing ecss-mysql and creating replication


For correct MySQL replication configuration script, the following requirements must be met:


In the configuration window that opens, select mysql, and then enter the address <VIRTUAL_IP>.

Checking the correctness of the replication settings

To verify that data replication is working correctly, follow these steps.

  1. Check the status of the replica. To do this, run the command:

    Блок кода
    sudo mysql -uroot -p -e 'show slave status \G;' | grep -E "Slave_IO_Running:|Slave_SQL_Running:"

    This command should show the following information on both hosts:

    Блок кода
    Slave_IO_Running: Yes
    Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

  2. Check the status of events. To do this, run the command:

    Блок кода
    sudo mysql -uroot -p -e 'use ecss_statistics; show events\G;' | grep Status

    Both hosts (on which the keepalive virtual address is present) should show the following status:

    Блок кода
    Status: ENABLED

  3. Checking the status table:
    For the master, this number will be 1, for the slave 0

    Без форматирования
    mysql> select * from ecss_system.events_status;
    | lock   | enabled |
    | events |       0 |
    1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Restoring replica via mysqldump

This step must be performed in case of replication errors. Example of data recovery on ecss2 based on ecss1 is given below.


Без форматирования
%   ,{manager, [
%              {config, [
%                        {dir, "/etc/ecss/snmp/manager/"},
%                        {verbosity, silence},
%                        {db_dir, "/var/lib/ecss/snmp/"} 
%                       ]},
%              {def_user_mod, snmp_alarm_user}
%             ]}

Removing replication

In order to remove a previously created replication, use a special script:
