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The ECSS-10 system management interface based on the command line (Command Line Interface — CLI) is implemented via the CoCon subsystem (Command Console).
CoCon is a distributed management console that allows you to manage ECSS-10 subsystems from one place (using a single connection).

Rules for working with the command line

By default, the CoCon is available via SSH version 2 (port 8023).


Без форматирования
admin@mycelium1@ecss1:/$ restfs/list 
│Cluster name│             Peer             │ Status  │
│default     │http://system.restfs.ecss:9990│connected│

[exec at: 12.01.2021 15:49:19, exec time: 35ms, nodes: core1@ecss1 v.]

Authorization by key

For authorization, add your public key (located on the path ~/.ssh/*.pub) via the CoCon interface:


Без форматирования
admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ /shell-options public-key delete ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAAAgQCw7sJZltBfbooyv2T3Bsz/l01SM53XfNkJzN9DxPKq8kH4FRKf8NJWRHpLAWmBElUmp5APxWLfR74ncTYGrRIUj+u8ygZav1YYbgOrTgNwyFaJUurg2LVymLd9+Q/wA7ORxomuhLMGaiSfaOUyoO1xE5opZU65IpZhuyVrNOGZLQ== test@gmail.com

Access rights to commands

Below is a list of access groups to CoCon commands, and what rights the user must have in order to execute this command:

  • -any- — any user can execute a command with these rights;
  • -root- — only the ecss-root user can execute this command;
  • ecss-user — a user with ecss-user, ecss-admin rights can execute this command;
  • ecss-admin — a user with ecss-admin rights can execute this command;
  • ecss-<DOMAIN>-user — a user with the ecss-<DOMAIN>-user, _ecss-<DOMAIN>-admin, ecss-user, ecss-admin rights can execute this command;
  • ecss-<DOMAIN>-admin — a user with ecss-<DOMAIN>-admin, ecss-admin rightscan execute this command.

Principles of forming a virtual file system in the CLI

The CoCon command line looks as follows:


The man command before any command or the -h key after it displays documentation on the purpose and use of the command.

Ccnexec system service

This service allows executing CoCon commands from the shell without connecting to it.
