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Start of operation

  1. Activate the web interface via http or https protocol to start operating and monitoring the access points.
Без форматирования
wlc# config
wlc(config)# ip http server
wlc(config)# ip https server
wlc(config)# end
wlc# commit
wlc# confirm

2. Open a web browser, e.g. Firefox, Opera, Chrome.

3. Enter the IP address of the controller in the browser address bar. Use URL: http://<ip-address_wlc> or https://<ip-address_wlc> to access the web-interface.

If the controller is successfully detected, the authorization page will be displayed in the browser window.

4. Enter user name and password.


By default: user login — admin, user password — password.

5. Click the "Log in" button. The "Wireless" menu opens in the browser window.

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Main elements of the web-interface

The figure below shows the navigation elements of the web-interface.

The user interface window is divided into five areas:

  1. Interface language selection button (Russian and English versions of the web-interface are available) and exit button — to terminate the web-interface session under this user.
  2. Main menu buttons — to group menus by categories.
  3. Menu tabs and submenus — to manage the main information field.
  4. Main information field — to view submenu data.
  5. Information field — to display the software version installed on the controller.
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Menu "Wireless" 

Submenu "AP Locations"

The "AP Locations" submenu displays a list of locations, the distribution of APs across them, and the number of APs that are managed by the Airtune service.

This submenu also displays client information, the number of clients in each location, and the range distribution.

When moving to a location, the client table, optimization reports, access point sessions that are managed by Airtune service, optimization result and roaming statistics will be available.

Access Points

The page displays the APs that are registered and located in the selected location.

The "Общее количество" parameter shows the number of registered APs in the selected location.

Use the "Unregister all" button to unregister the APs in the selected location. They will then move to "Точки доступа" → "Новые точки доступа", if auto-registration is disabled. In case auto-registration is enabled, the APs will reappear in the location within 5 minutes.

The table contains the following information:

  • MAC-адрес  MAC address of the registered access point, move to "Точка доступа" page by clicking;
  • Разрегистрировать – button allows to take the selected access point out of service and move it to the list of new access points;
  • Статус – status of the access point operation;
  • IP-адрес – IP address of the registered access point;
  • Модель – model of the registered access point;
  • Версия ПО – firmware version of the registered access point;
  • Время работы  operating time since the last time the device was turned on or rebooted;
  • Количество клиентов – number of clients connected to the registered access point, move to "Точка доступа"→ "Клиенты" page by clicking;

More information will bw shown by clicking the  button:

  • Локация – name of the location to which the access point belongs;
  • Описание статуса – additional status information if problems are detected on the access point;
  • Серийный номер – serial number of the device as set by the factory;
  • HW-версия – hardware version of the device;
  • Первая активность – time when the access point was first registered on controller;
  • Подключен в – time at which the access point was last connected to the controller;
  • Последняя активность – time at which the controller last configured the access point;
  • Подключена через – profile with which the access point was configured;
  • Состояние Netconf – status of the connection between the access point and the controller using the Netconf protocol;
  • Описание – text description of the access point, which was assigned to it when forming the profile.


The page contains information about the total number of clients, as well as their quantitative distribution by frequency bands.

In order to update the information on the page, click on the "Update" button.

The basic information includes the following parameters:

  • MAC-адрес клиента – MAC address of the connected device;
  • MAC-адрес ТД – MAC address of the access point to which the device is connected;
  • Интерфейс  interface of interaction between the access point and the connected device;
  • SSID  network name to which the device is connected;
  • Имя пользователя  user name specified during authorization in the network. In case of personal authorization or when connecting to an open network, the user name will remain empty.

To display more detailed information about a particular client, select it in the list and click .

The detailed information includes the following parameters:

  • IP-адрес  IP address of the connected device;
  • Имя хоста  network name of the connected device;
  • RSSI, дБм  received signal strength;
  • SNR, дБ  signal-to-noise ratio;
  • Канальная скорость передачи  modulation and channel rate when transmitting;
  • Канальная скорость приема  modulation and channel rate at reception;
  • Режим IEEE 802.11  wireless network standard;
  • Авторизован  client's authorization status;
  • Домен – domain to which the user belongs;
  • Качество соединения – parameter that displays the status of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmitted packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client). The value of the parameter is calculated for the last 10 seconds;
  • Общее качество соединения  parameter that displays the state of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmitted packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client). The value of the parameter is calculated for the whole time of client connection;
  • Скорость передачи, Кбит/c  actual speed of traffic transmission at the moment;
  • Скорость приема, Кбит/c  actual rate of traffic reception at the moment;
  • Передано, байт  number of bytes transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, байт  number of bytes received from the connected device;
  • Передано, пакетов  number of packets transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, пакетов  number of packets received from the connected device;
  • Время работы  time of connection with Wi-Fi client;
  • Ширина полосы передачи, МГц  channel frequency bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during transmission;
  • Ширина полосы приема, МГц 
  • channel frequency bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during receiving. 
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Отчёты RRM

The page displays optimization reports. By default, the last report is displayed. Select the required report date using the calendar. 

RRM reports can be filtered by frequency range. 

On the page, it is possible to start optimization by clicking on the button.  . This process will take a few minutes.

It is possible to download reports by clicking on the  button.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of radio interfaces for which optimization was performed.

  • MAC-адрес – MAC address of the AP that is managed by Airtune;
  • IP-адрес – IP address of the access point that is managed by Airtune;
  • Модель  AP type that is managed by Airtune;
  • Время отчета – time at which the optimization report was generated;
  • Мощность до/после оптимизации, дБм – AP power, the first number shows the value before optimization, the second value shows the power after optimization;
  • Номер канала до/после оптимизации – access point radio interface channel, the first number shows the value before optimization, the second value shows the radio interface channel after optimization;
  • Диапазон, ГГц  frequency range of the radio interface.

Airtune sessions

The page displays data about the access points that are currently under the control of the Airtune service

При нажатии на кнопку "Terminate all Airtune sessions" от сервиса будут отключены все точки доступа, но будут сразу переподключены, если для них не будет отключена работа сервиса в конфигурации. 

Clicking the "Terminate all Airtune sessions" button disconnects all access points from the service, but reconnect them immediately if the service is not disabled for them in the configuration.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of APs currently managed by the Airtune service.

The table shows the following information:

  • MAC-адрес ТД – MAC address of the AP that is currently under the control of Airtune service, when clicked advanced session information page will open;
  • Разорвать сессию – button to break the session between the selected AP and Airtune service. The access point will be reconnected immediately if the service is not disabled in the configuration;
  • IP-адрес – IP address of the access point that is currently under the control of the Airtune service;
  • Модель – model of the access point that is currently under the control of the Airtune service;
  • ID Сессии – session ID number of the AP currently running the Airtune service.


The page displays the parameters of radio interfaces and the list of SSIDs on them. In order to update the information on the page, click on the button

The "Радиоинтерфейсы" table is divided by frequency bands and contains the following parameters:

  • MAC-адрес радиоинтерфейса – MAC address of the radio interface of the access point, which is controlled by Airtune;
  • Статус – radio interface status: Up – radio interface is working, Down – radio interface is disabled;
  • Блокировка TPC – status of the automatic power control lock: 0 – lock is disabled, 1 – lock is activated;
  • Блокировка DCA – status of the automatic power control lock: 0 – lock is disabled, 1 – lock is activated;
  • Номер канала – number of the wireless channel on which the radio interface operates;
  • Мощность, дБм – signal power of the radio interface;
  • Ширина канала, МГц – channel frequency bandwidth on which the radio interface operates;
  • Максимальная мощность, дБм  maximum signal power available to the radio interface;
  • Минимальная мощность, дБм  minimum signal power available for the radio interface;
  • Доступные каналы – list of channels from which one channel is selected, which is assigned to the radio interface after optimization.

"SSID" table contains:

  • SSID – name of the network that is broadcast to users;
  • Диапазон, ГГц  frequency range of the radio interface;
  • MAC-адрес VAP – MAC address of the virtual access point;
  • 802.11k  activity status of synchronization of lists of neighboring 802.11k access points, which allows the client, when the signal from the current access point weakens, to search for a more suitable access point from the recommended list, without analyzing the whole air;
  • 802.11r  status of key negotiation activity between access points for 802.11r roaming, which allows to significantly accelerate the process of client switching between access points, because the client will not need to go through a second full authorization on the opposite access point, only accelerated.

Статистика RRM

The page displays the parameters of the access point radio interfaces after the last optimization.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of radio interfaces. This list can be sorted by frequency range. 

The table contains:

  • MAC-адрес – MAC address of the access point that is managed by Airtune;
  • Диапазон, ГГц  frequency range of the radio interface;
  • Статус – status of the radio interface: Up – radio interface is activated, Down – radio interface is disabled;
  • Блокировка DCA – status of dynamic channel allocation blocking: 0 – blocking disabled, 1 – blocking activated;
  • Блокировка TPC – automatic power control lock status: 0 – lock disabled, 1 – lock activated;
  • Номер канала – number of the wireless channel on which the radio interface operates;
  • Ширина канала, МГц – channel frequency bandwidth on which the radio interface operates;
  • Мощность, дБм – signal power of the radio interface;
  • Доступные каналы – list of channels from which a channel is selected and assigned to the radio interface after optimization;
  • Количество клиентов – number of clients connected to the radio interface.

Статистика роуминга

The page displays the entire list of virtual interfaces (SSIDs) that are processed by Airtune service. The page is designed to display the current state of 802.11 k/r roaming configuration on all location access points, as well as a list of all neighbors between which the service has configured roaming.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of SSIDs configured on all access points. This list can be sorted by frequency range.

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The table displays the following parameters:

  • MAC-адрес ТД  MAC address of the access point;
  • MAC-адрес VAP – MAC address of the virtual access point;
  • Диапазон, ГГц  frequency range of the radio interface;
  • 802.11k  activity status of synchronization of lists of neighboring 802.11k access points, which allows the client, when the signal from the current access point weakens, to search for a more suitable access point from the recommended list, without analyzing the entire air;
  • 802.11r  key negotiation activity status between access points for 802.11r roaming, which allows a client to significantly speed up the process of switching between access points, as the client will not need to go through a second full authorization on the oncoming access point, only an accelerated one.
  • Количество соседей 802.11r – number of APs with which 802.11r seamless roaming has been configured, roaming neighbors are determined by a full match of SSID parameters such as 802.11r status, network name, range;
  • SSID  network name that is broadcast to users.

Submenu "Access Points"

The section contains lists of APs that can be registered and APs that have already been authorized on the controller.

Access Points

The page displays the APs that are registered and under the control of the controller.

The "Общее количество" parameter shows the number of registered APs.

Use the "Unregister all" button to unregister access points from maintenance. They will then move to the "Новые точки доступа" section.

The table contains the following parameters:

  • MAC-адрес  MAC address of the registered access point, when clicked the "Новые точки доступа" page will open;
  • Разрегистрировать – remove the selected access point from the service and move it to the list of new access points;
  • Статус – access point operation status;
  • IP-адрес – IP address of the registered access point;
  • Модель – registered access point model;
  • Версия ПО – registered access point firmware option;
  • Время работы  operating time since the last time the device was turned on or rebooted;
  • Количество клиентов – number of clients connected to the registered access point, when clicked "Точка доступа"→ "Клиенты" page will open;
  • Локация – location name to which the access point belongs.

Clicking the  button will display additional information:

  • Описание статуса – additional status information in case there are problems detected on the AP;
  • Серийный номер – device serial number as set by the factory;
  • HW-версия – device firmware version;
  • Первая активность – time when the access point was first registered with the controller;
  • Подключен в – time at which the access point was last connected to the controller;
  • Последняя активность – time at which the controller last configured the access point;
  • Подключена через – profile with which the access point was configured;
  • Состояние Netconf – status of the connection between the access point and the controller using the Netconf protocol;
  • Описание – text description of the access point, which was assigned to it when the profile was created.

Точка доступа

When clicking on the MAC address of the registered access point, the access point page will open, where the data on clients, radio interfaces and interfaces are presented.


The page contains a table of clients that are currently connected to the access point.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of clients from all frequency bands. "2.4", "5" show the number of clients in each band respectively.

The table contains the following information:

  • MAC-адрес – MAC address of the client device;
  • IP-адрес – IP address that the client device has received;
  • SSID – name of the network to which the device is connected;
  • Время работы – operating time since the client device was connected to the SSID;
  • RSSI, дБм  level of the received signal;
  • SNR, дБ  signal-to-noise ratio;
  • Режим IEEE 802.11  wireless network standard;
  • Качество соединения – parameter that displays the state of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmitted packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client);
  • Имя пользователя  user name specified during network authorization. In case of personal authorization or when connecting to an open network, the username will remain empty;
  • Домен – domain to which the user belongs.

To view detailed information on the client, click on .

The client detailed information contains:

  • Имя хоста  network name of the connected device;
  • Интерфейс  interface between the access point and the connected device;
  • Канальная скорость передачи  modulation and channel rate when transmitting;
  • Канальная скорость приема  modulation and channel rate when receiving;
  • Авторизован  client authorization status;
  • Общее качество соединения  parameter that displays the status of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmitted packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client). The value of the parameter is calculated for the whole time of client connection;
  • Скорость передачи, Кбит/c  actual rate of traffic transmission at the moment of time;
  • Скорость приема, Кбит/c  actual rate of traffic reception at the moment of time;
  • Передано, байт  number of bytes transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, байт  number of bytes received from the connected device;
  • Передано, пакетов  number of packets transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, пакетов  number of packets received from the connected device;
  • Ширина полосы передачи, МГц  channel bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during transmission;
  • Ширина полосы приема, МГц  channel bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during receiving.
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The table with basic parameters of radio interfaces is presented on the page:

  • MAC-адрес – MAC address of the radio interface;
  • Статус  activity status of the radio interface;
  • Номер канала – number of the wireless channel on which the radio interface operates;
  • Частота, МГц  frequency on which the radio interface operates;
  • Ширина канала, МГц – channel frequency bandwidth on which the radio interface operates;
  • Мощность, дБм – signal power of the radio interface.


The page contains information on all interfaces of the access point.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of interfaces on the access point.

  • Интерфейс  interface name;
  • MAC-адрес – interface MAC address;
  • Статус  activity status of the interface;
  • Канальная скорость, Кбит/с – connection rate at the physical layer, which is used at the moment;
  • Скорость передачи/приема, Кбит/с – actual rate of traffic transmission at the moment;
  • Принято/передано, байт – number of bytes received/transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято/передано, пакетов – number of packets received/transmitted to the connected device;
  • Отброшено при приеме/передаче, пакетов – number of packets discarded on reception/transmission;
  • Принято/передано, ошибок – number of packets received/transmitted with errors to the connected device;
  • Дуплексный режим – duplex operation mode on the interface.

New Access Points

The page displays the access points that reached the controller and are waiting to be registered or are in the process of being registered.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of unregistered access points.

Access points can be registered by clicking the "Register all" button. After that they will move to the "Точки доступа" section.

  • MAC-адрес  MAC address of the unregistered access point;
  • Статус – operating status of the access point;
  • IP-адрес – IP address of the unregistered access point;
  • Модель – model of the unregistered access point;
  • Версия ПО – firmware version of the unregistered access point;
  • HW-версия – hardware version of the device;
  • Серийный номер – serial number of the device set by the factory.

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Submenu "Configuration Warnings"

The page presents a table containing errors that occurred while configuring the controller, or warnings that parameters will not be applied for any reason.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of configuration warnings/errors.

Submenu "Journal"

The «Журнал» submenu displays events and activities with access points and clients.

Точки доступа

The page displays a timestamped log of events with access points.

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of entries in the log.

The log is updated by clicking the  button.

The log is searched by keywords in the "Сообщение" column.

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The page displays a timestamped log of Wi-Fi customer service events. 

The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of entries in the log.

The log is updated by clicking the  button.

The log is searched by keywords in the "Сообщение" column.

Submenu "Clients"

The page displays the total number of clients, as well as their quantitative distribution by frequency bands. In order to update the information on the page, you should click on the «Обновить» button.

The table shows the basic information on the client:

  • MAC-адрес клиента – MAC address of the connected device;
  • MAC-адрес ТД  MAC address of the access point to which the device is connected;
  • Интерфейс  interface of interaction between the access point and the connected device;
  • SSID  name of the network to which the device is connected;
  • Локация – location in which the access point is present to which the client device is connected;
  • Имя пользователя  user name specified during authorization in the network. In case of personal authorization or when connecting to an open network, the user name will remain empty.

To view detailed information on the client, click on  button.

The detailed description includes the following parameters: 

  • IP-адрес  IP address of the connected device;
  • Имя хоста  network name of the connected device;
  • RSSI, дБм  received signal strength;
  • SNR, дБ  signal-to-noise ratio;
  • Канальная скорость передачи  modulation and channel rate during transmission;
  • Канальная скорость приема  modulation and channel rate during reception;
  • Режим IEEE 802.11  wireless network standard;
  • Авторизован  authorization status of client;
  • Домен – domain to which the user belongs;
  • Качество соединения – parameter that displays the status of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmitted packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client). The value of the parameter is calculated for the last 10 seconds;
  • Общее качество соединения  parameter that displays the state of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmitted packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client). The value of the parameter is calculated for the whole time of client connection;
  • Скорость передачи, Кбит/c  actual rate of traffic transmission at the moment;
  • Скорость приема, Кбит/c  actual rate of traffic reception at the moment;
  • Передано, байт  number of bytes transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, байт  number of bytes received from the connected device;
  • Передано, пакетов  number of packets transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, пакетов   number of packets received from the connected device;
  • Время работы  time of connection with Wi-Fi client;
  • Ширина полосы передачи, МГц  channel frequency bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during transmission;
  • Ширина полосы приема, МГц  channel frequency bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during receiving.

Menu "System"

Submenu "Device Information"

The "Device Information" submenu contains basic data about the controller system, loaded images, temperature and memory.

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