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If the controller is successfully detected, the authorization page will be displayed in the browser window.

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4. Enter user name and password.


The figure below shows the navigation elements of the web-interface.

Image RemovedImage AddedThe user interface window is divided into five areas:


This submenu also displays client information, the number of clients in each location, and the range distribution.

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When moving to a location, the client table, optimization reports, access point sessions that are managed by Airtune service, optimization result and roaming statistics will be available.


  • MAC-адрес  MAC address of the registered access point, move to "Access Point" page by clicking;
  • Unregister all – button allows to take the selected access point out of service and move it to the list of new access points;
  • Status – status of the access point operation;
  • IP Address – IP address of the registered access point;
  • Board Type – model of the registered access point;
  • SW Version – firmware version of the registered access point;
  • Uptime  operating time since the last time the device was turned on or rebooted;
  • Clients Count – number of clients connected to the registered access point, move to "Access Point"→ "Clients" page by clicking;

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More information will bw be shown by clicking the  button:


The page displays optimization reports. By default, the last report is displayed. Select the required report date using the calendar. 

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RRM reports can be filtered by frequency range. 

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On the page, it is possible to start optimization by clicking on the button.  . This process will take a few minutes.


The "Total" parameter displays the number of radio interfaces for which optimization was performed.

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  • MAC Address – MAC address of the AP that is managed by Airtune;
  • IP Address – IP address of the access point that is managed by Airtune;
  • Board Type  AP type that is managed by Airtune;
  • Report Time – time at which the optimization report was generated;
  • Power Before/After Optimization, dBm – AP power, the first number shows the value before optimization, the second value shows the power after optimization;
  • Channel Before/After Optimization – access point radio interface channel, the first number shows the value before optimization, the second value shows the radio interface channel after optimization;
  • Band, GHz  frequency range of the radio interface.


The section contains lists of APs that can be registered and APs that have already been authorized on the controller.

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Access Points

The page displays the APs that are registered and under the control of the controller.


  • MAC Address  MAC address of the registered access point, when clicked the "New Access Points" page will open;
  • Unregister all – remove the selected access point from the service and move it to the list of new access points;
  • Status – access point operation status;
  • IP Address– IP address of the registered access point;
  • Board Type – registered access point model;
  • SW Version – registered access point firmware option;
  • Uptime  operating time since the last time the device was turned on or rebooted;
  • Clients Count – number of clients connected to the registered access point, when clicked "Accees Point"→ "Clients" page will open;
  • AP Location – location name to which the access point belongs.

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Clicking the  button will display additional information:


Access points can be registered by clicking the "Register all" button. After that they will move to the "Access Point" section.

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  • MAC Address  MAC address of the unregistered access point;
  • Status – operating status of the access point;
  • IP Address – IP address of the unregistered access point;
  • Board Type – model of the unregistered access point;
  • SW Version – firmware version of the unregistered access point;
  • HW Version – hardware version of the device;
  • Serial Number – serial number of the device set by the factory.


The "Total" parameter displays the number of configuration warnings/errors.

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Submenu "Journal"


The log is searched by keywords in the "Message" column.

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The page displays a timestamped log of Wi-Fi customer service events. 


The log is searched by keywords in the "Message" column.

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Submenu "Clients"


The "Device Information" submenu contains basic data about the controller system, loaded images, temperature and memory.

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