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To display more detailed information about a particular client, select it in the list and click .

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Image AddedThe detailed information includes the following parameters:


The "Total" parameter displays the number of APs currently managed by the Airtune service.

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The table shows the following information:


The page displays the parameters of radio interfaces and the list of SSIDs on them. In order to update the information on the page, click on the button

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Image AddedThe "Радиоинтерфейсы" table is divided by frequency bands and contains the following parameters:


The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of radio interfaces. This list can be sorted by frequency range. 

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The table contains:


The "Total" parameter displays the number of SSIDs configured on all access points. This list can be sorted by frequency range.

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The table displays the following parameters:


To view detailed information on the client, click on .

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Image AddedThe client detailed information contains:

  • Имя хоста  network name of the connected device;
  • Интерфейс  interface between the access point and the connected device;
  • Канальная скорость передачи  modulation and channel rate when transmitting;
  • Канальная скорость приема  modulation and channel rate when receiving;
  • Авторизован  client authorization status;
  • Общее качество соединения  parameter that displays the status of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmitted packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value is 0% (no packets were successfully sent to the client). The value of the parameter is calculated for the whole time of client connection;
  • Скорость передачи, Кбит/c  actual rate of traffic transmission at the moment of time;
  • Скорость приема, Кбит/c  actual rate of traffic reception at the moment of time;
  • Передано, байт  number of bytes transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, байт  number of bytes received from the connected device;
  • Передано, пакетов  number of packets transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято, пакетов  number of packets received from the connected device;
  • Ширина полосы передачи, МГц  channel bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during transmission;
  • Ширина полосы приема, МГц  channel bandwidth on which the radio interface operates during receiving.
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Image AddedThe table with basic parameters of radio interfaces is presented on the page:


The "Общее количество" parameter displays the number of interfaces on the access point.

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  • Интерфейс  interface name;
  • MAC-адрес – interface MAC address;
  • Статус  activity status of the interface;
  • Канальная скорость, Кбит/с – connection rate at the physical layer, which is used at the moment;
  • Скорость передачи/приема, Кбит/с – actual rate of traffic transmission at the moment;
  • Принято/передано, байт – number of bytes received/transmitted to the connected device;
  • Принято/передано, пакетов – number of packets received/transmitted to the connected device;
  • Отброшено при приеме/передаче, пакетов – number of packets discarded on reception/transmission;
  • Принято/передано, ошибок – number of packets received/transmitted with errors to the connected device;
  • Дуплексный режим – duplex operation mode on the interface.


Access points can be registered by clicking the "Register all" button. After that they will move to the "Access Point" section.

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  • MAC Address  MAC address of the unregistered access point;
  • Status – operating status of the access point;
  • IP Address – IP address of the unregistered access point;
  • Board Type – model of the unregistered access point;
  • SW Version – firmware version of the unregistered access point;
  • HW Version – hardware version of the device;
  • Serial Number – serial number of the device set by the factory.


To view detailed information on the client, click on  button.

Image RemovedImage AddedThe detailed description includes the following parameters: 
