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3. Confirm the installation of the user certificate.

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4. If the user certificate and root certificate are successfully installed, the following screen is displayed.


In the window that opens, select "Подключение к беспроводной сети вручнуюManually connect to a wireless network" and click "Next".

Enter information about the wireless network:

  • Netwotk name;
  • Security Type: WPA2-Enterprise.

Check the "Запускать это подключение автоматическиStart this connection automatically". Click "Next".


The network has been successfully added. Next, configure the connection settings.

Open the "БезопасностьSecurity" section, select the authentication method "Microsoft: смарт-карта или иной сертификатSmart Card or other certificate (EAP-TLS)". Click "ПараметрыSettings".


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Check the followings:


In the opened window choose "Дополнительные параметрыAdvanced settings".

Specify the authentication mode – "Проверка подлинности пользователяUsar authentication". Click "ОК".


Find the desired network and click "ПодключитьсяConnect". Select the user certificate to connect to the network and enter the user login. Click "ОК".
