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In order to distinguish between clients BRAS needs some identifier that uniquely identifies the client. This identifier is the MAC of the client device. Therefore, it is necessary for BRAS to receive traffic with MAC headers of clients. For this purpose, it is necessary to provide L2-network between the client and BRAS or, alternatively, to forward the client traffic to BRAS inside the VPN through the L3-infrastructure of the operator. Further, in this documentation we will consider the L2 connection scheme, when the subscribers' traffic gets to BRAS using a vlan through the operator's L2 access network. To read the documentation on enabling ESR BRAS over the operator's L3 network, please refer to the link: BRAS. L3 WiFi - configuration guide.

The current document assumes that ESR is running software version 1.11.3, SoftWLC version 1.18.


4. Configuring SoftWLC for interaction with ESR

    Настройки комплекса SoftWLC можно разделить на глобальные, которые выполняются один раз или при добавлении каждого нового ESR BRAS; универсальные - они могут как конфигурироваться под отдельного заказчика услуги авторизации, так и использоваться в настройках нескольких или всех заказчиков; и индивидуальные, которые как правило конфигурируются при подключении каждого нового заказчика, даже если могут быть использованы у нескольких различных заказчиков.SoftWLC complex settings can be divided into global settings, which are performed once or when adding each new ESR BRAS; universal - they can be configured for an individual customer of the authorization service, and used in the settings of several or all customers; and individual settings, which are usually configured when connecting each new customer, even if they can be used in several different customers.



Starting with SoftWLC version 1.18, the way the portal interacts with ESR BRAS has changed: the portal will only use PCRF queries when authorizing BRAS users, which resulted in the exclusion of ESR interaction settings.


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Set up the following:

  • "Interaction with BRAS" - check mark;
  • "Radius secret key" - testing123;
  • "BRAS secret key" - testing123;
  • "CoA port" - 3799;
  • "Connection timeout (in seconds)" - 10.

Click the "Save" button.


This completes the configuration of SoftWLC complex to work with BRAS, then you need to connect to the previously configured vlan and make sure that there is a redirect to the portal, the ability to pass authorization in demo mode and access the Internet after authorization. Trableshooting when connecting BRAS clients is described in the link: BRAS. Troubleshooting Guide

5. Firewall configuration on ESR
