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Примечания содержат важную информацию, советы или рекомендации по использованию и настройке устройства.


Предупреждения информируют пользователя о ситуациях, которые могут нанести вред программно-аппаратному комплексу, привести к некорректной работе системы или потере данных.

Используемые сокращения

  • AAA – Authentication, Authorization, Accounting
  • ARP – Address Resolution Protocol
  • BGP – Border Gateway Protocol
  • BRAS – Broadband Remote Access Server
  • DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
  • DNS – Domain Name System
  • DDoS – Distributed Denial of Service
  • DoS – Denial of Service
  • FIFO – First In, First Out
  • FTP – File Transfer Protocol
  • FXO – Foreign eXchange Office
  • FXS – Foreign eXchange Subscriber
  • GRE – Generic Routing Encapsulation
  • GRED – Gentle Random Early Detaction
  • HTTP – HyperText Transfer Protocol
  • HTTPS – HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure
  • ICMP – Internet Control Message Protocol
  • IKE – Internet Key Exchange
  • IDS – Intrusion Detection System
  • IP – Internet Protocol
  • IP4IP4 – IP in IP
  • IPS – Intrusion Prevention System
  • IPsec – IP Security
  • L2TP – Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol
  • L2TPv3 – Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol version 3
  • LACP – Link Aggregation Control Protocol
  • LAG – Link Aggregation Group
  • LDAP – Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
  • LLDP – Link Layer Discovery Protocol
  • MAC – Media Access Control
  • MTU – Maximum Transmission Unit
  • mDNS – Multicast Domain Name System
  • NAT – Network Address Translation
  • NAS – Network Access Server
  • NTP – Network Time Protocol
  • OSPF – Open Shortest Path First
  • PPP – Point-to-Point Protocol
  • PPTP – Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol
  • PPPOE – Point-to-point protocol over Ethernet
  • PSK – Pre-Shared Key
  • QoS – Quality of Service
  • RADIUS – Remote Authentication Dial In User Service
  • RED – Random early detection
  • RIP – Routing Informational Protocol
  • SFTP – Secure Shell File Transfer Protocol
  • SIP – Session Initiation Protocol
  • SLA — Service Level Agreement
  • SNMP – Simple Network Management Protocol
  • SCP – Secure Copy Protocol
  • SP – Strict Priority
  • SSH – Secure Shell
  • STP – Spanning Tree Protocol
  • TACACS – Terminal Access Controller Access Control System
  • TFTP – Trivial File Transfer Protocol
  • URL – Uniform Resource Locator
  • VLAN – Virtual Local Area Network
  • VPN –Virtual Private Network
  • VRF – Virtual Routing/Forwarding
  • VRRP – Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol
  • VTI – Virtual Tunnel Interface
  • WAN – Wide Area Network
  • WINS – Windows Internet Name Service
  • WRR – Weighted Round Robin
  • XAUTH – eXtended Authentication