Дерево страниц

Сравнение версий


  • Эта строка добавлена.
  • Эта строка удалена.
  • Изменено форматирование.


Блок кода
serviceConfiguration = {
  ApplicationConfiguration = {
    ServicePort = 9095 // service listen port

    // if this environment equals to 'production', all logs will transmit to graylog
    // else if this environment equals to 'k8s', all logs will be written to stdout
    Environment = "production"

    SleepDaemonQueueTime = 5 // time for sleep (unit: milliseconds)
    FoulTime = 60 // time of raw event, they disappear (unit: seconds)

    GelfEnabled = false // inclusion of sending logs to graylog

    DatabaseName = "wids" // database name
    MongoConnectionString = "mongodb://172127.170.0.21:27017" // database connection string

logs = {
  LoggerConfiguration = {
    LogLevel = "error"
    FileLog = "/var/log/eltex-wids/wids.log" // name of log file
    MaxSize = 5 // maximal size of log file (unit: megabyte)
    MaxAge = 30 // maximum log lifetime (unit: days)
    MaxBackups = 10 // maximum number of backups (unit: amount of log files)
    Compress = true // the need of compression
    GelfHostWithPort = "lab3-test.eltex.loclocalhost:12201" // address of graylog server


Блок кода
MongoConnectionString = "mongodb://172127.170.0.21:27017"
  • Уровень логирования:


Блок кода
GelfHostWithPort = "lab3-test.eltex.loclocalhost:12201"

Докеризация сервиса
