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Netflow configuration

Netflow is a network protocol designed for traffic accounting and analysis. Netflow allows transmitting traffic information (source and destination address, port, quantity of information) from the network equipment (sensor) to the collector. Common server may serve as a collector.

In the current implementation, traffic dropped by the router for any reason will not be included in the statistics.

Configuration algorithm






Specify Netflow protocol version.

esr(config)# netflow version <VERSION>

<VERSION> – Netflow protocol version: 5, 9 and 10.


Set the maximum amount of observed sessions.

esr(config)# netflow max-flows <COUNT>

<COUNT> – amount of observed sessions, takes values of [10000..2000000].

Default value: 512000.

3Set the interval after which the information on active sessions is exported to the collector.esr(config)# netflow active-timeout <TIMEOUT>

<TIMEOUT> – delay before sending active sessions information, set in seconds, takes the value of [5..36000].

Default value: 1800 seconds.


Set the interval after which the information on outdated sessions is exported to the collector.

esr(config)# netflow inactive-timeout <TIMEOUT>

<TIMEOUT> – delay before sending outdated sessions information, set in seconds, takes the value of [0..240].

Default value: 15 seconds.


Set the rate of the statistics sending to a Netflow collector.

esr(config)# netflow refresh-rate <RATE>

<RATE> – rate of the statistics sending, set in packets/flow, takes the value of [1..10000].

Default value: 10.


Enable Netflow on the router.

esr(config)# netflow enable


Create the Netflow collector and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# netflow collector <ADDR>

<ADDR> – collector IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Set the Netflow service port on the statistics collection server.

esr(config-netflow-host)# port <PORT>

<PORT> – UDP port number in the range of [1..65535].

Default value: 2055.


Enable statistics sending to the Netflow server in the interface/tunnel/network bridge configuration mode.

esr(config-if-gi)# ip netflow export

Configuration example


Establish accounting for traffic from gi1/0/1 interface to be sent to the server via gi1/0/8 interface for processing purposes.


First, configure addressing on interfaces.

Main configuration step:

Specify collector IP address:

esr(config)# netflow collector

Enable netflow statistics export collection for gi1/0/1 network interface:

esr(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
esr(config-if-gi)# ip netflow export

Enable netflow on the router:

еsr(config)# netflow enable

To view the Netflow statistics, use the following command:

esr# show netflow statistics

Netflow configuration for traffic accounting between zones is performed by analogy to sFlow configuration; for description, see Section sFlow configuration

sFlow configuration

Sflow is a computer network, wireless network and network device monitoring standard designed for traffic accounting and analysis.

Configuration algorithm






Set the rate of sending the unchanged user traffic packets to sFlow collector.

esr(config)# sflow sampling-rate <RATE>

<RATE> – rate of sending the user traffic packets to the collector, takes the value of [1..10000000]. If the rate value is 10, one of ten packets will be sent to the collector.

Default value: 1000.


Set the interval after which the information on the network interface counters is obtained.

esr(config)# sflow poll-interval <TIMEOUT>

<TIMEOUT> – interval after which the information on the network interface counters is obtained, takes values of [1..10000].

Default value: 10 seconds.


Enable sFlow on the router.

esr(config)# sflow enable


Create the sFlow collector and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# sflow collector <ADDR>

<ADDR> – collector IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Enable statistics sending to the sFlow server in the interface/tunnel/network bridge configuration mode.

esr(config-if-gi)# ip sflow export

Configuration example


Establish accounting for traffic between 'trusted' and 'untrusted' zones.


Create two security zones for ESR networks:

esr# configure
esr(config)# security zone TRUSTED
esr(config-zone)# exit
esr(config)# security zone UNTRUSTED
esr(config-zone)# exit

Configure network interfaces and identify their inherence to security zones:

esr(config)# interface gi1/0/1
esr(config-if-gi)# security-zone UNTRUSTED
esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
esr(config-if-gi)# exit
esr(config)# interface gi1/0/2-3
esr(config-if-gi)# security-zone TRUSTED 
esr(config-if-gi)# exit
esr(config)# interface gi1/0/2
esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
esr(config-if-gi)# exit 
esr(config)# interface gi1/0/3 
esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
esr(config-if-gi)# exit 

Specify collector IP address:

esr(config)# sflow collector

Enable sFlow protocol statistics export for all traffic within 'rule1' for TRUSTED-UNTRUSTED direction:

esr(config)# security zone-pair TRUSTED UNTRUSTED
esr(config-zone-pair)# rule 1
esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action sflow-sample
esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol any
esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match source-address any
esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match destination-address any
esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable

Enable sFlow on the router:

еsr(config)# sflow enable

SFlow configuration for traffic accounting from the interface is performed similar to Netflow configuration.

SNMP configuration

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is a protocol designed for device management in IP networks featuring TCP/UDP architecture. SNMP provides management data as variables that describe the configuration of a system being managed.

Configuration algorithm






Enable SNMP server.

esr(config)# snmp-server


Specify community for the access via SNMPv2c.

esr(config)# snmp-server community <COMMUNITY> [ <TYPE> ]
[ { <IP-ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> } ]
[ client-list <OBJ-GROUP-NETWORK-NAME> ]
[ <VERSION> ] [ view <VIEW-NAME> ] [ vrf <VRF> ]

<COMMUNITY> – community for the access via SNMP;

<TYPE> – access level:

  • ro – read-only access;
  • rw – read and write access.

<IP-ADDR> – IP address of the client provided with the access, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];

<IPV6-ADDR> – client IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];

<OBJ-GROUP-NETWORK-NAME> – profile name of IP addresses, from which snmp requests are processing, set by the string of up to 31 characters;

<VERSION> – the snmp version supported by this community takes the values v1 or v2c;

<VIEW-NAME> – SNMP view profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters;

<VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters, for which access will be granted.


Set the value of SNMP variable that contains contact information.

esr(config)# snmp-server contact <CONTACT>

<CONTACT> – contact information, sets by string with 255 characters length.


Set the DSCP code value for the use in IP headers of SNMP server egress packets (optional).

esr(config)# snmp-server dscp <DSCP>

<DSCP> – DSCP code value, takes values in the range of [0..63].

Default value: 63.


Enable router reboot by using snmp messages (optional).

esr(config)# snmp-server system-shutdown


Create SNMPv3 user.

esr(config)# snmp-server user <NAME>

<NAME> – user name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the value of SNMP value that contains the information on the device location.

esr(config)# snmp-server location <LOCATION>

<LOCATION> – information about equipment location, set by the string up to 255 characters.


Specify user access level via SNMPv3.

esr(config-snmp-user)# access <TYPE>

<TYPE> – access level:

  • ro – read-only access;
  • rw – read and write access.


Specify user security mode via SNMPv3.

esr(config-snmp-user)# authentication access <TYPE>

<TYPE> – security mode:

  • auth – used only for authentication;
  • priv – both authentication and data encryption are used.


Specify SNMPv3 queries authentication algorithm.

esr(config-snmp-user)# authentication algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – encryption algorithm:

  • md5 – password is hashed by md5 algorithm;
  • sha1 – password is encrypted by sha1 algorithm.


Set the password for SNMPv3 queries authentication.

esr(config-snmp-user)# authentication key ascii-text
{ <CLEAR-TEXT> | encrypted <ENCRYPTED-TEXT> }

<CLEAR-TEXT> – password, set by the string of 8 to 16 characters;

  • encrypted – when specifying a command, an encrypted password is set:

<ENCRYPTED-TEXT> – encrypted password of 8 to 16 bytes (from 16 to 32 characters) in hexadecimal format (0xYYYY ...) or (YYYY ...).


Enable filtration and set the profile of IP addresses from which SNMPv3 packets with the given SNMPv3 user name can be received.

esr(config-snmp-user)# client-list <NAME>

<NAME> – name of the previously conscious object-group, specified in a string of up to 31 characters.

13Specify vrf for SNMPv3 user (optional).esr-21(config-snmp-user)# ip vrf forwarding <VRF><VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters, which contains SNMP notification collector.


Enable filtration and set IPv4/IPv6 address which is provided with the access to the router as the given SNMPv3 user.

esr(config-snmp-user)# ip address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address of the client provided with the access, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].

esr(config-snmp-user)# ipv6 address <ADDR>

<IPV6-ADDR> – client IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF].


Enable SNMPv3 user.

esr(config-snmp-user)# enable

Default value: process is disabled.


Specify the transmitted data encryption algorithm.

esr(config-snmp-user)# privacy algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – encryption algorithm:

  • aes128 – use AES-128 encryption algorithm;
  • des – use DES encryption algorithm.


Set password for the transmitted data encryption.

esr(config-snmp-user)# privacy key ascii-text
{ <CLEAR-TEXT> | encrypted <ENCRYPTED-TEXT> }

<CLEAR-TEXT> – password, set by the string of 8 to 16 characters;

<ENCRYPTED-TEXT> – encrypted password of 8 to 16 bytes (from 16 to 32 characters) in hexadecimal format (0xYYYY ...) or (YYYY ...).


Set the snmp view profile permitting or denying the access to one or another OID for user.

esr(config-snmp-user)# view <VIEW-NAME>

<VIEW-NAME> – name of SNMP view profile, on which based access to OID, set by the string up to 31 characters.


Enable SNMP notifications transmission to the specified IP address and switch to SNMP notifications configuration mode.

esr(config)# snmp-server host
{ <IP-ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> } [vrf <VRF>]

<IP-ADDR> – IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].

<IPV6-ADDR> – IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];

<VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters, which contains SNMP notification collector.


Define the port of SNMP notifications collector on the remote server (optional).

esr(config-snmp-host)# port <PORT>

<PORT> – UDP port number in the range of [1..65535].

Default value: 162.


Allow different types of SNMP notifications to be sent.

esr(config)# snmp-server enable traps <TYPE>

<TYPE> – type of filtered messages. May take the following values:

config, entry, entry-sensor, environment, envmon, files-operations, flash, flash-operations, interfaces, links, ports, screens, snmp, syslog.

Additional parameters depend on the filter type. 


Create the snmp view profile permitting or denying the access to one or another OID for community (SNMPv2) and user (SNMPv3).

esr(config)# snmp-server enable traps <TYPE>

<VIEW-NAME> – SNMP view profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.

Configuration example


Configure SNMPv3 server with authentication and data encryption for 'admin' user. ESR router IP address:, Syslog server IP address:



First, do the following:

  • Specify zone for gi1/0/1 interface;
  • Configure IP address for gi1/0/1 interface.

Main configuration step:

Enable SNMP server:

esr(config)# snmp-server

Create SNMPv3 user:

esr(config)# snmp-server user admin

Specify security mode:

esr(snmp-user)# authentication access priv

Specify authentication algorithm for SNMPv3 requests:

esr(snmp-user)# authentication algorithm md5

Set the password for SNMPv3 request authentication:

esr(snmp-user)# authentication key ascii-text 123456789 

Specify the transmitted data encryption algorithm:

esr(snmp-user)# privacy algorithm aes128

Set password for the transmitted data encryption:

esr(snmp-user)# privacy key ascii-text 123456789

Enable SNMPv3 user:

esr(snmp-user)# enable

Define receiver-server of Trap-PDU messages:

esr(config)# snmp-server host

Zabbix-agent/proxy configuration

Zabbix-agent – agent designed to monitor the device, as well as execute remote commands from the Zabbix server. The agent can operate in two modes: passive and active. To operate in passive mode, by default, allow rule in the firewall – TCP protocol, port 10050. For active mode – TCP protocol, port 10051.

A Zabbix proxy is a process capable of collecting monitoring data from one or more monitored devices and sending this information to a Zabbix server.

Configuration algorithm






Switch to the agent/proxy configuration context.

esr(config)# zabbix-agent

esr(config)# zabbix-proxy


Specify the host name (optional).

For active mode, the name must match the host name on the Zabbix server.

esr(config-zabbix)# hostname  <WORD>

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# hostname <WORD>

<WORD> – host name, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Specify the address of the Zabbix server.

esr(config-zabbix)# server <ADDR>

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# server <ADDR>

<ADDR> – server IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Specify the server address for active checks (when using active mode).

esr(config-zabbix)# active-server <ADDR> <PORT>

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# active-server <ADDR> <PORT>

<ADDR> – server IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].

<PORT> – server port, set in the range of [1..65535].

Default value: 10051.


Specify the port that will be listened by the agent/proxy (optional).

esr(config-zabbix)# port <PORT>

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# port <PORT>

<PORT> – port that will be listened by zabbix agent/proxy, may take values in the range of [1..65535].

Default value: 10050.


Allow remote commands execution by Zabbix agent/proxy (when using active mode).

esr(config-zabbix)# remote-commands

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# remote-commands


Specify the address from which the server will interact (optional).

esr(config-zabbix)# source-address <ADDR>

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# source-address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – server IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].
Default value: nearest routing address.


Specify the processing time for remote commands (optional).

esr(config-zabbix)# timeout <TIME>

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# timeout <TIME>

<TIME> – timeout, takes value in seconds [1..30].

Default value: 3. It is recommended to set the maximum value since some commands may take longer than the default.

If the command is not completed within the specified time, processing of the command will be terminated.


Enable agent/proxy functionality.

esr(config-zabbix)# enable

esr(config-zabbix-proxy)# enable


Allow access to the router (to the self zone) on TCP ports 10050, 10051 from the appropriate firewall security zone. See Firewall configuration section.

Zabbix-agent configuration example


Configure the interaction between the agent and the server to execute remote commands from the server.


In the context of the agent settings, specify the address of the Zabbix server, and the address from which the server will interact:

esr(config-zabbix)# server
esr(config-zabbix)# source-address

To activate the active mode, specify hostname, active-server, and also enable the execution of remote commands:

esr(config-zabbix)# hostname ESR-agent
esr(config-zabbix)# active-server
esr(config-zabbix)# remote-commands

Set the execution time of the remote commands, and activate the agent’s functionality:

esr(config-zabbix)# timeout 30
esr(config-zabbix)# enable 

Zabbix-server configuration example

Create the host:

Create the script (Administration -> Scripts-> Create Script):

ESR routers support execution of the following privilleged commands:

  • Ping

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN}  -p 10050 -k "system.run[ sudo ping -c 3]"

    The client (ESR) that received this command from the server will execute ping command to the specified host (in our example, up to and return the result to the server.

Using the '-c' key with the number of packets in the test is mandatory. Without this key, the ping command will not stop on its own and the test will not be considered complete.

  • Ping in VRF

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[sudo  netns -exec -n backup sudo ping -c 5 -W 2 ]"

    The command above will be executed in the specified VRF with backup name.

  • Fping

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[ sudo fping]"

    The client (ESR) that received this command from the server will execute fping command to the specified host (in our example, up to and return the result to the server.

  • Fping in VRF

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[sudo  netns-exec -n backup sudo fping ]"

  • Traceroute

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[ sudo traceroute]

    The client (ESR) that received this command from the server will execute traceroute command to the specified host (in our example, up to and return the result to the server.

  • Traceroute in VRF

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[ sudo  netns-exec -n backup sudo traceroute]"
  • Iperf

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[ sudo iperf -c -u -b 100K -i 1 -t 600]"

    The client (ESR) that received this command from the server will execute iperf command to the specified server (in our example, up to and return the result to the server.

  • Iperf in VRF

    zabbix_get -s {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[ sudo  netns-exec -n backup  sudo iperf -c -u -b 100K -i 1 -t 600]"
  • Nslookup

    zabbix_get -s  {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[sudo  nslookup ya.ru ]"

    The client (ESR) that received this command from the server will execute nslookup command and return the result to the server.

  • Nslookup in VRF

    zabbix_get -s  {HOST.CONN} -p 10050 -k "system.run[sudo  netns-exec  sudo   nslookup ya.ru ]"

    Iperf command execution example:

It is also possible to execute commands that do not require privileges, such as: snmpget, cat, pwd, wget and others. 

Example of the snmpget command execution:

Syslog configuration

Syslog (System Log) – standard for sending and registering messages about events occurring in the system is used in networks operating over IP.

Configuration algorithm





1Enable sending syslog messages as a snmp-trap to snmp server.esr(config)# syslog snmp
2Enable or disable sending events of individual router processes operation to the snmp server (optional).esr(config-syslog-snmp)# match [not] process-name <PROCESS-NAME>


If allowing criteria are specified (match process-name), only messages of the specified processes are logged.

If prohibiting criteria are specified (match not process-name), messages of all not prohibited processes are logged.

By default, logging of messages from all processes is allowed.


Set the severity for messages that will be sent to the SNMP server.

esr(config)# syslog snmp <SEVERITY>

<SEVERITY> – message importance level, takes the following values (in order of decreasing importance):

  • emerg – critical error has occurred in the system, the system is not operational;
  • alert – alarms, immediate intervention by staff;
  • crit – critical system status, event reporting;
  • error – error messages;
  • warning – warnings, non-emergency messages;
  • notice – messages about important system events;
  • info – system information messages;
  • debug – debugging messages provide the user with information to correctly configure the system;
  • none – disables the output of syslog messages to the console.
4Set display of syslog messages during remote connections (Telnet, SSH) (optional).esr(config)# syslog monitor
5Enable or disable display of the events of individual router processes operation during remote connections (optional).esr(config-syslog-monitor)# match [not] process-name <PROCESS-NAME><PROCESS-NAME> – described in point 2.
6Set the severity for messages that will be displayed during remote connections.esr(config-syslog-monitor)# severity <SEVERITY><SEVERITY> – described in point 3.
7Enable display of syslog messages on console connection (optional).esr(config)# syslog console
8Enable or disable display of the events of individual router processes operation during console connections (optional).esr(config-syslog-console)# match [not] process-name <PROCESS-NAME><PROCESS-NAME> – described in point 2.
9Set the severity for messages that will be displayed during console connections.esr(config-syslog-console)# severity <SEVERITY><SEVERITY> – described in point 3.
10Enable saving of syslog messages of a specified level of importance to the specified log file (when it is necessary to use local syslog file).esr(config)# syslog file <NAME>

<NAME> – name of the file to which messages of a given level will be recorded, specified by string up to 31 characters.

11Enable or disable saving of syslog messages of events of the operation of individual router processes (optional).esr(config-syslog-file)# match [not] process-name <PROCESS-NAME><PROCESS-NAME> – described in point 2.

Set the severity for messages that will be saved to the local syslog file (optional).

esr(config-syslog-file)# severity <SEVERITY><SEVERITY> – described in point 3.

Set maximum size of the log file (optional).

esr(config)# syslog file-size <SIZE>

<SIZE> – file size, takes value of [10..10000000] KB.


Set maximum number of files saved during rotation (optional).

esr(config)# syslog max-files <NUM>

<NUM> – maximal number of files, takes values of [1 .. 1000].


Enable sending of syslog messages to a remote syslog server (when it is necessary to send messages to a remote syslog server).

esr(config)#syslog host <HOSTNAME> <ADDR><TRANSPORT>

<HOSTNAME> – syslog server name, set by the string of up to 31 characters. Used only to identify the server during configuration. The value 'all' is used in the no syslog host command to delete all syslog servers;

<ADDR> – IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];

<TRANSPORT> – data transfer protocol, optional parameter, takes values:

  • TCP – data transmission is carried out by TCP;
  • UDP – data transmission is carried out by UDP.
16Specify IPv4/IPv6 address of the remote syslog server.esr(config-syslog-host)# remote-address { <ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> }

<ADDR> – IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];

<IPV6-ADDR> – IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF].

17Specify IPv4/IPv6 address of the router from which packets will be sent to the remote syslog server (optional).esr(config-syslog-host)# source-address { <ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> }

<ADDR> – IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];

<IPV6-ADDR> – IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];

Default value: Ipv4/IPv6 interface address from which packets will be sent to the remote syslog server.

18Specify transport protocol for packet transmission to the remote syslog server (optional).esr(config-syslog-host)# transport { tcp | udp }

<VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters, for which access will be granted.

Default value: none (global routing table).

19Specify name of the VRF instance within which packets will be sent to the remote syslog server (optional).esr(config-syslog-host)# vrf <VRF>
20Specify number of the TCP/UDP port to which packets with syslog messages will be sent (optional).esr(config-syslog-host)# port <PORT><PORT> – TCP/UDP port number to which packets with syslog messages will be sent.
Default value: 514.
21Enable or disable sending of the events of individual router processes operation to the remote server (optional).esr(config-syslog-host)# match [not] process-name <PROCESS-NAME><PROCESS-NAME> – described in point 2.
22Set the severity for messages that will be saved to local syslog file.esr(config-syslog-host)# severity <SEVERITY><SEVERITY> – described in point 3.

Enable display of debugging messages during device boot (optional).

esr(config)#syslog reload debugging

24Enable logging of the entered user commands to the local syslog server (optional).esr(config)# syslog cli-commands

Enable message enumeration (optional).

esr(config)#syslog sequence-numbers


Enable message date accuracy up to milliseconds (optional).

esr(config)#syslog timestamp msec


Enable logging of failed authentications (optional).

esr(config)#logging login on-failure


Enable logging of changes to the audit system settings (optional).

esr(config)#logging syslog configuration


Enable logging of changes to the user settings (optional).

esr(config)#logging userinfo

Configuration example


Configure message sending for the following system events:

  • failed user authentication;
  • changes to the configuration of logging system events;
  • start/stop of the system process;
  • changes are made to the user profile.

ESR router IP address:, Syslog server IP address: Use default settings for sending messages – UDP protocol, port 514.


First, do the following:

  • Specify zone for gi1/0/1 interface;
  • Configure IP address for gi1/0/1 interface.

Main configuration step:

Create a file on the router for syslog, the level of messages for logging – info:

esr(config)# syslog file ESR info

Specify the IP address and parameters of the remote syslog server:

esr(config)# syslog host SERVER info udp 514

Set the logging of failed authentication attempts:

esr(config)# logging login on-failure

Set the logging of syslog configuration changes:

esr(config)# logging syslog configuration

Set the logging of start/stop of the system process:

esr(config)# logging service start-stop

Set the logging of changes to the user profile:

esr(config)# logging userinfo

The configuration changes come into effect after applying the following commands:

esr# commit
Configuration has been successfully committed
esr# confirm
Configuration has been successfully confirmed

View the current syslog configuration:

esr# show syslog configuration

View the syslog entries:

esr# show syslog ESR

Integrity check

Integrity check involves checking the integrity of stored executable files.

Configuration process






Launch system integrity check.

esr# verify filesystem <detailed>

detailed – detailed information output to the console.

Configuration example


Check file system integrity.


Launch integrity check:

esr# verify filesystem
Filesystem Successfully Verified

Router configuration file archiving

ESR routers have the option of local and/or remote configuration file copying by timer or when applying the configuration.

Configuration process






Switch to the configuration file backup mode.

esr(config)# archive


Set router configuration backup type (optional).

esr(config-ahchive)# type <TYPE>

<TYPE> – type of the router configuration backup. Takes the following values:

  • local;
  • remote;
  • both.

Default value: remote.


Enable timer configuration backup mode (optional).

esr(config-ahchive)# auto


Enable configuration backup after each successful configuration application mode (optional).

esr(config-ahchive)# by-commit


Specify a path for remote copying of the router configuration
(required for remote and both types).

esr(config-ahchive)# path <PATH>

<PATH> – defines the protocol, server address, location and prefix of the file name on the server


Set a period of time for automatic configuration backup (optional, relevant only for auto mode).

esr(config-ahchive)# time-period <TIME>

<TIME> – periodicity of automatic redundancy of the configuration, takes the value in minutes [1..35791394].

Default value: 720 minutes.


Set the maximum number of locally saved configuration backups (optional, relevant for local and both types).

esr(config-ahchive)# count-backup <NUM>

<NUM> – set the maximum number of locally saved configuration backups. Takes values in the range of [1..100].

Default value: 1.

Configuration example


Configure local and remote backup of the router configuration once a day and upon successful configuration change. Remote copies should be sent to the TFTP server in the esr-example subfolder. The maximum number of local copies is 30.


For successful operation of remote configuration archiving, IP connectivity should be established between the router and the server, permissions for the passage of TFTP traffic over the network and saving files on the server should be configured.

Main configuration step:

Switch to the configuration backup mode:

esr# configure
esr(config)# archive

Set local and remote configuration backup mode:

esr(config)# type both

Configure the path for remote configuration backups and the maximum number of local backups:

esr(config-archive)# path tftp://
esr(config-archive)# count-backup 30

Set the interval for the configuration backup if there are no changes:

esr(config-archive)# time-period 1440

Enable archiving of router configuration by timer and upon successful configuration change:

esr(config-archive)# auto
esr(config-archive)# by-commit

After applying this configuration once a day and with each successful change of the router configuration, a configuration file with the 'esr-exampleYYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.cfg' name will be sent to the TFTP server. Also, on the router itself, in the flash:backup/ section, a file with the 'config_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS' name will be created. When 30 files are accumulated in the flash:backup/ section, the oldest one will be deleted when creating a new one.

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