ip route

This command creates a static IP route to the specified subnet.

The use of a negative form (no) of the command removes a specified route.

ip route [ vrf <VRF> ] <SUBNET> { { <NEXTHOP> [ resolve ] [ bfd ] | interface <IF> | tunnel <TUN> | blackhole | unreachable | prohibit } [ track <TRACK-ID> ] [ name <NAME>] } | wan load-balance rule <RULE> } [ <METRIC> ] no ip route [ vrf <VRF> ] <SUBNET> [ <METRIC> ]

<VRF> – VRF name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.

<SUBNET> – destination address, can be specified in the following formats:

  • BBB.CCC.DDD – host IP address, where each part takes values of [0..255].
  • BBB.CCC.DDD/NN – network IP address with prefix mask, where AAA-DDD take values of [0..255] and NN takes values of [1..32].

<NEXTHOP> – gateway IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].

resolve – when specifying this parameter, gateway IP address will be recursively calculated through the routing table. If the recursive calculation fails to find a gateway from a directly connected subnet, then this route will not be installed into the system.

<IF> – an IP interface name specified in the form described in Section Types and naming order of router interfaces.

<TUN> – the name of the tunnel is specified as described in section Types and naming order of router tunnels.

<RULE> – wan rule number, set in the range of [1..50].

blackhole – when specifying the command, the packets to this subnet will be removed by the device without sending notifications to a sender;

unreachable – when specifying the command, the packets to this subnet will be removed by the device, a sender will receive in response ICMP Destination unreachable (Host unreachable, code 1);

prohibit – when specifying the command, the packets to this subnet will be removed by the device, a sender will receive in response ICMP Destination unreachable (Communication administratively prohibited, code 13);

<METRIC> – route metric, takes values of [0..255].

<TRACK-ID> – Tracking object identifier. If the router is bound to the Tracking object, it will appear in the system only after meeting all requirements specified in the object.

<NAME> – name (description) of the route, text variable up to 31 characters long.

bfd – when specifying this key, the removal of static route in case of next-hop unavailability is activated. For operation of this mechanism, the BFD mechanism must be running with the IP address of the next-hop (see section ip bfd neighbor).

next-hop check using bfd protocol. If next-hop is unavailable­, the route is deleted.

If is specified as the subnet, then the default route will be set.

Required privilege level


Command mode


Example 1

Set the route to the subnet with metric 6 through the gateway

esr(config)# ip route 6
Example 2

Set the route to the subnet with metric 6 through the GigabitEthernet 1/0/5 interface:

esr(config)# ip route interface gigabitethernet 1/0/5 6
Example 3

Set the route to the subnet through the tunnel interface vti 1:

esr(config)# ip route interface vti 1

ipv6 route

This command creates a static IPv6 route to the specified subnet.

The use of a negative form (no) of the command removes a specified route.

ipv6 route [ vrf <VRF> ] <SUBNET> { { <NEXTHOP> [ resolve ] [bfd] | interface <IF> | blackhole | unreachable | prohibit [ <METRIC> ] [ name <NAME>] } | wan load-balance rule <RULE> [ <METRIC> ] }
no ipv6 route [ vrf <VRF> ] <SUBNET> [ <METRIC> ]

<VRF> – VRF name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.

<SUBNET> – destination address, can be specified in the following formats:

  • The addresses are defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF].
  • <IPV6-ADDR/LEN> – IP address and mask of a subnet, defined as X:X:X:X::X/EE where each X part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF] and EE takes values of [1..128].

<IPV6-ADDR> – client IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF].

resolve – when specifying this parameter, gateway IPv6 address will be recursively calculated through the routing table. If the recursive calculation fails to find a gateway from a directly connected subnet, then this route will not be installed into the system.

<IF> – an IP interface name specified in the form described in Section Types and naming order of router interfaces.

blackhole – when specifying the command, the packets to this subnet will be removed by the device without sending notifications to a sender.

unreachable – when specifying the command, the packets to this subnet will be removed by the device, a sender will receive in response ICMP Destination unreachable (Host unreachable, code 1).

prohibit – when specifying the command, the packets to this subnet will be removed by the device, a sender will receive in response ICMP Destination unreachable (Communication administratively prohibited, code 13).

<METRIC>  – route metric, takes values of [0..255].

<NAME> – name (description) of the route, text variable up to 31 characters long.

bfd - when specifying this key, the next-hop check is activated using the bfd protocol. If next-hop is unavailable­, the route is deleted.

If ::/0 is specified as the subnet, then the default route will be set.

Required privilege level


Command mode


Example 1

Set the route to the subnet 2001:/120 with metric 6 through the gateway fc00::1:

esr(config)# ipv6 route 2001::/120 fc00::1 6
Example 2

Set the route to the subnet 2001::/120 with metric 6 through the GigabitEthernet 1/0/5 interface:

esr(config)# ipv6 route 2001::/120 interface gigabitethernet 1/0/5  6
Example 3

Set the route to the subnet 2001::/120 through the tunnel interface vti 1:

esr(config)# ipv6 route 2001::/120 interface vti 1