User interface commands
The command sets alarm threshold values.
alarm { facility <FACILITY-ALARMS> | memory <MEMORY-ALARMS> | process <PROCESS-ALARMS> } <VALUE>
no alarm { facility <FACILITY-ALARMS> | memory <MEMORY-ALARMS> | process <PROCESS-ALARMS> } <VALUE>
<FACILITY-ALARMS> – thresholds of alarms connected with the environment (FAN speed, processor and sensors temperature). Takes the following values:
- fan-speed high – fan speed threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum fan speed (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvFanSpeedHigh (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be greater than alarm facility fan-speed low (for esr-100/200/1000/1200/1500/1700/3100);
- fan-speed high – fan speed threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum fan speed (0..100), when crossing which from the highest values to the lowest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvFanSpeedHighOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be lower than alarm facility fan-speed high (for esr-100/200/1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100);
- temperature cpu critical high – processor temperature threshold expressed as degrees Celsius (0..255), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvTempCritical (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be the highest of all processor temperature thresholds;
- temperature cpu critical low – processor temperature threshold expressed as degrees Celsius (0..255), when crossing which from the highest values to the lowest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvTempCriticalOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm facility temperature cpu critical high but more than alarm facility temperature cpu overheat high;
- temperature <sensor> overheat high – sensor temperature threshold expressed as degrees Celsius (0..255), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvTempOverheat (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm facility temperature <sensor> critical low but more than alarm facility temperature <sensor> overheat low;
- temperature <sensor> overheat low – sensor temperature threshold expressed as degrees Celsius (0..255), when crossing which from the highest values to the lowest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvTempOverheatOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm facility temperature <sensor> overheat high;
- temperature <sensor> supercooling high – sensor temperature threshold expressed as degrees Celsius (0..255), when crossing its opposite value from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvTempSupercoolingOk (alarm recovery) is generated. This threshold is intended to specify negative temperatures, its value should be less than alarm facility temperature <sensor> supercooling low;
- temperature <sensor> supercooling low – sensor temperature threshold expressed as degrees Celsius (0..255), when crossing its opposite value from the highest values to the lowest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvTempSupercooling (alarm) is generated. This threshold is intended to specify negative temperatures, its value should be more than alarm facility temperature <sensor> supercooling high;
The 'sensor' field may take the following values per each router model:ESR-10: cpu;
ESR-12V: cpu, switch;
ESR-12VF/14VF: cpu, switch, sfp;
- ESR-20/21: cpu;
ESR-100/200: cpu, board;
ESR-1000/1200/1500/1511/1700: cpu, board, switch, sfp;
- ESR-3100: cpu, board, sfp, phy.
<MEMORY-ALARMS> – alarm thresholds connected with available NAND and RAM space. Takes the following values:
- free low-watermark flash high – free flash memory threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryLowOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be the highest of all free flash memory amount thresholds;
- free low-watermark flash low – free flash memory threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the highest values to the lowest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryLow (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm memory free low-watermark flash high;
- free low-watermark ram high – free RAM threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryLowOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be the highest of all free RAM amount thresholds;
- free low-watermark ram low – free RAM threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the highest values to the lowest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryLow (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm memory free low-watermark ram high;
- free low-watermark flash high – free flash memory threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryLowOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm memory free low-watermark flash low but more than alarm memory reserve critical flash low;
- free low-watermark flash high – free flash memory threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryCriticalLow (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm memory reserve critical flash high;
- reserve critical ram high – free RAM threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryCriticalLowOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm memory free low-watermark ram low but more than alarm memory reserve critical ram low;
- free low-watermark ram high – free RAM threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum one (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvMemoryCriticalLow (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm memory reserve critical ram high.
<PROCESS-ALARMS> – alarm threshold connected with the processor utilization. May take the following values:
- cpu threshold falling – СPU utilization threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum utilization (0..100), when crossing which from the highest values to the lowest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvCpuLoadHighOk (alarm recovery) is generated. The value of this threshold should be less than alarm process cpu threshold rising;
- cpu threshold rising – СPU utilization threshold expressed as a percentage of the maximum utilization (0..100), when crossing which from the lowest values to the highest ones, SNMP trap eltexEnvCpuLoadHigh (alarm) is generated. The value of this threshold should be more than alarm process cpu threshold falling;
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr(config)# alarm facility fan-speed high 80
clear alarms
This command is used to clear alarm entries.
clear alarms { inactive | all }
inactive – only archive alarm entries are deleted;
all – archive and active alarm entries are deleted.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# clear alarms inactive
clear ssh host
The command resets saved SSH key of a remote host.
clear ssh host { <ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> }
<ADDR> – IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<IPV6-ADDR> – IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF].
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# clear ssh host
This command allows to switch to the global configuration mode.
configure terminal
The command does not contain parameters.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# configure
The command allows to execute root mode commands (ROOT) from any other command-line interface mode.
do <command>
<command> – root mode command.
Required privilege level
Command mode
All modes except the root one.
esr(config)# do show version
Boot version: (date 18/11/2015 time 13:40:59)
SW version:
1.0.7 build 17[d9bdbda] (date 21/11/2015 time 18:06:41)
HW version:
The command allows you to return to the root command mode (ROOT).
The command does not contain parameters.
Required privilege level
Command mode
All modes except the root one.
This command is used to return to a higher level in the hierarchical system of command modes.
When this command is executed in the ROOT mode, the user session with the CLI command line interface of the router is terminated.
The command does not contain parameters.
Required privilege level
Command mode
All modes.
The command displays information on working with the command line.
The command does not contain parameters.
Required privilege level
Command mode
All modes.
history size
The command changes the maximum amount of the latest entered user commands which are kept in the command log of a current session.The use of a negative form (no) of the command sets the default value.
history size <SIZE>
no history size
<SIZE> – amount of the latest entered commands, takes values of [10..1000].
Default value
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# history size 20
The command finishes a user session with the CLI interface.
The command does not contain parameters
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# logout
The command enables monitoring of traffic on a network interface in real-time mode packet by packet.
monitor { <IF> | <TUN> } [ protocol <TYPE> [ source-port <SRC-PORT> ] [ destination-port <DST-PORT> ] [ port <PORT> ] ] [ source-address {<SRC-ADDR> | <SRC-IPV6-ADDR> } ] [ destination-address { <DST-ADDR> | <DST-IPV6-ADDR> } ] [address { <ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> } ] [ packets <VALUE> ] [ detailed ]
<IF> – an interface or a group of interfaces is specified in the form described in Section Types and naming order of router interfaces;
<TUN> – the name of the tunnel is specified as described in section Types and naming order of router tunnels;
<SRC-ADDR> – source IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<DST-ADDR> – destination IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<SRC-IPV6-ADDR> – source IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<DST-IPV6-ADDR> – destination IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<ADDR> – sender or receiver IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<IPV6-ADDR> – sender or receiver IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<SRC-MAC> – ethernet frame source mac address, specified as HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH, where every HH part may take values in the hexadecimal format [0..FF];
<DST-MAC> – ethernet frame destination mac address, specified as HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH, where every HH part may take values in the hexadecimal format [0..FF];
<SRC-MAC> – ethernet frame source or destination mac address, specified as HH:HH:HH:HH:HH:HH, where every HH part may take values in the hexadecimal format [0..FF];
<TYPE> – protocol type, takes the following values: tcp, udp, icmp, icmp6, igrp, igmp, arp, gre, ipip, esp, ah, eigrp, ospf, pim, vrrp, l2tp, RDP or protocol number [0..255];
<SRC-PORT> – number of source TCP/UDP port, takes values of [1..65535];
<DST-PORT> – number of destination TCP/UDP port, takes values of [1..65535];
<PORT> – number of sender or receiver TCP/UDP port, takes values of [1..65535];
<VALUE> – amount of packets after receiving which the evaluating will be stopped, defined in the range of [1…4294967295];
detailed – information is given in the detailed format.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# monitor gigabitethernet 1/0/5 detailed
23:37:44.324049 d8:50:e6:d2:f0:46 > a8:f9:4b:aa:03:a5, ethertype IPv4 (0x0800), length 98: (tos 0x0, ttl
64, id 50760, offset 0, flags [DF], proto ICMP (1), length 84) > ICMP echo request, id 11730, seq 19, length 64
The command is used to check the availability of a specified network device.
ping [ vrf <VRF>] { <ADDR> | ip { <vDDR> | <HOSTNAME> } | ipv6 { <IPV6-ADDR> | <HOSTNAME> } } [ ttl <TTL> ] [ packets <COUNT> |unlimited ] [ size <SIZE> ] [ timeout <TIMEOUT> ] [interval <INTERVAL>] [ source { ip { <SRC-ADDR> | <SRC-IPV6-ADDR> } | interface <IF> | tunnel <TUN> } ] [ data <HEX> ] [ dscp <DSCP> ] [ flood ] [detailed] [ strategy <STRATEGY> ] [ nodeinfo <INFO> ] [ broadcast ]
<VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters;
<ADDR> – device IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<IPV6-ADDR> – device IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<HOSTNAME> – user DNS name, set by the string of up to 255 characters;
<TTL> – IP packet life time, takes value in the range of [1..255], 64 by default;
<COUNT> – number of packets being transmitted [1..4294967295], default is 5;
<SIZE> – packet size in bytes, takes the value of [1..65468], 56 bytes by default which corresponds to 64 bytes after adding ICMP header;
<TIMEOUT> – response time out, in seconds. The option affects the timeout if there are no any responds, otherwise the utility waits for RTTs. Takes values in the range of [1..60], 1 second by default;
<INTERVAL> – interval between sending icmp packets in milliseconds, takes a value of [200..60000], default is 1000.
<SRC-ADDR> – source IP address, any router IP address may be used as the given address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<SRC-IPV6-ADDR> – source IPv6 address, any router IPv6 address may be used as the given address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<IF> – name of router interface through which the packets will be sent, specified in the form which is described in Section Types and naming order of router interfaces;
<TUN> – name of router tunnel through which the packets will be sent, specified in the form which is described in Section Types and naming order of router tunnels;
<HEX> – pattern of data through which a packet will be filled, defined as a hexadecimal number up to 16 bytes;
<DSCP> – DSCP priority according to RFC 2474, takes the value of [0..63], default value is 0;
flood – when specifying this command, the packets will be sent with the maximum rate, responses from the device are not displayed till the end of the command execution;
broadcast – when specifying this command, it will be permitted to send packets to the broadcast address;
detailed – when specifying this key, complete information about icmp answers and general statistics of the command work will be displayed. Without specifying – only statistics.
<STRATEGY> – packet fragmentation strategy, takes on of the following values:
- allow-fragmentation – allow fragmentation, do not set the DF (don’t fragment) flag;
- discovery-pmtu – discover PMTU (Path MTU), fragment locally if a packet size is too big;
- disallow-fragmentation – disallow fragmentation including the local one.
<INFO> – only for IPv6. Sending of ICMPv6 Node Information Queries (RFC4620), instead of Echo Request takes one of the following values:
- name – DNS host name request;
- ipv6 – host IPv6 addresses request;
- ipv6-global – request for host global IPv6 addresses;
- ipv6-sitelocal – request for host site-local IPv6 addresses;
- ipv6-linklocal – request for host link-local IPv6 addresses;
- ipv6-all – request for host unicast IPv6 addresses;
- ipv4 – request for host IP addresses;
- ipv4-all – request for IP addresses from all host network interfaces.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# ping packets 5 size 1400 detailed
PING ( 1400(1428) bytes of data.
1408 bytes from icmp_req=1 ttl=64 time=0.084 ms
1408 bytes from icmp_req=2 ttl=64 time=0.053 ms
1408 bytes from icmp_req=3 ttl=64 time=0.082 ms
1408 bytes from icmp_req=4 ttl=64 time=0.051 ms
1408 bytes from icmp_req=5 ttl=64 time=0.075 ms
--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 3999ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.051/0.069/0.084/0.014 ms
esr# ping ipv6 fc00::1
PING fc00::1(fc00::1) 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fc00::1: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.379 ms
64 bytes from fc00::1: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms
--- fc00::1 ping statistics ---
2 packets transmitted, 2 received, 0% packet loss, time 1000ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.161/0.270/0.379/0.109 ms
reload system
The command performs the device reboot.
reload system
The command does not contain parameters
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# reload system
show alarms brief
This command displays a brief history of crashes on the router (active and completed).
show alarms brief
The command does not contain parameters.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# show alarms brief
History Alarms
Severity Group Set time Clear time Description
-------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------------------
major environment 03/31/00 17:27:38 03/31/00 17:31:53 Reserve Power Supply Fault
show alarms brief active
This command displays a summary of current (active) alarms on the router.
show alarms brief active
The command does not contain parameters.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# show alarms brief active
History Alarms
Severity Group Set time Clear time Description
-------- --------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------------------------
notify environment 03/31/00 16:47:05 - Reserve Power Supply removed
show alarm settings
The command displays the information on alarm threshold settings.
show alarm settings <TYPE>
<TYPE> – alarm type:
- facility – thresholds of alarms connected with the environment (FAN speed, processor and sensors temperature);
- memory – thresholds of alarms connected with the available NAND and RAM space;
- process – thresholds of alarms connected with the processor utilization;
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# show alarm facility
high: 80
low: 75
temperature CPU:
critical high: 95
critical low: 92
overheat high: 80
overheat low: 78
supercooling high: -12
supercooling low: -15
temperature sensor1:
overheat high: 60
overheat low: 57
supercooling high: -12
supercooling low: -15
temperature sensor2:
overheat high: 60
overheat low: 57
supercooling high: -12
supercooling low: -15
temperature sensor3:
overheat high: 60
overheat low: 57
supercooling high: -12
supercooling low: -15
show history
The command displays information on the command used in a current session or on the number of stored commands.
show history [size | <NUM> ]
size – maximum amount of the latest entered user commands which are kept in the command log of a current session.
<NUM> – the number of last entered user commands to be displayed [0..100]
Default value
- Corresponds to the conclusion of the entire history of the entered commands.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# show history
1 enable
2 show history
3 configure
4 service nat
5 service nat source
6 exit
7 show history
The command is used for connection to a remote host via SSH.
ssh [ vrf <VRF>] <USERNAME> { <ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> | <HOSTNAME> } [ port <PORT> ] [ version <VERSION> ] [ source { <SRC-ADDR> | <SRC-IPV6-ADDR> } ] [ dscp <DSCP> ]
<VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.
<USERNAME> – user name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.
<ADDR> – device IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].
<IPV6-ADDR> – device IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF].
<HOSTNAME> – device DNS name, set by the string of up to 255 characters.
<PORT> – number of TCP port listened by SSH server, takes values of [1..65535]. 22 is set by default.
<VERSION> – SSH protocol version, takes values in the range of [1..2]. Version 1 is used by default.
<SRC-ADDR> – source IP address, any router IP address may be used as the given address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].
<SRC-IPV6-ADDR> – source IPv6 address, any router IPv6 address may be used as the given address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF].
<DSCP> – DSCP priority according to RFC 2474, takes the value of [0..63], default value is 0.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# ssh tester
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is db:e4:0a:93:59:87:7d:9f:90:5c:19:a3:e7:97:ec:d5.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
%AAA-I-SSH: Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.
tester@'s password:
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-51-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Mon May 25 09:25:10 NOVT 2015
Last login: Tue May 12 19:39:11 2015
(tester@kubuntu ~) $
The command is used for connection to a remote host via Telnet.
telnet [ vrf <VRF>] { <ADDR> | <IPV6-ADDR> | <HOSTNAME> } [ port <PORT> ] [ source { <SRC-ADDR> | <SRC-IPV6-ADDR> } ] [ dscp <DSCP> ]
<VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters;
<ADDR> – device IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<IPV6-ADDR> – device IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<HOSTNAME> – user DNS name, set by the string of up to 255 characters;
<PORT> – number of TCP port listened by SSH server, takes values of [1..65535], default value is 23;
<SRC-ADDR> – source IP address, any router IP address may be used as the given address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<SRC-IPV6-ADDR> – source IPv6 address, any router IPv6 address may be used as the given address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<DSCP> – DSCP priority according to RFC 2474, takes the value of [0..63], default value is 0.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# telnet
Entering character mode
Escape character is '^]'.
Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS
kubuntu login: tester
Last login: Mon May 25 15:23:06 NOVT 2015 from sw31-1.eltex.loc on pts/16
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-51-generic x86_64)
* Documentation:
System information as of Mon May 25 15:23:01 NOVT 2015
(tester@kubuntu ~) $
terminal datadump
The command is used to disable page-by-page trace displaying for a current session.
The use of the negative command enables page-by-page trace displaying.
[no] terminal datadump
The command does not contain parameters
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# terminal datadump
terminal resize
The command is used to scale the terminal size to fit the window size when using a console connection.
terminal resize
The command does not contain parameters
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# terminal resize
The command is used to trace a route to a specified network device.
traceroute [ vrf <VRF> ] { <ADDR> | ip { <ADDR> | <HOSTNAME> } | ipv6 { <IPV6-ADDR> | <HOSTNAME> } } [ first-ttl <FIRST-TTL> ] [ max-ttl <MAX-TTL> ] [ timeout <TIMEOUT> ] [ source { ip { <SRC-ADDR> | <SRC-IPV6-ADDR> } | interface <IF> | tunnel <TUN> } ] [ dscp <DSCP> ] [ protocol { icmp | udp [ <PORT> ] | tcp [ <PORT> ] } ] [ gateway { <GW-ADDR> | <GW-IPV6-ADDR> } ]
<VRF> – VRF instance name, set by the string of up to 31 characters;
<ADDR> – device IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<IPV6-ADDR> – device IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<HOSTNAME> – user DNS name, set by the string of up to 255 characters;
<FIRST-TTL> – IP packet life time, the value from which a route tracing starts, takes values in the range of [1..255], 1 by default;
<FIRST-TTL> – IP packet life time, the value at which a route tracing stops, takes values in the range of [1..255], 30 by default;
<TIMEOUT> – timeout when waiting for the respond, in seconds. The option affects the timeout if there are no any responds, otherwise the utility waits for RTTs. Takes values in the range of [1..60], 5 seconds by default;
<SRC-ADDR> – source IP address, any router IP address may be used as the given address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255];
<SRC-IPV6-ADDR> – source IPv6 address, any router IPv6 address may be used as the given address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF];
<IF> – name of router interface through which the packets will be sent, specified in the form which is described in Section Types and naming order of router interfaces;
<TUN> – name of router tunnel through which the packets will be sent, specified in the form which is described in Section Types and naming order of router tunnels;
<DSCP> – DSCP priority according to RFC 2474, takes the value of [0..63], default value is 0;
<PORT> – TCP/UDP port number, takes the value of [1..65535], default value is 53 for UDP and 80 for TCP;
<GW-ADDR> – gateway IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255]. When specifying the parameter, IP source routing option, signalling to the router through which gateway the packet should be routed in a network, is added to an outgoing packet. For reasons of safety, the routing via this option is disabled on the most routers;
<GWIPV6-ADDR> – gateway IPv6 address, defined as X:X:X:X::X where each part takes values in hexadecimal format [0..FFFF]. When specifying the parameter, IP source routing option, signalling to the router through which gateway the packet should be routed in a network, is added to an outgoing packet. For reasons of safety, the routing via this option is disabled on the most routers.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# traceroute
traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 60 byte packets
1 ( 1.240 ms 1.546 ms 1.883 ms
2 ( 0.451 ms 0.437 ms 0.411 ms
The command displays the device operation time.
The command does not contain parameters.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# uptime
System uptime: 26 minutes and 35 seconds
This command calculates the hash sum for a single file using the specified hashing algorithm.
<ALGORITHM> – hashing algorithm, takes values of: [md5, sha2-256, sha2-512].
<FILE> – path and file name to verify, can take the following values:
- usb://usb_name:/PATH
- mmc://mmc_name:/PATH (except esr-10)
- system:candidate-config
- system:running-config
- system:factory-config
- system:default-config
- system:firmware-image-1
- system:firmware-image-2
- system:boot-1
- system:boot-2
- flash:critlog/FILE
- flash:syslog/FILE
- flash:data/FILE
- tmpsys:syslog/FILE
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# verify md5 system:firmware-image-1
system:firmware-image-1 16ef38a292e96ce972e910da6db2d1f4
verify filesystem
This command starts the process of calculating the hash sums for all the system files of the router and comparing them with the reference values. As a result, information on the compliance of the calculated hash amounts with the reference is displayed.
verify filesystem [detailed]
detailed – key, that responsible for the detailed display of information about the verification of each file.
Required privilege level
Command mode
esr# verify filesystem
Total: 2949
Success: 2949
Changed: 0
Deleted: 0
Filesystem verification success.