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This manual specifies the following:


To perform the configuration, you need to have PC with access to the device via Ethernet and any web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc.)

Connecting the web interface

Connection of PC to the device might be executed as follows:


If the authorization page is not displayed after entering the device IP in the browser, check the IP address on the PC and switch settings. If the configuration on the device has been changed (is not a default one), reset the device to factory settings. To perform this, press and hold the button «F» on the side panel of the device within 20 seconds.

Configuration of WOP-2ac network parameters

For remote management of WOP-2ac, you should set network parameters of the device according to the settings of the network that you intend to use.

In the «Manage» menu, open «Ethernet Settings» tab and perform the following:

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  • Management VLAN ID – set the number of VLAN that you are going to use for access point management. 1 is used in the given example.
  • Connection Type – select «Static IP» to set IP addresses for access points manually. Specify the IP address of WOP-2ac (in the example, it is in the «Static IP Address» Enter the address of the default gateway in the «Default Gateway» field. Changing the network mask is optional. If you want the access points to obtain IP addresses via DHCP, «Connection type» field should be set to «DHCP» value. If DHCP is selected, the network settings configuration is completed.



Before changing the settings, make sure that the managing computer has the access to the access point. If you make a mistake while changing the settings, you may undo them by resetting the access point to factory settings. To perform this, press and hold «F» button on the side panel of the device for 20 seconds until the indicator on the front panel is blinking.

WOP-2ac firmware update

For proper operation of WOP-2ac, it is recommended to update the firmware. You may consult the vendor on the relevance of the firmware version:


You may check the current firmware version in the «Basic Settings» menu (Firmware Version).

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SNMP service configuration

SNMP service configuration is performed in the «Services» menu, «SNMP» section.

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  • Restrict the source of SNMP requests to only the designated hosts or subnets – check the «Enabled» box.
  • Hostname, address, or subnet of Network Management System – specify an IP-address of SNMP server, from which SNMP commands will be transmitted.
  • Community name for traps – set «public».
  • Enabled/Host Type/Host name or IP or IPv6 Address– check one of the fields for specifying traps receiver address and enter an IP address of the device to which WOP-2ac will send traps.
  • Click «Update».

Wireless interfaces configuration

WOP-2ac has 2 radio interfaces which are capable to operate simultaneously – Radio 1 and Radio 2. Each interface is capable to operate on its frequency band in different wireless network modes.
The example of configuration of a network with the following characteristics is given below:


In the «Manage» menu, open «Wireless Settings» tab and perform the following:

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  • Country – select settings according to the rules of selected country. Select «Russia» in the list.
  • Transmit Power Control – configuring Transmit Power Limit parameter restrictions. Select «On» in the list.


In the «Manage» menu, open the «Radio» tab and perform the following:

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Configuring Radio 1:


  • Radio – select the «2»
  • Channel Bandwidth – set the «40MHz»
  • Click «Update».

Virtual access points configuration

On each wireless interface, you may configure up to 16 virtual access points. Each access point may have individual name of wireless network (SSID) and type of authentication/authorization. According to the network scheme given in the figure 1, it is necessary to configure 2 virtual access points on Radio 1 and Radio 2.


In the «Manage» menu, open the «VAP» tab and perform the following:

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Configuring Radio 1:



When using WPA Enterprise mode, the authorization is implemented through a RADIUS server. The request on user connection to SSID is sent to a RADIUS server. The table Global RADIUS server settings specifies the following:

  • RADIUS IP Address an IP address of a RADIUS server;
  • RADIUS Key – a password to access the RADIUS server.

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Monitoring main parameters of wireless network

You may view the list of connected users in the «Status» menu, «Client Association» tab.

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The list of third-party access points in WOP-2ac area with data on wireless channel used and transmitted signal level is presented in the «Status» menu, «Rogue AP Detection» tab.

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The list of events is given in the «Status» menu, «Events» tab.

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To obtain more detailed information, read the full user manual.

Cluster operation mode


The cluster operation mode allows to manage devices in a cluster simultaneously, that sufficiently improves operation efficiency while deploying, configuring or exploiting a wireless network.


WOP-2ac announces its affiliation to a cluster through a special protocol. The device sends broadcast UDP packets to LAN with data on affiliation to a particular cluster. Thus, all the access points included to a cluster exchange data among them, identify a master of the cluster and its configuration. The master carries out an inventory of the devices in the cluster and always controls the quantity of the access points in the cluster and their addresses.


It is sufficient that only one access point be configured when deploying a network. For providing data exchange among devices in a cluster, you should install a DHCP server for network addresses distribution.


After installing the first access point, you do not need to configure the rest, it is sufficient to connect them physically to the network. The devices will obtain network addresses, define the master of the «default» cluster and will be automatically configured according to the master configuration.

Cluster configuration


The device may operate in a cluster only if WDS (Wireless Distribution System) and WGB (Work Group Bridge) features are disabled.


In «Cluster» menu, open «Access Points» tab and perform the following:

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To edit the settings in the «Clustering Options»  section, switch cluster mode to «Off» state.


To enable cluster mode, select «On» in the «Clustering» field.

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To enable automatic channel selection according to the data on channels used by neighbouring access points and spectral analysis of environment on third-party access points noise, switch to the «Radio Resource Management» tab and click «Start» in the «Channel Planner» section.

To enable automatic output power distribution of the access point according to influence of neighbouring access points which operate in the same cluster,  switch to the «Radio Resource Management» tab and click «Start» in the «Transmit Power Control» section.

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In the «Advanced» menu, perform the following configuration:


Click «Update» to save changes.

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To view sessions parameters of clients connected to the access points of given cluster, switch to the «Sessions» tab.


To view the statistics, select necessary value and click «Go» in the «Display» section. The following parameters might be viewed:

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  • AP Location – access point’s location. The value is obtained from location description on the «Basic Settings» tab;
  • User MAC – MAC address of client’s wireless device;
  • Idle – average time that the device has been in stand-by mode (when the device does not receive or transmit data);
  • Rate – transmit data rate between an access point and a particular client, in Mbps;
  • Signal – a level of signal received from an access point;
  • Rх Total – total number of packets received by a client within current session;
  • Transmit Total – total number of packets transmitted by a client within current session;
  • Error Rate – total number of packets dropped by an access point within current session;

To view correspondence of access points in a cluster and wireless networks detected by these devices, switch to the «Wireless Neighborhood» tab. There is a table, on the «Wireless Neighborhood» tab, that shows which wireless networks are detected by each access point and what signal level each access point accept.

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According to this table, spectral analysis of the whole network might be carried out and there is an opportunity to estimate interference influence to each access point. It will help you to estimate better location of access points among coverage area and to define locations with exceeding level of noise. The top string of the table contains data on each radio interface of access points included in a particular cluster. The left column contains data on wireless networks which are defined by the devices in the cluster. A value of signal level of each access point is displayed in the top-right cell of the table.


Click «Refresh» to update the table «Current Channel Assignments».

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The table «Proposed Channel Assignments» contains data on available channel values, which the radio interface will switch to if optimal channel selection has been launched:

  • IP Address – IP address of the access point in the cluster;
  • Radio – MAC address of a radio interface of the access point in the cluster;
  • Proposed Channel – a channel number to which the radio interface will switch when optimal channel selection is launched.

Firmware update

The operation in the cluster mode allows to perform automatic firmware update for all the access points in the cluster without using external systems or controllers.
Firmware update might be performed:

  • through web interface;
  • through DHCP Autoprovisioning (opt 66, opt 67).

Firmware update via web interface

To update firmware on devices in a cluster through web interface, open the «Cluster Firmware Upgrade» tab of an access point.
When updating firmware of devices in a cluster, the firmware file will be loaded to each access point and set to «Primary Image». Reloading of the devices with new firmware version loading is performed automatically. The previous firmware version will be saved as «Secondary Image» (backup firmware version).
Perform the following in the «Cluster Firmware Upgrade» tab:


Click «Start-Upgrade» to start updating.
While firmware updating, do not switch off the devices and do not update or change the web page with progress bar.

Firmware updating through DHCP Autoprovisioning

To update firmware, you need a TFTP server and a DHCP server with particular configuration. The updating process is as follows:
