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A Shared Block

Metadata list
|| Device | SoftWLC |
|| DocMainTitle | Руководство администратора |
|| DocTitle3 | Конструктор порталов |
|| fwversion | 1.10 |
|| issueDate | 26.06.2018 |


The WEB portal is included into the SoftWLC project to implement the Hotspot clients authorization model. An unknown user can connect to an access point without getting a login and a password in advance. But if he or she tries to access the Internet via a browser, he will be redirected to a WEB portal page where authorization or credentials obtaining (for example, via SMS) can be performed. During authorization, a user can see advertisement banners customized in accordance with a provider's requirements.


Use the package eltex-portal-constructor for installation.

Starting/stopping procedure

The interface works under tomcat (version 6 and higher), so no specific commands are needed.



the main configuration file. Default configuration example:




auth-service — connection to the Auth service


Authorization service address


a port to which requests will be sent


a server's response timeout


the number of attempts


a key word for message encryption


authorization protocol supported by a server

login — configuring password sniffing protection


the number of attempts to authorize under the same login on exceeding of which a Captcha will be enabled


the number of attempts to authorize using the same IP address on exceeding of which following attempts will be blocked


IP address blocking time



Database server address


The port of the database server for getting inbound connections


Database name


Database user's name


Database user's password


Database connection status


Database connections management

connectionTimeout — timeout of the connection when idle
validationTimeout — the interval between idle connections validation
min — the minimum number of connections
max — the maximum number of connections


Caching settings

maxEntries — the maximum number of items in the cache
maxResourceBytes — cache size
expireTime — cache data storage time

System settings in GUI


In this section, integration of the Eltex Portal and the Portal Constructor with platform, advertising and authorization services is configured.

Portal Constructor


Portal Constructor page setup

  • Page title.
  • Icon (favicon) — icon displayed in the title.
  • Session timeout (min) — idle time on reaching of which a session will be terminated, and reauthorization will be required.
  • Portal host — Eltex Portal address used for sending a command on data rereading (applying virtual portal changes without tomcat restarting). This parameter is requires if the Constructor and the Portal are installed on different servers.
  • Portal port — a port listened by Eltex Portal service. If the Constructor and the Portal are installed on different servers, they should exchange packets via a specified port (when there is a firewall).

Alert settings


Notification of system administrators on portal operation errors. Notifications are sent by e-mail or SMS.
When a new recipient is added, a method of sending messages should be selected. Notifications can be sent via:

  • SNMP
  • Email
  • SMS

Notification types





The notification system is intended for notifying SoftWLC users on WEB portal problems. To add a new host, specify the following data:

  • Host — an address of a server receiving traps;
  • Port — a number of a port listened by a recipient. 162 port is usually used;
  • Community — a character string containing a password in the clear;
  • Type (PDU type) — Trap or Inform;
  • Response timeout (seconds) — recipient response timeout (for Inform only);
  • Number of attempts — the number of attempts to send messages of Inform type with an interval equal to the timeout.

NBI access


The interface to provide interaction between SoftWLC components
For the Portal to work correctly, configure its connection to the EMS server via Northbound interface. It allows the Portal Constructor to get all required data from EMS, for example a list of tariffs and their parameters.


To access NBI, a service account softwlc_service/service should be used. 

NGW access


an interface for working with SMS gateways.


  • Host — NGW server's address. If the Portal Constructor and NGW are installed on the same server, the field should be filled in with "localhost".
  • Port — a port listened by NGW.


BRAS access


BRAS access settings.

When a checkbox "BRAS access enabled" is checked, BRAS support is activated on the Portal.  After BRAS activation, PCRF tariffs will be available in portal settings.


  • RADIUS secret KEY — a password used for exchange with RADIUS;
  • BRAS secret KEY — a password used for CoA message exchange;
  • CoA port — a port used for message exchange;
  • Connection timeout (sec) — response timeout;
  • Connection pool size — device number limit on BRAS.

Payments DB


access to the database containing information on tariff payment status.


  • Host — the database server's address;
  • Database name;
  • Login — a login for the database access;
  • Password — a password for the database access;
  • Connection pool size — the maximum number of devices that can be connected to the database at the same time;
  • Cleanup timeout — a timeout for irrelevant connections checking and deleting;
  • Cleanup period — a timeout for deleting old entries from the database.


PCRF access


access to the session billing system for subscribers connected via BRAS.


  • Host — PCRF server's address;
  • Port — a port listened by PCRF.

Mercury access


access to the user account management service eltex-mercury


  • Host — Mercury server's address;
  • Port — a port listened by Mercury.


Wi-Fi Customer Cab (Admin Panel)


The link to Wi-Fi B2B Admin Panel. The link is displayed on the control panel of the Portal Constructor.


  • Protocol — a protocol used for interaction with the Admin Panel (HTTP/HTTPS);
  • Host — the Admin Panel server's address for users to be able to connect from an external network;
  • Port — a port listened by the Admin Panel server.


ESIA login


ESIA integration configuration.


  • ESIA environment type — Production or Test;
  • System mnemonics — system identifier in ESIA;
  • Access scope (scope) — operations that can be performed by a system (Eltex Portal in the present case) on behalf of a user;
  • Key and certificate (PKCS#12 container) — system certificate registered in ESIA during application;
  • PKCS#12 container password — a private key to a container with the certificate.

SATS integration

Configure SATS integration to perform MAC authorization using a common database of other providers.


Secret NAS — a sequence used for sending requests to the authorization service.



All images imported to the Portal Constructor and used for virtual portals' pages configuration are stored in the Gallery.

Search can be performed directly on the table columns: Name, Domain, Description.

Adding/updating images


Images can be added to the Gallery during virtual portals configuration (when images are selected) and directly in the Gallery. Process of adding an image to the Gallery:


After that, a new image will be added to the Gallery.
Parameters of an already added image can be changed. To do that, select an element and click "Change". If several elements are selected, the button "Change" will be unavailable.
When Name, Domain, Preview or Description of an element is changed, a link between the element and portals continues to exist. Thus, it is possible to add the same element to several different portals and then to make changes that will be applied to all cases.

Deleting images


To delete images from the Gallery, select them and click "Remove".


If some of the images being deleted are used somewhere else, a list of corresponding virtual portals will be displayed.



Portal Constructor welcome page. The following parameters are displayed on the Dashboard:

  • First name, Last name and Login of a user;
  • User role (is not displayed for 'admin');
  • Time of the last entry;
  • The number of available portals (located in a user's domain);
  • The number of portals without tariffs (user authorization is not available for these portals).


Customer Cab

The tab "Customer Cab" located on the side bar of the Portal Constructor is intended for fast and convenient switching between the Portal Constructor and the Admin Panel. As authorization in the Portal Constructor and the Admin Panel is performed via the same system: Auth Service, the Admin Panel is opened in a new browser tab after clicking the "Customer Cab". Authorization is not required as it is performed automatically.


Creating a new portal


To create a new portal, click "New portal" on the side bar of the Portal Constructor. It is necessary to specify a Name and a Domain when creating a new portal. Portal Name will be required during an access point's Virtual Portal Name SSID configuration to link the SSID to a customized portal. Portal Domain will define Portal Constructor users for whom a portal will be visible (Portal domain should match a domain of a Portal Constructor user's account or be its subdomain). A WEB portal can contain an unlimited number of pages (portals) with unique customization.

The Portal Constructor has the "Default" portal after installation. This portal is available only for the Portal Constructor Administrator. When a new portal is created in the Portal Constructor, it has the same configuration as the "Default" portal has. Therefore, the Administrator can configure the "Default" portal for other portals to be initially pre-configured and to require the minimum efforts for their customization.

Copying a portal


To copy a portal, click . The following data will be copied:

  • Portal settings
  • Portal appearance
  • Portal domain


Common settings


In the section "Common settings" main parameters of a portal are configured.


SMS from user
Call from user — confirm (register) a user account via an outgoing call.
Additional pages — additional pages of a virtual portal used to organise switching between complex scenarios and user notifications.
   Instructions — enable instructions on portal pages.
   Success — enable a success page seen when the Internet connection works.
   Page 1-5 — enable additional pages of a virtual portal.


SMS settings


Default country code — phone numbers of foreign users have prefixes different than "+7". A user have an opportunity to select a prefix of his country on a portal. The option is used to select a prefix displayed by default after a portal launch.


Cut SSID name in SMS — the option allows reducing the length of SMS sent to a user by SSID name shortening (if it is too long) in order to fit information into one message. That helps to save on SMS sending.


Security settings


Enable CAPTCHA — enable captcha on a portal to provide bot protection.


Access list by phone number — the list containing phone numbers and used to limit access to a portal by a client's number.


Language settings


The portal can simultaneously support several languages: Russian, English, Kazakh, Chinese, German, Italian, Farsi, French and Spanish.


SMS template — a template for a message in which a password will be sent to a user.


Scheduler settings

Expanded schedule


The section allows creating schedules. They are used for configuring banner displaying and URLs to which users are redirected after portal authorization.



The buttons for saving changes and deleting schedules will not be displayed for users without editing rights.

Payment service


A user can be authorized on a portal only after making a payment via the service Yandex.Checkout.


  • Yandex.Wallet (available in the demo mode);
  • Bank cards (available in the demo mode);
  • Alfa-Click;
  • Sberbank Online or Sberbank SMS;
  • Payment terminals;
  • WebMoney;
  • Qiwi wallet;
  • Direct carrier billing.


    If no paid tariffs are configured on a portal, the following message will be displayed on the page "Payment service":
    'You need to enable a paid tariff on the "Tariffs" page in order for the service to work'




Tariffs that contain access limits and are offered to users on connection to a SSID in Hotspot mode which a considered WEB portal relates are selected on this tab.


To add a new tariff, click the button "Add". Select tariffs by checking corresponding checkboxes. Click the button "Add" in the current window to confirm the choice.



A toolkit for changing appearance and content of portal pages. 



The virtual portal has a multi-language interface. A Wi-Fi user can select any language from the offered ones. In order to configure portal pages' appearance separately for each language, the language selection menu is used. When a certain language is selected, all changes will be applied only to this language. Thus, when a content of text fields is edited, changes will be saved only for the language which is selected. When the mode "All languages" is selected, changes will be applied to all available languages.




The preview is used to configure a portal and to see how a virtual portal is displayed on users' devices.
The preview is located in the right part of the configuration window. Above the preview, the following icons are displayed: . They are used to switch a client device type and to show how a portal will look on a smartphone, tablet or laptop screen. To see how a portal will be displayed for screen landscape orientation, left-click the icon twice: .
Below the icons, the menu for portal page selection is located . During portal authorization, different pages of a portal responsible for a certain authorization step are displayed on a subscriber's device (Login page, Enter SMS code, Session end, Non-working time on schedule, User agreement, Access limited, Access denied, Session expired):


Configuring elements


Example of editing a message on a welcome page


When hovering a mouse over portal elements in the preview, a special icon  can be noticed. That means the element can be changed by a user. This option is available for portal text fields and images used for banners. Note that content of some text fields is standard for all portals, for example, explanatory texts displayed during registration/authorization. Such texts are non-editable. Moreover, the text of the "User agreement" should be changed centrally for the whole system, so it can be edited only by a superuser and only in the portal "default" from which other portals will obtain it.

Configuration tools

Colour settings


To change a colour of elements, click the icon looking like a filled square (shows the current colour): . The window for colour selecting will be opened. The elements of the window:

  1. Palette — shows a selected colour and gives an opportunity to select a colour by clicking on a required point of the palette square.
  2. Colour RGB/HSB code — combination of integer values.
  3. Index — colour representation in a form of an index. A colour index can be specified manually.
  4. Saturation — move the slider to change colour transparency from 0% (transparent) to 100% (opaque).

Selecting an image


To select a new image or edit an existing one, the icon is used. When it is clicked, a window for selecting an image from a gallery will be opened.





In this section the following parameters are configured:



GIF images displaying animation can be used as banner or background images, for example:

Image Modified

Configuring banners

To add a new banner or to edit an existing one, click the icon  near a banner's name (top, left, right, bottom, final). Added banners are displayed on a preview. To edit them, move the mouse pointer over a banner and click the icon .



Remember that images should be the same size. For example, if the size of the first image in "Logo banner configuration" is 400px * 200px, the second and subsequent ones should have the same size (400px * 200px). 



  • Content — a text displayed on a user registration page. Specified via a standard text editing form.
  • Registration form title — a registration page title that will be displayed in a browser.
  • Sign in form title — a sign in page title that will be displayed in a browser.
  • Background — a background colour for the area containing text and control elements.
  • Normal — a colour and a font used to display the main text on a portal.
  • Titles — a colour and a font used to display page titles.
  • Links — a colour of links (the font of the main text is used).
  • Header — a colour used to display available languages in a header.



  • Text — a colour and a font of text fields.
  • Background — a background colour of text fields.
  • Border — a colour and a width of a border.
  • Rounding — a corner rounding radius of text fields.
  • Username field label — a label displayed near a field with a username. The parameter can be changed only if a language for editing is selected.
  • Password field label — a label displayed near a field with a password. The parameter can be changed only if a language for editing is selected.



  • Border — a colour and a width of a button border.
  • Rounding — a corner rounding radius of buttons.
  • Sign in button title — a text displayed on a button for signing in with an existing user account.
  • Sign up button title — a text displayed on a button for signing up with a new user account.
  • Text — a button text colour.
  • Background — a button colour.
  • Gradient — creates a gradient fill on a button (if enabled).
  • Preset — select pre-configured colour adjustments for buttons.

Additional CSS


An option for uploadingfiles to a virtual portal for changing display settings of virtual portal elements. The option allows configuring portal elements for which GUI configuration cannot be implemented.
