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If packages were installed with default settings, username "admin" and password "password" are used for accessing the Admin Panel and the Portal Constructor.
The password can be changed in the Admin Panel.
To enter the Admin Panel, open your browser and put the server address and the service name into the address bar as follows: http://hostname:8080/wifi-cab/. 

To perform authentication, fill in the corresponding fields with the username and the password (admin/password), and then click "Login" button or press <Enter>.
Select "Settings", System users" tab. Select the check box next to the item with "admin" login and click "Edit" button.

Change the password in the opened window and click "Confirm".

The admin/password pair is used in configuration files to provide interaction between system modules. Therefore, once the default password was changed, it must be changed in other sections too.
To avoid getting attached to administrator account, change it to "softwlc_service" with "softwlc" default password (it can be changed via the Admin Panel as described in this section). This account will be enough for module interaction. However, it has no access to GUI.
The account should be configured/changed in the following sections:

  1. GUI EMS. Available on http://hostname:8080/ems/jws . Select "Administration/EMS server configuration/System modules". Choose "softwlc.nbi". Specify "Username" - "softwlc_service", "Password" - "softwlc". Click "Accept".

2. Portal Constructor. Available on http://hostname:8080/epadmin . Select "System settings/NBI access".  Specify "Username" - "softwlc_service", "Password" - "softwlc". Click "Save".

3. Configuration file "/etc/eltex-apb/apb.properties". Open the file with any available editor, for example "nano /etc/eltex-apb/apb.properties" and specify the parameters:

Без форматирования

To save the changes, press "Ctrl+o", and then <Enter> and "Ctrl+x" to quit.

4. Configuration file "/etc/eltex-wifi-cab/system.xml". Open the file with any available editor, for example "nano /etc/eltex-wifi-cab/system.xml" and specify the parameters:

Без форматирования
<entry key="nbi.serviceLogin.user">softwlc_service</entry>
<entry key="nbi.serviceLogin.password">softwlc</entry>

To save the changes, press "Ctrl+o", then <Enter> and "Ctrl+x" to quit.

After changing the passwords, restart EMS and tomcat7:

Без форматирования
sudo service eltex-ems restart 
sudo service tomcat7 restart