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После установки, активации и выполнения настроек услуги администратор системы либо оператор виртуальной АТС должен удостовериться, что сервис развернулся успешно.

Для просмотра информации об активированных в рамках виртуальной АТС услугах используется команда:

  • для администратора системы:

/cluster/storage/<SOME_STORAGE>/ss/info <DOMAIN> [*] [-all] [<ADDRESS>]

  • для оператора виртуальной АТС:

/domain/<DOMAIN>/ss/info [*] [-all] [<ADDRESS>]

<SOME_STORAGE> - имя кластера хранения долговременных данных (DS);
<DOMAIN> - имя виртуальной АТС (домен), которой принадлежит абонент;
<ADDRESS> - номер или диапазон номеров абонента(ов), для указания всех абонентов заданной виртуальной АТС используется "*";

Диапазоны номеров указываются в фигурных скобках. Например: 71{1-2,9} соответствует номерам 711, 712, 719.
  • -all - флаг, при указании которого будет показана полная информация об всех активированных в системе услугах;
  • * - флаг, при указании которого будет показана полная информация об всех активированных в системе услугах.

Описание параметров таблицы команды "info":

  • Domain - название виртуальной АТС;
  • Address - номер абонента;
  • Name - название услуги;
  • msd - MSD-свойства услуги, MSD-свойства могут изменять оператор/пользователь;
  • V - версия реализации услуги;
  • E - доступ на использование услуги абонентом: T - разрешено использовать услугу; F - запрещено использовать услугу;
  • CSD - CSD-свойства услуги, CSD-свойства могут изменять оператор/пользователь:
  • SSD - SSD-свойства услуги, SSD-свойства могут изменять только разработчики данной услуги.

Также для просмотра информации об установленных в системе услугах используется команда:

  • для администратора системы:

/cluster/storage/<SOME_STORAGE>/ss/show [<SSNames>] | [*]

  • для оператора виртуальной АТС:

node/<NAME_DS>/ss/show [<SSNames>] | [*]

где <SOME_STORAGE> - имя кластера хранения долговременных данных (DS);
<NAME_DS> - имя ноды DS;
<NAMES> - название полей таблицы, информацию по которым нужно отобразить, для указания всех полей используется "*", список полей задается через ",":

  • Name - название услуги;
  • msd - MSD-свойства услуги, MSD-свойства могут изменять оператор/пользователь;
  • version - версия реализации услуги;
  • description - описание услуги;
  • ssd - SSD-свойства услуги, SSD-свойства могут изменять только разработчики данной услуги.
  • csd - CSD-свойства услуги, CSD-свойства могут изменять оператор/пользователь:


  1. Просмотреть список услуг, активированных на виртуальной АТС "biysk.local" у абонента 240903:

    Без форматирования
    admin@[mycelium1@ecss1#ECSS-T 000009]:/$ cluster/storage/ds1/ss/info biysk.local 240903          
    Domain: biysk.local
    Supplementary services' settings:
    │          Address           │                      Name                      │V│E│                                     CSD                                     │
    │240903                      │call_recording                                  │9│T│mode = always_on                                                             │
    │240903                      │cc_agent                                        │2│T│                                                                             │
    │240903                      │cf_sip                                          │6│T│                                                                             │
    │240903                      │chold                                           │8│T│disable_moh = false                                                          │
    │                            │                                                │ │ │dtmf_sequence_as_flash = false                                               │
    │240903                      │clip                                            │5│T│                                                                             │
    │240903                      │cnip                                            │3│T│                                                                             │
    │240903                      │conference                                      │9│T│destroy_mode = by_no_master                                                  │
    │                            │                                                │ │ │max_participants = 16                                                        │
    │240903                      │ctr                                             │5│T│                                                                             │
    │240903                      │intervention                                    │3│T│                                                                             │
    │240903                      │mcid                                            │2│T│                                                                             │
    │240903                      │ml                                              │3│T│line_count = 3                                                               │
    │                            │                                                │ │ │line_count_out = -1                                                          │
    │240903                      │park                                            │2│T│                                                                             │
      V - version of the supplementary service;
      E - enable state of selected supplementary service to current domain, address
    [exec at: 21.07.2019 09:56:17, exec time: 34ms, nodes: ds1@ecss1]

  2. Просмотреть список установленных в системе услуг (метаданные):

    Без форматирования
    admin@[mycelium1@ecss1#ECSS-T 000009]:/$ cluster/storage/ds1/ss/show *            
    │    name    │ve│  description  │                   msd                    │                   ssd                    │                   csd                    │
    │            │rs│               │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │io│               │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │n │               │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │3way        │6 │3-Way Conferenc│atom[] dependency_list = [chold]; //List o│boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │                                          │
    │            │  │e              │f SS that is depended from SS             │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [conference]; //Lis│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │t of SS that is conflict with current SS  │                                          │                                          │
    │acb         │2 │Anonymous Call │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │Blocking       │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │alarm       │8 │Alarm Call     │atom handle_module = ss_alarm_handler; // │integer collect_digits_timeout = 60; //Wai│integer no_answer_timeout = 45; //Awaiting│
    │            │  │               │                                          │t timeout to collect cancel digits        │ answer timer (value in seconds)          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer call_attempt_count = 3; //The coun│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │t of the call's attempt                   │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer call_attempt_timeout = 60; //Await│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ing timer between calls' attempts         │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │address cancel_digits = "*"; //Digits to c│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ancel alarm                               │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_1 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_2 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_3 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_4 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_5 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_6 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_7 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_8 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term alarm_9 = off; //"{" "'one-time'" | d│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │aily, "[" Day1[, Day2][, ...] "]","{"HH, M│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │M"}"[, AlarmName]"}"                      │
    │assistant   │1 │Chief-assistant│atom owner = user; //SS type. Available va│                                          │index_address[4] assistants = undefined; /│
    │            │  │ group         │lues: user | trunk | any                  │                                          │/Assistants numbers. Format: <address>[/<i│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ndex>]                                    │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │index_address[128] whitelist = undefined; │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │//White list members. Format: <address>[/<│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │index>]                                   │
    │auto_redial │2 │Auto redial    │                                          │                                          │positive_integer recall_timeout = 15; //Ti│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │meout between recalls (sec)               │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer recall_count = 6; //Recal│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ls' count                                 │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer no_answer_timeout = 30; /│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │/Awaiting answer timeout (sec)            │
    │auto_redial_│5 │Auto redial wit│string enumRingback = "tone|moh"; //Ringba│                                          │positive_integer recall_timer = 90; //Time│
    │with_callbac│  │h callback     │ck                                        │                                          │ between recalls (sec)                    │
    │k           │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer recall_count = 30; //Reca│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │lls' count                                │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer a_no_answer_timeout = 10;│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ //Awaiting B-side answer timeout (sec)   │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer b_no_answer_timeout = 30;│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ //Awaiting A-side answer timeout (sec)   │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │enum ringback = tone; //Ringback (tone | m│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │oh)                                       │
    │blf         │2 │Busy Lamp Field│                                          │                                          │positive_integer max_subscribe = 16; //Max│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │imum number of subscriptions              │
    │call_recordi│9 │Call recording │string enumMode = "always_on|on_demand|aft│boolean locked = true; //Can subscriber ma│enum mode = undefined; //The mode of the r│
    │ng          │  │               │er_answer"; //Internal field to validate m│nage current SS, or not                   │ecording call (always_on|on_demand)       │
    │            │  │               │ode property                              │boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │                                          │
    │callback    │5 │CallBack       │                                          │integer collect_digits_timeout = 60; //Wai│                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │t timeout to collect cancel digits        │                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │positive_integer a_onhook_timeout = 5; //T│                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │imeout for A subscriber onhook (sec)      │                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │positive_integer max_call_retry = 5; //The│                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │ maximum count of call's retry to initial │                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │subscriber                                │                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │                                          │
    │cc_agent    │2 │Contact-Center │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │agent          │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │cf_sip      │6 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ by SIP redirec│ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │tion (302 messa│atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,foll│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ge)            │ow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │conflict with current SS                  │                                          │                                          │
    │cfb         │7 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │address number = undefined; //Forward numb│
    │            │  │ Busy          │ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │er                                        │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,foll│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │ow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │conflict with current SS                  │                                          │                                          │
    │cfnr        │7 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │address number = undefined; //Forward numb│
    │            │  │ No Reply      │ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │er                                        │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,foll│                                          │positive_integer timeout = 15; //Timeout b│
    │            │  │               │ow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is │                                          │efore call forward (sec)                  │
    │            │  │               │conflict with current SS                  │                                          │                                          │
    │cfnr_type2  │7 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │address number = undefined; //Forward numb│
    │            │  │ No Reply witho│ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │er                                        │
    │            │  │ut notification│atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,cfnr│                                          │positive_integer timeout = 15; //Timeout b│
    │            │  │               │,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS tha│                                          │efore call forward (sec)                  │
    │            │  │               │t is conflict with current SS             │                                          │boolean use_redirection_counter = false; /│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │/Use redirectionCounter field to  count ho│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ps                                        │
    │cfos        │8 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │address number = undefined; //Forward numb│
    │            │  │ Out of Service│ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │er                                        │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,foll│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │ow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │conflict with current SS                  │                                          │                                          │
    │cft         │9 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │term day_1 = off; //{[{{FromHour,FromMinut│
    │            │  │ Unconditional │ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │e}, {ToHour,ToMinute}}, ...], Number}     │
    │            │  │Time Dependent │string enumTime_format = "local|utc"; //In│                                          │term day_2 = off; //{[{{FromHour,FromMinut│
    │            │  │               │ternal field to validate time_format prope│                                          │e}, {ToHour,ToMinute}}, ...], Number}     │
    │            │  │               │rty                                       │                                          │term day_3 = off; //{[{{FromHour,FromMinut│
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [cgg,cfu,assistant,│                                          │e}, {ToHour,ToMinute}}, ...], Number}     │
    │            │  │               │follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that│                                          │term day_4 = off; //{[{{FromHour,FromMinut│
    │            │  │               │ is conflict with current SS              │                                          │e}, {ToHour,ToMinute}}, ...], Number}     │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term day_5 = off; //{[{{FromHour,FromMinut│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │e}, {ToHour,ToMinute}}, ...], Number}     │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term day_6 = off; //{[{{FromHour,FromMinut│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │e}, {ToHour,ToMinute}}, ...], Number}     │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │term day_7 = off; //{[{{FromHour,FromMinut│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │e}, {ToHour,ToMinute}}, ...], Number}     │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │enum time_format = local; //CFT for Sunday│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ (local | utc)                            │
    │cfu         │8 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │address number = undefined; //Forward numb│
    │            │  │ Unconditional │ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │er                                        │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [ctu,cgg,assistant,│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │ is conflict with current SS              │                                          │                                          │
    │cfu_type2   │7 │Call Forwarding│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │address number = undefined; //Forward numb│
    │            │  │ Unconditional │ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │er                                        │
    │            │  │without notific│atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,cgg,assistant,│                                          │boolean use_redirection_counter = false; /│
    │            │  │ation          │follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that│                                          │/Use redirectionCounter field to  count ho│
    │            │  │               │ is conflict with current SS              │                                          │ps                                        │
    │cgg         │4 │Group-calling  │                                          │                                          │address[10] numbers = undefined; //Group's│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ numbers                                  │
    │chold       │8 │Call hold      │                                          │boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │boolean dtmf_sequence_as_flash = false; //│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │Try interpret the DTMF sequence as a flash│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ (look at incall feature codes)           │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean disable_moh = false; //Disable mus│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ic on hold                                │
    │chunt       │5 │Call hunt group│string regimeMode = "group:numbers:queue_s│integer delay_retrieve_timeout_1 = 1000; /│regime mode = undefined; //The type of the│
    │            │  │s              │trategy|serial:numbers:cyclic:search_strat│/Delay retrieve timeout for release group │ chunt                                    │
    │            │  │               │egy:window_shift_timeout:max_shift_count:q│call by group subscriber                  │boolean cyclic = false; //Flag that is sho│
    │            │  │               │ueue_strategy|longest_idle:numbers:cyclic:│integer delay_retrieve_timeout_2 = 5000; /│w is call hunt group cyclic or not        │
    │            │  │               │window_shift_timeout:max_shift_count:queue│/Delay retrieve timeout for release group │boolean reset_window_start_pos_after_call │
    │            │  │               │_strategy|delay_group:numbers:window_shift│call by slave subscriber                  │= false; //Reset window start position aft│
    │            │  │               │_timeout:queue_strategy|manual"; //Interna│integer delay_retrieve_timeout_3 = 15000; │er all incoming calls will be connected wi│
    │            │  │               │l field to validate search_strategy proper│//Delay retrieve timeout for waiting free │th group calls                            │
    │            │  │               │ty                                        │group subscriber                          │positive_integer window_shift_timeout = 0;│
    │            │  │               │string enumSearch_strategy = "first|last|r│                                          │ //Interval after which window shift on th│
    │            │  │               │andom|longest_idle"; //Internal field to v│                                          │e window_shift value                      │
    │            │  │               │alidate search_strategy property          │                                          │integer max_shift_count = -1; //The number│
    │            │  │               │string enumQueue_strategy = "wait|drop"; /│                                          │ of times that a window can be shift      │
    │            │  │               │/Internal field to validate queue_strategy│                                          │positive_integer window_size = 1; //The nu│
    │            │  │               │ property                                 │                                          │mber of simultaneous calls to the call-hun│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │t's subscribers                           │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer window_start_pos = 0; //The index │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │(zero-based) of the first subscriber in th│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │e window                                  │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer window_shift = 1; //The v│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │alue on which shift window_start_pos when │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │window_shift_timeout fired                │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │enum queue_strategy = wait; //(wait | drop│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │)                                         │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │enum search_strategy = first; //(first | l│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ast | random | longest_idle)              │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer queue_size = 0; //Wait ca│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │lls' queue size                           │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │address[10] numbers = undefined; //Call-hu│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │nt member list                            │
    │click_to_cal│5 │Click to call  │                                          │                                          │address number = undefined; //User's numbe│
    │l           │  │               │                                          │                                          │r                                         │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean auto_answer = true; //Auto answer │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │string[10] hashes = undefined; //User's ha│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │shes                                      │
    │clip        │5 │Calling Line Id│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │entification Pr│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │esentation     │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │clir        │3 │Calling Line Id│string enumMode = "user_defined|restrict_a│                                          │enum mode = restrict_all; //The mode of th│
    │            │  │entification Re│ll"; //Internal field to validate mode pro│                                          │e working clir service (user_defined|restr│
    │            │  │striction      │perty                                     │                                          │ict_all)                                  │
    │cliro       │2 │Calling Line Id│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │entification Re│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │striction Overr│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ide            │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │cnip        │3 │Calling Name Id│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │entification Pr│ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │esentation     │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │conference  │9 │Conference Call│string enumDestroy_mode = "by_no_master|by│                                          │enum destroy_mode = by_no_master; //The mo│
    │            │  │, Add-on       │_no_more_calls"; //Internal field to valid│                                          │de of destroying conference (by_no_master|│
    │            │  │               │ate mode property                         │                                          │by_no_more_calls)                         │
    │            │  │               │atom[] dependency_list = [chold,ctr]; //Li│                                          │positive_integer max_participants = 16; //│
    │            │  │               │st of SS that is depended from SS         │                                          │The maximum number of participants in the │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = ['3way']; //List of│                                          │conference, limited to the number 64 at th│
    │            │  │               │ SS that is conflict with current SS      │                                          │e top. By default 16                      │
    │ctr         │5 │Call Transfer  │atom[] dependency_list = [chold]; //List o│boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │f SS that is depended from SS             │                                          │                                          │
    │cw          │5 │Call Waiting   │atom[] dependency_list = [chold]; //List o│boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │f SS that is depended from SS             │                                          │                                          │
    │direct_call │2 │Direct call    │                                          │                                          │address number = undefined; //Call number │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │to direct call                            │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer timeout = 5; //Timeout be│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │fore direct call (sec)                    │
    │distinctive_│1 │Destination rin│                                          │                                          │distinctive_ring[16] filters = undefined; │
    │ring        │  │gtone change   │                                          │                                          │//Distinctive ring for specific numbers   │
    │dnd         │3 │Do not Disturb │                                          │                                          │index_address[10] whitelist = undefined; /│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │/White list members. Format: <address>[/<i│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ndex>]                                    │
    │fax_receiver│2 │Enable fax rece│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │iving ability f│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │or terminals wh│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ich is not supp│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ort fax by thei│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │r own          │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │fax_to_email│2 │Fax to email   │                                          │                                          │string email = []; //Email address        │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean send_error_report = false; //Send │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │email in case of fax received failed      │
    │fbc         │1 │Forwarding Barr│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ing Call       │ues: user | trunk | any                   │                                          │                                          │
    │find_me     │5 │Find Me        │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,ctu,│                                          │boolean send_call_diversion = true; //Send│
    │            │  │               │cgg,follow_me,follow_me_no_response]; //Li│                                          │ call diversion flag in call signalisation│
    │            │  │               │st of SS that is conflict with current SS │                                          │find_me_group[32] groups = []; //Find me g│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │roups                                     │
    │find_me_no_r│5 │Find Me no resp│atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,ctu,│                                          │boolean send_call_diversion = true; //Send│
    │esponse     │  │onse           │cgg,follow_me,follow_me_no_response,      │                                          │ call diversion flag in call signalisation│
    │            │  │               │                        find_me]; //List o│                                          │positive_integer timeout = 20; //Timeout b│
    │            │  │               │f SS that is conflict with current SS     │                                          │efore call forward (sec)                  │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │find_me_group[32] groups = []; //Find me g│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │roups                                     │
    │follow_me   │6 │Follow me      │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,cft,│                                          │address number = []; //Followed number    │
    │            │  │               │cgg]; //List of SS that is conflict with c│                                          │address pin = []; //PIN-code              │
    │            │  │               │urrent SS                                 │                                          │                                          │
    │follow_me_no│4 │Follow me no re│atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,cft,│                                          │address number = []; //Followed number    │
    │_response   │  │sponse         │cgg,follow_me]; //List of SS that is confl│                                          │positive_integer timeout = 20; //Timeout b│
    │            │  │               │ict with current SS                       │                                          │efore call forward (sec)                  │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │address pin = []; //PIN-code              │
    │intervention│3 │Intervention   │                                          │boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │                                          │
    │mcid        │2 │Malicious Call │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │Identification │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │meet_me_conf│1 │Meet Me Confere│string regimeMode = "master:destroy_mode:r│                                          │regime mode = undefined; //The mode of mee│
    │erence      │  │nce            │oom_number|member:room_number"; //Internal│                                          │t me conference (master|member)           │
    │            │  │               │ field to validate mode property          │                                          │enum destroy_mode = by_no_more_calls; //Th│
    │            │  │               │string enumDestroy_mode = "by_no_master|by│                                          │e mode of destroying conference (by_no_mas│
    │            │  │               │_no_more_calls"; //Internal field to valid│                                          │ter|by_no_more_calls)                     │
    │            │  │               │ate mode property                         │                                          │address room_number = []; //Room number   │
    │message     │2 │Message service│atom owner = any; //SS type. Available val│integer message_box_size = 20; //Message b│                                          │
    │            │  │               │ues: user | trunk | any                   │ox size                                   │                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │boolean remove_only_after_answer = false; │                                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │//Remove message only after abonent answer│                                          │
    │ml          │3 │Multiline      │                                          │                                          │positive_integer line_count = 3; //Line co│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │unt                                       │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer line_count_out = -1; //Outgoing li│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │nes count                                 │
    │my_number   │2 │Get number of m│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │y phone        │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │park        │2 │Call park      │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │personal_ivr│1 │Personal IVR sc│                                          │                                          │ivr_script_id script = undefined; //Script│
    │            │  │ript           │                                          │                                          │ ID                                       │
    │pickup      │2 │Call Pickup    │                                          │                                          │index_string[10] pickup_groups = undefined│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │; //Call pick-up's groups names. Format: <│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │Name>[/<Inx>]                             │
    │presence    │2 │SIP Presence   │                                          │                                          │positive_integer max_subscribe = 16; //Max│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │imum number of subscriptions              │
    │qsig_cfb    │2 │QSIG: Call Forw│atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available v│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │arding Busy    │alues: user | trunk | any                 │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu]; //List of SS│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │ that is conflict with current SS         │                                          │                                          │
    │qsig_cfnr   │2 │QSIG: Call Forw│atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available v│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │arding No Reply│alues: user | trunk | any                 │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu]; //List of SS│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │ that is conflict with current SS         │                                          │                                          │
    │qsig_cfu    │2 │QSIG: Call Forw│atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available v│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │arding Uncondit│alues: user | trunk | any                 │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ional          │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,follow_me]; //│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │List of SS that is conflict with current S│                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │               │S                                         │                                          │                                          │
    │rbp         │3 │SS for restrict│                                          │                                          │boolean implicit_call = false; //Use impli│
    │            │  │ing call-proces│                                          │                                          │cit RBP call (Request PIN-code in case of │
    │            │  │ses by NI and P│                                          │                                          │use recsricted call)                      │
    │            │  │IN             │                                          │                                          │ni[6] restricted_ni = undefined; //Restric│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ted number indication                     │
    │redial      │2 │Last number red│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │ial            │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │remote_phone│1 │Remote phone   │atom handle_module = ss_remote_phone_handl│                                          │interface remote_endpoint = <<>>; //Remote│
    │            │  │               │er; //                                    │                                          │ interface                                │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │address pin = undefined; //PIN-code       │
    │rfc         │2 │Rejection of Fo│                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │            │  │rwarded Calls  │                                          │                                          │                                          │
    │ring_back_to│2 │Ring back tone │                                          │                                          │media_resource file = undefined; //File to│
    │ne          │  │               │                                          │                                          │ play on ring                             │
    │sca         │2 │Selective Call │                                          │                                          │index_address[50] whitelist = undefined; /│
    │            │  │Acceptance     │                                          │                                          │/White list members. Format: <address>[/<i│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ndex>]                                    │
    │sco_black   │2 │Selective Call │                                          │                                          │index_address[50] blacklist = undefined; /│
    │            │  │Originating, Bl│                                          │                                          │/Black list members. Format: <address>[/<i│
    │            │  │ack list       │                                          │                                          │ndex>]                                    │
    │sco_white   │2 │Selective Call │                                          │                                          │index_address[50] whitelist = undefined; /│
    │            │  │Originating, Wh│                                          │                                          │/White list members. Format: <address>[/<i│
    │            │  │ite list       │                                          │                                          │ndex>]                                    │
    │scr         │2 │Selective Call │                                          │                                          │index_address[50] blacklist = undefined; /│
    │            │  │Rejection      │                                          │                                          │/Black list members. Format: <address>[/<i│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ndex>]                                    │
    │speed_dial  │5 │Speed dial (Abb│string enumType = "address_book_10|address│                                          │enum type = address_book_100; //(address_b│
    │            │  │reviated dialin│_book_100"; //The type of address book. ad│                                          │ook_10 | address_book_100)                │
    │            │  │g)             │dress_book_10 supports 10 number in the ad│                                          │speed_dial_item[50] map = []; //Map betwee│
    │            │  │               │dress book. address_book_100 supports 100 │                                          │n short dial and full address. Format: <sh│
    │            │  │               │numbers on the address book               │                                          │ort_dial>/<address>                       │
    │teleconferen│2 │Teleconference │                                          │                                          │boolean destroy_by_no_initiator = true; //│
    │ce          │  │               │                                          │                                          │Destroy the teleconference by release from│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ the initiator?                           │
    │teleconferen│3 │Teleconference │                                          │                                          │address[10] second_line = []; //Second lin│
    │ce_manager  │  │manager        │                                          │                                          │e numbers                                 │
    │tsmn_request│2 │Support request│atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available v│                                          │positive_integer timeout = 3000; //Timeout│
    │            │  │ on TSMN       │alues: user | trunk | any                 │                                          │ on TSMN request(s) (msec)                │
    │            │  │               │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu]; //List of SS│                                          │trunk tsmn_trunk = undefined; //Trunk to T│
    │            │  │               │ that is conflict with current SS         │                                          │SMN server                                │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │trunk tsmn_trunk_backup = <<>>; //Backup t│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │runk to TSMN server                       │
    │vip_call    │2 │Vip call       │string enumPriority = "0_flash_override|1_│                                          │enum priority = '4_routine'; //(0_flash_ov│
    │            │  │               │flash|2_immediate|3_priority|4_routine"; /│                                          │erride | 1_flash | 2_immediate | 3_priorit│
    │            │  │               │/Call's priority                          │                                          │y | 4_routine)                            │
    │voice_page  │5 │Voice Page call│string enumPriority = "0_flash_override|1_│                                          │enum priority = '3_priority'; //(0_flash_o│
    │            │  │               │flash|2_immediate|3_priority|4_routine"; /│                                          │verride | 1_flash | 2_immediate | 3_priori│
    │            │  │               │/Call's priority                          │                                          │ty | 4_routine)                           │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer announcement_repeat_time = 10; //A│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │nnouncement files repeat timeout          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer announcement_playback_cnt = 0; //A│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │nnouncement files playback count [0..5]   │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │media_resource[10] intro_files = []; //Lis│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │t of Intro media_files                    │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │media_resource[10] announcement_files = []│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │; //List of Announcement media_files      │
    │voice_page_c│2 │'Voice Page Con│                                          │                                          │boolean accept_incoming_vp = true; //Accep│
    │ontrol      │  │trol' service  │                                          │                                          │t or Reject voice page calls              │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean block_incoming_vp_by_dnd = true; /│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │/Block voice page calls by DND service    │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean mute_incoming_vp = true; //Accept │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │incoming voice page call in silent mode   │
    │voicemail   │11│Voice mail serv│atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,foll│boolean dtmf_detector = true; //          │boolean no_reply = true; //Activate servic│
    │            │  │ice            │ow_me,find_me,cfu_type2]; //List of SS tha│                                          │e when subscriber no reply                │
    │            │  │               │t is conflict with current SS             │                                          │boolean busy = false; //Activate service w│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │hen subscriber is busy                    │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean out_of_service = true; //Activate │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │service when subscriber is out of service │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean unconditional = false; //Activate │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │service any time                          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer timeout = 30; //Timeout b│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │efore call forward (sec)                  │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean send_by_email = false; //Send reco│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │rded message by email                     │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer min_message_duration = 0;│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ //The minimum voice mail duration (sec). │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │In case of voice mail duration will be les│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │s that min_message_duration, this message │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │will be dropped                           │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer max_message_duration = 30│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │0; //The maximum voice mail duration (sec)│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │. 0 - in case of not limited duration     │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer mailbox_volume = 1800; //│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │The mailbox volume (sec)                  │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean override_messages = true; //Overri│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │de messages in case of mailbox is full    │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │string email_from = "%DISPLAYNAME%"; //Ema│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │il from template. Macro variables: %DATE%,│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ %TIME%, %CALLING%, %DISPLAYNAME%         │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │string email_subject = "Voicemail from %CA│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │LLING% at %DATE% %TIME%"; //Email subject │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │template. Macro variables: %DATE%, %TIME%,│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ %CALLING%, %DISPLAYNAME%                 │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │string email_body = []; //Email body templ│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ate. Macro variables: %DATE%, %TIME%, %CAL│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │LING%, %DISPLAYNAME%                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean play_message_details = false; //Pl│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ay message's details (number, time) before│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ message                                  │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │address password = []; //There is password│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ to have access to the voicemail box      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │positive_integer max_silence = 0; //There │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │is time(sec) while service wait for a cont│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │iguous period of silence before terminatin│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │g an incoming call to voice mail          │
    │zone_page   │6 │Zone Page call │string enumPriority = "0_flash_override|1_│                                          │enum priority = '3_priority'; //(0_flash_o│
    │            │  │               │flash|2_immediate|3_priority|4_routine"; /│                                          │verride | 1_flash | 2_immediate | 3_priori│
    │            │  │               │/Call's priority                          │                                          │ty | 4_routine)                           │
    │            │  │               │string enumInitiation_policy = "managers|m│                                          │integer intro_pause = 3; //Pause before pl│
    │            │  │               │embers|any"; //Initiation call's policy   │                                          │ay intro files                            │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer announcement_pause = 0; //Pause be│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │fore play announcement files              │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer announcement_playback_cnt = 1; //A│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │nnouncement files playback count          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │integer announcement_repeat_time = 10; //A│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │nnouncement files repeat timeout          │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean terminate_when_initiator_disconnec│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ts = undefined; //Terminate call after ini│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │tiator disconnected                       │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean terminate_when_playback_ends = und│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │efined; //Terminate call after playback en│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ds                                        │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │boolean terminate_when_last_listener_leave│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ = undefined; //Terminate call after last │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │listener disconnects                      │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │enum initiation_policy = any; //Initiation│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ call's policy                            │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │string display_name = "ZonePage"; //ZonePa│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │ge call DisplayName                       │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │address[256] members = undefined; //Zone p│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │age member list                           │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │address[256] managers = []; //Zone page ma│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │nagers list                               │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │media_resource[10] intro_files = []; //Lis│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │t of Intro media_files                    │
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │media_resource[10] announcement_files = []│
    │            │  │               │                                          │                                          │; //List of Announcement media_files      │
    Installed supplementary services: 70
    [exec at: 21.07.2019 09:47:36, exec time: 62ms, nodes: ds1@ecss1]

  3. Просмотреть настройки и версии услуг, установленных в системе:

    Без форматирования
    admin@[mycelium1@ecss1#ECSS-T 000009]:/$ cluster/storage/ds1/ss/show name msd version
    │               name                │                                                         msd                                                          │versi│
    │                                   │                                                                                                                      │ on  │
    │3way                               │atom[] dependency_list = [chold]; //List of SS that is depended from SS                                               │6    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [conference]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                                    │     │
    │acb                                │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │alarm                              │atom handle_module = ss_alarm_handler; //                                                                             │8    │
    │assistant                          │atom owner = user; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                    │1    │
    │auto_redial                        │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │auto_redial_with_callback          │string enumRingback = "tone|moh"; //Ringback                                                                          │5    │
    │blf                                │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │call_recording                     │string enumMode = "always_on|on_demand|after_answer"; //Internal field to validate mode property                      │9    │
    │callback                           │                                                                                                                      │5    │
    │cc_agent                           │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │cf_sip                             │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │6    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS          │     │
    │cfb                                │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │7    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS          │     │
    │cfnr                               │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │7    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS          │     │
    │cfnr_type2                         │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │7    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,cfnr,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS     │     │
    │cfos                               │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │8    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS          │     │
    │cft                                │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │9    │
    │                                   │string enumTime_format = "local|utc"; //Internal field to validate time_format property                               │     │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cgg,cfu,assistant,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS      │     │
    │cfu                                │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │8    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [ctu,cgg,assistant,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS      │     │
    │cfu_type2                          │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │7    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,cgg,assistant,follow_me,tsmn_request]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS      │     │
    │cgg                                │                                                                                                                      │4    │
    │chold                              │                                                                                                                      │8    │
    │chunt                              │string regimeMode = "group:numbers:queue_strategy|serial:numbers:cyclic:search_strategy:window_shift_timeout:max_shift│5    │
    │                                   │_count:queue_strategy|longest_idle:numbers:cyclic:window_shift_timeout:max_shift_count:queue_strategy|delay_group:numb│     │
    │                                   │ers:window_shift_timeout:queue_strategy|manual"; //Internal field to validate search_strategy property                │     │
    │                                   │string enumSearch_strategy = "first|last|random|longest_idle"; //Internal field to validate search_strategy property  │     │
    │                                   │string enumQueue_strategy = "wait|drop"; //Internal field to validate queue_strategy property                         │     │
    │click_to_call                      │                                                                                                                      │5    │
    │clip                               │                                                                                                                      │5    │
    │clir                               │string enumMode = "user_defined|restrict_all"; //Internal field to validate mode property                             │3    │
    │cliro                              │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │cnip                               │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │3    │
    │conference                         │string enumDestroy_mode = "by_no_master|by_no_more_calls"; //Internal field to validate mode property                 │9    │
    │                                   │atom[] dependency_list = [chold,ctr]; //List of SS that is depended from SS                                           │     │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = ['3way']; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                                        │     │
    │ctr                                │atom[] dependency_list = [chold]; //List of SS that is depended from SS                                               │5    │
    │cw                                 │atom[] dependency_list = [chold]; //List of SS that is depended from SS                                               │5    │
    │direct_call                        │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │distinctive_ring                   │                                                                                                                      │1    │
    │dnd                                │                                                                                                                      │3    │
    │fax_receiver                       │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │fax_to_email                       │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │fbc                                │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │1    │
    │find_me                            │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,ctu,cgg,follow_me,follow_me_no_response]; //List of SS that is conflict with cur│5    │
    │                                   │rent SS                                                                                                               │     │
    │find_me_no_response                │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,ctu,cgg,follow_me,follow_me_no_response,                                        │5    │
    │                                   │                        find_me]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                                       │     │
    │follow_me                          │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,cft,cgg]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                         │6    │
    │follow_me_no_response              │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,cft,cgg,follow_me]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS               │4    │
    │intervention                       │                                                                                                                      │3    │
    │mcid                               │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │meet_me_conference                 │string regimeMode = "master:destroy_mode:room_number|member:room_number"; //Internal field to validate mode property  │1    │
    │                                   │string enumDestroy_mode = "by_no_master|by_no_more_calls"; //Internal field to validate mode property                 │     │
    │message                            │atom owner = any; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                     │2    │
    │ml                                 │                                                                                                                      │3    │
    │my_number                          │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │park                               │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │personal_ivr                       │                                                                                                                      │1    │
    │pickup                             │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │presence                           │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │qsig_cfb                           │atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                   │2    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                                           │     │
    │qsig_cfnr                          │atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                   │2    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                                           │     │
    │qsig_cfu                           │atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                   │2    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,follow_me]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                                 │     │
    │rbp                                │                                                                                                                      │3    │
    │redial                             │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │remote_phone                       │atom handle_module = ss_remote_phone_handler; //                                                                      │1    │
    │rfc                                │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │ring_back_tone                     │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │sca                                │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │sco_black                          │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │sco_white                          │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │scr                                │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │speed_dial                         │string enumType = "address_book_10|address_book_100"; //The type of address book. address_book_10 supports 10 number i│5    │
    │                                   │n the address book. address_book_100 supports 100 numbers on the address book                                         │     │
    │teleconference                     │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │teleconference_manager             │                                                                                                                      │3    │
    │tsmn_request                       │atom owner = trunk; //SS type. Available values: user | trunk | any                                                   │2    │
    │                                   │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS                                           │     │
    │vip_call                           │string enumPriority = "0_flash_override|1_flash|2_immediate|3_priority|4_routine"; //Call's priority                  │2    │
    │voice_page                         │string enumPriority = "0_flash_override|1_flash|2_immediate|3_priority|4_routine"; //Call's priority                  │5    │
    │voice_page_control                 │                                                                                                                      │2    │
    │voicemail                          │atom[] conflict_list = [cfu,assistant,follow_me,find_me,cfu_type2]; //List of SS that is conflict with current SS     │11   │
    │zone_page                          │string enumPriority = "0_flash_override|1_flash|2_immediate|3_priority|4_routine"; //Call's priority                  │6    │
    │                                   │string enumInitiation_policy = "managers|members|any"; //Initiation call's policy                                     │     │
    Installed supplementary services: 70
    [exec at: 21.07.2019 09:53:01, exec time: 16ms, nodes: ds1@ecss1]