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Warnings are used to inform the user about situations that may cause harm to a software and hardware complex, lead to malfunction or data loss.

Operation with ONT


The correspondence between parameter names and numeric OIDs is given in the MIB files.


To set unassigned value, if it is allowed, number 65535 will be transmitted instead profile index.

ONT Configuration

ONT is configured by the following tables:

  • ltp8xONTConfigTable — general parameters;
  • ltp8xONTCustomCrossConnectTable — custom parameters;
  • ltp8xONTFullServicesConfigTable — Cross-Connect and DBA profiles;
  • ltp8xONTSelectiveTunnelTable — selective-tunnel uvids.

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When adding ONT It is necessary to specify serial number, gpon-port number and ONT ID.


This command creates ONT 6/0 with serial number ELTX24A80012.


ONT General Parameters

General parameters of ONT are configured by using ltp8xONTConfigTable.


This command sets the description value, specifies Management profile, and enables error correction for ONT with serial number ELTX24A80012.

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Cross-Connect and DBA profiles

Cross-Connect and DBA profiles are configured by using ltp8xONTFullServicesConfigTable. Similarly to the custom parameters, additional index (service number) and value increased by 1 should be specified.


For ONT with serial number ELTX24A80012, this command sets Cross-Connect profile with index 1, and DBA profile with index 2 for service 7.

Custom Cross-Connect parameters

Custom Cross-Connect parameters are configured by using ltp8xONTCustomCrossConnectTable. Introduces additional index (service number) including service number increased by 1.


For ONT with serial number ELTX24A80012, this command activates Custom Cross Connect parameters for service 2 and sets values cvid=100, svid=200, cos=1.

Selective-tunnel uvids

Selective-tunnel uvids are configured by using ltp8xONTSelectiveTunnelTable. In addition to the service number, an index should be entered — the selective-tunnel uvid number. Index takes the values from 1 to 42. The indexes of the assigned uvid must follow sequentially without order interruption. For example, if uvid are determined with indexes 1 and 2 the next assigned uvid must have index 3.


For ONT with serial number ELTX24A80012, this command adds selective-tunnel uvid=200 for service 7.

PoE management on ONT ports

PoE management on ONT ports is configured via ltp8xOntConfigUniPortTable table. 


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private
ltp8xOntConfigUniPortRowStatus. i 4
ltp8xONTPrtsUNIPoeEnable. i 1
ltp8xONTPortsUNIPoeClassControl. u 1
ltp8xONTPortsUNIPoePowerPriority. u 3

ONT deletion

Command format:

Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTConfigRowStatus.1.8.<dec_serial> i 6


This command deletes ONT configuration with serial number ELTX24A80012.

ONT replacement

ONT can be changed by using subsequent commands for deleting and creating configurations with new parameters.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTStateReconfigure.1.8.<dec_serial> u 1


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private
ltp8xONTStateReconfigure. u 1


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTStateReset.1.8.<dec_serial> u 1


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private
ltp8xONTStateReset. u 1

Reset to the default settings

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTStateResetToDefaults.1.8.<dec_serial> u 1


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private
ltp8xONTStateResetToDefaults. u 1

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Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xONTDisableONTSerial.0 x
<hex_serial> ltp8xONTDisableChannel.0 u <gpon_port>
ltp8xONTDisableActionDisable.0 u 1


The command performs ONT ELTX24A80012 deactivation on channel 6.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xONTDisableONTSerial.0 x
<hex_serial> ltp8xONTDisableChannel.0 u <gpon_port>
ltp8xONTDisableActionEnable.0 u 1


The command performs ONT ELTX24A80012 activation on channel 6.

ONT firmware updating via OMCI protocol

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTFirmwareUpdateViaOMCISerial.0 x <hex_serial>
ltp8xONTFirmwareUpdateViaOMCIFilename.0 s <firmware_name>
ltp8xONTFirmwareUpdateViaOMCIAction.0 u 1


The command starts the ONTELTX24A80012 update with the firmware file 'ntp-rg-revc-'.


Common ONT state

The parameters of ONT state can be requested by using ltp8xONTStateTable.


The command requests the status and firmware version for the ONT ELTX24A80012.

PPP session state

To obtain the session list for selected ONT as the list of client MAC addresses, use the following request:


The command requests PPP session parameters with client MAC address 98:de:d0:00:cd:fc для ONT 6/0.

MAC table

Ltp8xONTAddressTable is used. To obtain the record list of the selected ONT, use the following request:


Таблица IGMP-групп
Таблица IGMP-групп

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IGMP group table

ltp8xONTMulticastStatsTable is used. To obtain the record list of the selected ONT, use the following request:


The command requests the IP address of the group, the broadcasting start and stop time for the 153rd entry in the ONT ELTX24A80012 IGMP group table.

ONT connection log

Command format:

snmpget -v2c -c <ro_community> <ipaddr>


The command requests the connection log for ONT ELTX24A80012.

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ONT timers

To obtain information about counters, use ltp8xONTStatistics table. 

Counters for Cross-connect

Matches between counters and OIDs are given in the table below.


The command requests the name list of Cross-Connect counters for the downstream direction and their values for the first service of ONT ELTX24A80012.

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ETH ports state

To obtain information about ports, use ltp8xONTUNIPortsStateTable.


The command requests the status of the 1st ETH port for the ONT ELTX24A80012.

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ETH port counters

Matches between counters and OIDs are given in the table below.


The command requests the name list of ETH extended counters for the downstream direction and their values for the first ETH port of ONT ELTX24A80012.

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Downstream BER counters

To obtain information about counters, use ltp8xONTDownstreamBerTable.


Блок кода
snmpwalk -v2c -c public ltp8xONTDownstreamBerErrors

Service utilization counters

To disable use the ltp8xONTServicesUtilizationSettingsRowStatus table


The command enables the utilization-enable parameter for service 0, ONT 454C54585C090878

Request metrics for service-utilization counters

To get the values OIDs used:


Commands request the counters for each parameter for service 1.

Service-utilization counters disabling

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> <parameter_oid>.1.8.<dec_serial>.<serviceID> i 6


The command disables the utilization-enable parameter for service 0, ONT 454C54585C090878.

Counter reset on ONT

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTResetCountersAction.1.8.<dec_serial> u 1


The command resets ONT ELTX24A80012 counters.

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GPON port counter reset

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xPONChannelResetCounters.1.<gpon_port> u 1


The command resets the counters of GPON port 6.

OLT configuration

Connection to LTP is possible either with a console cable or with an Ethernet cable to the GE port.

Applying and confirming configuration

A configuration commit occurs automatically when configuration changes are made.

Save configuration into non-volatile memory

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> -t 20 <ipaddr> ltp8xSaveConfig.0 u 1


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private -t 20 ltp8xSaveConfig.0 u 1

Reread configuration from non-volatile memory

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> -t 20 <ipaddr> ltp8xRereadConfig.0 u 1


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private -t 20 ltp8xRereadConfig.0 u 1

VLAN Configuration

VLAN configuration is done using the ltp8xSwitchVLANTable.

Adding a VLAN

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xSwitchVLANRowStatus.1.<vlan_id> i 4


The command creates VLAN 156. 

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Редактирование VLAN
Редактирование VLAN

Editing a VLAN 

VLAN port membership is specified by two bitmasks each of them has value 1 in the N-th bit (big-endian). It means including a port with Index N into this variety. Port index distribution can be checked in ltp8xSwitchPortsTable. Convert bit masks into hex format to substitute them in snmpset commands.


The command sets the name 'edited_by_snmp' for VLAN 156, adds pon-port 1 tagged, pon-port 2 untagged, enables IGMP and MLD snooping, sets IGMPQueryInterval=300 and MLDQueryInterval=400, removes IGMP and MLD snooping mrouter 10G-front-port 0-1 interfaces, enables isolation and assigns vlan to isolation group 2. 

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Deleting a VLAN 

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xSwitchVLANRowStatus.1.<vlan_id> i 6


The command deletes VLAN 156 from the configuration.

Requesting the list of VLANs and configuring a specific VLAN

To request the list of VLANs, use the following request.


The command displays the configuration of a specific VLAN.

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Terminal VLAN Configuration

Adding Terminal VLAN 

Use ltp8xOLTTerminalVLANsNamesTable to add Terminal VLAN.


The command creates Terminal VLAN with index 1 and name 'created_by_snmp'.

Editing Terminal VLAN

Use ltp8xOLTTerminalVLANsTable to edit Terminal VLAN parameters.


The command sets the Terminal VLAN with index 1 to vlan_id = 80, cos = unused.

Deleting Terminal VLAN 

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xOLTTerminalVLANsNamesRowStatus.<t_vlan_id> i 6


The command deletes Terminal VLAN with index 1 from configuration.

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Requesting the list of Terminal VLANs and configuring a specific Terminal VLAN

To get the list of Terminal VLANs, use the following request.


The command displays the configuration of a specific Terminal VLAN.

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IGMP/MLD Configuration

Global settings for enabling IGMP/MLD Snooping

To configure IGMP/MLD, use ltp8xSwitchIGMPSnoopingTable. OIDs for configuring global parameters are listed in the table below.


The command enables IGMP Snooping.

IGMP Snooping and VLAN Querier configuration

This setting is carried out similarly to the Editing a VLAN section.

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OLT, ONT profiles configuration


Operation with address-table profiles is performed using ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfilesTable and ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfileSVLANTable. Profiles and each S-VLAN for the profile are configured separately.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfilesRowStatus.<profile_index> i 4
snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfileSVLANRowStatus.<profile_index>.<vlan_id> i 4


The command adds an address-table profile with index 2. Sets this profile to s-vlan 1234.


To configure profile and s-vlan parameters use ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfilesTable and ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfileSVLANTable.


The command sets the address-table profile with index 2 to 'edited_by_snmp'.

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Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfilesRowStatus.<profile_index> i 6
snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xOLTAddressTableProfileSVLANRowStatus.<profile_index>.<vlan_id> i 6


The commands remove the address-table profile with index 2, and the S-VLAN 1234 binding to the address-table profile with index 2.


For operation with cross-connect profile, use ltp8xONTCrossConnectProfileTable.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTCrossConnectRowStatus.<profile_index> i 4


The command adds Cross-connect profile with index 2.


A feature of Cross-connect profiles is that if you specify a link to terminal-vlan as vlan_id, the value is passed from -100 (terminal-vlan-0) to -131 (terminal-vlan-31).


For Cross-connect with index 2, the command sets name 'edited_by_snmp', bridge group = 5 and UVID linking on terminal-vlan-1.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTCrossConnectRowStatus.<profile_index> i 6


The command deletes Cross-connect profile with index 2.

Profile list request

Command format:

snmpwalk -v2c -c <ro_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xONTCrossConnectName


Блок кода
snmpwalk -v2c -c public ltp8xONTCrossConnectName


For operation with DBA profiles, use ltp8xONTAllocProfileTable.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTAllocRowStatus.<profile_index> i 4


The command adds DBA profile with index 3.

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Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>


The command sets the name 'edited_by_snmp', service class = cbr and fixed bandwidth 3 for DBA profile with index 3.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTAllocRowStatus.<profile_index> i 6


The command deletes DBA profile with index 3.

Profile list request

Command format:

snmpwalk -v2c -c <ro_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xONTAllocName


Блок кода
snmpwalk -v2c -c public ltp8xONTAllocName

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For operation with Ports profile, use the following tables:

  • ltp8xONTPortsProfileTable — general profile parameters;
  • ltp8xONTPortsProfileUNITable — UNI ports;
  • ltp8xONTPortsProfileMCDynamicEntriesTable — IGMP multicast dynamic entries;
  • ltp8xONTPortsProfileMLDDynamicEntriesTable — MLD multicast dynamic entries.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTPortsRowStatus.<profile_index> i 4


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private ltp8xONTPortsRowStatus.4 i 4
Команда добавляет профиль Ports с индексом 4.


General parameters:

Command format:


The command sets the following values for the multicast dynamic entry parameter (with index 12) of the Ports profile (with index 4): vlan_id = 30, first group ip = FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:FC, last group ip = FF01:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FD and preview length = 1024.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTPortsRowStatus.<profile_index> i 6


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private ltp8xONTPortsRowStatus.4 i 6
The command deletes Ports profile with index 4.

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Profile list request

Command format:

snmpwalk -v2c -c <ro_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xONTPortsName


Блок кода
snmpwalk -v2c -c public ltp8xONTPortsName

PON channels

Enabling/disabling PON channels

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xPONChannelEnabled.1.<gpon_port> i <value>


The command disables gpon-port 0.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xPONChannelReconfigure.1.<gpon_port> u 1


The command reconfigures gpon-port 0.

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Unknown multicast forwarding enabling

This command allows you to pass unknown multicast traffic on the gpon port.


The command enables unknown multicast forwarding on GPON port 1.

Viewing counters

Viewing the counter of pon channel is performed by request of the corresponding switch PON port.

Correspondence of pon-channels to port indexes in switch are listed in the ltp8xSwitchPortsName table.

Ethernet counters

Request is performed by using ltp8xSwitchPortCountersTable.


The command requests the number of received octets and packets for the 3rd pon channel.

Interface utilization

Request is performed by using ltp8xSwitchPortsUtilization.


The command requests utilization parameters for the 7th pon channel.

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Switch interfaces configuration

This section describes PVID assigning and bridging configuration. 

PVID assigning

PVID configuration is done using the ltp8xSwitchPortConfigPVID table.


The command will set the value pvid=156 for front-port 1.

Bridging configuration

Bridging ports configuration performed using the ltp8xSwitchPortConfigBridging table. Configuration is performed using two bitmasks, each of them has value 1 in the N-th bit (big-endian). It means including a port with ifIndex = N into this variety. Port index distribution can be checked in ltp8xSwitchPortsTable. Convert bit masks into hex format to substitute them in snmpset commands.


The command will set bridging on pon-port 0-7 for front-port 5 interface.

Port Channel configuration

Port-Channel configuration is performed using ltp8xSwitchPortGroupTable and ltp8xSwitchPortConfigGroup.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xSwitchPortConfigGroup.1.<port_channel_index> i 4


The command adds Channel Group with index 3.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xSwitchPortConfigGroup.1.<interface_id> u <port_channel_index>


The command includes Front-Port 7 in Channel Group with index 3.


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xSwitchPortConfigGroup.1.<port_channel_index> i 6


The command deletes Channel Group with index 3.

Multicast loopback configuration

Multicast loopback configuration is performed using ltp8xSwitchVLANTable and ltp8xSwitchPortConfigTable. Port index distribution can be checked in ltp8xSwitchPortsTable.


The commands activate multicast loopback for VLAN id 205 and pon-port 2.

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IP Source Guard configuration

IP Source Guard configuration is performed using ltp8xIPSourceGuard table.

Operating mode enabling and configuration

Enabling and configuring the IP Source Guard operating mode is done using the ltp8xIPSourceGuardConfigTable.


The command activates IP Source Guard, sets the mode to static, activates IP Source Guard Database and sets the retention period to 1020 seconds.

IP Source Guard Bind configuration

IP Source Guard Bind configuration is performed using ltp8xIPSourceGuardBindTable.


The command creates a static binding of the source IP address to the MAC address 33:33:33:22:22:22 and service 2 on the ONT.

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IP Source Guard Ignored Vlan configuration

IP Source Guard Ignored Vlan configuration is performed using ltp8xIPSourceGuardIgnoredVlanTable.


The command will disable IPSG in the specified VLAN 222.

Operations for uploading/downloading OLT firmware (TFTP/HTTP)

OLT firmware download

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> cmdFileOperationBinaryCfg.0 s
"<server_ip> <file_path> <download_protocol>"


The command downloads the firmware file station_images/ltp-8x-revc- from the http server, a device reboot is required to apply the firmware.

Current LTP firmware request

Command format:

snmpget -v2c -c <ro_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xFirmwareRevision.0


Блок кода
snmpget -v2c -c public ltp8xFirmwareRevision.0


Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xRebootTimeout.0 u <value>


The command immediately reboots the device.

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ONT firmware

Firmware downloading

To download the ONT firmware, use the ltp8xONTFirmwaresDownload group of parameters.


The command downloads the firmware file ntp-rg-revb- from port 8080 of HTTP server

Requesting a list of downloaded firmware files

Command format:

snmpwalk -v2c -c <ro_community> <ipaddr> ltp8xONTFirmwaresFilesName


Блок кода
snmpwalk -v2c -c public ltp8xONTFirmwaresFilesName

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Deleting uploaded firmware 

Command format:

snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr>
ltp8xONTFirmwaresFilesDelete.<file_id> u 1


The command deletes firmware file with index 2.

Configuration uploading/downloading

Backup configuration uploading

Command format:


snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> cmdFileOperationPrivateCfg.0 s
"<tftp_server_ip> <tftp_path> upload"


The command uploads the configuration via TFTP to the server in a file named new_config.cfg.

Backup configuration downloading

Command format:


snmpset -v2c -c <rw_community> <ipaddr> cmdFileOperationPrivateCfg.0 s
"<tftp_ip> <tftp_path> download"


Блок кода
snmpset -v2c -c private cmdFileOperationPrivateCfg.0 s
" config/new_config.cfg apply"

OLT monitoring

Active alarms

Getting the number of active alarms


The command sends request to display all the device active alarms by snmp-trap messages.

LTP general information

General information about LTP is collected in the ltp8xSystem and ltp8xBoardStatus groups.


The command displays the LTP MAC address and current Fan1 fan speed, and the amount of free memory in bytes.

Power supply

General information about LTP power modules is collected in the ltp8xPowerSupplyTable.


The command displays the presence of the power module with id=1, its name and type of input voltage.

Port and PON channel state

The ifTable is used to display port status.


The command displays the number of ONTs and SFP data for channel 3.

MAC Table

To display switch MAC addresses, use the ltp8xSwitchMacListTable.


The command requests the interface and the type of the entry, with a MAC address 98:de:d0:00:cd:fc in 236 VLAN.


See section IGMP group table.

PPPoE sessions

PPPoE sessions information is available in the ltp8xOLTPPPoESessionsTable.


The command displays PPPoE session information for ONT 6/0 with MAC a8:f9:4b:5a:bd:7c.

Licensing information

Information about the installed license is available in the ltp8xLicense table.


The command displays information about the installed license. 

The list of changes

Document version

Issue date

Firmware version


Version 9.402.11.20223.46.0Synchronization with firmware version 3.46.0
Version 9.313.12.20213.44.0Synchronization with firmware version 3.44.0
Version with firmware version 3.42.2
Version with firmware version 3.42.1

Added sections:

PoE management on ONT ports

Changed sections:

ETH ports state

Version with firmware version 3.40.2

Version 7.0



Synchronization with firmware version 3.40.0

Version 6.0



Synchronization with firmware version 3.38.2

Version 5.0



Synchronization with firmware version 3.38.1

Version 4.0



Synchronization with firmware version 3.38.0

Sections added:

  • Service-utilization counters enabling;
  • Request metrics for service-utilization counters;
  • Service-utilization counters disabling;
  • Unknown multicast forwarding enabling.

Version 3.0



Synchronization with firmware version 3.36.2

Version 2.0



Commands added:

  • Channel Group configuration;
  • address-table profiles configuration;
  • multicast loopback configuration;
  • display downstream-ber counters for interface.

Version 1.0



First issue
