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Logging-service is a service that provides logging of information on portal users accounts (is so far used for the service eltex-mercury).

Interservice exchange is based on gRPC API.
Logging-service interacts with the database wifi-customer-cab and writes received data to the eventlog collection (the table "Event log - Wi-Fi users event log" in the Admin Panel GUI).
Service configuration files:

  • /etc/eltex-logging-service/application.conf

    Блок кода
    # A port on which the service operates
    server {
      port = 9099
    # Adding an entry to the eventlog collection
    eventlog {
      enabled = true
    # Enable sending data to SORM
    # The functionality is under development
    sorm {
      enabled = false
      dir = /var/log/eltex-logging-service/sorm3/
    # Configuring access to an Admin Panel database
    database {
      uri = "mongodb://localhost:27017/wifi-customer-cab"
      poolSize = 5
      timeout = 5s

  • /etc/default/eltex-logging-service

    Блок кода
    # Initial size of Java heap
    # Maximum size of Java heap
    # Additional arguments to pass to java
    JAVA_OPTS="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/log/eltex-logging-service"

 Service installation: apt-get install eltex-logging-service