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eltex-wids-service — an external service on the server side that distributes white/black lists of "rogue" APs between WIPS/WIDS.


The license restricts the WIPS/WIDS service configuration and monitoring in the Management system.


Relevant checkboxes will be available in the "Access" tab of an APs' menu.

Enabling the service on APs

The AP to which the license can be applied is explicitly defined in GUI EMS. In the "Access" tab, the following two settings can be found:


  • events related to WIDS/WIPS service will be displayed in "Events log" and "Active alerts" sections of the "Monitoring" tab

Service configuration on access points and low-level logic

All access points in a spectrum can be divided into three groups:


Criteria for unsafe configuration can be found here

eltex-wids-service configuration

Redefinition of "trusted" and "rogue" APs is usually done by specifying the lists explicitly in "Wireless - WIDS Manager" section of GUI EMS and defining them in "WIDS MAC list" field in "WIDS/WIPS" tab of "APConfiguration" menu.

Service configuration file — /etc/eltex-wids-service/config.json:
