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This section provides examples of installing and configuring ECSS-10 for a system with a single server and for a cluster of two servers.

Initial system installation without redundancy with one server 

Initial data

Initial data

Integration of the ECSS-10 Class 5 software switch (SSW) on 1 physical server with support for SIP with the following parameters per load:

  • Maximum number of subscribers — 15.000 (MUL — Max user limit);
  • Maximum number of simultaneous connections — 2000 (MCL — Max call limit);
  • System redundancy is not required;
  • The number of Ethernet network interfaces — 4.

According to the technical specification, it is required to determine the hardware platform.

Table 1. Recommended hardware solutions

Requirements for SSW servers

Hardware product series





Super Heavy

System specifications

Maximum number of subscribers






Maximum load of simultaneous connections class 5






Maximum load of simultaneous connections class 4






Server specifications


HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)


DL20 Gen10 (SR250)

DL20 Gen10 (SR250)/DL 360 Gen10 (SR530)

DL360 Gen10 (SR530/SR630)

DL360 Gen10 (SR630)

DL 360 Gen10 (SR630)


Intel Xeon E-2236

Intel Xeon E-2276G/Intel Xeon 4214

Intel Xeon 5220

Intel Xeon 6240

Intel Xeon 8268

Number of processors







8 GB

12 GB

16 GB

24 GB



from 3X500 SATA
(from 7200 rpm)

from 3X500 SATA
(from 7200 rpm)

from 3x300 GB SAS (from 10000 rpm)

from 3x600 GB SAS
(from 10000 rpm) 2x150GB SSD

from 6x800 GB SSD, 2x300 GB M.2 SSD


No raid board

no raid board

HW Raid, from 1GB cache+battery

HW Raid, from 1GB cache+battery

HW Raid, from 2GB Flash cache, RAID-5

Additional server components (not included in the basic set)

Remote management license






Redundant power supply






Conversation records storage

additional HDD combined to RAID-5

additional HDD combined to RAID-5

HW Raid license with RAID-5 support, additional HDD for storing records

HW Raid license with RAID-5 support, additional HDD for storing records

HW Raid license with RAID-5 support, additional HDD for storing records

Table 2. Example of drafting hardware requirements


Required resource

Hardware product series



Server 1




Server 2

After determining the requirements of the project, create a preliminary network map.

Table 3. An example of components allocation in the address space for a single node

Server name (host)





Static addresses of the software switch

ecss1Server management interface (port 2000 ssh)net.1010.0.10.11/242000
ecss2Server management interface (port 2000 ssh)net.1010.0.10.12/242000


Core addres (ecss-core)




Core addres (ecss-core)



ecss1, ecss2Gateway addressnet.1010.0.10.1-
ecss1, ecss2DNS server addressesnet.1010.0.10.1,
ecss1, ecss2NTP server addressesnet.1010.136.16.211,

Internal addresses of the software switch

ecss1virtual address of eccs1 host software adapternet.20:SIP110.0.20.31/24-
ecss2virtual address of eccs2 host software adapternet.20:SIP210.0.20.32/24-
ecss1backup virtual address of eccs2 host software adapter on eccs1 hostnet.20:SIP210.0.20.32/24-
ecss2backup virtual address of eccs1 host software adapter on eccs2 hostnet.20:SIP110.0.20.31/24-
ecss1, ecss2MySQL database virtual address (ecss-mysql)net.10:MYSQL10.0.10.10/243306

Connecting to network

The topology of connecting the server to the network to ensure redundancy is recommended to be done using 2 switches.

Figure 1 — Network connection diagram

Option 1. Active-backup

The switches are connected in erps ring.

All 4 physical network interfaces are connected into 1 aggregated link (bond). Server port aggregation is configured in active-backup mode, i.e. there is always only 1 network interface in operation. Server network interfaces are included in pairs in switches, on which port aggregation (port-channel) is also configured in active-backup mode. For example, eth0 and eth1 are included in the first switch, and eth2 and eth3 are included in the second.

Option 2. LACP

The switches are connected in stack. The stack must logically operate as a single switch, capable of providing port aggregation between different physical switches in LACP mode. MES-3124 with specialized firmware can be an example. 

All 4 physical network interfaces are connected into 1 aggregated link (bond). Server port aggregation is configured in 802.3ad mode. Network cards aggregated groups with same rate and duplex are created. With such a combination, the transmission uses all channels in active aggregation according to the IEEE802.3ad standard. The choice on which interface to send a packet is determined by policy. By default, it is XOR policy, also xmit_hash policy can be used. For more information, see Netplan section. 


  • Ethtool  support in driver to obtain information about speed and duplex on each network interface;
  • IEEE802.3ad standard support on switch. 

Server network interfaces are also included in pairs in switches, on which port aggregation (port-channel) is configured in LACP mode. For example, eth0 and eth1 are included to first switch (port-channel 1), and eth2 and eth3 — to the second (port-channel 2).

Configuring network

Install the software switch according to the parameters specified in the technical specification. In this example, it is assumed that the required operating system is already installed. 

It is recommended to split traffic used for different purposes. For example, management traffic and VoIP traffic. To do this, 2 or more VLANs are created. In the minimum case and with a small load, one VLAN can be enough. Hovewer, it will cause inconvenience in the future at traffic dump and its analysis. According to the technical specification, host IP adresses, gateways, DNS, routing and other parameters are configured on VLAN. 
According to the technical specification, the following addresses are used in a given example: — for management, vlan 10; — for VoIP.

There is an address structure inside the server platform and internal addresses are used for interaction between subsystems (nodes) in the cluster. For example, the internal address for a cluster on one server is, while the kernel (ecss-core) interacts with the multimedia data processing server (ecss-media-server). Their interaction takes place using the same address, but each software part has its own transport port: ecss-core — 5000, ecss-msr — 5040.

A single address for accessing the MySQL database is defined for all cluster nodes, for example, the ecss-mysql address Thus, the uniformity condition is fulfilled, in which all cluster nodes have completely identical data about the current state of the dynamic components of the software switch (for example, call history).

Preparing system network interfaces

According to the technical specification, the system has 4 network interfaces. Information about their status can be viewed using the ifconfig or ip a command:

ether 36:10:28:73:63:01 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

ether 36:10:28:73:63:01 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

ether be:77:ea:52:4d:39 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

ether be:77:ea:52:4d:39 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask

First, the network interfaces are configured. Ubuntu18 uses the netplan utility to configure.

This utility is meant for configuring the network and then uploading it to the system using the network manager networkd or NetworkManager.

sudo nano /etc/netplan/ecss_netplan.yaml

The rest of files from this directory should be moved to another place or be romoved.

In the configurations for each host, first of all, declare the ethernets section, which describes existing in the system Ethernet interfaces that will be used in the future. It is important to disable the use of dynamic address allocation (DHCP) for each interface.

The next section describes aggregated channels — bonds. Depending on chosen network connection option, 1:1 (active - backup) or LACP (802.3ad) backup mode is configured.

Optionally, gateways for communication with the outside world and DNS server addresses are defined, as well as IP addresses for each interface.


Note that while editing netplan, you must follow the YAML markup rules:

  • Mandatory presence of two spaces before each line (except network).
  • Each subsection is additionally shifted by 2 spaces:

→ Section                                                               |network

→ Subsection                                                         |_'_'bonds:

→ Subsection of the bonds section description    |_'_'_'_'bonded_one:

→ etc.                                                                     |_'_'_'_'...

  • There is no space before the ":" sign, after — one space.
  • Before the "-" sign, the number of spaces is as if a new subsection begins, after — one space.

Example of configuring ecss-netplan.yaml file for active-backup connection option:

# Netplan for the ecss1 host of the test software switch
# Pay attention to the mandatory presence of at least two spaces in each line and section (except for the network section line)

version: 2 # netplan version
renderer: networkd # netplan configuration executor
ethernets: # Ethernet interfaces description section
eth0: # Interface name
dhcp4: no # Disabling dynamic distribution of IP address on the interfaces
dhcp4: no
dhcp4: no
dhcp4: no

bonds: # Section describing bonding interfaces. The name cannot contain more than 15 characters!
bond1: # Bonding interface name
interfaces: # Section of determining bonding interfaces
                - eth0
		- eth1
		- eth2
		- eth3
parameters: # Section of defining bonding interface parameters
mode: active-backup # Backup mode 1:1
mii-monitor-interval: 100 # Section of interface monitoring (ms)
primary: eth0 # Section of determining main interface
optional: false

   network.10: # Management interface
id: 10
link: bond1
addresses: []
gateway4: # Gateway address
addresses: [,] # DNS servers addresses
network.20: # interface for VoIP
id: 20
link: bond1
addresses: []

Apply parameters with the command:

sudo netplan apply

Operating system software update

Add the ELTEX repository to install the ECSS-10 system:

sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.eltex.org/ssw/bionic/3.14 stable main extras external' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eltex-ecss10-stable.list"

Note that it is required to specify the correct version of the operating system when adding the ELTEX repository. If installing on Ubuntu 18.04, specify bionic, as shown in the example above. However, if ECSS-10 is installed on Astra Linux, then specify the appropriate smolensk repositories:

sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.eltex.org/ssw/smolensk/3.14 stable main extras external' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eltex-ecss10-stable.list"
sudo sh -c "echo 'http://archive.eltex.org astra smolensk smolensk-extras' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eltex-ecss10-stable.list"

Next, import the key with the following command:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 33CB2B750F8BB6A5

Before starting the installation, update the OS:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Software installation and configuration


Do NOT install the packages as ssw user. 

Install all the proposed packages:

sudo apt install aptitude atop ethtool htop iotop mc minicom mtr-tiny nmap pptpd pv screen ssh tftpd vim sngrep tshark cpanminus gnuplot libgraph-easy-perl debconf-utils

Installing ecss-mysql package

The installation begins with the deployment of the MySQL server and the integration of the ecss-mysql database.

To install, run the command:

sudo apt install ecss-mysql

Configuring ecss-dns-env package

Before installing the ecss-mysql package, you will be prompted to configure environment variables for services in dnsmasq. Configuration manager will prompt to select the sections to configure, do not select anything.

Configuring ecss-mysql package

When installing the package, the following data will be requested:

Address mask for MySQL (IP pattern for MySQL permission)127.0.0.%
User login (Login for MySQL root)root
MySQL user password (Password for MySQL root)PASSWORD

Changing the default path — agree to change the configuration file to enter the path to the ecss-mysql databases by entering "Y".

MySQL databases used by the ECSS-10 system will be stored under the path /var/lib/ecss-mysql after installation. Check for files in the folder:

ls -l /var/lib/ecss-mysql/
total 36
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_address_book
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:37 ecss_audit
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_calls_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_dialer_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_meeting_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_statistics
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_subscribers
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 history_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 14:32 web_conf

Check that the server is running:

sudo systemctl status mysql
● mysql.service - MySQL Community Server
Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service.d
Active: active (running) since Thu 2019-09-26 13:36:47 +07; 23h ago
Main PID: 11642 (mysqld)
CGroup: /system.slice/mysql.service
└─11642 /usr/sbin/mysqld --daemonize --pid-file=/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid

Installing the ecss-node package

Installing the ecss-node package:

sudo apt install ecss-node

During the package installation ssw user is created, on whose behalf all ecss services are launched*. The necessary directories are being created, DNS is being configured, SSL certificates are being configured. During the installation, 8 questions necessary for the formation of configuration files will be asked.

Do you want to turn off apt-daily update?Yes
Set DB config to default?Yes
Set alarm true when MYSQL DB overloadsYes
NTP: Do you want use settings for cluster?No 
External NTP servers through a space

ntp.ubuntu.com (by default).

Enter one or more space-separated servers used on the site

NTP: Do you want use local server? No
NTP: Addresses and Masks of Network, which must have access to the ntp through a space| (by default)

Enter a list of subnets from which this NTP server will be accessible, for example|

Install utilities for working with cdrNo

To generate certificates, select manual method. All questions can be answered as suggested by default.

Installing ecss-media-server, ecss-media-resources, ecss-restf, ecss-web-conf packages

Next, ecss-media-server, ecss-media-resources, ecss-restf, ecss-web-conf and other packages are installed in any order:

ecss-media-server, ecss-media-resources

sudo apt install ecss-media-server ecss-media-resources

For the media server (ecss-media-server / MSR), initial configuration is possible with parameters recorded to the configuration file, it is required to perform the configuration without selecting any items:

ecss-media-server questionsAnswers for ecss1
Set default settingsyes
Enter name (Enter)msr.ecss1
Enter address (Entrer)
Enter port (Entrer)5000

After forming the default configurations, go to the directory where the configurations are located and check them:

cd /etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/
cat config.xml
cat conf.d/default.xml

There is a configuration for msr: config.xml, the conf.d directory contains the configuration default.xml. At its core, default.xml is an addition to config.xml, which defines the accounts section. This is done in order for this configuration to remain unchanged after package updates. 

Example of config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<config date="10:48:15 21.02.2022">
  <general log-level="3" log-rotate="yes" max-calls="8192" max-in-group="512" load-sensor="media" load-delta="10" calls-delta="100" spool-dir-size="100M" log-name="msr.log" log-path="/var/log/ecss/media-server" use-srtp="disabled" suspicious-mode="no"/>
  <transport bind-addr="" port="5040" transport="udp+tcp"/>
  <!-- By default configured public TURN-server -->
  <turn-server use-turn="no" host="numb.viagenie.ca" user="webrtc@live.com" password="muazkh"/>
  <media mixer-clock-rate="8000" use-vad="no" cng-level="0" jb-size="60" rtcp-timeout="0" rtp-timeout="350" udp-src-check="no" cn-multiplier="3" port-start="12000" port-range="2048" tias-in-sdp="no" thread-cnt="2" silence-threshold="-30" dtmf-flash-disable="no" video-dscp="0" other-dscp="0" dummy-video-src="/usr/share/ecss-media-server/video/dummy_video.yuv" video-enc-width="1280" video-enc-height="720" finalsilence="1000" rtcp-stat-dump="yes"/>
  <codec pcma="1" pcmu="2" ilbc="0" gsm="0" g722="3" g729="0" speex="0" l16="0" g7221="0" opus="0" h264="1" h263-1998="2" t38="1" tel-event-pt="0"/>
    <!-- <dynamic msr_name="msr.name"
            auth_password="password" /> -->
    <mcc bind-addr="" port="5700"/>
  <conf_dir path="/etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/conf.d"/>
    <auto addr-v4=""/>

Example of accounts section (default.xml file):

Настройка msr для ecss1(/etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/conf.d/default.xml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <dynamic msr_name="msr.ecss1" realm="sip:" dtmf_mode="rfc+inband+info" auth_name="user" auth_password="password"/>

It contains current settings according to which the msr is registered on core.

The main parameters are: msr_name and realm.

msr_name is a parameter that defines the name of the msr. (it is recommended to set the name of the msr. and the host to which it belongs, for example, msr.ecss1);

realm — defines the address for registration on the core. Default entry point: port 5000, address:


sudo apt install ecss-restfs

When installing, you will be prompted to set up the configuration:


Use TTS service


Configure phone book


Configure speech recognition service


Choose nothing



sudo apt install ecss-web-conf

When installing, you will be prompted to set up the configuration:

Input IP address or hostname of MySQL db for web-conf DB127.0.0.1

Input port of MySQL db for web-conf DB


Input IP address or hostname for ECSS-10 with http_terminal

Input port SSW http_terminal

Input login for SSW http_terminaladmin

Input  password for SSW http_terminal


Configuring security. SSH

Configuring SSH server:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

In the configuration file specify the port and address where you can access the server:

 Configuring ssh for ecss1(/etc/ssh/sshd_config)

# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See
# sshd_config(5) for more information.

# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with
# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where
# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options override the
# default value.

Port 2000
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::


Restart ssh:

sudo systemctl restart ssh.service

Initial configuration

Start the necessary services.


Run the ecss-mycelium and ecss-ds packages on the first host:

sudo systemctl start ecss-mycelium
sudo systemctl start ecss-ds

Go to the CLI:

ssh admin@localhost -p 8023
password: password

Check system status:

admin@mycelium1@ecss1$ system-status 
│ │     Node      │        Release         │ Erlang nodes  │Mnesia nodes│Uptime│
│ │ds1@ecss1      │ecss-ds-      │ds1@ecss1      │ds1@ecss1   │8m 9s │
│ │mycelium1@ecss1│ecss-mycelium-│mycelium1@ecss1│not running │8m 10s│

All services are started.

Next, install passport and licenses to the system:

admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ cluster/storage/ds1/licence/set-passport <passport>
admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ cluster/storage/ds1/licence/add <license>

Exit the CoCon, reboot the ecss-mycelium and ecss-ds subsystems, and then connect the remaining subsystems in the following order: ecss-core, ecss-pa-sip, ecss-media-server, ecss-restfs, ecss-mediator, ecss-web-conf.

sudo systemctl start ecss-core ecss-pa-sip ecss-mediator ecss-media-server ecss-restfs ecss-web-conf

Return to the CoCon.

After that, the MSR- and Core-subsystems are connected. To do this, use the following command:

admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ /system/media/resource/declare core1@ecss1 iface msr.ecss1 bond1_ecss1_pa default local true

To check, run system-status command and see the output:

admin@mycelium1@ecss1$ system-status                        
│ │     Node      │        Release         │ Erlang nodes  │Mnesia nodes│Uptime│
│ │core1@ecss1    │ecss-core-    │core1@ecss1    │not running │1m 59s│
│ │ds1@ecss1      │ecss-ds-      │ds1@ecss1      │ds1@ecss1   │4h    │
│ │md1@ecss1      │ecss-mediator-│md1@ecss1      │md1@ecss1   │1m 59s│
│ │mycelium1@ecss1│ecss-mycelium-│mycelium1@ecss1│not running │4h    │
│ │sip1@ecss1     │ecss-pa-sip-  │sip1@ecss1     │sip1@ecss1  │1m 59s│

All services are started.

  Active media resource selected list specific:
│    Node     │     MSR   │    MSR     │ Cc-status │ Cc-uptime │
│             │           │  version   │           │           │
│ core1@ecss1 │ msr.ecss1 │ │ connected │ 00:01:31  │

Configure the SIP adapter according to the technical specification. Define a group of IP addresses (IP-set):

admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ /cluster/adapter/sip1/sip/network/set ip_set test_set node-ip node = sip1@ecss1 ip = 

Property "ip_set" successfully changed from:

test_set: no ports set
test_set: sip1@ecss1
test_set: dscp 0.

Next, create a domain and assign to it the created group (IP-set) of the SIP adapter settings:

admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ domain/declare test_domain --add-domain-admin-privileges --add-domain-user-privileges 
New domain test_domain is declared

domain/test_domain/sip/network/set ip_set [test_set] Property "ip_set" successfully changed from:

[] to ["test_set"].

After creating the domain, configure:

  • routing;
  • users;
  • subscribers;
  • trunks and bridges.

Initial installation of a redundant system in a cluster of two servers

Initial data

Initial data

Technical specification:

Integration of the ECSS-10 Class 5 software switch (SSW) on 2 physical servers with SIP support is required with the following parameters of the server group load:

  • Maximum number of subscribers —15,000 (MUL — Max user limit);
  • Maximum number of simultaneous connections — 2000 (MCL — Max call limit);
  • Full backup of the ECSS system is required (all nodes are reserved on the second server);
  • Number of Ethernet network interfaces — 4.

According to the technical specification, it is required to determine the hardware platform

Table 1. Recommended hardware solutions

Requirements for SSW servers

Hardware Product Series





Super Heavy

System specifications

Maximum number of subscribers






Maximum load of simultaneous connections class 5






Maximum load of simultaneous connections class 4






Server specifications


HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)

HP (Lenovo)


DL20 Gen10 (SR250)

DL20 Gen10 (SR250)/DL 360 Gen10 (SR530)

DL360 Gen10 (SR530/SR630)

DL360 Gen10 (SR630)

DL 360 Gen10 (SR630)


Intel Xeon E-2236

Intel Xeon E-2276G/Intel Xeon 4214

Intel Xeon 5220

Intel Xeon 6240

Intel Xeon 8268

Number of processors







8 GB

12 GB

16 GB

24 GB



From 3X500 SATA
(from 7200 rpm)

From 3X500 SATA
(from 7200 rpm)

From 3x300 GB SAS (from 10000 rpm)

From 3x600 GB SAS
(from 10000 rpm) 2x150GB SSD

From 6x800 GB SSD, 2x300 GB M.2 SSD


No raid board

No raid board

HW Raid, from 1GB cache+battery

HW Raid, from 1GB cache+battery

HW Raid, from 2GB Flash cache, RAID-5 support

Additional server components (not included in the basic set)

Remote management license






Redundant power supply






Organization of the storage of conversation records

Additional HDD combined in RAID-5

Additional HDD combined in RAID-5

HW Raid license with RAID-5 support, additional HDD for storing records

HW Raid license with RAID-5 support, additional HDD for storing records

HW Raid license with RAID-5 support, additional HDD for storing records

Table 2. Example of drawing up hardware requirements


Required resource

Hardware Product Series



Server 1




Server 2    Heavy

After determining the requirements of the project, make a preliminary network map.

Table 3. An example of components separation in the address space for a single node

Server name (host)





External addresses of the software switch


Server management interface (port 2000 ssh)




Server management interface (port 2000 ssh)




Software Adapter interface of ecss1 host (ecss_pa_sip)


ecss2Software Adapter interface of ecss2 host (ecss_pa_sip)


ecss1Virtual address of the ecss1 host software adapterVRRP:SIP1_Mr10.0.3.238/24-
ecss2Virtual address of the ecss2 host software adapterVRRP:SIP2_Mr10.0.3.241/24-
ecss1Alternative virtual address of the ecss2 host software adapter on the ecss1 hostVRRP:SIP2_Bup10.0.3.241/24-
ecss2Alternative virtual address of the ecss1 host software adapter on the ecss2 hostVRRP:SIP1_Bup10.0.3.238/24-

Internal addresses of the software switch

ecss1Internal address of the ecss1 hostvlan2192.168.1.1/24-
ecss2Internal address of the ecss2 hostvlan2192.168.1.2/24-


Core address (ecss-core)

ecss2Core address (ecss-core)vlan2192.168.1.2/245000


Media server address (ecss-media-server (MSR))


Media server address (ecss-media-server (MSR))



MySQL Database Virtual Address

vlan2:mysql (VRRP)

Connecting to network

The topology of connecting the server to the network to ensure redundancy is recommended to be done using 2 switches.

Figure 2 — Network connection diagram

Option 1. Active-backup

The switches are connected in erps ring.

All 4 physical network interfaces are connected into 1 aggregated link (bond). Server port aggregation is configured in active-backup mode, i.e. there is always only 1 network interface in operation. Server network interfaces are included in pairs in switches, on which port aggregation (port-channel) is also configured in active-backup mode. For example, eth0 and eth1 are included in the first switch, and eth2 and eth3 are included in the second.

Option 2. LACP

The switches are connected in stack. The stack must logically operate as a single switch, capable of providing port aggregation between different physical switches in LACP mode. MES-3124 with specialized firmware can be an example. 

All 4 physical network interfaces are connected into 1 aggregated link (bond). Server port aggregation is configured in 802.3ad mode. Network cards aggregated groups with same rate and duplex are created. With such a combination, the transmission uses all channels in active aggregation according to the IEEE802.3ad standard. The choice on which interface to send a packet is determined by policy. By default, it is XOR policy, also xmit_hash policy can be used. For more information, see Netplan section. 


  • Ethtool  support in driver to obtain information about speed and duplex on each network interface;
  • IEEE802.3ad standard support on switch. 

Server network interfaces are also included in pairs in switches, on which port aggregation (port-channel) is configured in LACP mode. For example, eth0 and eth1 are included to first switch (port-channel 1), and eth2 and eth3 — to the second (port-channel 2).

Configuring network

Install the software switch according to the parameters specified in the technical specification. In this example, it is assumed that the required operating system is already installed. 

It is recommended to split traffic used for different purposes. For example, management traffic and VoIP traffic. To do this, 2 or more VLANs are created. In the minimum case and with a small load, one VLAN can be enough. Hovewer, it will cause inconvenience in the future at traffic dump and its analysis. According to the technical specification, host IP adresses, gateways, DNS, routing and other parameters are configured on VLAN. 

According to the technical specification, the following addresses are used in a given example (in brackets are differences for ecss2):

  • — for management, vlan 10;
  • — core, vlan 20;
  • — virtual addresses (vrrp) for VoIP;
  • — virtual address (vrrp) for MySQL server;
  • — gateway and dns for access to external network;
  • gateway to subnet;
  •, — NTP server addresses, which are accessed via gateway.

There is an address structure inside the server platform and internal addresses are used for interaction between subsystems (nodes) in the cluster. For example, the internal address for a cluster on one server is, while the kernel (ecss-core) interacts with the multimedia data processing server (ecss-media-server). Their interaction takes place using the same address, but each software part has its own transport port: ecss-core — 5000, ecss-msr — 5040.

A single address for accessing the MySQL database is defined for all cluster nodes, for example, the ecss-mysql address Thus, the uniformity condition is fulfilled, in which all cluster nodes have completely identical data about the current state of the dynamic components of the software switch (for example, call history).

First, the network interfaces are configured. In Ubuntu18, the netplan utility is used for configuration:

sudo nano /etc/netplan/ecss_netplan.yaml

In the configurations for each host, the ethernets section is declared first, which describes the existing ethernet interfaces in the system that will be used in the future. It is important for each interface to disable the use of dynamic address allocation (DHCP). 

The next section describes aggregated channels — bondsDepending on chosen network connection option, 1:1 (active - backup) or LACP (802.3ad) backup mode is configured.

Then, VLANs are configured, on which gateways for communication with the outside world and DNS server addresses are defined optionally, as well as IP addresses for each interface.


Note that while editing netplan, you must follow the YAML markup rules:

  • Mandatory presence of two spaces before each line (except network).
  • Each subsection is additionally shifted by 2 spaces:

→ Section                                                               |network

→ Subsection                                                         |_'_'bonds:

→ Subsection of the bonds section description    |_'_'_'_'bonded_one:

→ etc.                                                                     |_'_'_'_'...

  • There is no space before the ":" sign, after — one space.
  • Before the "-" sign, the number of spaces is as if a new subsection begins, after — one space.

Example of netplan for active-backup mode

Netplan for ecss1 server interfaces (/etc/netplan/ecss_netplan.yaml)Netplan for ecss2 server interfaces (/etc/netplan/ecss_netplan.yaml)
# Netplan for the ecss1 host of the test software switch
# Pay attention to the mandatory presence of at least two spaces in each line and section (except for the network section line)

  version: 2 # netplan version
  renderer: networkd # netplan configuration executor
  ethernets: # Ethernet interfaces description section
    eth0: # Interface name
      dhcp4: no # Disabling dynamic distribution of IP address on the interfaces
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no

  bonds: # Section describing bonding interfaces. The name cannot contain more than 15 characters!
    bond1: # Bonding interface name
      interfaces: # Section of determining bonding interfaces
		- eth0
		- eth1
		- eth2
		- eth3
      parameters: # Section of defining bonding interface parameters
        mode: active-backup # Backup mode 1:1
        mii-monitor-interval: 100 # Section of interface monitoring (ms)
        primary: eth0 # Section of determining main interface
      optional: false # Determining if an interface is required at startup
    net.10: # Management interface
      id: 10
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
        gateway4: # Gateway address
          addresses: [,] # DNS servers addresses
        routes: # Routing for NTP subnet
          - to:
            via: # Gateway address for this subnet
            on-link: true # Determines that the specified routes are directly associated with the interface
    net.20: # Interface for VoIP
        id: 20
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
          - to:
            on-link: true          
# Netplan for the ecss2 host of the test software switch
# Pay attention to the mandatory presence of at least two spaces in each line and section (except for the network section line)

  version: 2 # netplan version
  renderer: networkd # netplan configuration executor
  ethernets: # Ethernet interfaces description section
    eth0: # Interface name
      dhcp4: no # Disabling dynamic distribution of IP address on the intefaces
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no

  bonds: # Section describing bonding interfaces. The name cannot contain more than 15 characters!
    bond1: # Bonding interface name
      interfaces: # Section of determining bonding interfaces
		- eth0
		- eth1
		- eth2
		- eth3
      parameters: # Section of defining bonding interface parameters
        mode: active-backup # Backup mode 1:1
        mii-monitor-interval: 100 # Section of interface monitoring (ms)
        primary: eth0 # Section of determining main interface
      optional: false # Determining if an interface is required at startup
    net.10: # Management interface
      id: 10
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
        gateway4: # Gateway address
          addresses: [,] # DNS servers addresses
        routes: # Routing for NTP subnet
          - to:
            via: # Gateway address for this subnet
            on-link: true # Determines that the specified routes are directly associated with the interface
    net.20: # Interface for VoIP
        id: 20
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
          - to:
            on-link: true          

Example of netplan for 802.3ad mode

Netplan for ecss1 server interfaces (/etc/netplan/ecss_netplan.yaml)Netplan for ecss2 server interfaces (/etc/netplan/ecss_netplan.yaml)
# Netplan for the ecss1 host of the test software switch
# Pay attention to the mandatory presence of at least two spaces in each line and section (except for the network section line)

  version: 2 # netplan version
  renderer: networkd # netplan configuration executor
  ethernets: # Ethernet interfaces description section
    eth0: # Interface name
      dhcp4: no # Disabling dynamic distribution of IP address on the interfaces
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no

  bonds: # Section describing bonding interfaces. The name cannot contain more than 15 characters!
    bond1: # Bonding interface name
      interfaces: # Section of determining bonding interfaces
		- eth0
		- eth1
		- eth2
		- eth3
      parameters: # Section of defining bonding interface parameters
        mode: 802.3ad # LACP mode 1:1
        mii-monitor-interval: 100 # Section of interface monitoring (ms)
        primary: eth0 # Section of determining main interface
      optional: false # Determining if an interface is required at startup
    net.10: # Management interface
      id: 10
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
        gateway4: # Gateway address
          addresses: [,] # DNS servers addresses
        routes: # Routing for NTP subnet
          - to:
            via: # Gateway address for this subnet
            on-link: true # Determines that the specified routes are directly associated with the interface
    net.20: # Interface for VoIP
        id: 20
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
          - to:
            on-link: true          
# Netplan for the ecss2 host of the test software switch
# Pay attention to the mandatory presence of at least two spaces in each line and section (except for the network section line)

  version: 2 # netplan version
  renderer: networkd # netplan configuration executor
  ethernets: # Ethernet interfaces description section
    eth0: # Interface name
      dhcp4: no # Disabling dynamic distribution of IP address on the interfaces
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no
      dhcp4: no

  bonds: # Section describing bonding interfaces. The name cannot contain more than 15 characters!
    bond1: # Bonding interface name
      interfaces: # Section of determining bonding interfaces
		- eth0
		- eth1
		- eth2
		- eth3
      parameters: # Section of defining bonding interface parameters
        mode: 802.3ad # LACP mode 1:1
        mii-monitor-interval: 100 # Section of interface monitoring (ms)
        primary: eth0 # Section of determining main interface
      optional: false # Determining if an interface is required at startup
    net.10: # Management interface
      id: 10
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
        gateway4: # Gateway address
          addresses: [,] # DNS servers addresses
        routes: # Routing for NTP subnet
          - to:
            via: # Gateway address for this subnet
            on-link: true # Determines that the specified routes are directly associated with the interface
    net.20: # Interface for VoIP
        id: 20
        link: bond1
        addresses: []
          - to:
            on-link: true          

Apply parameters with the command:

sudo netplan apply

Configuring /etc/hosts

After configuring netplan, specify that the internal address 192.168.1.X belongs to the corresponding ecssX server. To do this, configure /etc/hosts. 

Configuring hosts for ecss1 (/etc/hosts)Configuring hosts for ecss2 (/etc/hosts)
sudo nano /etc/hosts  localhost # Local loop address, used by some ecss services ecss1 # Host address ecss2 #Internal address of another host

sudo nano /etc/hosts localhost # Local loop address, used by some ecss services ecss2 # Host address
192.1681.1 ecss1 # Internal address of another host

Now, if you call the ping utility on ecssX, you can contact the neighboring server:

Accessing ecss2 from ecss1Accessing ecss1 from ecss2

ping ecss2

PING ecss2 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ecss2 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms

ping ecss1

PING ecss1 ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from ecss1 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.043 ms

Operating system software update

To install the ECSS-10 system, add the ELTEX repository:

sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.eltex.org/ssw/bionic/3.14 stable main extras external' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eltex-ecss10-stable.list"

Note that you need to specify the correct version of the operating system when adding the ELTEX repository. If installing on Ubuntu 18.04, you must specify bionic, as shown in the example. However, if ECSS-10 is installed on Astra Linux, you must specify the appropriate smolensk repositories:

sudo sh -c "echo 'deb [arch=amd64] http://archive.eltex.org/ssw/smolensk/3.14 stable main extras external' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eltex-ecss10-stable.list"
sudo sh -c "echo 'http://archive.eltex.org astra smolensk smolensk-extras' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/eltex-ecss10-stable.list"

Next, import the key with the following command:

sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 33CB2B750F8BB6A5

To update the OS, run the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Software installation and configuration

Install all the proposed packages:

sudo apt install ntp tcpdump vlan dnsmasq aptitude atop ethtool htop iotop mc minicom mtr-tiny nmap pptpd pv screen ssh tftpd vim sngrep tshark cpanminus gnuplot libgraph-easy-perl debconf-utils

Also install packages for system with redundancy:

sudo apt install ifenslave-2.6 keepalived attr

Installing the ecss-mysql package

To install, run the command:

sudo apt install ecss-mysql

Configuring the ecss-dns-env package

Before installing the ecss-mysql package, you will be prompted to configure environment variables for services in dnsmasq. The customizer will prompt you to select the sections to configure. Choose broker and mysql.

QuestionsReplies for ecss1Replies for ecss2
Secondary broker address192.168.1.2192.168.1.2
mysql address192.168.1.10192.168.1.10

Configuring the ecss-mysql package

During installation, the customizer will ask questions, replies are given in the table below. Note that the password is the same for both hosts on which mysql is installed.

QuestionsReplies for ecss1Replies for ecss2
Address mask for MySQL (IP pattern for MySQL permission)192.168.1.%192.168.1.%
User login (Login for MySQL root)rootroot
MySQL user password (Password for MySQL root)PASSWORD PASSWORD 

Changing the default path — agree to change the configuration file to enter the path to the ecss-mysql databases by entering "Y".

mysql databases used by the ECSS-10 system will be stored under the path /var/lib/ecss-mysql after installation. Check for files in the folder:

ls -l /var/lib/ecss-mysql/
total 36
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_address_book
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:37 ecss_audit
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_calls_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_dialer_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_meeting_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_statistics
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 ecss_subscribers
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 13:36 history_db
drwxr-xr-x 2 mysql mysql 4096 Sep 26 14:32 web_conf

Check that the server is running:

systemctl status mysql.service

● mysql.service - MySQL Community Server
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/mysql.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
  Drop-In: /etc/systemd/system/mysql.service.d
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2022-02-06 15:25:15 +07; 3 days ago
  Process: 3766 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/mysqld --daemonize --pid-file=/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
  Process: 3736 ExecStartPre=/usr/share/mysql/mysql-systemd-start pre (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 3783 (mysqld)
    specifications: 87 (limit: 4915)
   CGroup: /system.slice/mysql.service
           └─3783 /usr/sbin/mysqld --daemonize --pid-file=/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid

Next, support access between servers with ecss-mysql via ssh using rsa keys without password use.

On the ecss1 hostgenerate rsa key with the following command (run the command without sudo so that the key is generated for the current user):

ssh-copy-id tester@ecss2

Generate rsa key on the ecss2 host the same way, replacing the host part with ecss1.

ssh-copy-id tester@ecss1

Next, run the mysql database replication script  on ecss1:

sudo /usr/lib/ecss/ecss-scripts/mysql-replication/install_replication.sh

Before executing the script, define certain parameters. Example of reply to the questions for different hosts are listed below. Note that the PASSWORD password is the same password that was set above.

QuestionsReplies for ecss1
Login for access to databaseroot
Password for access to databasePASSWORD 
Login for the replication userreplica
Password for the replication userreplica
Address of the first host10.0.10.11
Address of the second host10.0.10.12
Name of the second hostecss2
Username on the second hosttester
Mediator IP127.0.0.1
SNMP port162
Create keepalived configurationyes

After the script is running, you can check that replica@192.168.1 .% and replica@% user has been created in MySQL on both hosts:

mysql -uroot -ppassword 
mysql> SELECT user,host FROM mysql.user;

Among all users, you can see such an entry:

|           user   |      host     |
| replica          |192.168.1.%    |

Checking replica status:

sudo mysql -uroot -p -e 'show slave status \G;' | grep -E "Slave_IO_Running:|Slave_SQL_Running:"
Enter password:
Slave_IO_Running: Yes
Slave_SQL_Running: Yes

Editing keepalived.conf

Next step is to edit global configuration file keepalived.conf. The contents are the same on both hosts.

sudo nano /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf 
global_defs {
    vrrp_version 3          # VRRP protocol version (2 or 3)
    script_user nobody      # system user with limited rights, from which accessibility check scripts will be launched
    enable_script_security  # do not run scripts as root if part of the path to them is writable for normal users

include /etc/keepalived/sip.conf
include /etc/keepalived/mysql.conf

Since automatic configuration generation for mysql was involved, then in the configuration file there will be only a link to ecss-mysql-replication.conf:

include /etc/keepalived/mysql.conf

Then /etc/keepalived/mysql.conf are created on both hosts. 

Creating VRRP for MySQL

/etc/keepalived/mysql.conf for ecss1/etc/keepalived/mysql.conf for ecss2
# Configuring mysql for first node:

vrrp_script check_mysql {
    script "/usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e 'SELECT 1;'"
    user root
    interval 2
    fall 1
    timeout 2

vrrp_instance MySQL {
    state MASTER                     # Initial state at start
    interface net.10                 # Name of the network interface, on which VRRP will operate
    virtual_router_id 10             # Unique router id (0..255)
    priority 100                     # Priority (0..255) the higher the more
    advert_int 1                     # Notification sending interval (sec)
    preempt_delay 60                 # Master wait interval at daemon start (sec) at BACKUP initial state

    unicast_src_ip       # Own real IP address
    unicast_peer {                  # Neighbour real IP address

    virtual_ipaddress {
        # Virtual IP address and a mask
        # dev - network interface on which virtual address will operate
        # label - virtual interface label (for ease of identification) dev net.10 label net.10:mysql

    track_script {
# Configuring mysql for the second node:

vrrp_script check_mysql {
    script "/usr/bin/mysql --defaults-file=/etc/mysql/debian.cnf -e 'SELECT 1;'"
    user root
    interval 2
    fall 1
    timeout 2

vrrp_instance MySQL {
    state MASTER                     # Initial state at start
    interface net.10                 # Name of the network interface, on which VRRP will operate
    virtual_router_id 10             # Unique router id (0..255)
    priority 50                      # Priority (0..255) the higher the more
    advert_int 1                     # Notification sending interval (sec)
    preempt_delay 60                 # Master wait interval at daemon start (sec) at BACKUP initial state

    unicast_src_ip       # Own real IP address
    unicast_peer {                  # Neighbour real IP address

    virtual_ipaddress {
        # Virtual IP address and a mask
        # dev - network interface on which virtual address will operate
        # label - virtual interface label (for ease of identification) dev net.10 label net.10:mysql

    track_script {

In this configuration, the ID for the virtual router is set, which will be the balancer for its host. It is important that virtual_router_id matches for both hosts.

After checking, restart the keepalived service:

sudo systemctl restart keepalived.service 

By calling ifconfig after reboot, you can see that the vlan2:mysql interface has appeared on one of the hosts.

vlan2:mysql: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500
inet netmask broadcast
ether ca:d2:8a:13:3a:11 txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet)

Installing the ecss-node package

Installing the ecss-node package:

sudo apt install ecss-node

During installation, you will be prompted to configure some parameters, an example of replies follows below.

For more information about configuring NTP, see "Time synchronization on servers".

QuestionsReplies for ecss1Replies for ecss2
Do you want turn off apt-daily update?YesYes
Set DB config to default?YesYes
Set alarm true when MYSQL DB overloads?YesYes
NTP: Do you want use settings for cluster?YesYes
NTP: Set stratum for cluster77
External NTP servers through a space

NTP: Do you want to use other servers for time synchronization?YesYes
NTP: Indicate local servers for synchronization separated a space:
NTP: Addresses and Masks of Network, which must have access to the ntp through a space
Enter list of subnets from which access from this NTP server will be, eg:|
NTP: Do you want to define manually which networks should have access to ntp?YesYes

NTP: Networks that should have access to ntp separated by space:

Format: <network address>|mask (x.x.x.x|||
Install utilities for working with cdrNoNo

Select manual mode for certificates generation. All questions can be answered with default answers by clicking "Enter" for all questions.

Installing and configuring the remaining ecss packages 

Next, install all the necessary packages on both hosts (for more information on installing necessary and additional packages, see "Installation of ECSS packages"):

sudo apt install ecss-media-server ecss-media-resources ecss-web-conf ecss-restfs

To write media server (ecss-media-server / MSR) initial configuration parameters to the configuration file, configure transport-port, transport bind-addr, mcc bind-addres, and mcc bind-port:

Questions for ecss-media-serverReplies for ecss1Replies for ecss2
Enter port (Enter)50405040
Enter bind-ip address(Enter)
Enter the control channel address (bind-addr)
Enter the control channel port57005700

Select configuration mode (Choose config mode)

Set default settings:yesyes
Enter name (Enter)msr.ecss1msr.ecss2
Enter address (Entrer)
Enter port (Entrer)50005000

After forming default configurations, go to the directory where the configurations are located and check them:

cd /etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/
cat config.xml
cat conf.d/default.xml

There is a configuration for msr: config.xml, the conf.d directory contains the configuration default.xml. At its core, default.xml is an addition to config.xml, which defines the accounts section. This is done in order for this configuration to remain unchanged after package updates. 

Example of config.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<config date="10:48:15 21.02.2022">
  <general log-level="3" log-rotate="yes" max-calls="8192" max-in-group="512" load-sensor="media" load-delta="10" calls-delta="100" spool-dir-size="100M" log-name="msr.log" log-path="/var/log/ecss/media-server" use-srtp="disabled" suspicious-mode="no"/>
  <transport bind-addr="" port="5040" transport="udp+tcp"/>
  <!-- By default configured public TURN-server -->
  <turn-server use-turn="no" host="numb.viagenie.ca" user="webrtc@live.com" password="muazkh"/>
  <media mixer-clock-rate="8000" use-vad="no" cng-level="0" jb-size="60" rtcp-timeout="0" rtp-timeout="350" udp-src-check="no" cn-multiplier="3" port-start="12000" port-range="2048" tias-in-sdp="no" thread-cnt="2" silence-threshold="-30" dtmf-flash-disable="no" video-dscp="0" other-dscp="0" dummy-video-src="/usr/share/ecss-media-server/video/dummy_video.yuv" video-enc-width="1280" video-enc-height="720" finalsilence="1000" rtcp-stat-dump="yes"/>
  <codec pcma="1" pcmu="2" ilbc="0" gsm="0" g722="3" g729="0" speex="0" l16="0" g7221="0" opus="0" h264="1" h263-1998="2" t38="1" tel-event-pt="0"/>
    <!-- <dynamic msr_name="msr.name"
            auth_password="password" /> -->
    <mcc bind-addr="" port="5700"/>
  <conf_dir path="/etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/conf.d"/>
    <auto addr-v4=""/>

Example of accounts section (default.xml file):

Configuring msr for ecss1 (/etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/conf.d/default.xml)Configuring msr for ecss2 (/etc/ecss/ecss-media-server/conf.d/default.xml)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <dynamic msr_name="msr.ecss1" realm="sip:" dtmf_mode="rfc+inband+info" auth_name="user" auth_password="password"/>
            <dynamic msr_name="msr.ecss1" realm="sip:" dtmf_mode="rfc+inband+info" auth_name="user" auth_password="password"/>
<?xml version="1.0"?>
            <dynamic msr_name="msr.ecss2" realm="sip:" dtmf_mode="rfc+inband+info" auth_name="user" auth_password="password"/>
            <dynamic msr_name="msr.ecss2" realm="sip:" dtmf_mode="rfc+inband+info" auth_name="user" auth_password="password"/>

It contains current settings according to which the msr is registered on core.

The main parameters are: msr_name and realm.

  • msr_name is a parameter that defines the name of the msr. (it is recommended to set the name of the msr. and the host to which it belongs, for example, msr.ecss1);
  • realm — defines the address for registration on the core. Default entry point: port 5000.

Configuring VRRP for SIP adapter

To configure VRRP for SIP adapter, create on both servers files, the view of which is shown below:

sudo nano /etc/keepalived/sip.conf
etc/keepalived/sip.conf для ecss1 etc/keepalived/sip.conf для ecss2
vrrp_script check_sip {
    script "/usr/bin/ecss_pa_sip_port 65535"
    interval 2
    timeout 2

# Configuring address for the first SIP adapter virtual address
vrrp_instance SIP1 {
    state MASTER                  # Initial state at start
    interface net.20              # Name of the network interface, on which VRRP will operate
    virtual_router_id 31          # Unique router id (0..255)
    priority 100                  # Priority (0..255) the higher the more
    advert_int 1                  # Notification sending interval (sec)
    preempt_delay 60              # Master wait interval at daemon start (sec) at BACKUP initial state

    unicast_src_ip     # Own real IP address
    unicast_peer {                # Neighbour real IP address

    virtual_ipaddress {
        # Virtual IP address and a mask
        # dev - network interface on which virtual address will operate
        # label - virtual interface label (for ease of identification) dev net.20 label net.20:SIP1

track_script {
} # Configuring address for the second SIP adapter virtual address
vrrp_instance SIP2 { state BACKUP # Initial state at start interface net.20 # Name of the network interface, on which VRRP will operate virtual_router_id 32 # Unique router id (0..255) priority 50 # Priority (0..255) the higher the more advert_int 1 # Notification sending interval (sec) preempt_delay 60 # Master wait interval at daemon start (sec) at BACKUP initial state unicast_src_ip # Own real IP address unicast_peer { # Neighbour real IP address
virtual_ipaddress { # Virtual IP address and a mask # dev - network interface on which virtual address will operate # label - virtual interface label (for ease of identification) dev net.20 label net.20:SIP2 } track_script { check_sip } }

vrrp_script check_sip {
    script "/usr/bin/ecss_pa_sip_port 65535"
    interval 2
    timeout 2

# Configuring address for the first SIP adapter virtual address
vrrp_instance SIP1 {
    state BACKUP                  # Initial state at start
    interface net.20              # Name of the network interface, on which VRRP will operate
    virtual_router_id 31          # Unique router id (0..255)
    priority 50                   # Priority (0..255) the higher the more
    advert_int 1                  # Notification sending interval (sec)
    preempt_delay 60              # Master wait interval at daemon start (sec) at BACKUP initial state

    unicast_src_ip     # Own real IP address
    unicast_peer {                # Neighbour real IP address

    virtual_ipaddress {
        # Virtual IP address and a mask
        # dev - network interface on which virtual address will operate
        # label - virtual interface label (for ease of identification) dev net.20 label net.20:SIP1

track_script {

# Configuring address for the second SIP adapter virtual address vrrp_instance SIP2 { state MASTER # Initial state at start interface net.20 # Name of the network interface, on which VRRP will operate virtual_router_id 32 # Unique router id (0..255) priority 100 # Priority (0..255) the higher the more advert_int 1 # Notification sending interval (sec) preempt_delay 60 # Master wait interval at daemon start (sec) at BACKUP initial state unicast_src_ip # Own real IP address unicast_peer { # Neighbour real IP address } virtual_ipaddress { # Virtual IP address and a mask # dev - network interface on which virtual address will operate # label - virtual interface label (for ease of identification) dev net.20 label net.20:SIP2 } track_script { check_sip } }

In this case, support for virtual interfaces with Master-Backup communication has been added. For ecss1, the main interface is net.20:SIP1, and the backup is net.20:SIP2, respectively. It is important to note that the configuration takes into account the use of address variables. In the interface section, specify on which interface VRRP messages will be listened to, and specify the interface on which the virtual address will be restored in the virtual_ipaddress section.

Restart keepalived:

sudo systemctl restart keepalived.service

Further configuring of the software switch


Cluster name is set in the ecss-mycelium /etc/ecss/ecss-mycelium/mycelium.config package configuration:

sudo nano /etc/ecss/ecss- mycelium/mycelium1.config

Perform configuring on both hosts.

Configuring cluster name  (/etc/ecss/ecss-mycelium/mycelium1.config)

%%% -*- mode:erlang -*-
%%% Warning - this config file *must* end with <dot><whitespace>
    {mycelium_broker, [
         {cluster_name, test_cluster},           %% Set the cluster name for both hosts. The cluster name is arbitrary and must be the same on both hosts


Configuring epmd:

systemctl edit epmd.service

Creating a new service and editing it:

Configuring epmd ecss1Configuring epmd ecss2

Restart services:

systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl restart epmd.service


Configure glusterfs for ecss-restfs on the first host (ecss1), to do this, install the glusterfs-server and attr packages on both hosts:

sudo aptitude install glusterfs-server attr

After installation, create a connection with remote virtual host:

sudo gluster peer probe

Check the presence of the created connection:

sudo gluster peer status

Number of Peers: 1 Hostname: Uuid: 569c4730-a3a7-4d29-a132-b1bcdad792d8 State: Peer in Cluster (Connected)

Next, create a cluster for replication, start replication and check its status:

sudo gluster volume create ecss_volume replica 2 transport tcp force
sudo gluster volume start ecss_volume
sudo gluster volume info

Thus, the replication status will look as follows:

Volume Name: ecss_volume
Type: Replicate
Volume ID: 3bfc7587-0f85-48ed-9612-21f0d79c6e52
Status: Started
Snapshot Count: 0
Number of Bricks: 1 x 2 = 2
Transport-type: tcp
Options Reconfigured:
transport.address-family: inet
nfs.disable: on
performance.client-io-threads: off

Mount glusterfs partition, for this purpose create a new service:


Add the following configuration to it:

 Configuring /etc/systemd/system/ecss-glusterfs-mount.service
Description=mount glusterfs

ExecStart=/sbin/mount.glusterfs localhost:/ecss_volume /var/lib/ecss/restfs -o fetch-attempts=10
ExecStop=/bin/umount /var/lib/ecss/restfs


Restart services:

sudo systemctl daemon-reload 
sudo systemctl restart ecss-glusterfs-mount.service

Check that the partition is mounted:

df -h
localhost:/ecss_volume 253G 3.0G 239G 2% /var/lib/ecss/restfs

Configuring security. SSH

Configuring SSH server:

sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config

In the configuration file, specify the port and address where you can access the server:

Configuring ssh for ecss1(/etc/ssh/sshd_config)Configuring ssh for ecss2 (/etc/ssh/sshd_config)

# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See
# sshd_config(5) for more information.

# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with
# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where
# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options override the
# default value.

Port 2000
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::


# This is the sshd server system-wide configuration file. See
# sshd_config(5) for more information.

# This sshd was compiled with PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin

# The strategy used for options in the default sshd_config shipped with
# OpenSSH is to specify options with their default value where
# possible, but leave them commented. Uncommented options override the
# default value.

Port 2000
#AddressFamily any
#ListenAddress ::


Restart ssh:

systemctl restart ssh.service

Configuring ecss-node package cluster

Start the necessary services:


Run the ecss-mycelium and ecss-ds packages on the first host:

sudo systemctl start ecss-mycelium
sudo systemctl start ecss-ds

Go to the CLI:

ssh admin@localhost -p 8023
password: password

Check system status:

admin@ds1@ecss1:/$ system-status    
│ │     Node      │         Release          │ Erlang nodes  │Mnesia nodes │Uptime│
│ │ds1@ecss1      │ecss-ds-       │ds1@ecss1      │ds1@ecss1    │0h 9m │
│ │mycelium1@ecss1│ecss-mycelium- │mycelium1@ecss1│not running  │0h 9m │

Next, upload your passport and licenses to the system:

cluster/storage/ds1/licence/set-passport <ssw passport>
cluster/storage/ds1/licence/add <ssw licence>

Exit and start the rest of the services on the first and second host.


sudo systemctl start ecss-core ecss-pa-sip ecss-mediator ecss-media-server ecss-restfs ecss-web-conf


sudo systemctl start ecss-mycelium ecss-ds ecss-core ecss-pa-sip ecss-mediator ecss-media-server ecss-restfs ecss-web-conf

Return to CLI:

ssh admin@localhost -p 8023
password: password

Next, connect the MSR- and Core-subsystems. To do this, use the following command:

admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ /system/media/resource/declare core1@ecss1 iface msr.ecss1 bond1_ecss1_pa default local true
admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ /system/media/resource/declare core1@ecss2 iface msr.ecss2 bond1_ecss2_pa default local true

After all the services have started, the nodes will be establishing communication for some time. As soon as all nodes are loaded into system-status, the following information will be output:

admin@mycelium1@ecss1:/$ system-status 
│ │     Node      │         Release          │         Erlang nodes          │       Mnesia nodes        │Uptime │
│ │core1@ecss1    │ecss-core-     │core1@ecss1,core1@ecss2        │not running                │34m 28s│
│ │core1@ecss2    │ecss-core-     │core1@ecss1,core1@ecss2        │not running                │6m     │
│ │ds1@ecss1      │ecss-ds-       │ds1@ecss1,ds1@ecss2            │ds1@ecss1,ds1@ecss2        │34m 29s│
│ │ds1@ecss2      │ecss-ds-       │ds1@ecss1,ds1@ecss2            │ds1@ecss1,ds1@ecss2        │6m     │
│ │md1@ecss1      │ecss-mediator- │md1@ecss1,md1@ecss2            │md1@ecss1,md1@ecss2        │33m 54s│
│ │md1@ecss2      │ecss-mediator- │md1@ecss1,md1@ecss2            │md1@ecss1,md1@ecss2        │6m     │
│ │mycelium1@ecss1│ecss-mycelium- │mycelium1@ecss1,mycelium1@ecss2│not running                │34m 49s│
│ │mycelium1@ecss2│ecss-mycelium- │mycelium1@ecss1,mycelium1@ecss2│not running                │6m     │
│ │sip1@ecss1     │ecss-pa-sip-   │sip1@ecss1,sip1@ecss2          │sip1@ecss1,sip1@ecss2      │33m 54s│
│ │sip1@ecss2     │ecss-pa-sip-   │sip1@ecss1,sip1@ecss2          │sip1@ecss1,sip1@ecss2      │6m     │

All services are started.

  Active media resource selected list specific:
│    Node     │  MSR      │    MSR     │ Cc-status │ Cc-uptime │
│             │           │  version   │           │           │
│ core1@ecss1 │ msr.ecss1 │ │ connected │ 00:32:03  │
│             │ msr.ecss2 │ │ connected │ 00:23:56  │
│ core1@ecss2 │ msr.ecss1 │ │ connected │ 00:02:39  │
│             │ msr.ecss2 │ │ connected │ 00:02:38  │

It can be seen that the nodes have entered the cluster and the MSR has registered on the ecss-core node.

Configuring group of IP addresses (IP-set)

Configure SIP adapter according to the technical specification:

/cluster/adapter/sip1/sip/network/set ip_set test_set node-ip node = sip1@ecss1 ip =
Property "ip_set" successfully changed from:     
test_set: no ports set
test_set: sip1@ecss1
test_set: dscp 0.

cluster/adapter/sip1/sip/network/set ip_set test_set node-ip node = sip1@ecss2 ip =
Property "ip_set" successfully changed from:    
test_set: no ports set
test_set: sip1@ecss1
test_set: sip1@ecss2
test_set: dscp 0.

/cluster/adapter/sip1/sip/network/set ip_set test_set listen-ports list = [5062]
Property "ip_set" successfully changed from: 
ipset1: sip1@ecss1
ipset1: sip1@ecss2
ipset1: dscp 0
ipset1: 5062
ipset1: sip1@ecss1
ipset1: sip1@ecss2
ipset1: dscp 0

Next, create a domain and assign to it the created group (IP-set) of the SIP adapter settings:

domain/declare test_domain --add-domain-admin-privileges --add-domain-user-privileges 
New domain test_domain is declared

domain/test_domain/sip/network/set ip_set [test_set] 

Property "ip_set" successfully changed from:
[] to ["test_set"].

After creating the domain, configure:

Example of a primary system configuration using web configurator

Initial data

  • System installation is complete;
  • System is ready for further configuring;
  • Interfaces are running.

It is recommended to use the latest available browser versions. Recommended browsers: Opera, Chrome.

To start configuring the system, go to the web configurator.

To determine and register in the system, the following are planned:

  • Subscribers with numbers 101, 102 , 103, 104 ,105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110;
  • Trunk towards the gateway.

Preparation for work

Figure 1 — Log in to the web configurator (authorization window)

In the authorization window, enter the values defined during the installation of the web configurator.

Default values for authorization:

Login: admin

Password: password

After logging in, the main workspace with application icons will be visible, as well as status bar with available options, in particular:

  • 1 — log out of the system;
  • 2 — domain selection;
  • 3 — language selection.

Figure 2 —View of the web configurator workspace

Creating an operator account

After authorization, in order to increase security during the operation of the software switch, it is recommended to create accounts for operators, as well as to change the password for the admin user.

To create a new operator account, use User manager application:

Figure 3 — Application view "User Manager"

Click the "Add" button . In the window that opens, define a new account, for this:

  1. In the "Name" field, enter the login of the account, for example, "test";
  2. In the "Password" field and "Confirmation" field enter the password for the user, for example "testpassword";
  3. Define level of access rights for the user by selecting current permissions or using roles, for example ecss-user.

Figure 4 — Operator account creation dialog box

Figure 5 — Application view with created operator account

To change the password, click the edit button next to the user name. In the dialog box that opens, enter:

  1. Old password (for the admin user, the default password is password);
  2. New password;
  3. Confirm new password.

Figure 6 — Edit user dialog box

Creating a domain

To create a domain, log in to the Domains application. In the window that opens, create a domain, for this:

1. Click the Add domain button:

Figure 7 — Adding domain to the system

2. The following settings are available in the dialog box that opens:

  • Name individual name of the virtual PBX;
  • Service profile (SS profile) — system profile of additional services. This profile will be copiedwith the same name to newly created domain and all services from this profile will be automatically allowed access via access-list;
  • IVR profile (IVR profile) — the IVR profile specified in the IVR Constraints Editor application.

Enter the domain name, for example "test_domain";

3. Click Ok:

Figure 8 — Domain declare

4. Click the Updatebutton.

Created domain will be displayed in the current configuration:

Figure 9 — Displaying created domain

To edit current domain, it must be selected in the system. To switch to a domain, use the domain selection option (see point 2 in the figure View of the web configurator workspace).

After selecting the domain, according to the current system configuration, all applications will be available:

Figure 10 — Displaying applications in current system configuration

Creating IP-set (sip transport) and assigning it to a domain

To configure an interface, open the Clusters application.

Figure 11 — Clusters application view

IP-set — set of one or more IP addresses from the same subnet and a list of UDP/TCP listeners ports that will be opened by SIP adapter at these addresses.

To create a new IP address group (IP-set), select the SIP adapter cluster "sip1" and click on the Cluster Properties button (or double-click on the cluster icon with left mouse button).

In the dialog box that appears, go to the Transport tab. Next, click on Add button. New group will appear. To edit the fields, double-click the one you need:

  1. Rename an address group (IP-set), for example "test_set";
  2. Specify the port on which the domain will be accessed, for example 5062;
  3. Expand newly created group by clicking on the triangle to the left of the group name;
  4. Define the address for the SIP adapter node, according to the configuration example:

For a system without redundancy, specify and

Figure 12 — Assigning an IP address in SIP adapter settings for a single adapter

For a redundant system, specify and

Figure 13 — Assigning a group of IP addresses in SIP adapter settings for two adapters, click Save to apply the settings.

In order to link a group of addresses to a domain, return to Domains application, select the domain and go to settings by clicking the Domain Properties or by double-clicking the left mouse button on the domain.

In the open list settings, open SIP branch, then SIP transport, and then select created group of addresses in IP set field. Click Save to apply the settings.

Figure 14 — Configuration window for SIP transport

Creating subscribers

The Subscriber card application is used to create and edit subscriber parameters in the system.

Figure 15 — Subscriber card application view

It is possible to create SIP subscribers and virtual subscribers in the application.

For users with a physical termination, the functionality of the SIP subscriber is used, while the virtual subscriber is used when functionality without physical endings is needed. For example, the number for accessing the ivr script.

To create new subscribers, click on the Add button.

In the dialog box that opens, specify the following parameters:

  • Context — routing context, select the one that you created, for example "test_name";
  • Interface name — number or group of numbers that is assigned to the subscriber, for example {100-110};
  • Alias as user — setting that binds entity number, alias and user with the same name, in the example the setting is activated;
  • Authorization — procedure for verifying the authenticity of the user's rights to access data, in the example always is used.
  • Login — use WHATEVER.
  • Password — can be set or used generated by the system.


Figure 16 — Example of identifying subscribers in a domain

Creating and applying routing contexts for a domain

Routing is responsible for finding the number and then addressing the call. At least one routing context must be configured for the system to operate correctly.

Routing is configured in Routing Manager application.

Figure 17 — Routing manager application view

Example of creating a context and a few rules in it:

  1. In the left part of the window in the Context section click the Create context button;
  2. In the dialog box that opens, indicate the name of the context as well as the type of context — empty context:

1. In the left part of the window in the Context section click the Create context button ;

2. In the dialog box that opens, indicate the name of the context, as well as the type of context — empty context:

3. Click Save context  ;

Create 4 rules in this context:

  • rule1 — rule for accessing TAU-72 trunk;
  • rule2 — local routing rule for numbers 101-105;
  • rule3 — rule for entering the ivr;
  • rule4 — exception rule.

To create a new rule, select the created context and click Create rule. In the window that appears, enter name of the rule. Then save the newly created rules.

Figure 18 — Creating routing context rule

Figure 19 — Defining rules

At the moment, the trunk that can be referred in a rule is not defined, however it is possible to specify the numbers by which the selection will be made.

Go to the lower part of the screen by clicking on the rule1, where the areas for editing the routing context are located. It is conditionally defined in the example that selection for entering the trunk will be carried out based on the characteristics of the called subscriber number (CDPN), and the numbers in the trunk should start with digit 4.

Functionally, the routing context is divided into three parts:

  • Condition — section defining the expressions for selection according to the proposed criteria;
  • Action — section that converts the signs of numbers to a specific value;
  • Result — section that completes the routing and determines its result.

rule1: To access the trunk, edit each part correctly:

  • In the conditions section, go to the CDPN tab. Enter the phone numbers that are assigned to the trunk in the Number field. For example, to define numbers from 106 to 107, enter condition 10(6-7);
  • In the actions section, go to the CDPN tab. Enter a mask to change the number in the Number field. For example, to add number 4 before the number, fill in the field with the following expression 4{1,2,3};
  • Click Save rule and Save Context buttons to apply changes.

To configure the result field, the trunk must be defined in the system, so return to configuring this rule a little later.

Configure remaining rules in the same way.

For rule2:

  • In CDPN tab in conditions section, enter phone numbers that are behind the trunk in "Number" field. For example, to define numbers from 101 to 105, enter condition 10(1-5);
  • In the result section, define the result as local (e. local routing);
  • Click Save rule and Save Context buttons to apply changes.

For rule 3, assume that subscribers with numbers 108, 109 and 110 get into the informant ivr script before calling further.

  • In CDPN tab in conditions section, enter the phone numbers for which the selection will be in the field "Number", for example 1(10.08-09).
  • Click Save rule and Save Context buttons to apply changes.

To configure the result field, ivr script must be defined in the system, so return to configuring this rule a little later.

For rule 4, define an exception rule — this is a rule that works in case any other rules fail.

  • By default, this rule is created in the system in default_routing context. The % symbol is written to the called number in the conditions, and the result is local routing, however, it is recommended to create this rule at the end if assigning to the subscriber a context other than default_routing.

Figure 20 — Example of configuring routing context 

Creating trunk 

To create and edit trunk parameters in the system, use the Trunk manager application.

Figure 21 — Trunk Manager application view

To define a trunk in the system, click on the Trunk declare button, define parameters in the dialog box that opens:

  • Name — assign trunk name by which it can be identified in the system;
  • Context — apply previously created test_name routing context;
  • Group — select the interface group created when defining 'test.group' subscribers;
  • IP address group (IPSet) — 'ipset1' address group created on the domain;
  • Registration — if trunk is used, then enable this parameter, it is not used in the example;
  • Host [:port] — destination IP address of the trunk —;
  • Listen port — transport port where traffic from the trunk will be listened to, corresponds to the port assigned to the IP address group.

Figure 22 — Creating a trunk

Creating IVR script 

To create IVR, use the IVR editor application. 

Figure 23 — IVR editor application view

To create a script, click on the Add  button, select script type (in this case there is a script for incoming calls), specify the name of the script in the dialog box, for example "test_ivr".

After creating the script, a flowchart will appear in the main editor window.

In figures below is shown an example of making a script that plays a pre-recorded phrase to the caller when triggered, and then continues the call.

  • Info —  block that plays messages until the user responds. A tone generator is used as a recorded phrase:

Figure 24 — View of the IVR workspace with the Info block settings

  • Dial — block that makes a call to a given number. To continue the call, apply the predefined CDPN variable:

Figure 25 — View of the IVR workspace

Completing routing configuration

To complete routing, open Routing manager application and in rules rule1 and rule3 adjust the corresponding routing results, and follow the steps below:

  • rule1: select the "external" sub-item in the Result section. In the Value field of the Directions table add the trunk created earlier, then save the rule .
  • rule3: select the "ivr" sub-item in the Result section. In the script field add the previously created ivr script, then save the rule and the context .

Figure 26 —Type of routing context

Configuring services

To configure the services, perform several actions:

  • Install services via СoСon;
  • Add services for the domain to the access list (access-list) via СoСon;
  • Then any service in the access list becomes applicable on the subscriber or trunk.

To log in to the СoСon CLI, use the terminal or Console application.

After logging in to CoCon, write the following commands:

  • To install services in the system:

cluster/storage/ds1/ss/install ds1@ecss1 *

  • After successful installation of the services, enter the following line to add access to them:

cluster/storage/ds1/ss/access-list add test_domain *

The "*" symbol means that the command will be applied to all available elements in the system. If you need to install a specific service, enter its name instead of "*".

To connect the services, the subscriber must open the subscriber card, select the subscriber from the list and go to the Additional services tab.

Figure 27 — Example of configuring services

To activate subscriber services, connect them by clicking the button 17.png, then activate and configure (you can read more in the Subscriber card application section).

  • Нет меток