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Experimental support for deployment under hypervisors

Supported hypervisors:

VmWare ESXi

Requirements for running VmWare ESXi

Virtual machines allocated for SSW deployment must be configured according to Carrier Grade VM requirements:

  1. The virtual machine must be exclusively allocated processor cores in an amount that meets the system requirements (according to the project).
  2. The virtual machine must be exclusively allocated RAM in the amount that meets the system requirements (according to the project).
  3. The virtual machine must be allocated exclusive hard disks with the required level of reliability (RAID level) and size (according to the project). It is desirable that disks connected to SSW are connected via controller allocated exclusively to this virtual machine. These actions will help to avoid slowdowns in IO caused by the activity of neighboring VMs.
  4. The virtual machine must be ensured with maximum network availability, that is, the data transmission network configuration between virtual machines should ensure the absence of a single point of failure and minimum latency when exchanging packets.

For the correct operation of the system with license keys, it is necessary to provide IP access from virtual machines to the physical machine where the ruToken license token is installed.

Launch Process

After downloading, unpack the archive and import the .ovf file. Next, configure the network interface in order to have access to enter the configuration page.

Configuration page URL https://<ip>/autoconf.

Configuration form fields:


It is possible for the ecss user to change the password (default password: ecss).


Select configuration mode of network interface. By default, manual mode is offered with the settings that were present in the system at the time of launch. Otherwise configure via DHCP.


To configure via DHCP, enter a regular expression that will determine which interfaces should be configured via DHCP.

Manual mode

To configure interfaces in manual mode, fill in the appropriate fields:

  • Interface name;
  • Default route;
  • The need for additional configuration via DHCP;
  • List of static addresses:
    • Network address;
    • Mask.
  • Additional DNS servers:
    • DNS server addresses.

ECSS configuration

Domain configuration

In this section, users can be created in the specified domain.

SIP adapters

  • Name;
  • Interface selection for binding the adapter (if DHCP is set in the network settings, then the first suitable interface is selected);
  • Ports that need to be listened to.


Field for entering a license and passport.

RuToken address

If ruToken cannot be attached to the VM, specify the server that will provide the token.

Configuration package

This field provides additional settings for deb packages.


Requirements to run under KVM

Virtual machines allocated for SSW deployment must be configured according to the Carrier Grade VM requirements:

  1. The virtual machine must be exclusively allocated processor cores in an amount that meets the system requirements (according to the project).
  2. The virtual machine must be exclusively allocated RAM in the amount that meets the system requirements (according to the project).
  3. The virtual machine must be allocated exclusive hard disks with the required level of reliability (RAID level) and size (according to the project). It is desirable that disks connected to SSW are connected via controller allocated exclusively to this virtual machine. These actions will help to avoid slowdowns in IO caused by the activity of neighboring VMs.
  4. The virtual machine must be ensured with maximum network availability, that is, the data transmission network configuration between virtual machines should ensure the absence of a single point of failure and minimum latency when exchanging packets.

For the correct operation of the system with license keys, it is necessary to provide IP access from virtual machines to the physical machine where the ruToken license token is installed.

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