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В данном разделе описаны общие команды для управления определенными нодами.


Команда показывает настройки Cocon и параметры БД.

Путь команды:





Команда не содержит аргументов.


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/cocon-info      
AMQP Realm:              cocon_realm
AMQP Exchange:           ccn.direct
Prefix:                  /
Heartbeat:               3000ms
User database:           mysql
User db connect status:  +
Audit database:          mysql
Audit db connect status: +
Audit cleanup time:      2:0:0 UTC
Audit history size:      90 days
MySQL parameters:        audit@cocon.mysql.ecss:3306
                         db - ecss_audit
                         users table - ecss_users
                         roles table - ecss_roles
                         groups table - ecss_groups
                         groups/users table - ecss_groups_users
                         groups/roles table - ecss_role_group
                         roles' settings table - ecss_roles_settings
                         settings table - ecss_user_settings2
                         audit commands table - ecss_audit_commands
                         audit session table - ecss_audit_sessions
                         audit restrictions table - ecss_audit_restrictions
Tring prefix:            ecss10

[exec at: 28.09.2018 21:51:08, exec time: 18ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]


Команда показывает текущее время для определенной ноды

Путь команды:





Команда не содержит аргументов.


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/date      
22:07:55  28.09.2018

[exec at: 28.09.2018 22:07:55, exec time: 12ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]


Команда позволяет просмотреть следующую информацию о запущенной ноде:

  1. Загрузку процессора
  2. Количество запущенных процессов
  3. Длину очереди запуска
  4. Информацию о памяти

Детально предоставляется информация о каждом процессе:

  1. PID процесса
  2. Имя инициирующей функции
  3. Количество редукций
  4. Количество занимаемой памяти
  5. Длину очереди сообщений
  6. Имя текущей функции

Путь команды:





Команда не содержит аргументов.


Команда позволяет просмотреть следующую информацию о запущенной ноде:

  1. Загрузку процессора
  2. Количество запущенных процессов
  3. Длину очереди запуска
  4. Информацию о памяти

Детально предоставляется информация о каждом процессе:

  1. PID процесса
  2. Имя инициирующей функции
  3. Количество редукций
  4. Количество занимаемой памяти
  5. Длину очереди сообщений
  6. Имя текущей функции


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/etop   
 core1@ecss1                                                               15:17:28
 Load:  cpu            0      Memory:  total         258.9M    binary         2.44M
        procs       1338               processes    103.49M    code          72.04M
        runq           0               atom           3.17M    ets           12.68M

Pid            Name or Initial Func                   Reds     Memory  MsgQ Current Function

<0.8545.1>     ccn_gen_command:init/3                27384    449.44K     0 ecss_mgmt_cmd_etop:get
<0.4866.0>     gen_tserver:init/1                     3716     26.23K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4018.0>     tring_l1                               2402     26.24K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.5483.0>     gen_tserver:init/1                     1206     26.23K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.5454.0>     gen_tserver:init/1                     1187     26.23K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.5300.0>     gen_tserver:init/1                     1145     26.23K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4012.0>     ds_l3                                   651     34.38K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4865.0>     tring.ecss10                            547    416.78K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4011.0>     ds_l2                                   445     21.89K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4010.0>     ds_l1                                   424     26.66K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4036.0>     core_l4                                 248     34.52K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4041.0>     cocon_l1                                245     18.66K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4025.0>     rps_l2                                  241     29.04K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4529.0>     ezmq_link:init/1                        241     16.45K     0 gen_fsm:loop/8        
<0.4527.0>     zmq_connection_22abcd                   224     46.17K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.5453.0>     mycelium_gen_user_session:init/1        169     46.34K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.5479.0>     mycelium_gen_user_session:init/1        169     66.55K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.5298.0>     mycelium_gen_user_session:init/1        168     33.85K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4528.0>     ezmq:init/1                             157     25.96K     0 gen_server:loop/7     
<0.4035.0>     core_l3                                 100     19.22K     0 gen_server:loop/7     

[exec at: 28.09.2018 22:17:28, exec time: 1s 45ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]


Команда сохраняет информацию о процессах ноды в csv файл

Путь команды:



etop-snapshot [OPTIONS]


  • interval TIME - врема замера в миллисекундах (1000 мс по умолчаию)
  • append true|false - сохранить старую информацию или удалить её (добавить по умолчанию)
  • accumulate true|false - отключить аккумулирование редукции (по умолчанию включено, значение false)
  • sys_info_file FILENAME - файл для сохранения системной информации (<LOG_ROOT>/etop_snapshot/<NODENAME>_sys_info.csv по умолчанию)
  • proc_info_file FILENAME - файл для сохранения информации о процессах (<LOG_ROOT>/etop_snapshot/<NODENAME>_proc_info.csv по умолчанию)


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/etop-snapshot --interval 2000 --sys_info_file ds1@ecss1_proc_info.csv
System info file:

Process info file:

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:56:24, exec time: 2s 238ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]


Команда для просмотра информации о ноде с именем <some_node>: версия ПО, информация о приложениях, объем динамически выделяемой памяти, системная статистика, текущее состояние системы.

Путь команды:



info [<TYPE> [<PARAM>]]


<TYPE> - тип информации, выводимый для просмотра (опциональный параметр). Если параметр не задан, то отображается краткая информация о программном обеспечении ноды:

  • releases - версия ПО;
  • applications - краткая информация о приложениях ноды, включает в себя:
    • S - флаг активности приложения,
    • Application - название приложения,
    • Pvn - версия,
    • Vsn - версия,
    • Description - описание приложения;
    • From - путь к месту установки приложения.
      При указании в параметрах команды названия приложения будет выведена подробная информация: название, версия, версия, описание, состояние (активно/не активно), путь к каталогу размещения приложения, информация о модулях приложения.
  • memory - объем динамически выделяемой памяти для Erlang-эмулятора;
  • statistics - статистические параметры работы ноды, не используются в эксплуатации;
  • system - детализированная информация о внутренних параметрах работы ноды, не используется в эксплуатации;
  • nodes - список объединенных в кластер нод.

<PARAM> - название параметра для получения более подробной информации о нем (опциональный параметр).


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/sip1@ecss1/info  
 ecss-pa-sip permanent
  - build VSN:   28eb3e3ee25610391278a9f0c2cd8bf6fff3304a
  - release VSN: da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709

APPLICATIONS at node: sip1@ecss1

│S │    Application     │    Version     │             VSN              │    Description     │                       From                       │
│  │acp_lib             ││cbbf46ed2328640ac3a964a20dc49a│ACP library         │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/acp_lib-│
│  │                    │297             │48f50ca10c                    │                    │.209297                                           │
│  │acpadapter          ││14b4f579f9c135f14581faba661fd8│SIP(T) protocol adap│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/acpadapter-│
│  │                    │828             │3889d087e4                    │ter                 │897.727828                                        │
│  │asn1                │5.0.5           │d711c21fb5427c63e40554b80cf68a│The Erlang ASN1 comp│/usr/lib/erlang/lib/asn1-5.0.5                    │
│  │                    │                │91d519a0f7                    │iler version 5.0.5  │                                                  │
│  │chronica            ││0d20e46b59d7e602435ee78d7ef7d5│Log Library         │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/chronica-│
│  │                    │5               │310305c3ca                    │                    │477945                                            │
│  │chronica_journald_ba│ │6f0c726ff9f0b89e982028f4e76692│                    │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/chronica_journald_ba│
│  │ckend               │                │faa0c40615                    │                    │ckend-                             │
│  │cmn_tools           ││8f1d998def0fe5c0775e06d76711b3│Common usefull tools│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/cmn_tools-│
│  │                    │567             │be06e835d7                    │                    │97.070567                                         │
│  │cocon               ││c0b15c376bd2b1c124dfa8761ca16f│COmmands and CONsole│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/cocon-│
│  │                    │776             │31135893cf                    │s                   │89776                                             │
│  │compiler            │7.1.5           │cff0ad5567fb6f98705ef8c5b654bf│ERTS  CXC 138 10    │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/compiler-7.1.5                │
│  │                    │                │30db3d236c                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │crypto              │4.2.1           │b831112cdb7b81b905dff5c22f54e9│CRYPTO              │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/crypto-4.2.1                  │
│  │                    │                │690c982be6                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │ecss_adapter_utils  ││3b2b6b5a22bb92f909d20f24ec45f9│Utilites for protoco│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_adapter_utils-3│
│  │                    │876             │37d92bbc81                    │l adapters          │.11.0.65897.392876                                │
│  │ecss_configuration_m││2772419b739382fa8fb85195e06b9c│Universal Configurat│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_configuration_m│
│  │anager              │952             │18202c3d8c                    │ion Manager for ECSS│anager-                        │
│  │ecss_cpt_client     ││4cfed7158065f0ffaca46e65572b3d│Call-process tracer │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_cpt_client-3.11│
│  │                    │617             │bc9d9e5804                    │client              │.0.65897.472617                                   │
│  │ecss_cpt_lib        ││b1488692f89f13f57aace5a3a9156f│Call-process tracer │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_cpt_lib-3.11.0.│
│  │                    │429             │85ae43e9a6                    │library.            │65897.380429                                      │
│  │ecss_cpt_server     ││bae431c3d429eed1426a8de1c94eb0│Call-process tracer │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_cpt_server-3.11│
│  │                    │263             │8ed041cb2d                    │server              │.0.65897.222263                                   │
│  │ecss_domain_options_││37d0476d9420392759c288ab6ca255│ECSS-10 domain optio│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_domain_options_│
│  │lib                 │224             │bd3ef9bae6                    │ns.                 │lib-                           │
│  │ecss_env            ││6380312158e6369ec3d3db0197f623│ECSS envermoment sup│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_env-│
│  │                    │483             │f6d46f87c8                    │port lib            │7.465483                                          │
│  │ecss_lock_manager_li││79f950bf4debbb85e8ae4af0e0e0ba│Overcluster resource│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_lock_manager_li│
│  │b                   │494             │69fb9bb4fa                    │ lock manager over A│b-                             │
│  │                    │                │                              │MQP                 │                                                  │
│  │ecss_mgmt           ││0d203bae9787381e528d03a206d06d│ECSS Management syst│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_mgmt-│
│  │                    │157             │c9b4925ad2                    │em                  │97.150157                                         │
│  │ecss_mlpp_options_li││93f3ff64fb411317aaadd03bf1bbc7│ECSS-10 MLPP options│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_mlpp_options_li│
│  │b                   │402             │fc506182c8                    │                    │b-                             │
│  │ecss_pa_sip_common  ││4d168a3d81731b3194220db2178d02│ECSS PA_SIP common l│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_pa_sip_common-3│
│  │                    │192             │9b51264772                    │ibrary              │.11.0.65897.780192                                │
│  │ecss_shell          ││e6be1a0a2f586ea4ad3f6b4374a830│ECSS Shell          │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_shell-│
│  │                    │983             │9e2d11640e                    │                    │897.014983                                        │
│  │ecss_ssh            ││17a5186b8805a2bbf2d71905d5592f│ECSS SSH terminals s│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_ssh-│
│  │                    │165             │b8df486da1                    │up. lib             │7.396165                                          │
│  │ecss_starter        ││0a75abf5e68586a415aa8f412ecd09│ECSS starter        │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_starter-3.11.0.│
│  │                    │830             │c6245f503f                    │                    │65897.401830                                      │
│  │ecss_system_options_││7cd8e4474fb77b250e2b5ec34fe85b│ECSS-10 system optio│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_system_options_│
│  │lib                 │990             │47e1069afb                    │ns                  │lib-                           │
│  │ecss_tring          ││67df97585756c118eb22c16454d174│ECSS wrap for distri│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ecss_tring-│
│  │                    │924             │9929511e5b                    │buted supervising sy│897.439924                                        │
│  │                    │                │                              │stem "Tring"        │                                                  │
│  │eep                 │1.0             │167e6dc15736b9c949dc08463080f5│Erlang Easy Profilin│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/eep-1.0             │
│  │                    │                │e7b212cde8                    │g (dbg:trace* to kca│                                                  │
│  │                    │                │                              │chegrind)           │                                                  │
│  │ejournald           │2.0             │9bdaa7e2c09c15bb2f095775d6e945│erlang interface to │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ejournald-2.0       │
│  │                    │                │f4dbd71c38                    │journald            │                                                  │
│  │eldap               │1.2.3           │47b8ad1bb45b1788a6c080d947c949│Ldap api            │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/eldap-1.2.3                   │
│  │                    │                │c8f4763d61                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │eltex_stdlib        ││8ce88328fb3b878f1b39d03e7fd6a5│Library with common │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/eltex_stdlib-3.11.0.│
│  │                    │2               │521fe9862c                    │modules from Eltex  │749.236502                                        │
│  │eradius             ││e0eca95fcee6c2d8d7bbe61c37344a│RADIUS authenticatio│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/eradius-│
│  │                    │                │c4d5c4dbf2                    │n/accounting library│0583                                              │
│  │exmpp               ││2c8e8501575fa110363d36ed48040b│XMPP/Jabber protocol│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/exmpp-│
│  │                    │08              │91f6793e16                    │ oriented XML librar│0508                                              │
│  │                    │                │                              │y                   │                                                  │
│  │gen_netlink         │0.3             │406f08b56cd4a5ecaec7f218640e88│Netlink socket toolk│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/gen_netlink-0.3     │
│  │                    │                │6cbe1927b8                    │it                  │                                                  │
│  │gen_socket          │0.1             │c4d047763380275b9a4f9873d14946│generic socket toolk│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/gen_socket-0.1      │
│  │                    │                │aebffab3f4                    │it                  │                                                  │
│  │hep                 │0.1.0           │164f87ebfc7f49481d27948a4ad746│hep - Homer Encapsul│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/hep-0.1.0           │
│  │                    │                │4e20770a7c                    │ation Protocol      │                                                  │
│  │inets               │6.5             │e1f0aee10c83798f6763700e51db2c│INETS  CXC 138 49   │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/inets-6.5                     │
│  │                    │                │85be30c3cc                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │ion                 ││04b42bd7621592028278297a600c6b│ION pretty printer  │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ion-│
│  │                    │7               │1134b67971                    │                    │7                                                 │
│  │isup_encoder        ││861a87ca3ccaa66bc8abe54ccf846f│Realisation of ISUP │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/isup_encoder-3.11.0.│
│  │                    │482             │52a5b9b655                    │encoder             │65897.059482                                      │
│  │jsx                 │1.4.5           │9f0f5646a7ce2a446cf9c95033ad2c│a streaming, evented│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/jsx-1.4.5           │
│  │                    │                │a4e19b9f00                    │ json parsing toolki│                                                  │
│  │                    │                │                              │t                   │                                                  │
│  │kernel              │5.4.3           │6792cc539a294361f5eb71323a3ff8│ERTS  CXC 138 10    │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/kernel-5.4.3                  │
│  │                    │                │083cf29bc0                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │lager               │3.4.3-4-g0c1c815│fed0949303be5d34f857d53fa02255│Empty Logging Lager2│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/lager-3.4.3-4-g0c1c8│
│  │                    │                │f39724b3bd                    │                    │15                                                │
│  │log_server_ccn_servi││a900c1012e7950de21e99da78f0a2b│Log Server CCN Servi│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/log_server_ccn_servi│
│  │ce                  │119             │33ee0fea8d                    │ce                  │ce-                            │
│  │lpm_common          ││7c39127bb27f25bba1d910af7e0ce3│LPM common functions│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/lpm_common-│
│  │                    │129             │bdd743d3bc                    │                    │897.356129                                        │
│  │lpm_server          ││0a47fe00ca994d98c747681b87a85d│Licence Property Man│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/lpm_server-│
│  │                    │328             │b2979e1dc3                    │ager                │897.867328                                        │
│  │meck                │0.8.9           │b28e4cb11c587f08c218415738bd89│A mocking framework │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/meck-0.8.9          │
│  │                    │                │1d0c32b9cc                    │for Erlang          │                                                  │
│  │mnesia              │4.15.3          │8a47ecbd42f7df10d0a6c18ae82b2c│MNESIA  CXC 138 12  │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/mnesia-4.15.3                 │
│  │                    │                │dccd946dfe                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │mycelium            ││e5c96a616452e4c14524709ea4a401│Mycelium common lib │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/mycelium-│
│  │                    │9               │5a85f177fc                    │                    │618509                                            │
│  │mycelium_ccnt_servic││35723be2af3d2aaa8b1caabb7c9b0f│AMQP10 cocon service│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/mycelium_ccnt_servic│
│  │e                   │753             │fc1db0e55d                    │ and commands       │e-                             │
│  │mycelium_client     ││2828bc3fea4d3f1191e806b4a2c91e│Mycelium AMQP 10 erl│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/mycelium_client-3.11│
│  │                    │0               │6bfb4c0ced                    │ang client          │.0.896.091660                                     │
│  │mysql_driver        ││f13226fa4c301715379477b4610969│Erlang MySQL driver │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/mysql_driver-3.11.0.│
│  │                    │3               │e3010eb27f                    │                    │196.385903                                        │
│  │necron              ││a10cea90632a54257d7001609c90cb│Scheduler of tasks (│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/necron-│
│  │                    │0               │a7cfd7db19                    │cron like)          │0140                                              │
│  │notification_client ││d832170a7aa7db0c62c46c08580ba8│Client notification │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/notification_client-│
│  │                    │279             │7b971f2164                    │                    │                               │
│  │oasys               ││26be2a9e75d5666f9baeb6baa3b2c9│OASys Core App      │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/oasys-│
│  │                    │180             │a25ff15a53                    │                    │48180                                             │
│  │oasys_ccn_service   ││614d358c203c176baa9292dc2b7b91│OASys Cocon Service │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/oasys_ccn_service-3.│
│  │                    │488             │02d1af57ea                    │                    │11.0.65897.092488                                 │
│  │obj_data            ││28c9fa15c5a169ff6c89df7b3e00cf│OASys Object Data Ma│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/obj_data-│
│  │                    │092             │0bccba1c23                    │nipulations         │7.942092                                          │
│  │os_mon              │2.4.4           │669acda1d74fbdd2951b1eae5534ac│CPO  CXC 138 46     │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/os_mon-2.4.4                  │
│  │                    │                │ca31620579                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │pa_acp_io           ││a02e6243f157d0d2d16deb3dad7c88│ACP transport applic│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/pa_acp_io-│
│  │                    │324             │2dc117b2af                    │ation               │97.851324                                         │
│  │pt_lib              ││1f2fe269eecb6f64f255f96526556f│Parse transform libr│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/pt_lib-│
│  │                    │                │8312e853a1                    │ary                 │607                                               │
│  │pt_scripts          ││d363f817c72515160a6a34a7a6ceb4│Parse transform scri│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/pt_scripts-│
│  │                    │                │f347c63cb0                    │pts library         │.819986                                           │
│  │public_key          │1.5.2           │06f60137360b111be580618a64eae4│Public key infrastru│/usr/lib/erlang/lib/public_key-1.5.2              │
│  │                    │                │f25914ec56                    │cture               │                                                  │
│  │qsig_asn_lib        ││29ba6a84b790b0aeb5448c889cef5f│QSIG asn1 Lib       │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/qsig_asn_lib-3.11.0.│
│  │                    │659             │7019c0ba1a                    │                    │65897.547659                                      │
│  │qsig_coder          ││623dd50d4d1d8bae69603be5a64edf│Realisation of QSIG │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/qsig_coder-│
│  │                    │210             │224df729ac                    │encoder/decoder     │897.146210                                        │
│  │recon               │2.2.1           │e24d281a8c8d975914643bebd2c190│Diagnostic tools for│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/recon-2.2.1         │
│  │                    │                │dbeabda02a                    │ production use     │                                                  │
│  │restfs_client_lib   ││c636ace9ab25d9f172231298a65ab1│RestFS client       │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/restfs_client_lib-3.│
│  │                    │986             │edcf3458fe                    │                    │11.0.65897.535986                                 │
│  │rm_agent            ││97a1bf3c673d0cf534e8cc18c7824e│RM Agent - agent for│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rm_agent-│
│  │                    │589             │87249242b1                    │ remote access to rm│7.717589                                          │
│  │                    │                │                              │_lib                │                                                  │
│* │rps                 ││40edecc82e6d4baada558372879f32│Report Processing Sy│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps-│
│  │                    │354             │1392eb28fa                    │stem                │354                                               │
│  │rps_agent           ││a85777c3428d63050cbb120273fe66│COCON Service Report│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps_agent-│
│  │                    │620             │1c7f8e6bfc                    │ processing system  │97.122620                                         │
│  │rps_alarm_agent     ││6f4df89efca67b6ff1dd797c0f430b│RPS Alarm agent     │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps_alarm_agent-3.11│
│  │                    │367             │ca8cf5455b                    │                    │.0.65897.210367                                   │
│  │rps_common_lib      ││25e9152002990f88b03cccfae71701│RPS Common library  │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps_common_lib-3.11.│
│  │                    │267             │4d31774cda                    │                    │0.65897.457267                                    │
│  │rps_control_agent   ││0d84f9b1f91ce64c7803662beac233│RPS Control agent   │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps_control_agent-3.│
│  │                    │280             │6905f63236                    │                    │11.0.65897.425280                                 │
│  │rps_event_agent     ││210a9424dd23a0ec7bcb5d321209fc│RPS Event agent     │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps_event_agent-3.11│
│  │                    │850             │cc53dfaa5f                    │                    │.0.65897.715850                                   │
│  │rps_log_agent       ││aa4ddafe1947b96080ed8c688c7f18│RPS Log agent       │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps_log_agent-3.11.0│
│  │                    │018             │be738cbfbf                    │                    │.65897.156018                                     │
│  │rps_statistics_agent││5b1885219ce6f333601bcc155f8a0c│RPS Statistics agent│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rps_statistics_agent│
│  │                    │382             │e8691c1283                    │s                   │-                              │
│  │rtop_agent          ││035d13022312124440b5a589ab94bf│RTOP AGENT support l│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rtop_agent-│
│  │                    │601             │fab58a7093                    │ib                  │897.680601                                        │
│  │rtopdds             ││3a004303d5774bfc21b704490c325d│RTOP Domain Director│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rtopdds-│
│  │                    │803             │a7da96d03d                    │y Service           │.169803                                           │
│  │rtopdds_ccn_service ││cbf32229ae03cf6c6293e818a303c9│RTOP DDS COCON Servi│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/rtopdds_ccn_service-│
│  │                    │890             │323a002199                    │ce                  │                               │
│  │runtime_tools       │1.12.5          │0b8070bad4cd829f3bbe86800947a6│RUNTIME_TOOLS       │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/runtime_tools-1.12.5          │
│  │                    │                │c8a14c3d93                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │sasl                │3.1.1           │d777509ed64e005b5c5f22574086c5│SASL  CXC 138 11    │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/sasl-3.1.1                    │
│  │                    │                │969e7d1973                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │sdp_lib             ││cade260b3cec26a32ce6d8f3def2aa│erlang library for s│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/sdp_lib-│
│  │                    │366             │3b5442c4ef                    │dp processing       │.829366                                           │
│  │sip_ssw_intercom    ││dc2610899fbaeb38cc29ccf8113229│SIP(I/T) protocol ad│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/sip_ssw_intercom-3.1│
│  │                    │286             │a863a37489                    │apter of ECSS-10    │1.0.65897.104286                                  │
│  │sip_support         ││3201d081465aaa02afe27f6592b6b5│Support of SIP RFC e│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/sip_support-│
│  │                    │669             │6d97a045b8                    │xtensions           │5897.728669                                       │
│  │ss_xml_parser       ││0336800300fc78ffbc925cab1c77a2│Xml parser for SS de│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ss_xml_parser-3.11.0│
│  │                    │028             │3a1efea3b5                    │finitions.          │.65897.500028                                     │
│  │ssh                 │4.6.6           │d10406b8333bb4e7ef4637506f00d3│SSH-2 for Erlang/OTP│/usr/lib/erlang/lib/ssh-4.6.6                     │
│  │                    │                │37d7eb60f9                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │ssl                 │8.2.4           │20ff921e873e63675bd7644af4b347│Erlang/OTP SSL appli│/usr/lib/erlang/lib/ssl-8.2.4                     │
│  │                    │                │f5144ada01                    │cation              │                                                  │
│  │ssw_helper_lib      ││b4faca008d160956e4b08c5b4b34ae│Routines for interna│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ssw_helper_lib-3.11.│
│  │                    │936             │9805a732d1                    │l SSW usage         │0.65897.661936                                    │
│  │ssw_ranges          ││ca4ab61bc81f8894a5ce7e0a9fefca│SSW range routines  │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ssw_ranges-│
│  │                    │261             │ffb2bfa56e                    │                    │897.251261                                        │
│  │ssw_util_lib        ││daceabbe4f8778806f3ebe965956ab│Routines for interna│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/ssw_util_lib-3.11.0.│
│  │                    │502             │9dc9a20967                    │l SSW usage         │65897.359502                                      │
│  │statistics_lib      ││0add1ede8f8804af890246087c8bdd│Q752 Statistics lib │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/statistics_lib-3.11.│
│  │                    │587             │e4e0ffa5c7                    │                    │0.65897.314587                                    │
│  │stdlib              │3.4.4           │baee1156e6f31f3e8be9b88202a88e│ERTS  CXC 138 10    │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/stdlib-3.4.4                  │
│  │                    │                │ce2542b430                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │syntax_tools        │2.1.4           │303500eb7a41c69dc86e875081bd2c│Syntax tools        │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/syntax_tools-2.1.4            │
│  │                    │                │68286d6f43                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │timer_container_lib ││d04b3757167e1fe90cc891da9df1af│Timer Container libr│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/timer_container_lib-│
│  │                    │6               │5864a6c02d                    │ary                 │                                 │
│  │tools               │2.11.2          │64febc6a476c662cf13d266abc2a5e│DEVTOOLS  CXC 138 16│/usr/lib/erlang/lib/tools-2.11.2                  │
│  │                    │                │de08920e5b                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │tring               ││5a158a846898838061a51045a4aee2│Distributed supervis│/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/tring-│
│  │                    │062             │96a1b9ad48                    │ing system, based on│32062                                             │
│  │                    │                │                              │ amqp 0.10 protocol │                                                  │
│  │xmerl               │1.3.16          │accef8a789dd5a6a2c11a067b58089│XML parser          │/usr/lib/erlang/lib/xmerl-1.3.16                  │
│  │                    │                │f19e8e21a8                    │                    │                                                  │
│  │xml_common_lib      ││4e09ee7ae2dc5a89333140d9d5a726│Xml common library  │/usr/lib/ecss/ecss-pa-sip/lib/xml_common_lib-3.11.│
│  │                    │650             │175e299b12                    │                    │0.65897.909650                                    │

S: Current application Status:
      *: Application is loaded
<empty>: Application is running

Pvn: Product version
Vsn: Application Version

          allocated_areas: sys_misc 1.02M
                           static 514.95K
                           atom_space 1M(used 1014.06K)
                           atom_table 889.98K
                           module_table 878.25K
                           export_table 1.31M
                           export_list 5.24M
                           register_table 1.65K
                           fun_table 50.27K
                           module_refs 104.15K
                           loaded_code 38.52M
                           dist_table 923B
                           node_table 299B
                           bits_bufs_size 0B
                           bif_timer 0B
                           link_lh 0B
                           process_table 3M
                           port_table 768K
                           ets_misc 32.18K
                allocator: glibc: [2,27]
                           Features: [sys_alloc,temp_alloc,sl_alloc,std_alloc,ll_alloc,eheap_alloc,
                              enabled: true
                              malloc library to use: libc
                              trim threshold size (in Kb): 131072
                              top pad size (in Kb): 0
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 90
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 100
                              main multiblock carrier size: 131072
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 10485760
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 1048576
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              max block search depth: 3
                              allocation strategy: good_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 80
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 50
                              main multiblock carrier size: 65536
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 20
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 50
                              main multiblock carrier size: 65536
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 18446744073709551615
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 0
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 0
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 0
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 0
                              main multiblock carrier size: 1048576
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 0
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 50
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 50
                              main multiblock carrier size: 262144
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 20
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 50
                              main multiblock carrier size: 65536
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 20
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 50
                              main multiblock carrier size: 65536
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: false
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 18446744073709551615
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 0
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 0
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 0
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 0
                              main multiblock carrier size: 1048576
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 0
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 10485760
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 1048576
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: false
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 18446744073709551615
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 0
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 0
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 0
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 0
                              main multiblock carrier size: 0
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 0
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 10485760
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 1048576
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 20
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 50
                              main multiblock carrier size: 65536
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: true
                              thread specific: true
                              realloc always moves: false
                              singleblock carrier threshold: 524288
                              absolute singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in Kb): 4145152
                              relative singleblock carrier shrink threshold (in %): 20
                              relative singleblock carrier move threshold (in %): 80
                              relative multiblock carrier move threshold (in %): 50
                              main multiblock carrier size: 65536
                              max mseg_alloc multiblock carriers: 18446744073709551615
                              max mseg_alloc singleblock carriers: 256
                              Largest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 5242880
                              Smallest multiblock carrier size (in Kb): 524288
                              multiblock carrier growth stages: 10
                              abandon carrier utilization limit: 0
                              acnl: 0
                              acfml: 0
                              allocation strategy: address_order_first_fit_carrier_best_fit
                              enabled: false
                              absolute max cache bad fit (in Kb): 4194304
                              relative max cache bad fit (in %).: 20
                              max cached segments: 10
                              max cached segments: 18446744073709551615
                              max cached segments: 1048576
                              allow sys_alloc carriers: true
                              set super carrier size: 0
                              a map over current allocations is kept by the emulator: false
                              status over allocated memory is kept by the emulator: false
                              thread specific: false
                           lock_physical_memory: no
               build_type: opt
          c_compiler_used: gnuc 7.3.0
                 check_io: {name,erts_poll}
               compat_rel: 20
             cpu_topology: [{processor,[{core,{logical,0}},{core,{logical,1}}]}]
                 creation: 3
           debug_compiled: false
           driver_version: 3.3
              elib_malloc: false
                ets_limit: 2053
          fullsweep_after: 65535
       garbage_collection: max_heap_size 0
                           min_bin_vheap_size 46422
                           min_heap_size 233
                           fullsweep_after 65535
                heap_type: private
              kernel_poll: true
       logical_processors: 2
                  machine: BEAM
            min_heap_size: 233
       min_bin_vheap_size: 46422
    modified_timing_level: undefined
         multi_scheduling: enabled
multi_scheduling_blockers: []
              otp_release: 20
         port_parallelism: false
               port_count: 76
               port_limit: 65536
            process_count: 703
            process_limit: 262144
      scheduler_bind_type: unbound
       scheduler_bindings: {unbound,unbound}
             scheduler_id: 1
               schedulers: 2
        schedulers_online: 2
              smp_support: true
           system_version: Erlang/OTP 20 [erts-9.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:2:2] [ds:2:2
                           :10] [async-threads:8] [hipe] [kernel-poll:true]

      system_architecture: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
                  threads: true
         thread_pool_size: 8
       trace_control_word: 0
                  version: 9.3
                 wordsize: 8

  context_switches: 61125820
        reductions: 4873298524
garbage_collection: 5651040 times, reclaimed 8206973907 words
                io: input 363.38M, output 371.17M
         run_queue: 0
           runtime: 4191528ms
        wall_clock: 221885930ms

         total: 153.11M
     processes: 57.41M
processes_used: 57.41M
        system: 95.69M
          atom: 1.86M
     atom_used: 1.85M
        binary: 1.57M
          code: 46.1M
           ets: 9.2M

Erlang NODES:

Mnesia NODES:

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:15:44, exec time: 124ms, nodes: sip1@ecss1]
admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/info memory total        
total: 266.84M

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:17:03, exec time: 10ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]


Команда для перезапуска ноды.

Путь команды:



restart [<TIMEOUT>]


<TIMEOUT> - время, через которое производится перезапуск ноды (в секундах). По умолчанию установлено 5 секунд.


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ /node/core1@ecss1/restart


Команда для управления сервисами нод: просмотр информации, запуск сервиса, остановка сервиса.

Путь команды:



service [<SERVICE> [<COMMAND>]]


<SERVICE> - название сервиса (опциональный параметр). Если не указывать этот параметр, то в результате выполнения команды будет выведена информация о всех сервисах заданной ноды;

<COMMAND> - назначаемое действие (опциональный параметр). Если не указывать этот параметр, то в результате выполнения команды будет выведена информация о состоянии заданного сервиса:

  • info - показать информацию о сервисе;
  • start - запустить сервис;
  • stop - остановить сервис.


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/md1@ecss1/service              
There are services at node: md1@ecss1

│S│     Service     │         Description          │
│+│ecss-node-manager│ECSS MGMT Node Manager Service│
│+│ecss-cm          │ECSS Configuration Manager    │
│+│http-terminal    │HTTP Terminal                 │
│+│dds              │DDS management service        │
│+│rps              │RPS management service        │
│+│log              │Log Server Management Service │
│+│notifier         │Notifier service              │
│+│tring            │ECSS Tring Service            │
│+│oasys            │OASYS management service      │
│+│amqp             │AMQP10 Management Service     │

S: Current service Status:
   +: Service is started
   ^: Service is starting
   -: Service is stopped
   v: Service is stopping
   x: Service is crashed
   ?: Unknown service status

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:23:11, exec time: 11ms, nodes: md1@ecss1]
admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/md1@ecss1/service notifier     
Service notifier is started at 3:42:9 28.9.2018 UTC
Previous known service status: stopped

Service status report:
ECSS Notifier successfully started.

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:24:13, exec time: 10ms, nodes: md1@ecss1]


Команда для отключения ноды.

Путь команды:



shutdown [<Timeout>]


<Timeout> - время, через которое производится отключение (в секундах). По умолчанию установлено 5 секунд.


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/sip1@ecss1/shutdown      
[shutdown] You are going to shutdown the ECSS node sip1@ecss1.
           This can cause data loss.
Shutdown the ECSS node sip1@ecss1?: [no]/yes ?> yes
Node sip1@ecss1 will be shut down after 5 seconds.

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:38:06, exec time: 4s 537ms, nodes: sip1@ecss1]
Alarm list changed at 30.09.2018 21:38:14:
    critical: 10                        
    major   : 1                         
Alarm list changed at 30.09.2018 21:38:23:


Показывает время непрерывной работы ноды c именем <some_node>.

Путь команды:





Команда не содержит аргументов.


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/uptime 
ecss-core core1@ecss1 uptime is 2d 13h 44m

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:21:05, exec time: 18ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]


Команда для просмотра информации о статусе подсистем для выбранной ноды.

Путь команды:





admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/group-service   
There are services at node: core1@ecss1

│S│      Service      │  Group  │
│+│ecss-cm            │core     │
│+│dds                │core     │
│+│rps                │core     │
│+│ecss-core          │core     │
│+│ecss-node-manager  │mgmt     │
│+│log                │core     │
│+│tring              │core     │
│+│amqp               │core     │

Existing groups: [core,mgmt]

S: Current service Status:
   +: Service is started
   ^: Service is starting
   -: Service is stopped
   v: Service is stopping
   x: Service is crashed
   ?: Unknown service status

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:45:55, exec time: 24ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]


Команда для просмотра информации о хостовой машине для выбранной ноды.

Путь команды:



host-info [<TYPE>]

<TYPE> - тип запрашиваемой инофрмации:

  • cpu - получить информацию о загрузке процессора из файла unix /proc/stat;
  • disk - получить информацию о использовании диска с помощью disksup:get_disk_data/0;
  • interfaces - получить список сетевых интерфейсов хоста с помощью inet:getifaddrs/0;
  • memory - получить информацию о динамически выделенной ВМ Erlang памяти с помощью вызова erlang:memory/0;
  • memory_total - получить информацию о емкости RAM диска хостовой машины с помощью вызова memsup:get_system_memory_data/0;
  • nodes - получить список активных нод erlang'a (включая выбранную ноду).

По умолчанию выводится вся инофрмация.


admin@[mycelium1@ecss1]:/$ node/core1@ecss1/host-info memory         
Memory used:
total:          275.58M
processes:      120.26M
processes_used: 120.25M
system:         155.32M
atom:           3.17M
atom_used:      3.14M
binary:         2.57M
code:           72.04M
ets:            12.46M

[exec at: 30.09.2018 21:43:54, exec time: 11ms, nodes: core1@ecss1]
  • Нет меток