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To simplify the use of the command line, the interface supports automatic command completion. This function is activated when the command is incomplete and the <Tab> character is entered.

Another function that helps to use the command line – context help. At any stage of entering a command, you can get a prompt about the following command elements by entering <?> character.

To simplify the commands, the whole command system has a hierarchical structure. There are special branch commands for transition between levels of the hierarchy. This allows to use brief commands on each level. To designate a current level where a user is located, the system prompt string changes dynamically.

LTP-16N# configure terminal // switch to the device configuration mode
LTP-16N(configure)# exit // return to the previous level

The exit command is always used to return to the previous level.  For convenience, you can also use common commands from the root block using the do prefix.

To set a default value or to disable a value, the prefix no should be used.

For the ease of command line use, shortcut keys listed in the Table 1 are supported.

Table 1 – Description of CLI shortcut keys

Shortcut keyDescription


In a nested command mode – exit to the previous command mode (exit command), in a root command mode – exit from CLI


Transition to the beginning of line


Transition to the end of line


Removal of characters to the left of a cursor


Removal of characters to the right of a cursor


Line clearing, command execution interruption


Removal of a word to the left of a cursor


Screen clearing

For ease of reading, page-by-page output of a wealth of information is added.

LTP-16N# show running-config all 
configure terminal
    interface gpon-port 1
        no shutdown
    interface gpon-port 2
        no shutdown
    interface gpon-port 3
        no shutdown
    interface gpon-port 4
        no shutdown
    interface gpon-port 5
        no shutdown
    interface gpon-port 6
        no shutdown
    interface gpon-port 7
        no shutdown
    interface gpon-port 8
        no shutdown
(Enter:next line Space:next page Q:quit R:show the rest)

To disable page-by-page output, use the following command:

LTP-16N# terminal datadump 

Command line interface enables user authorization and restricts access to commands depending on their privilege level, provided by the administrator. 

All commands are distributed by preference groups, which can be assigned between preference levels as needed.

You can create a required amount of users in the system. The required privilege level is specified individually for each of them.

In factory configuration, the system includes one user with admin name and password password.

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