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Command for uploading and downloading files to devices. Supports TFTP, FTP and HTTP protocols.

copy <SRC> <DST>

<SRC> — specifies transmission source:

To copy from the remote server:

  • tftp://ip[:port]/path/to/file
  • http://ip[:port]/path/to/file
  • ftp://user:password@ip[:port]/path/to/file

To copy from the device:

  • fs://config — copy backup file;
  • fs://logfile/filename — copy log file.

<DST> — specifies transmission destination:

To copy to the remote server:

  • tftp://ip[:port]/path/to/file
  • http://ip[:port]/path/to/file
  • ftp://user:password@ip[:port]/path/to/file

To copy from the device:

  • fs://config — upload backup;
  • fs://ont-firmware — upload firmware for ONT;
  • fs://firmware — upload firmware for the device;
  • fs://license — upload license.
Privilege group
Command mode


LTP-16N#  copy tftp:// fs://firmware
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  171M  100  171M    0     0  4464k      0  0:00:39  0:00:39 --:--:-- 4531k

  • Нет меток