Wireless Access Point
Operational Manual addendum
Device control via WEB configurator
Firmware version 1.14.0 (August 2018)
IP address:
User Name: admin
Password: password
The manual addendam provides information about the structure of the device Web interface, basic skills of the interface surfing, rules of configuring, monitoring and changing of wireless access point software (hereinafter referred to as the device).
Web interface allows you to make the device management more user-friendly. Configurating, monitoring, device debugging from the remote work place are realized by Web browser.
Targeted audience
Web interface is designed for technical staff which realizes tuning and monitoring of the device by the Web interface. Technical staff qualification supposes knowledges of the basic operation with the TCP/IP, UDP/IP protocols, Ethernet and wireless networks design concept.
Symbol | Description |
Semi-bold | Notes and warnings, chapter titles, headings and table headings are printed in semi-bold. |
Italic | Information which requires special attention is printed in italic. |
Notes and warnings
Notes contain important information, tips or recommendations on device operation and setup.
Warnings are used to inform the user about harmful situations for the device and the user alike, which
could cause malfunction or data loss.
Web interface description
You should be connected to the device via Web browser for startup:
- Open Web-browser (web-page explorer), for example, Firefox, Opera, Chrome.
- Enter IP-address of the device to the browser address line.
Default IP-address of the device:, Subnet mask:
Default device configuration gets address through DHCP. Before that the device is available by default IP-address.
If connection is successful, request form with user name and password will be displayed on a browser window.
- Enter the user name in the "User Name" line and password in the "Password" line.
Factory settings: user name: admin, password: password.
2. Click Logon button. Device Web configurator home page will be opened in the browser window.
Password reset
In the "Basic Settings" menu, the "Provide Network Settings" submenu, enter new password in the "New Password" and "Confirm new password" fields to change a password of the connection to the device web-configurator.
Web configurator elements
Figure 1 shows Web configurator navigation elements.
Figure 1 – Web configurator navigation elements
User inetrface window can be divided into 3 parts:
- Menu sections of the device settings
- Main window of the chosen section settings.
Background information about chosen section of the menu.
"Basic Settings" menu
The "Basic Settings" menu shows general information about the device, network settings, firmware version and system information. You can change the password and set the Console port rate.
Review Description of this Access Point – this section provides information about device network settings and firmware version.
- IP Address – the device IP address;
- MAC Address – the device MAC address;
- Firmware Version – firmware version;
- Uptime – the device operating time;
- CPU Usage - average level of CPU usage for the last 10 seconds, %;
- Memory Usage - utilised real memory of the device, %.
Device Information – the device general information.
- Product Identifier – the product ID;
- Hardware Version – the hardware version;
- Serial Number – the device serial number;
- Device Name – the device system name;
- Device Description – the device description.
Provide Network Settings – in this section you can change the password for the device Web/CLI configurator access.
- New Password – new password;
- Confirm new password – new password confirmation.
Serial Settings – Console interface settings.
- Baud Rate – baud rate via Console interface, bps, takes the following values: 9600; 19200; 38400; 57600; 115200.
System Settings – in this section you can make the device system settings.
- System Name – the device system name;
- System Contact – contact details to get in touch with the administrator;
- System Location – information about the device location.
Click Update to save the new settings and update the information.
"Status" menu
This page displays the current settings for the device interfaces, logged events, radio environment and radio statistics.
"Interfaces" submenu
This section provides the detailed information about current settings of wired interfaces and wireless network. The configuration of wired interfaces is carried out in the "Manage – Ethernet Settings" menu. The configuration of wireless interfaces is carried out in "Manage – Wireless Settings" menu. To go to the settings menu you may follow the "Edit" link in corresponding section.
Wired Settings – the information about current settings of wired interfaces is provided:
- MAC Address – the device MAC address on Ethernet interfaces;
- VLAN ID – VLAN ID for device management;
- IP Address – IP address for device management;
- Subnet Mask – mask of management IPv4 network;
- IPv6 Address – IPv6 address for device management;
- IPv6 Autoconfigured Global Addresses – list of automatically configured IPv6 addresses;
- IPv6 Link Local Address – automatically configured local IPv6 address;
- IPv6-DNS-1 – address of the first DNS server in IPv6 network;
- IPv6-DNS-2 – address of the second DNS server in IPv6 network;
- DNS-1 – address of the first DNS server in IPv4 network;
- DNS-2 – address of the second DNS server in IPv4 network;
- Default Gateway – default gateway in IPv4 network.
Show interfaces table – shows the interfaces table:
Interface – AP interface name;
Status – interface name;
- MAC Address – interface MAC address;
- VLAN ID – VLAN identificator used on the interface;
- Name (SSID) – name of a wireless network.
Wireless Settings – the information about current settings of wireless interfaces is provided:
- AeroScoutTM Engine Communications Status – AeroScout protocol support status;
- Radio One Status – the first interface operation status;
- Radio Two Status – the second interface operation status;
- MAC Address – MAC address of radio interface;
- Mode – operation mode of radio interface;
- Channel – the wireless channel number according to 802.11, on which the radio interface is operating;
- Operational bandwidth – the bandwidth occupied by the radio interface spectrum;
- Transmit Power Output – actual radiated power of a transmitter.
SFP Settings is optional only for WOP-12ac ER SFP and WOP-12ac ER GPON – the information about current settings of the optical interface is provided:
- Link Status – operating status of the optical interface;
- SFP-module Status – displays availability of SFP module;
- Temperature – current temperature of SFP module;
- Transceiver Supply Voltage – power supply voltage of SFP module;
- Laser Bias Current – laser bias current of SFP module;
- Transmit Power – transmit power;
- Receive Power – receiver input power;
- Speed – bit rate.
Click Refresh button to refresh the page.
"Events" submenu
In the "Events" submenu you can view the device event log and redirect the information about the events to a third-party SYSLOG server.
Options – in this section you can configure message log settings: the severity level and the number of messages stored in the device's non-volatile storage.
- Persistence – choice of info messages memorizing method:
- Enabled – when selected the log events will be stored in non-volatile memory;
- Disabled – when selected the log events will be stored in volatile memory. Messages in volatile memory will be deleted when the system is rebooted.
- Severity – the severity level of a message that should be stored in non-volatile memory, the description is given in table 4.1.
Table 4.1 – Messages severity level
Level | Message severity type | Description |
0 | Emergency | A critical error has occurred in the system, the system may not work correctly. |
1 | Alert | Immediate intervention in system is necessary. |
2 | Critical | A critical error has occurred in the system. |
3 | Error | An error has occurred in the system. |
4 | Warning | Warning, non-emergency message. |
5 | Notice | System notification, non-emergency message. |
6 | Informational | Information messages of the system. |
7 | Debug | Debug messages provide a user with the information for correct configuration of the system. |
- Depth – maximum amount of messages that can be stored in non-volatile memory, up to 512 messages by default, and takes value of 1-512. If this threshold is exceeded, the message that is stored in the system the longest is overwritten by a new one.
The Update button is used to save the settings.
Relay Options – in this section the settings of sending information messages to a third-party server are made.
- Relay Log – enabling/disabling of the device info messages отправки информационных сообщений устройства to a third-party server:
- Enabled – when selected sending is enabled;
- Disabled – when selected sending is disabled.
- Relay Host – address of the server to which messages are redirected;
- Relay Port – number of the port (layer 4) to which messages are redirected, takes the values of 1-65535, the default - 514.
The Update button is used to save the settings.
Events – in this section you can view the list of information messages in real time and the following information:
- Time Setting (NTP) – time of event generation;
- Type – an event severity level, table 4.1;
- Service – name of the process that has generated a message;
- Description – message description.
Click the Refresh button to refresh information in the «Events» section.
Click the Clear All button to remove all the messages.
"Transmit/Receive" submenu
The "Transmit/Receive" section shows the graphs of the transmitted / received traffic speed in the last 10 minutes, as well as statistics on the amount of transmitted/received traffic since the access point was turned on.
The "Transmit/Receive" graphs description:
LAN Tx/Rx graph shows the speed of transmitted / received traffic via AP Ethernet interface in the last 10 minutes. The graph is refreshed automatically every 30 seconds.
WLAN Tx/Rx graph shows the speed of transmitted / received traffic via AP Radio interfaces in the last 10 minutes. The graph is refreshed automatically every 30 seconds.
Fields names:
- Interface – interface name;
- Status – interface status:
- Up – interface is enabled;
- Down – interface is disabled.
- MAC Address – interface МАС address;
- VLAN ID – VLAN identification number;
- Name (SSID) – wireless network name.
The "Transmit" table description:
- Interface – interface name;
- Total packets – amount of successfully sent packets;
- Total bytes – amount of successfully sent bytes;
- Total drop packets – amount of packets dropped when sending;
- Total drop bytes – amount of bytes dropped when sending;
- Errors – amount of errors.
The "Receive" table description:
- Interface – interface name;
- Total packets – amount of successfully received packets;
- Total bytes – amount of successfully received bytes;
- Total drop packets – amount of packets dropped when receiving;
- Total drop bytes – amount of bytes dropped when receiving;
- Errors – amount of errors.
Click the Refresh button to refresh information.
"Wireless Multicast Forwarding Statistic" submenu
The "Wireless Multicast Forwarding Statistic" section provides statistics on Wireless Multicast Forwarding operation.
The "Transmit/Receive Statistics" table description:
- Interface – interface name;
- Mcast-Data-Frames – amount of multicast frames received by the AP;
- Mcast-Data-Fwd – amount of multicast frames received by clients;
- Mcast-Data-Flooded – amount of multicast frames sent to all ports;
- Mcast-Data-Sentup – amount of multicast frames sent;
- Mcast-Data-Dropped – amount of multicast frames dropped.
The "IGMP Statictics" table description:
- Interface – interface name;
- Igmp-Frames – amount of IGMP frames received by the AP;
- Igmp-Frames-Fwd – amount of IGMP frames received by clients;
- Igmp-Frames-Sentup – amount of IGMP frames sent to all ports;
- Mfdb-Cache-Hits – amount of packets sent to a known multicast address;
- Mfdb-Cache-Misses – amount of packets sent to unknown multicast address.
The "Multicast-Group" table description:
- Interface – interface name;
- Multicast-Group – multicast group IP address;
- Stations – MAC address of a multicast group client;
- Packets – amount of received packets of multicast group clients.
"Client Associations" submenu
In the "Client Associations" section you can view information about clients connected to the AP and statistics on transmitted/received traffic for each client.
- SSID – name of a wireless interface and name of a virtual access point on the interface to which a client is connected. For example, wlan0vap2 record means that the client is connected to Radio 1 by a virtual access point VAP2; wlan1 record means that the client is connected to VAP0 on Radio2;
- Station – client MAC address;
- IP Address – client IP address;
- Hostname – device network name, a string of 1-63 characters is specified: latin capital and lower-case letters, digits, the hyphen "-" (the hyphen can not be the last character in the name);
- Uptime – duration of a client session;
- RSSI – received signal strength from a client;
- SNR – signal-to-noise ratio level from a client;
- Noise – ambient noise;
- Link Quality – parameter that displays status of a link to a client, calculated on the basis of the number of packets retransmission рассчитанный на основании количества ретрансмитов пакетов, отправленных клиенту. The maximum value — 100% (all transmitted packets have been sent at the first attempt), minimum value – 0% (none packet was successfully sent to a client); a parameter that displays the status of the link to the client, calculated based on the number of retransmissions of packets sent to the client. The maximum value is 100% (all transmitted packets were sent on the first attempt), the minimum value was 0% (no packet was successfully sent to the client);
- Rate Quality – parameter that displays status of a link to a client, calculated on the basis of , который отображает состояние линка до клиента, рассчитанный на основании количества ретрансмитов пакетов, отправленных клиенту, для модуляции, которая используется в данный момент. Максимальное значение — 100% (все переданные пакеты на данной модуляции отправились с первой попытки), минимальное значение – 0% (ни один пакет на данной модуляции до клиента не был успешно отправлен);
Link Capacity – parameter that displays efficiency of using by the AP параметр, который отображает эффективность использования точкой доступа модуляции на передачу. Рассчитывается исходя из количества пакетов, переданных на каждой модуляции до клиента,и понижающих коэффициентов. The maximum value - 100% (it means that all packets are transmitted to a client on a maximum modulation for maximum nss type supported by a client). The minimum value- 2% (in case when the packets are transmitted on the modualtion of nss1mcs0 for a client with MIMO 3x3 support). For clients connected without using of AMPDU this parameter is not supported;
- Status – authorization status.
- MAC – a client MAC address;
- AID – unique connection ID;
- SSID – name of the network to which a client is connected;
- Mode – IEEE 802.11 standard which is used by a client;
- RSSI – signal level from a client;
- VLAN – VLAN number of a virtual access point;
- Tx actual rate – current rate of data transmission towards a client, kbps;
- Tx/Rx Packets – the number of transmitted and received packets from a client;
- Tx/Rx Drop Packets – the number of packets dropped in two directions (transmission and reception respectively);
- Tx/Rx Bytes – the number of transmitted and received information from a client, bytes;
- Tx/Rx Drop Packets – the number of dropped information in two directions (transmission and reception respectively), bytes;
- Tx/Rx Rate – channel rate in two directions, Mbps;
- Connection time – session duration;
- Bandwidth – bandwidth in which a client operates, MHz;
- PS Mode – sleep mode: 0 – a client is active, 1 – a client is in sleep mode;
- Auth Mode – security type;
- Encryption – encryption type;
- Listen Interval – amount of beacon frames after which a client should check if there is available traffic for him (in case of sleep mode);
- Rx actual rate – current rate of data transmission to the access point, in kbps;
- MCS – modulation;
- Rx Pkts – amount of packets received from a client per modulation;
- Tx Pkts – amount of packets transmitted to a client per modulation;
- Tx Succ Pkts – amount of packets successfully transmitted to a client;
- Tx Retries – amount of packets duplicated to a client, in %;
- Tx Period Retries – amount of retransmitted packets for the last period (10 seconds), in %.
Click the Refresh button to refresh information.
"TSPEC Client Associations" submenu
The "TSPEC Client Associations" section shows information about client Tspec data transmitted and received via this access point.
- Network – name of wireless interface and name of virtual access point on the interface to which a client is connected. For example, wlan0vap2 record means that a client is connected with Radio 1 by VAP2; wlan1 record means that a client is connected with VAP0 on Radio2;
- Station – a client MAC address;
- TS Identifier – TSPEC identificator of traffic flow (range 0-7);
- Access Category – access category (voice or video);
- Direction – traffic direction (uplink/downlink);
- User Priority – a user priority;
- Average Time – average time during which the transmission medium is taken by traffic flow;
- Excess Usage Events – amount of time when a client exeeds the average period of transmission;
- Vap – No. of VAP;
- MacAddress – MAC address of access point;
- SSID – name of a wireless network;
- From Station – information about the traffic that is transmitted from a wireless client to an access point;
- ToStation – information about the traffic that is transmitted from an access point to a client:
- Packets – amount of packets transmitted;
- Bytes – amount of bytes transmitted;
- Drop Packets – amount of packets dropped;
- DropBytes – amount of bytes dropped.
Click the Refresh button to refresh information.
"Rogue AP Detection" submenu
This submenu shows information about all wireless access points which the device detects around itself.
Click the Refresh button to refresh information.
- AP Detection for Radio 1/ AP Detection for Radio 2 – enabling of third-party APs detection for Radio1 and Radio2.
The Update button is used to save the settings.
Detected Rogue AP List – the section displays information about all wireless access points which the device detects around itself.
The Delete Old button is used to remove records about suspended devices in radio environment.
- Action – if access point is если точка доступа находится в списке обнаруженных, то нажатие кнопки «Grant» перенесет ее в список доверенных точек доступа. Если точка доступа находится в списке доверенных, то нажатие кнопки «Delete» переведет ее в список обнаруженных точек доступа;
- MAC – MAC address of an access point;
- Radio – used radio interface;
- Beacon Int. – интервал посылки Beacon-пакета точкой доступа;
- Type – тип обнаруженного устройства:
- AP – access point;
- Ad hoc – децентрализованное клиентское устройство;
- SSID – name of a wireless network;
- Privacy – статус работы режима безопасности точки доступа:
- On – security mode is disabled;
- Off – security mode is enabled;
- WPA – WPA encryption status: disabled , enabled ;
- Band – частотный спектр работы точки доступа: 2.4 GHz or 5 GHz;
- Channel [BandWidth] – used frequency channel and bandwidth;
- Channel Blocks – channels range occupied by AP;
- Signal – level of the signal received from an access point. When hovering the pointer over a signal graphic image, numerical values of this signal pop out;
- Beacons – total number of Beacon packets, received form an access point принятых от точки доступа с момента ее обнаружения;
- Last Beacon – date and time of the last Beacon-packet reception from an access point; дата и время приема последнего Beacon-пакета от точки доступа;
- Rates – list of channel rates supported by the given access point.
Known AP List – the table provides the list of authorized access points.
Save Known AP List to a file – в данном разделе выполняется сохранение списка «Known AP List» в файл. Для сохранения нажмите кнопку «Save».
Import Known AP List from a file – в данном разделе выполняется загрузка списка «Known AP List» из файла.
- Replace – при импорте списка доверенных точек доступа импортируемый список полностью заменит текущий список доверенных точек доступа;
- Merge – при импорте списка доверенных точек доступа доверенные точки доступа из импортируемого списка будут добавлены к точкам доступа, находящимся в импортируемом списке в данный момент времени.
Для загрузки файла нажмите кнопку «Выберите файл», укажите файл, который нужно загрузить и нажмите кнопку «Import».