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GRE tunnel configuration

GRE (Generic Routing Encapsulation) is a network packet tunneling protocol. Its main purpose is to encapsulate packets of the OSI model network layer into IP packets. GRE may be used for VPN establishment on 3rd level of OSI model. In ESR router/WLC controller implemented static unmanageable GRE tunnels, i.e. tunnels are created manually via configuration on local and remote hosts. Tunnel parameters for each side should be mutually agreeable, otherwise transferred data will not be decapsulated by the partner.

Configuration algorithm






Configure L3 interface from which a GRE tunnel will be built.


Create a GRE tunnel and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# tunnel gre <INDEX>

<INDEX> – tunnel identifier, set in the range of:

  • for ESR-10/12V(F)/14VF/15 and WLC-15 – [1..10];
  • for ESR-20/21/30/100/200 and WLC-30 – [1..250];
  • for ESR-1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100/3200 and WLC-3200 – [1..500].


Specify VRF instance, in which the given GRE tunnel will operate (optional).

esr(config-gre )# ip vrf forwarding <VRF>

<VRF> – VRF name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the description of the configured tunnel (optional).

esr(config-gre)# description <DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – tunnel description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Set local IP address for tunnel installation.

esr(config-gre)# local address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – gateway IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].

esr(config-gre)# local interface <IF>

<IF> – interface IP address of which is used for the tunnel installation.


Set remote IP address for tunnel installation.

esr(config-gre)# remote address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – gateway IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Specify the GRE tunnel encapsulation mode.

esr(config-gre)# mode <MODE>

<MODE> – GRE tunnel encapsulation mode:

  • ip – encapsulation of IP in GRE;
  • ethernet –  encapsulation of Ethernet frames in GRE.

Default value: ip


Set the IP address of a tunnel local side (only in ip mode).

esr(config-gre)# ip address <ADDR/LEN>

<ADDR/LEN> – IP address and prefix of a subnet, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..32].

Up to 8 IP addresses can be specified separated by commas.


Assign the broadcast domain for encapsulation in the tunnel’s GRE packets (only in ethernet mode).

esr(config-gre)# bridge-group <BRIDGE-ID>

<BRIDGE-ID> – bridge identification number, takes values in the range of:

  • for ESR-10/12V(F)/14VF/15 and WLC-15 – [1..50];
  • for ESR-20/21/30/100/200 and WLC-30 – [1..250];
  • for ESR-1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100/3200 and WLC-3200 – [1..500].


Include the GRE tunnel in a security zone and configure interaction rules between zones or disable firewall (see section Firewall configuration).

esr(config-gre)# security-zone<NAME>

<NAME> – security zone name, set by the string of up to 12 characters.

esr(config-gre)# ip firewall disable




Specify MTU size (MaximumTransmissionUnit) for the tunnel (optional).
MTU above 1500 will be active only when using the 'system jumbo-frames' command.

esr(config-gre)# mtu <MTU>

<MTU> – MTU value, takes values in the range of:

  • for ESR-10/12V(F)/14VF/15 and WLC-15 – [1280..9600];
  • for ESR-20/21/30 and WLC-30 – [1280..9500];
  • for ESR-100/200/1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100/3200 and WLC-3200 – [1280..10000].

Default value: 1500.


Specify the TTL lifetime for tunnel packets (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ttl <TTL>

<TTL> – TTL value, takes values in the range of [1..255].

Default value: Inherited from encapsulated packet.


Specify DSCP for the use in IP header of encapsulated packet (optional).

esr(config-gre)# dscp <DSCP>

<DSCP> – DSCP code value, takes values in the range of [0..63].

Default value: inherited from encapsulated packet.


Enable key transmitting in GRE tunnel header (according to RFC 2890) and set the key value. Configured only on the both tunnel sides (optional).

esr(config-gre)# key <KEY>

<KEY> – KEY value, takes values in the range of [1..2000000].

Default value: key is not transmitted.


Enable the calculation of the checksum and entry it to the GRE header of the packets to be sent. Also it is necessary to enable verifying of the checksum on the remote side (optional).

esr(config-gre)# local checksum


Enable verification of the presence and consistency of checksum values in the headers of GRE packets being received. Also it is necessary to enable calculation of the checksum on the remote side (optional).

esr(config-gre)# remote checksum


Enable the check for tunnel remote gateway availability (optional).

esr(config-gre)# keepalive enable


Change the keepalive packets timeout from the opposing party (optional).

esr(config-gre)# keepalive timeout <TIME>

<TIME> – time in seconds, takes values of [1..32767].

Default value: 10.


Change the number of attempts to check the availability of a tunnel remote gateway (optional).

esr(config-gre)# keepalive retries <VALUE>

<VALUE> – number of attempts, takes values in the range of [1..255].

Default value: 5.


Specify the IP address for the keepalive mechanism (mandatory in ethernet mode).

esr(config-gre)# keepalive dst-address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address to check GRE tunnel capability.


Change the time interval during which the statistics on the tunnel load is averaged (optional).

esr(config-gre)# load-average <TIME>

<TIME> – interval in seconds, takes values of [5..150].

Default value: 5.


Enable sending snmp-trap about tunnel enabling/disabling.

esr(config-gre)# snmp init-trap


Enable the mechanism of IP addresses iterative query using DHCP on the specified interfaces when the GRE tunnel is disconnected via keepalive (optional).

esr(config-gre)# keepalive dhcp dependent-interface <IF>

<IF> – physical/logical interface on which IP address obtaining via DHCP is enabled.


Specify the time interval between GRE tunnel disabling and IP address iterative query on the interface/interfaces specified by the keepalive dhcp dependent-interface command (optional).

esr(config-gre)# keepalive dhcp link-timeout <SEC>

<SEC> – time interval between GRE tunnel disabling and IP address requery via DHCP on the interfaces.


Override the MSS (Maximum segment size) field in incoming TCP packets (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ip tcp adjust-mss <MSS>

<MSS> – MSS value, takes values in the range of [500..1460].

Default value: 1460.


Enable recording of the current tunnel usage statistics (optional).

esr(config-gre)# history statistics


Enable the tunnel.

esr(config-gre)# enable

It is also possible to configure the GRE tunnel:

IP-GRE tunnel configuration example


Establish L3-VPN for company offices using IP network with GRE protocol for traffic tunneling.

  • IP address is used as a local gateway for the tunnel;
  • IP address is used as a remote gateway for the tunnel;
  • IP address of the tunnel at the local side is


Pre-configure interfaces on the devices for connection with WAN, enable GRE packets reception from a security zone where WAN connected interfaces operate.

Create GRE 10 tunnel:

esr(config)# tunnel gre 10

Specify local and remote gateways (IP addresses of WAN border interfaces):

esr(config-gre)# local address
esr(config-gre)# remote address

Specify tunnel IP address

esr(config-gre)# ip address

Also, the tunnel should belong to the security zone in order to create rules that allow traffic to pass through the firewall. To define the tunnel inherence to a zone, use the following command:

esr(config-gre)# security-zone untrusted

Enable tunnel:

esr(config-gre)# enable
esr(config-gre)# exit

Create route to the partner's local area network on the router/controller. Specify previously created GRE tunnel as a destination interface.

esr(config)# ip route tunnel gre 10 

When settings are applied, traffic will be encapsulated into the tunnel and sent to the partner regardless of their GRE tunnel existence and settings validity.

Alternatively, the following parameters for GRE tunnel can be specified:

  • Enable GRE header checksum calculation and inclusion into a packet with encapsulated packet for outbound traffic:

    esr(config-gre)# local checksum
  • Enable check for GRE checksum presence and validity for inbound traffic:

    esr(config-gre)# remote checksum

  • Specify a unique identifier:

    esr(config-gre)# key 15808
  • Specify DSCP, MTU, TTL values:

    esr(config-gre)# dscp 44
    esr(config-gre)# mtu 1426
    esr(config-gre)# ttl 18
  • Enable and configure keepalive mechanism:

    esr(config-gre)# keepalive enable
    esr(config-gre)# keepalive timeout <TIME>
    esr(config-gre)# keepalive retries <VALUE>

To view the tunnel status, use the following command:

esr# show tunnels status gre 10

To view sent and received packet counters, use the following command:

esr# show tunnels counters gre 10

To view the tunnel configuration, use the following command:

esr# show tunnels configuration gre 10

IPv4-over-IPv4 tunnel configuration is performed in the same manner.

During tunnel creation, enable GRE protocol (47) in the firewall.

DMVPN configuration

DMVPN (Dynamic Multipoint Virtual Private Network) — technology for creating virtual private networks, with the ability to dynamically create tunnels between hosts. The advantage of this solution is its high scalability and ease of setup when connecting branches to the head office. DMVPN is used in the Hub-and-Spoke topology, and allows the construction of direct VPN Spoke-to-Spoke tunnels in addition to the usual Spoke-to-Hub tunnels. This means that branches can communicate with each other directly, without the need for traffic to pass through the Hub.

To establish such a connection, clients (NHC) over an encrypted IPsec tunnel send their internal (tunnel) address and external (NBMA) address to the NHRP server (NHS). When a client wants to connect to another NHC, it sends a request to the server to find out its external address. Having received a response from the server, the client can now independently establish a connection to the remote branch.

Configuration algorithm






Check the availability of 'external' IP addresses located on physical interfaces.



Prepare IPsec tunnels for use with dynamic GRE tunnels.


See section Policy-based IPsec VPN configuration.


Create a GRE tunnel and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# tunnel gre <INDEX>

<INDEX> – tunnel identifier.


Switch the GRE tunnel to multipoint mode.

esr(config-gre )# multipoint


Set an open password for NHRP packets (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp authentication <WORD>

<WORD> – unencrypted password, set by the string of [1..8] characters, may include [0-9a-fA-F] characters.


Specify the time during which a record about this client will exist on the NHS (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp holding-time <TIME>

<TIME> – the time in seconds during which a record about this client will exist on the server takes the values [1..65535].

Default value: 7200


Set the 'logic (tunnel)' address of the NHRP server.

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp nhs <ADDR> [ no-registration ]

<ADDR/LEN> – address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..32];

  • no-registration — do not register on the NHRP server.


Match the 'internal' tunnel address with the 'external' NBMA address.

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp map <ADDR> <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Define the destination of multicast traffic.

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp multicast { dynamic | nhs | <ADDR> }

  • dynamic — send to all peers with which there is a connection;
  • nhs — send to all static configured servers;

<ADDR> – send to specifically configured server, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Enable the ability to send NHRP Traffic Indication packets. Running on the NHS (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp redirect


Enable the ability to create shortest routes. Running on the NHC (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp shortcut


Map IPsec-VPN to the mGRE tunnel (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp ipsec <WORD> { static | dynamic }

<WORD> – VPN name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.

  • static — static connection, used for connection to NHS;
  • dynamic — dynamically established connection, configured for communication between NHC.


Enable group attribute transmission (optional).

esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp attribute group <WORD>

13Enable NHRP.esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp enable


Organize IP connectivity using the dynamic routing protocol.

Other settings are the same as for the static GRE tunnel (see section GRE tunnel configuration)

Configuration example 1


Organize DMVPN between company offices using mGRE tunnels, NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol), Dynamic Routing Protocol (BGP), Ipsec. In our example, we will have a HUB router and two branches. The HUB is the DMVPN server (NHS), and the branches are DMVPN clients (NHC).

External IP addres of Hub —;

External IP address of Spoke-1 —;

External IP address of Spoke-2 —

IPsec VPN parameters:


  • Diffie-Hellman group: 2;
  • encryption algorithm: AES128;
  • authentication algorithm: SHA1.


  • encryption algorithm: AES128;
  • authentication algorithm: SHA1.
  1. Hub configuration
    Create GRE tunnel:

    esr# configure
    esr(config)# tunnel gre 5

    Specify the IP address of the interface bordering the ISP:

    esr(config-gre)# local address

    Specify MTU value:

    esr(config-gre)# mtu 1416

    Specify ttl value:

    esr(config-gre)# ttl 16

    Specify IP address of GRE tunnel:

    esr(config-gre)# ip address

    Switch the GRE tunnel into multipoint mode to be able to connect to multiple points:

    esr(config-gre)# multipoint

    Proceed to NHRP configuration. Configure multicast to dynamically learnt addresses:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp multicast dynamic

    Configure the dynamic routing protocol for the Hub. In our example, this will be BGP:

    esr(config)# router bgp 65005
    esr(config-bgp)# address-family ipv4
    esr(config-bgp-af)# neighbor
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# remote-as 65008
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# enable
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# exit
    esr(config-bgp-af)# neighbor
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# remote-as 65004
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# enable
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# exit
    esr(config-bgp-af)# enable

    Configure IPsec for the Hub:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key ascii-text encrypted 8CB5107EA7005AFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike gateway IKEGW
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network protocol gre
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn IPSECVPN
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway IKEGW
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable

    Map IPsec to the GRE tunnel so that clients can establish an encrypted connection:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp ipsec IPSECVPN dynamic

    Enable NHRP and the tunnel:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp enable
    esr(config-gre)# enable
  2. Spoke configuration

    Perform the standard DMVPN configuration on the tunnel:

    esr# configure
    esr(config-gre)# tunnel gre 8
    esr(config-gre)# mtu 1416
    esr(config-gre)# ttl 16
    esr(config-gre)# multipoint
    esr(config-gre)# local address
    esr(config-gre)# ip address

    Specify the time while the client record will be stored on the server:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp holding-time 300

    Specify the tunnel address of NHS:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp nhs

    Specify the tunnel address – real:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp map

    Configure the multicast to the NHRP server:

    esr(config)# ip nhrp multicast nhs

    Configure the BGP for spoke:

    esr(config)# router bgp 65008
    esr(config-bgp)# address-family ipv4
    esr(config-bgp-af)# neighbor
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# remote-as 65005
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# enable
    esr(config-bgp-neighbor)# exit
    esr(config-bgp-af)# enable

    Configure IPsec. When creating the IKE protocol gateway for NHS, specify particular destination addresses. When creating an IKE gateway for NHC – the destination address will be any:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key ascii-text encrypted 8CB5107EA7005AFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike gateway IKEGW_HUB
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network protocol gre
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network protocol gre
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike gateway IKEGW_SPOKE
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network protocol gre
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn IPSECVPN_HUB
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway IKEGW_HUB
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn IPSECVPN_SPOKE
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway IKEGW_SPOKE
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable

    Map IPsec to the GRE tunnel, in order to be able to establish an encrypted connection with the server and with other network clients:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp ipsec IPSECVPN_HUB static
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp ipsec IPSECVPN_SPOKE dynamic

    Enable NHRP and the tunnel:

    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp enable
    esr(config-gre)# enable

    To view the NHRP records status, use the following command:

    esr# show ip nhrp

    NHRP records can be cleared with the following command:

    esr# clear ip nhrp

Configuration example 2


Organize DMVPN between company offices with corresponding subnets LAN1 and LAN2, using mGRE tunnels, NHRP (Next Hop Resolution Protocol), Dynamic Routing Protocol (OSPF), IPsec. In our example, we will have a HUB router and two branches. The HUB is the DMVPN server (NHS), and the branches are DMVPN clients (NHC).

When using the DMVPN scheme, the HUB must be a DR router. Thus, the routes of local subnets spoke 1 and spoke 2 will be relayed through the hub.

External IP address of HUB —;
External IP address of Spoke-1 —;
External IP address of Spoke-2 —

IPsec VPN parameters:


  • Diffie-Hellman group: 2;
  • encryption algorithm: AES128;
  • authentication algorithm: MD5.


  • Diffie-Hellman group: 2;
  • encryption algorithm: AES128;
  • authentication algorithm: MD5.

  1. HUB configuration:
    First, configure the OSPF protocol:

    esr(config)# router ospf log-adjacency-changes
    esr(config)# router ospf 1
    esr(config-ospf)# router-id
    esr(config-ospf)# area
    esr(config-ospf-area)# enable
    esr(config-ospf-area)# exit
    esr(config-ospf)# enable
    esr(config-ospf)# exit

    Configure the interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
    esr(config-if-gi)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
    esr(config-if-gi)# exit

    Configure the GRE tunnel, define the security zone membership, configure OSPF on the GRE tunnel, configure NHRP and enable the tunnel and NHRP with the enable command. To make HUB DR, set the maximum priority.

    esr(config)# tunnel gre 1
    esr(config-gre)# ttl 16
    esr(config-gre)# mtu 1416
    esr(config-gre)# multipoint
    esr(config-gre)# security-zone untrusted 
    esr(config-gre)# local address
    esr(config-gre)# ip address
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf instance 1
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf area
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf priority 255
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp multicast dynamic
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp enable
    esr(config-gre)# enable
    esr(config-gre)# exit

    Create static routes for the subnets of the spoke interfaces and

    esr(config)# ip route
    esr(config)# ip route

    Configure IPsec for the HUB.

    esr(config)# security ike proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key ascii-text password
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_spoke
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network protocol gre 
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# pfs dh-group 2
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn ipsec_spoke
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway ike_spoke
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit

    Map IPsec to the GRE tunnel so that clients can establish an encrypted connection:

    esr(config)# tunnel gre 1
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp ipsec ipsec_spoke dynamic
    esr(config-gre)# exit

  2. SPOKE configuration:
    Preliminary configure the OSPF protocol with the advertising of the subnet LAN1:

    esr(config)# router ospf log-adjacency-changes
    esr(config)# router ospf 1
    esr(config-ospf)# router-id
    esr(config-ospf)# area
    esr(config-ospf-area)# network
    esr(config-ospf-area)# enable
    esr(config-ospf-area)# exit
    esr(config-ospf)# enable
    esr(config-ospf)# exit

    Configure the interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
    esr(config-if-gi)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
    esr(config-if-gi)# exit

    Configure the GRE tunnel, define the security zone membership, configure OSPF on the GRE tunnel, configure NHRP and enable the tunnel and NHRP with the enable command. To make HUB DR, set the minimum priority on spoke:

    esr(config)# tunnel gre 1
    esr(config-gre)# ttl 16
    esr(config-gre)# mtu 1416
    esr(config-gre)# multipoint
    esr(config-gre)# ip firewall disable
    esr(config-gre)# local address
    esr(config-gre)# ip address
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf instance 1
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf area
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf priority 0
    esr(config-gre)# ip ospf
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp holding-time 300
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp map
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp nhs
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp multicast nhs
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp enable
    esr(config-gre)# enable
    esr(config-gre)# exit

    Create static routes for the subnets of the spoke interfaces and

    esr(config)# ip route
    esr(config)# ip route

    Configure IPsec for the HUB:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key ascii-text password
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_spoke
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network protocol gre 
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit
    esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_hub
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network protocol gre 
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network protocol gre 
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# pfs dh-group 2
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn ipsec_spoke
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway ike_spoke
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit
    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn ipsec_hub
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway ike_hub
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit

    Map IPsec to the GRE tunnel, in order to be able to establish an encrypted connection with the server and with other network clients:

    esr(config)# tunnel gre 1
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp ipsec ipsec_hub static
    esr(config-gre)# ip nhrp ipsec ipsec_spoke dynamic
    esr(config-gre)# exit
  3. To view the NHRP records status, use the following command.

    esr# show ip nhrp
  4. Additionally, in the security zone-pair untrusted self, the protocols for the GRE over IPSec tunnel must be allowed.

    esr(config)# object-group service ISAKMP_PORT
    esr(config-object-group-service)# port-range 500
    esr(config-object-group-service)# poRt-range 4500
    esr(config-object-group-service)# exit
    esr(config)# security zone-pair untrusted self
    esr(config-zone-pair)# rule 1
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol udp
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match destination-port ISAKMP_PORT
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)# rule 2
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol gre
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)# rule 3
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol esp
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)# rule 4
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol ah
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)# exit

L2TPv3 tunnel configuration

L2TPv3 (Layer 2 Tunnelling Protocol Version 3) is a protocol used for tunneling of 2nd level OSI model packets between two IP nodes. IP or UDP is used as an encapsulation protocol. L2TPv3 may be used as an alternative to MPLS P2P L2VPN (VLL) for L2 VPN establishment. In ESR router/WLC controller implemented static unmanageable L2TPv3 tunnels, i.e. tunnels are created manually via configuration on local and remote hosts. Tunnel parameters for each side should be mutually agreeable, otherwise transferred data will not be decapsulated by the partner.

Configuration algorithm






Configure L3 interface from which a L2TPv3 tunnel will be built.



Create a L2TPv3 tunnel and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# tunnel l2tpv3 <INDEX>

<INDEX> – tunnel identifier, set in the range of:

  • for ESR-10/12V(F)/14VF/15 and WLC-15 – [1..10];
  • for ESR-20/21/30/100/200 and WLC-30 – [1..250];
  • for ESR-1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100/3200 and WLC-3200 – [1..500].


Specify the description of the configured tunnel (optional).

esr(config-l2tpv3)# description <DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – tunnel description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Set local IP address for tunnel installation.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# local address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – gateway IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Set remote IP address for tunnel installation.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# remote address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – gateway IP address, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD where each part takes values of [0..255].


Select encapsulation method for L2TPv3 tunnel.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# protocol <TYPE>

<TYPE> – encapsulation type, possible values:

  • ip – encapsulation in an IP packet;
  • udp – encapsulation in UDP datagrams.


Set local session identifier.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# local session-id <SESSION-ID>

<SESSION-ID> – session identifier, takes values in the range of [1..200000].


Set remote session identifier.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# remote session-id <SESSION-ID>

<SESSION-ID> – session identifier, takes values in the range of [1..200000].


Define local UDP port (if UDP was selected as encapsulation method).

esr(config-l2tpv3)# local port <UDP>

<UDP> – UDP port number in the range of [1..65535].


Define remote UDP port (if UDP was selected as encapsulation method).

esr(config-l2tpv3)# remote port <UDP>

<UDP> – UDP port number in the range of [1..65535].


Assign the broadcast domain for encapsulation in the tunnel’s L2TPV3 packets.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# bridge-group <BRIDGE-ID>

<BRIDGE-ID> – bridge identification number, takes values in the range of:

  • for ESR-10/12V(F)/14VF/15 and WLC-15 – [1..50];
  • for ESR-20/21/30/100/200 and WLC-30 – [1..250];
  • for ESR-1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100/3200 and WLC-3200 – [1..500].


Enable the tunnel.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# enable


Specify MTU size (MaximumTransmissionUnit) for the tunnels (optional).
MTU above 1500 will be active only when using the 'system jumbo-frames' command.

esr(config-l2tpv3)# mtu <MTU>

<MTU> – MTU value, takes values in the range of:

  • for ESR-10/12V(F)/14VF/15 and WLC-15 – [1280..9600];
  • for ESR-20/21/30 and WLC-30 – [1280..9500];
  • for ESR-100/200/1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100/3200 and WLC-3200 – [1280..10000].

Default value: 1500.


Define the local cookie value to check the conformance of data being transmitted and session (optional).

esr(config-l2tpv3)# local cookie <COOKIE>

<COOKIE> – COOKIE value, the parameter takes values of 8 or 16 characters in hexadecimal form.


Define the remote cookie value to check the conformance of data being transmitted and session (optional).

esr(config-l2tpv3)# remote cookie <COOKIE>

<COOKIE> – COOKIE value, the parameter takes values of 8 or 16 characters in hexadecimal form.


Specify the time interval during which the statistics on the tunnel load is averaged (optional).

esr(config-l2tpv3)# load-average <TIME>

<TIME> – interval in seconds, takes values of [5..150].

Default value: 5.


Enable recording of the current tunnel usage statistics (optional).

esr(config-subif)# history statistics

It is also possible to configure the L2TPv3 tunnel:

L2TPv3 tunnel configuration example


Establish L2 VPN for company offices using IP network with L2TPv3 protocol for traffic tunneling.

  • UDP is used as an encapsulation protocol, port number at the local side and port number at the partner's side is 519;
  • IP address is used as a local gateway for the tunnel;
  • IP address is used as a remote gateway for the tunnel;
  • Tunnel identifier at the local side equals 2, at the partner's side - 3;
  • Tunnel identifier inside the tunnel equals 100, at the partner's side - 200;
  • Forward traffic into the tunnel from the bridge with identifier 333.


Create L2TPv3 333 tunnel:

esr# configure
esr(config)# tunnel l2tpv3 333

Specify local and remote gateways (IP addresses of WAN border interfaces):

esr(config-l2tpv3)# local address
esr(config-l2tpv3)# remote address

Specify the type of encapsulating protocol and UDP port numbers:

esr(config-l2tpv3)# protocol udp
esr(config-l2tpv3)# local port 519
esr(config-l2tpv3)# remote port 519

Specify identifiers for session inside the tunnel for local and remote sides:

esr(config-l2tpv3)# local session-id 100
esr(config-l2tpv3)# remote session-id 200

Define the inherence of L2TPv3 tunnel to a bridge that should be mapped to remote office network (for bridge configuration, see section Configuration example of bridge for VLAN and L2TPv3 tunnel):

esr(config-l2tpv3)# bridge-group 333

Enable previously created tunnel and exit:

esr(config-l2tpv3)# enable
esr(config-l2tpv3)# exit

Create sub-interface for switching of traffic coming from the tunnel into LAN with VLAN id 333:

esr(config)# interface gi 1/0/2.333

Define the inherence of sub-interface to a bridge that should be mapped to LAN (for bridge configuration, see section Configuration of PPP via E1):

esr(config-subif)# bridge-group 333
esr(config-subif)# exit

When settings are applied, traffic will be encapsulated into the tunnel and sent to the partner regardless of their L2TPv3 tunnel existence and settings validity.

Tunnel settings for the remote office should mirror local ones. IP address should be used as a local gateway. IP address should be used as a remote gateway for the tunnel. Encapsulation protocol port number at the local side should be 520, at the partner's side – 519. Session identifier inside the tunnel should be equal to 200, at the partner's side – 100. Also, the tunnel should belong to a bridge that should be connected with the partner's network.

To view the tunnel status, use the following command:

esr# show tunnels status l2tpv3 333

To view sent and received packet counters, use the following command:

esr# show tunnels counters l2tpv3 333

To view the tunnel configuration, use the following command:

esr# show tunnels configuration l2tpv3 333

In addition to tunnel creation, enable UDP inbound traffic in the firewall with source port 519 and destination port 519.

IPsec VPN configuration

IPsec is a set of protocols that enable security features for data transferred via IP protocol. This set of protocols allows for identity validation (authentication), IP packet integrity check and encryption, and also includes protocols for secure key exchange over the Internet.

Route-based IPsec VPN configuration algorithm






Create a VTI tunnel and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# tunnel vti <TUN>

<TUN> – device tunnel name.


Specify the local IP address of the VTI tunnel.

esr(config-vti)#local address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address of a local gateway.


Specify the remote IP address of the VTI tunnel.

esr(config-vti)#remote address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address of a remote gateway.


Specify the IP address of the VTI tunnel local side.

esr(config-vti)# ip address <ADDR/LEN>

<ADDR/LEN> – IP address and prefix of a subnet, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..32].


Include the VTI tunnel in a security zone and configure interaction rules between zones or disable firewall for VTI tunnel.

esr(config-vti)# security-zone<NAME>

<NAME> – security zone name, set by the string of up to 12 characters.

esr(config-vti)# ip firewall disable


Enable the tunnel.



Create an IKE profile and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the description of the configured IKE profile (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# description<DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – tunnel description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Specify IKE authentication algorithm (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – authentication algorithm, takes values of: md5, sha1, sha2-256, sha2‑384, sha2-512.

Default value: sha1.


Specify IKE encryption algorithm (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – encryption protocol, takes the following values: des, 3des, blowfish128, blowfish192, blowfish256, aes128, aes192, aes256, aes128ctr, aes192ctr, aes256ctr, camellia128, camellia192, camellia256.

Default value: 3des.


Define Diffie-Hellman group number (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group <DH-GROUP>

<DH-GROUP> – Diffie-Hellman group number, takes values of [1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18].

Default value: 1.


Specify IKE authentication mode (optional)

esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication method <METHOD>

<METHOD> – key authentication method. May take the following values:

  • pre-shared-key – authentication method using pre-received encryption keys;
  • rsa-public-key – authentication method using RSA certificate.

Default value: pre-shared-key.


Create an IKE policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the lifetime of IKE protocol connection (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# lifetime seconds <SEC>

<SEC> – time interval, takes values of [4..86400] seconds.

Default value: 3600.


Bind IKE profile to IKE policy.

esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify authentication key (mandatory if pre-shared-key is selected as authentication mode)

esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key ascii-text<TEXT>

<TEXT> –  string [1..64] ASCII characters.


Create an IKE gateway and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike gateway <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol gateway name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Bind IKE policy to IKE gateway.

esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify IKE version (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# version <VERSION>

<version> – IKE protocol version: v1-only or v2-only.

Default value: v1-only.


Set the route-based mode.

esr(config-ike-gw)# mode route-based


Specify the action for

DPD (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection action <MODE>

<MODE> – DPD operation mode:

  • restart – connection restarts;
  • clear – conection stops;
  • hold – connection holds;
  • none – the mechanism is disabled, no action is taken.

Default value: none.


Specify the interval between sending messages via DPD mechanism (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection interval <SEC>

<SEC> – interval between sending messages via DPD mechanism, takes values of [1..180] seconds.

Default value: 2.


Specify the time period of response to DPD mechanism messages (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection timeout <SEC>

<SEC> –  time interval of response to DPD mechanism messages, takes values of [1..180] seconds.

Default value: 30 seconds.


Bind VTI tunnel to IKE gateway.

esr(config-ike-gw)# bind-interface vti <VTI>



Create IPsec profile.

esr(config)# security ipsec proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec protocol profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify IPsec authentication algorithm (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – authentication algorithm, takes values of: md5, sha1, sha2-256, sha2‑384, sha2-512.

Default value: sha1.


Specify IPsec encryption algorithm (route).

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – encryption protocol, takes the following values: des, 3des, blowfish128, blowfish192, blowfish256, aes128, aes192, aes256, aes128ctr, aes192ctr, aes256ctr, camellia128, camellia192, camellia256.

Default value: 3des.


Specify encapsulation protocol for IPsec (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# protocol <PROTOCOL>

<PROTOCOL> – encapsulation protocol, takes the following values:

Default value: esp.


Create an IPsec policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ipsec policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Bind IPsec profile to IPsec policy.

esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec protocol profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the lifetime of IPsec tunnel (optional).

esr(config-ipsec- policy)# lifetime { seconds <SEC> |
packets <PACKETS> | kilobytes <KB> }

<SEC> – IPsec tunnel lifetime after which the re-approval is carried out. Takes values in the range of [1140..86400] seconds.

<PACKETS> – number of packets after transmitting of which the IPsec tunnel re-approval is carried out. Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

<KB> – traffic amount after transmitting of which the IPsec tunnel re-approval is carried out. Takes values in the range of [4..86400] seconds.

Default value: 28800 seconds.


Create IPsec VPN policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ipsec vpn <NAME>

<NAME> – VPN name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Define the matching mode of data required for VPN enabling.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode <MODE>

<MODE> – VPN operation mode.


Bind IPsec policy to IPsec VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the DSCP value for the use in IP headers of IKE outgoing packets (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike dscp <DSCP>

<DSCP> – DSCP code value, takes values in the range of [0..63].

Default value: 63.


Set VPN activation mode.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel <MODE>

<MODE> – VPN activation mode:

  • by-request – connection is enabled by an opposing party;
  • route – connection is enabled when there is traffic routed to the tunnel;
  • immediate – tunnel is enabled automatically after applying the configuration.


Bind IKE gateway to IPsec VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE gateway name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the time interval value in seconds after which the connection is closed, if no packet has been received or sent via SA (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike idle-time <TIME>

<TIME> – interval in seconds, takes values of [4..86400].


Disable key re-approval before the IKE connection is lost due to the timeout, the number of transmitted packets or bytes (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey disable


Configure the start of IKE connection keys re-approval before the expiration of the lifetime (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey margin { seconds <SEC> |
packets <PACKETS> | kilobytes <KB> }

<SEC> – time interval in seconds remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimeseconds command,  see 22.2.13). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

<PACKETS> – number of packets remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimepackets command). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

<KB> – traffic volume in kilobytes remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimekilobytes command). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

Default value:

  • Keys re-approval before the expire of time – 540 seconds before.
  • Keys re-approval before the expire of traffic volume and amount of packets – disabled.


Set the level of margin seconds, margin packets, margin kilobytes values random spread (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey randomization <VALUE>

<VALUE> – maximum ratio of values spread, takes values of [1..100].

Default value: 100%


Specify the description for IPsec-VPN (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# description <DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – profile description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Enable IPsec VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable

Route-based IPsec VPN configuration example


Configure IPsec tunnel between R1 and R2.

  • R1 IP address:;
  • R2 IP address:


  • Diffie-Hellman group: 2;
  • encryption algorithm: AES 128 bit;
  • authentication algorithm: MD5.

IP sec:

  • encryption algorithm: AES 128 bit;
  • authentication algorithm: MD5.
  1. R1 configuration:
    Configure external network interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr# configure
    esr(config)# interface gi 1/0/1
    esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
    esr(config-if-gi)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if-gi)# exit

    Create VTI tunnel. Traffic will be routed via VTI into IPsec tunnel. Specify IP addresses of WAN border interfaces as local and remote gateways:

    esr(config)# tunnel vti 1
    esr(config-vti)# local address
    esr(config-vti)# remote address
    esr(config-vti)# enable
    esr(config-vti)# exit

    To configure security zones rules, create ISAKMP port profile:

    esr(config)# object-group service ISAKMP
    esr(config-object-group-service)# port-range 500
    esr(config-object-group-service)# exit

    Create a static route to the remote LAN. For each subnet located beyond the IPsec tunnel, specify a route via VTI tunnel:

    esr(config)# ip route tunnel vti 1

    Create IKE protocol profile. Select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm in the profile. The given security parameters are used for IKE connection protection:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit

    Create IKE protocol policy. For the policy, specify the list of IKE protocol profiles that may be used for node and authentication key negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ike policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key hexadecimal 123FFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit

    Create IKE protocol gateway. For this profile, specify VTI tunnel, policy, protocol version and mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel.

    esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode route-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# bind-interface vti 1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# version v2-only
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit

    Create security parameters profile for IPsec tunnel. For the profile, select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm. Use the following parameters to secure IPsec tunnel:

    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit

    Create a policy for IPsec tunnel. For the policy, specify the list of IPsec tunnel profiles that may be used for node negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ipsec policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit

    Create IPsec VPN. For VPN, specify IKE protocol gateway, IPsec tunnel policy, key exchange mode and connection establishment method. When all parameters are entered, enable tunnel using the enable command.

    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn ipsec1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit
    esr(config)# exit
  2. R2 configuration

    Configure external network interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr# configure
    esr(config)# interface gi 1/0/1
    esr(config-if)# ip address
    esr(config-if)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if)# exit

    Create VTI tunnel. Traffic will be routed via VTI into IPsec tunnel. Specify IP addresses of WAN border interfaces as local and remote gateways:

    esr(config)# tunnel vti 1
    esr(config-vti)# remote address
    esr(config-vti)# local address
    esr(config-vti)# enable
    esr(config-vti)# exit

    To configure security zones rules, create ISAKMP port profile:

    esr(config)# object-group service ISAKMP
    esr(config-object-group-service)# port-range 500
    esr(config-object-group-service)# exit

    Create a static route to the remote LAN. For each subnet located beyond the IPsec tunnel, specify a route via VTI tunnel:

    esr(config)# ip route tunnel vti 1

    Create IKE protocol profile. Select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm in the profile. The given security parameters are used for IKE connection protection:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit

    Create IKE protocol policy. For the policy, specify the list of IKE protocol profiles that may be used for node and authentication key negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ike policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key hexadecimal 123FFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit

    Create IKE protocol gateway. For this profile, specify VTI tunnel, policy, protocol version and mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel.

    esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode route-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# bind-interface vti 1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# version v2-only
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit

    Create security parameters profile for IPsec tunnel. For the profile, select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm. Use the following parameters to secure IPsec tunnel:

    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit

    Create a policy for IPsec tunnel. For the policy, specify the list of IPsec tunnel profiles that may be used for node negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ipsec policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit

    Create IPsec VPN. For VPN, specify IKE protocol gateway, IPsec tunnel policy, key exchange mode and connection establishment method. When all parameters are entered, enable tunnel using the enable command.

    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn ipsec1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit
    esr(config)# exit

    To view the tunnel status, use the following command:

    esr# show security ipsec vpn status ipsec1

    To view the tunnel configuration, use the following command:

    esr# show security ipsec vpn configuration ipsec1

Enable ESP and ISAKMP protocol (UDP port 500) in the firewall.

Policy-based IPsec VPN configuration algorithm






Create an IKE instance and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the description of the configured tunnel (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# description<DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – tunnel description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Specify IKE authentication algorithm.

esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – authentication algorithm, takes values of: md5, sha1, sha2-256, sha2‑384, sha2-512.


Specify IKE encryption algorithm.

esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – encryption protocol, takes the following values: des, 3des, blowfish128, blowfish192, blowfish256, aes128, aes192, aes256, aes128ctr, aes192ctr, aes256ctr, camellia128, camellia192, camellia256.


Define Diffie-Hellman group number.

esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group <DH-GROUP>

<DH-GROUP> – Diffie-Hellman group number, takes values of [1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18].


Specify the authentication mode.

esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication method <METHOD>

<METHOD> – key authentication method. May take the following values:

  • pre-shared-key – authentication method using pre-received encryption keys;
  • rsa-public-key – authentication method using RSA certificate.


Create an IKE profile policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the lifetime of IKE protocol connection (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# lifetime seconds <SEC>

<SEC> – time interval, takes values of [4..86400] seconds.


Bind the policy to profile.

esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify authentication key.

esr(config-ike-policy)#pre-shared-key ascii-text<TEXT>

<TEXT> –  string [1..64] ASCII characters.


Create an IKE gateway and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike gateway <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol gateway name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Bind IKE policy.

esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify IKE version (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# version <VERSION>

<version> – IKE protocol version: v1-only or v2-only.


Set the mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel.


<MODE> – mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel, takes the following values:

  • policy-based — traffic is redirected based on the subnets specified in the policies;
  • route-based — traffic is redirected based on routes whose gateway is a tunnel interface.


Specify the action for DPD (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection action <MODE>

<MODE> – DPD operation mode:

  • restart – connection restarts;
  • clear – conection stops;
  • hold – connection holds;
  • none – the mechanism is disabled, no action is taken.


Specify the interval between sending messages via DPD mechanism (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)#dead-peer-detection interval <SEC>

<SEC> – interval between sending messages via DPD mechanism, takes values of [1..180] seconds.


Specify the time period of response to DPD mechanism messages (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection timeout <SEC>

<SEC> –  time interval of response to DPD mechanism messages, takes values of [1..180] seconds.


Specify IKE version (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# version <VERSION>

<version> – IKE protocol version: v1-only or v2-only.


Set sender’s IP subnets.

esr(config-ike-gw)# local network <ADDR/LEN>
[ protocol { <TYPE> | <ID> } [ port <PORT> ] ]

<ADDR/LEN> – subnet IP address and mask of a sender. The parameter is defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..32].

<TYPE> – protocol type, takes the following values: esp, icmp, ah, eigrp, ospf, igmp, ipip, tcp, pim, udp, vrrp, rdp, l2tp, gre;

<ID> – IP identification number, takes values of [0x00-0xFF];

<PORT> – TCP/UDP port, takes values of [1..65535].


Specify the IP address of IPsec tunnel local gateway.

esr(config-ike-gw)#local address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address of a local gateway.


Specify the IP address of IPsec tunnel remote gateway.

esr(config-ike-gw)#remote address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address of a remote gateway.


Set recipient’s subnet IP address as well as IP and port.

esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network <ADDR/LEN>
[ protocol { <TYPE> | <ID> } [ port <PORT> ] ]

<ADDR/LEN> – subnet IP address and mask of a sender. The parameter is defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..32].

<TYPE> – protocol type, takes the following values: esp, icmp, ah, eigrp, ospf, igmp, ipip, tcp, pim, udp, vrrp, rdp, l2tp, gre;

<ID> – IP identification number, takes values of [0x00-0xFF];

<PORT> – TCP/UDP port, takes values of [1..65535].


Create IPsec profile.

esr(config)# security ipsec proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec protocol profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify IPsec authentication algorithm.

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – authentication algorithm, takes values of: md5, sha1, sha2-256, sha2‑384, sha2-512.


Specify IPsec encryption algorithm.

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – encryption protocol, takes the following values: des, 3des, blowfish128, blowfish192, blowfish256, aes128, aes192, aes256, aes128ctr, aes192ctr, aes256ctr, camellia128, camellia192, camellia256.


Specify protocol (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)#protocol <PROTOCOL>

<PROTOCOL> – encapsulation protocol, takes the following values:


Create an IPsec profile policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ipsec policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Bind the policy to profile.

esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec protocol profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the lifetime of IPsec tunnel (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-policy)# lifetime { seconds <SEC> |
packets <PACKETS> | kilobytes <KB> }

<SEC> – IPsec tunnel lifetime after which the re-approval is carried out. Takes values in the range of [1140..86400] seconds.

<PACKETS> – number of packets after transmitting of which the IPsec tunnel re-approval is carried out. Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

<KB> – traffic amount after transmitting of which the IPsec tunnel re-approval is carried out. Takes values in the range of [4..86400] seconds.


Create IPsec VPN policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ipsecvpn <NAME>

<NAME> – VPN name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Define the matching mode of data required for VPN enabling.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode <MODE>

<MODE> – VPN operation mode.


Bind IPsec policy to VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)#ike ipsec-policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the DSCP value for the use in IP headers of IKE outgoing packets (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)#ike dscp <DSCP>

<DSCP> – DSCP code value, takes values in the range of [0..63].


Set VPN activation mode.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)#ike establish-tunnel <MODE>

<MODE> – VPN activation mode:

  • by-request – connection is enabled by an opposing party;
  • route – connection is enabled when there is traffic routed to the tunnel;
  • immediate – tunnel is enabled automatically after applying the configuration.


Bind IKE gateway to VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE gateway name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the time interval value in seconds after which the connection is closed, if no packet has been received or sent via SA (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike idle-time <TIME>

<TIME> – interval in seconds, takes values of [4..86400].


Disable key re-approval before the IKE connection is lost due to the timeout, the number of transmitted packets or bytes (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey disable


Configure the start of IKE connection keys re-approval before the expiration of the lifetime (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey margin { seconds <SEC> |
packets <PACKETS> | kilobytes <KB> }

<SEC> – time interval in seconds remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimeseconds command). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

<PACKETS> – number of packets remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimepackets command). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

<KB> – traffic volume in kilobytes remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimekilobytes command). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].


Set the level of margin seconds, margin packets, margin kilobytes values random spread (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey randomization <VALUE>

<VALUE> – maximum ratio of values spread, takes values of [1..100].


Describe VPN (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# description <DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – profile description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Enable IPsec VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable

Policy-based IPsec VPN configuration example


Configure IPsec tunnel between R1 and R2.

R1 IP address –;

R2 IP address –


  • Diffie-Hellman group: 2;
  • encryption algorithm: AES 128 bit;
  • authentication algorithm: MD5.


  • encryption algorithm: AES 128 bit;
  • authentication algorithm: MD5.
  1. R1 configuration

    Configure external network interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr# configure
    esr(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
    esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
    esr(config-if-gi)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if-gi)# exit

    To configure security zones rules, create ISAKMP port profile:

    esr(config)# object-group service ISAKMP
    esr(config-object-group-service)# port-range 500
    esr(config-object-group-service)# exit

    Create IKE protocol profile. Select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm in the profile. The given security parameters are used for IKE connection protection:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit

    Create IKE protocol policy. For the policy, specify the list of IKE protocol profiles that may be used for node and authentication key negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ike policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key hexadecimal 123FFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit

    Create IKE protocol gateway. For this profile, specify VTI tunnel, policy, protocol version and mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel.

    esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit

    Create security parameters profile for IPsec tunnel. For the profile, select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm. Use the following parameters to secure IPsec tunnel:

    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit

    Create a policy for IPsec tunnel. For the policy, specify the list of IPsec tunnel profiles that may be used for node negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ipsec policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit

    Create IPsec VPN. For VPN, specify IKE protocol gateway, IPsec tunnel policy, key exchange mode and connection establishment method. When all parameters are entered, enable tunnel using the enable command.

    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn ipsec1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit
    esr(config)# exit
  2. R2 configuration
  3. Configure external network interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr# configure
    esr(config)# interface gi 1/0/1
    esr(config-if)# ip address
    esr(config-if)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if)# exit

    To configure security zones rules, create ISAKMP port profile:

    esr(config)# object-group service ISAKMP
    esr(config-addr-set)# port-range 500
    esr(config-addr-set)# exit

    Create IKE protocol profile. Select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm in the profile. The given security parameters are used for IKE connection protection:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit

    Create IKE protocol policy. For the policy, specify the list of IKE protocol profiles that may be used for node and authentication key negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ike policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key hexadecimal 123FFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal ike_prop1
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit

    Create IKE protocol gateway. For this profile, specify VTI tunnel, policy, protocol version and mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel:

    esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy ike_pol1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit

    Create security parameters profile for IPsec tunnel. For the profile, select Diffie-Hellman group 2, AES 128 bit encryption algorithm and MD5 authentication algorithm. Use the following parameters to secure IPsec tunnel:

    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit

    Create a policy for IPsec tunnel. For the policy, specify the list of IPsec tunnel profiles that may be used for node negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ipsec policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal ipsec_prop1
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit

    Create IPsec VPN. For VPN, specify IKE protocol gateway, IPsec tunnel policy, key exchange mode and connection establishment method. When all parameters are entered, enable tunnel using the enable command:

    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn ipsec1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway ike_gw1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy ipsec_pol1
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit
    esr(config)# exit

    To view the tunnel status, use the following command:

    esr# show security ipsec vpn status ipsec1

    To view the tunnel configuration, use the following command:

    esr# show security ipsec vpn configuration ipsec1

Enable ESP and ISAKMP protocol (UDP port 500) in the firewall.

Remote Access IPsec VPN configuration algorithm

Remote Access IPsec VPN – scenario for organizing temporary VPN connections in which the IPsec VPN server is waiting for incoming connections, and clients make temporary connections to the server to gain access to network resources.

An additional feature of RA IPsec VPN is the ability to use the second IPsec authentication factor – Extended Authentication (XAUTH), where the second authentication factor is the login-password pair for the IPsec VPN client.






Create an IKE instance and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the description of the configured tunnel (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# description <DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – tunnel description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Specify IKE authentication algorithm (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – authentication algorithm, takes values of: md5, sha1, sha2-256, sha2‑384, sha2-512.
Default value: sha1


Specify the IP address of the VTI tunnel local side (optional).

esr(config-vti)# ip address <ADDR/LEN>

<ADDR/LEN> – IP address and prefix of a subnet, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..31].


Define Diffie-Hellman group number (optional).

esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group <DH-GROUP>

<DH-GROUP> – Diffie-Hellman group number, takes values of [1, 2, 5, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18].

Default value: 1


Create an IKE profile policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the authentication mode.

esr(config-ike- policy)# authentication method <METHOD>

<METHOD> – key authentication method. May take the following values:

  • xauth-psk-key – two-factor authentication method using a login-password pair and previously obtained encryption keys.


Set the client mode (only for client).

esr(config-ike- policy)# authentication mode client


Specify the lifetime of IKE protocol connection (optional).

esr(config-ike- policy)# lifetime seconds <SEC>

<SEC> – time interval, takes values of [4..86400] seconds.

Default value: 3600


Bind the policy to profile.

esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify authentication key.

esr(config-ike-policy)#pre-shared-key ascii-text <TEXT>

<TEXT> –  string [1..64] ASCII characters.


Create an access profile.

esr(config)# access profile <NAME>

<NAME> – access profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Create user name.

esr(config-access-profile)# user <LOGIN>

<LOGIN> – login for client, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify a password for a user.

esr(config-profile)# password ascii-text <TEXT>

<TEXT> – string [8..32] ASCII characters.


Create a destination address pool (only for server).

esr(config)# address-assignment pool <NAME>

<NAME> – destination addresses pool name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the subnet from which IP clients will be issued (only for server).

esr(config-pool)# ip prefix <ADDR/LEN>

<ADDR/LEN> – address and prefix of the subnet.


Create an IKE gateway and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ike gateway <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol gateway name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Bind IKE policy.

esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE protocol policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel.

esr(config-ike-gw)# mode <MODE>

<MODE> – mode of traffic redirection into the tunnel, takes the following values:

  • policy-based — traffic is redirected based on the subnets specified in the policies.


Specify the action for DPD (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection action <MODE>

<MODE> – DPD operation mode:

  • restart – connection restarts;
  • clear – conection stops;
  • hold – connection holds;
  • none – the mechanism is disabled, no action is taken.

Default value: none


Specify the interval between sending messages via DPD mechanism (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)#dead-peer-detection interval <SEC>

<SEC> – interval between sending messages via DPD mechanism, takes values of [1..180] seconds.

Default value: 2


Specify the time period of response to DPD mechanism messages (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection timeout <SEC>

<SEC> –  time interval of response to DPD mechanism messages, takes values of [1..180] seconds.

Default value: 30


Specify IKE version (optional).

esr(config-ike-gw)# version <VERSION>

<version> – IKE protocol version: v1-only or v2-only.

Default value: v1-only


Set the IP subnet of the source (only for server).

esr(config-ike-gw)# local network <ADDR/LEN>
[ protocol { <TYPE> | <ID> } [ port <PORT> ] ]

<ADDR/LEN> – subnet IP address and mask of a sender. The parameter is defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..32].

<TYPE> – protocol type, takes the following values: esp, icmp, ah, eigrp, ospf, igmp, ipip, tcp, pim, udp, vrrp, rdp, l2tp, gre;

<ID> – IP identification number, takes values of [0x00-0xFF];

<PORT> – TCP/UDP port, takes values of [1..65535].


Specify the IP address of IPsec tunnel local gateway.

esr(config-ike-gw)#local address <ADDR>

<ADDR> – IP address of a local gateway.


Specify the IP address of IPsec tunnel remote gateway.

esr(config-ike-gw)#remote address [any | <ADDR/LEN>
[ protocol { <TYPE> | <ID> } [ port <PORT> ] ]

Any – set as a remote address – any client address in the server configuration;

<ADDR/LEN> – IP address and subnet mask of the server, in client configuration.


Set the pool for dynamic allocation of IP addresses to clients (only for server).

esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network dynamic pool <NAME>

<NAME> – destination addresses pool name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the dynamic establishment mode of the remote subnet (only for client).

esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network dynamic client


Set access profile for XAUTH parameters (only for server).

esr(config-ike-gw)# xauth access-profile <NAME>

<NAME> – access profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set access profile and login for XAUTH parameters (only for client).

esr(config-ike-gw)# xauth access-profile <NAME> client <LOGIN>

<NAME> – access profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters;

<LOGIN> – login for client, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Define a dedicated IP termination interface for building IPsec VPN (only for client).

esr(config-ike-gw)# assign-interface loopback <INDEX>

<INDEX> – interface index, takes values of [1..65535].


Create IPsec profile.

esr(config)# security ipsec proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec protocol profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify IPsec authentication algorithm (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – authentication algorithm, takes values of: md5, sha1, sha2-256, sha2‑384, sha2-512.

Default value: sha1


Specify IPsec encryption algorithm (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm <ALGORITHM>

<ALGORITHM> – encryption protocol, takes the following values: des, 3des, blowfish128, blowfish192, blowfish256, aes128, aes192, aes256, aes128ctr, aes192ctr, aes256ctr, camellia128, camellia192, camellia256.

Default value: 3des


Specify protocol (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-proposal)#protocol <PROTOCOL>

<PROTOCOL> – encapsulation protocol, takes the following values:

  • ah – this protocol performs only traffic authentication, data encryption is not performed;
  • esp – this protocol authenticates and encrypts traffic.

Default value: esp


Configuration config-ipsec-proposal

esr(config)# security ipsec policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Bind the policy to profile.

esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec protocol profile name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Specify the lifetime of IPsec tunnel (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-policy)# lifetime { seconds <SEC> |
packets <PACKETS> | kilobytes <KB> }

<SEC> – IPsec tunnel lifetime after which the re-approval is carried out.

Takes values in the range of [1140..86400] seconds.

Default value: 540

<PACKETS> – number of packets after transmitting of which the IPsec tunnel re-approval is carried out.

Takes values in the range of [4..86400].

Default value: disabled.

<KB> – traffic amount after transmitting of which the IPsec tunnel re-approval is carried out. Takes values in the range of [4..86400] seconds.

Default value: disabled.


Create IPsec VPN policy and switch to its configuration mode.

esr(config)# security ipsec vpn <NAME>

<NAME> – VPN name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Define the matching mode of data required for VPN enabling.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode <MODE>

<MODE> – VPN operation mode, takes the following values: ike, manual.


Bind IPsec policy to VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)#ike ipsec-policy <NAME>

<NAME> – IPsec policy name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the DSCP value for the use in IP headers of IKE outgoing packets (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)#ike dscp <DSCP>

<DSCP> – DSCP code value, takes values in the range of [0..63].

Default value: 63


Set VPN activation mode.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)#ike establish-tunnel <MODE>

<MODE> – VPN activation mode:

  • by-request – connection is activated by the opposite side, available for the server;
  • route – the connection is activated when traffic routed to the tunnel appears; it is available for the server;
  • immediate – tunnel is enabled automatically after applying the configuration, it is available for the client;


Bind IKE gateway to VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway <NAME>

<NAME> – IKE gateway name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Set the time interval value in seconds after which the connection is closed, if no packet has been received or sent via SA (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike idle-time <TIME>

<TIME> – interval in seconds, takes values of [4..86400].

Default value: 0


Disable key re-approval before the IKE connection is lost due to the timeout, the number of transmitted packets or bytes (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey disable

Default value: disabled.


Configure the start of IKE connection keys re-approval before the expiration of the lifetime (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey margin { seconds <SEC> |
packets <PACKETS> | kilobytes <KB> }

<SEC> – time interval in seconds remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimeseconds command). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].
Default value: 540

<PACKETS> – number of packets remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimepackets command). Takes values in the range of [4..86400].
Default value: disabled.

<KB> – traffic volume in kilobytes remaining before the connection release (set by the lifetimekilobytes command). May take values [4..86400]
Default value: disabled.


Set the level of margin seconds, margin packets, margin kilobytes values random spread (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike rekey randomization <VALUE>

<VALUE> – maximum ratio of values spread, takes values of [1..100].

Default value: 100


Describe VPN (route).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# description <DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – profile description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Enable IPsec VPN.

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable


Enable XAUTH clients reconnection mode with one login/password (server only) (optional).

esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# security ike session uniqueids <MODE>

<MODE> – reconnect mode, may take the following values:

  • no – established XAUTH connection will be deleted if an «INITIAL_CONTACT» notification is sent for a new XAUTH connection by the initiator of the connection, the previously used IP address will be assigned. Otherwise, the established XAUTH connection will be withheld. A new IP address will be assigned to the new XAUTH connection.
  • never – established XAUTH connection will be withheld. A new IP address will be assigned to the new XAUTH connection. The «INITIAL_CONTACT» notification will be ignored anyway.
  • replace – established XAUTH connection will be deleted. The previously used IP address will be used for the new XAUTH connection.
  • keep – established XAUTH connection will be withheld. A new XAUTH connection will be rejected. 

Remote Access IPsec VPN configuration example


Configure Remote Access IPsec VPN between R1 and R2 using the second IPsec authentication factor, XAUTH. Configure device R1 as the IPsec VPN server, and device R2 as the IPsec VPN client.

R2 IP address:;

R1 IP address:;

For IPsec VPN clients:

  • issue addresses from the subnet pool
  • provide access to the LAN subnet


  • Diffie-Hellman group: 2;
  • encryption algorithm: 3DES;
  • authentication algorithm: SHA1.


  • encryption algorithm: 3DES;
  • authentication algorithm: SHA1.


  • login: client1;
  • password: password123.
  1. R1 configuration
    Configure external network interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr# configure
    esr(config)# security zone untrusted
    esr(config-zone)# exit
    esr(config)# interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
    esr(config-if-gi)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if-gi)# ip address
    esr(config-if-gi)# exit

    To configure security zones rules, create ISAKMP port profile:

    esr(config)# object-group service ISAKMP
    esr(config-object-group-service)# port-range 500,4500
    esr(config-object-group-service)# exit

    Create IKE protocol profile. Select Diffie-Hellman group 2, 3DES encryption algorithm and SHA1 authentication algorithm in the profile. The given security parameters are used for IKE connection protection:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm sha1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm 3des
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit

    Create IKE protocol policy. For the policy, specify the list of IKE protocol profiles that may be used for node, authentication key and XAUTH authentication method by key negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ike policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key hexadecimal 123FFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# authentication method xauth-psk-key
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit

    Create an access profile and get in it a pair of username and password for the IPsec VPN client:

    esr(config)# access profile XAUTH
    esr(config-access-profile)# user client1
    esr(config-profile)# password ascii-text password123
    esr(config-profile)# exit
    esr(config-access-profile)# exit

    Create a pool of destination addresses from which IP clients will be issued IPsec VPN:

    esr-1000(config)# address-assignment pool CLIENT_POOL
    esr-1000(config-pool)# ip prefix
    esr-1000(config-pool)# exit

    Create IKE protocol gateway. In this profile, specify the IKE protocol policy, the local subnet, the destination address pool as the remote subnet, set the mode of traffic redirection to the tunnel according to the policy and use the second authentication factor XAUTH:

    esr(config)# security ike gateway IKEGW
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local network
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address any
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network dynamic pool CLIENT_POOL
    esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection action clear
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# xauth access-profile XAUTH
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit

    Create security parameters profile for IPsec tunnel. Specify 3DES encryption algorithm and SHA1 authentication algorithm in the profile. Use the following parameters to secure IPsec tunnel:

    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm sha1
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm 3des
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit

    Create a policy for IPsec tunnel. For the policy, specify the list of IPsec tunnel profiles that may be used for node negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ipsec policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit

    Create IPsec VPN. For VPN, specify IKE protocol gateway, IPsec tunnel policy, key exchange mode and waiting mode for the incoming IPsec connection – by-request. When all parameters are entered, enable tunnel using the enable command.

    esr(config)# security ipsec IPSECVPN
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel by-request
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway IKEGW
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit

    Allow esp protocol and udp ports 500, 4500 in the firewall configuration for establishing IPsec VPN:

    esr(config)# security zone-pair untrusted self
    esr(config-zone-pair)# rule 1
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol udp
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match destination-port ISAKMP
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)#   rule 2
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol esp
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)# end
  2. R2 configuration
    Configure external network interface and identify its inherence to a security zone:

    esr# configure
    esr(config)# interface gi 1/0/1
    esr(config-if)# ip address
    esr(config-if)# security-zone untrusted
    esr(config-if)# exit

    To configure security zones rules, create ISAKMP port profile:

    esr(config)# object-group service ISAKMP
    esr(config-addr-set)# port-range 500,4500
    esr(config-addr-set)# exit

    Create IKE protocol profile. Select Diffie-Hellman group 2, 3DES encryption algorithm and SHA1 authentication algorithm in the profile. The given security parameters are used for IKE connection protection:

    esr(config)# security ike proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# dh-group 2
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# authentication algorithm sha1
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# encryption algorithm 3des
    esr(config-ike-proposal)# exit

    Create IKE protocol policy. For the policy, specify the list of IKE protocol profiles that may be used for node, authentication key, XAUTH authentication method by key and client authentication mode negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ike policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-policy)# pre-shared-key hexadecimal 123FFF
    esr(config-ike-policy)# authentication method xauth-psk-key
    esr(config-ike-policy)# authentication mode client
    esr(config-ike-policy)# proposal IKEPROP
    esr(config-ike-policy)# exit

    Create an access profile and get in it a pair of username and password:

    esr(config)# access profile XAUTH
    esr(config-access-profile)# user client1
    esr(config-profile)# password ascii-text password123
    esr(config-profile)# exit
    esr(config-access-profile)# exit

    Create a loopback interface for terminating the IP address received from the IPsec VPN server:

    esr(config)# interface loopback 8
    esr(config-loopback)# exit

    Create IKE protocol gateway. Specify the policy, the termination interface, the dynamic setting mode of the remote subnet, the access profile selection for XAUTH, and the mode of redirecting traffic to the tunnel by policy in this profile:

    esr(config)# security ike gateway IKEGW
    esr(config-ike-gw)# ike-policy IKEPOLICY
    esr(config-ike-gw)# assign-interface loopback 8
    esr(config-ike-gw)# local address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote address
    esr(config-ike-gw)# remote network dynamic client
    esr(config-ike-gw)# mode policy-based
    esr(config-ike-gw)# xauth access-profile xauth client client1
    esr(config-ike-gw)# exit

    Create security parameters profile for IPsec tunnel. Specify 3DES encryption algorithm and SHA1 authentication algorithm in the profile. Use the following parameters to secure IPsec tunnel:

    esr(config)# security ipsec proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# authentication algorithm md5
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# encryption algorithm aes128
    esr(config-ipsec-proposal)# exit

    Create a policy for IPsec tunnel. For the policy, specify the list of IPsec tunnel profiles that may be used for node negotiation:

    esr(config)# security ipsec policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# proposal IPSECPROP
    esr(config-ipsec-policy)# exit

    Create IPsec VPN. For VPN, specify IKE protocol gateway, IPsec tunnel policy, key exchange mode and connection establishment method. When all parameters are entered, enable tunnel using enable command.

    esr(config)# security ipsec vpn IPSECVPN
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# mode ike
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike establish-tunnel route
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike gateway IKEGW
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# ike ipsec-policy IPSECPOLICY
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# enable
    esr(config-ipsec-vpn)# exit

    Allow esp protocol and udp ports 500,4500 in the firewall configuration for establishing IPsec VPN:

    esr(config)# security zone-pair untrusted self
    esr(config-zone-pair)# rule 1
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol udp
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match destination-port ISAKMP
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)#   rule 2
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# action permit
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# match protocol esp
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# enable
    esr(config-zone-pair-rule)# exit
    esr(config-zone-pair)# end

    To view the tunnel status, use the following command:

    esr# show security ipsec vpn status IPSECVPN

    To view the tunnel configuration, use the following command:

    esr# show security ipsec vpn configuration IPSECVPN

Enable ESP and ISAKMP protocol (UDP port 500, 4500) in the firewall.

DPD configuration example (Dead Peer Detection) 


Configure Dead Peed Detection on R1 for Policy-based Ipsec VPN between R1 and R2.

The initial configuration can be taken from the Policy-based IPsec VPN configuration example.


On R1 in IKE protocol gateway specify the following: DPD operation mode – restart, polling interval – 1 second, timeout – 4 seconds:

esr# configure 
esr(config)# security ike gateway ike_gw1
esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection action restart
esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection interval 1
esr(config-ike-gw)# dead-peer-detection timeout 4
esr(config-ike-gw)# exit

State of the tunnel can be seen with the command:

esr# show security ipsec vpn status ipsec1

Configuration of the tunnel can be seen with the command:

esr# show security ipsec vpn configuration ipsec1

After the connection between R1 and R2 on R1 is broken, the IPsec tunnel will start rebuilding 4 seconds after the break.

esr# show security ipsec vpn status 
Name                              Local host        Remote host       Initiator spi        Responder spi        State         
-------------------------------   ---------------   ---------------   ------------------   ------------------   -----------   
ipsec1                         0x7a77a25a55853255   0xb62fd04f2db43d08   Established   
2037-10-30T07:52:53+00:00 %CLI-I-CMD: user admin from console  input: show security ipsec vpn status
esr# show security ipsec vpn status 
Name                              Local host        Remote host       Initiator spi        Responder spi        State         
-------------------------------   ---------------   ---------------   ------------------   ------------------   -----------   
ipsec1                         0x77706e37b4e68cce   0x0000000000000000   Connecting    
2037-10-30T07:52:57+00:00 %CLI-I-CMD: user admin from console  input: show security ipsec vpn status

LT tunnels configuration

LT (Logical Tunnel) is a type of tunnels dedicated for transmission of routing information and traffic between different virtual devices (VRF) configured on a devices. LT tunnel might be used for organization of interaction between two or more VRF using firewall restrictions.

Configuration algorithm






Create LT tunnels for each of existing VRF.

esr(config)# tunnel lt <ID>

<ID> – tunnel identifier, set in the range of [1..128].


Specify the description of the configured tunnels (optional).

esr(config-lt)# description <DESCRIPTION>

<DESCRIPTION> – tunnel description, set by the string of up to 255 characters.


Include each LT tunnel in the corresponding VFR.

esr(config-lt)# ip vrf forwarding <VRF>

<VRF> – VRF name, set by the string of up to 31 characters.


Include each LT tunnel in a security zone and configure interaction rules between zones or disable firewall for LT tunnel.

esr(config-lt)# security-zone<NAME>

<NAME> – security zone name, set by the string of up to 12 characters.

esr(config-lt)# ip firewall disable


For each LT tunnel, set the opposite LT tunnel number (in another VRF).

esr(config-lt)# peer lt <ID>

<ID> – tunnel identifier, set in the range of [1..128].


For each LT tunnel, specify IP address for packets routing. For interacting LT tunnels, IP addresses should locate in one IP subnet.

esr(config-lt)# ip address <ADDR/LEN>

<ADDR/LEN> – IP address and prefix of a subnet, defined as AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD/EE where each part AAA-DDD takes values of [0..255] and EE takes values of [1..32].


Enable the tunnels.

esr(config-lt)# enable


For each VRF configure required routing protocols via LT tunnel.


Specify the time interval during which the statistics on the tunnel load is averaged (optional).

esr(config-lt)# load-average <TIME>

<TIME> – interval in seconds, takes values of [5..150].

Default value: 5.


Specify the size of MTU packets that can be passed by the bridge (optional; possible if only VLAN is included in the bridge).
MTU above 1500 will be active only when using the 'system jumbo-frames' command.

esr(config-lt)# mtu <MTU>

<MTU> – MTU value, takes values in the range of:

  • for ESR-10/12V(F)/14VF/15 and WLC-15 – [1280..9600];
  • for ESR-20/21/30 and WLC-30 – [1280..9500];
  • for ESR-100/200/1000/1200/1500/1511/1700/3100/3200 and WLC-3200 – [1280..10000].

Default value: 1500.

Configuration example


Organize interaction between hosts terminated in two VRF vrf_1 and vrf_2.

Initial configuration:

hostname esr
ip vrf vrf_1
ip vrf vrf_2
interface gigabitethernet 1/0/1
  ip vrf forwarding vrf_1
  ip firewall disable
  ip address
interface gigabitethernet 1/0/2
  ip vrf forwarding vrf_2
  ip firewall disable
  ip address

Create LT tunnels for each VRF, specifying IP address from one subnet:

esr(config)# tunnel lt 1
esr(config-lt)# ip vrf forwarding vrf_1
esr(config-lt)# ip firewall disable
esr(config-lt)# ip address
esr(config-lt)# exit
esr(config)# tunnel lt 2
esr(config-lt)# ip vrf forwarding vrf_2
esr(config-lt)# ip firewall disable
esr(config-lt)# ip address
esr(config-lt)# exit

Designate LT tunnel from VRF, which is necessary to establish link with, for each LT tunnel and activate them.

esr(config)# tunnel lt 1
esr(config-lt)# peer lt 2
esr(config-lt)# enable
esr(config-lt)# exit
esr(config)# tunnel lt 2
esr(config-lt)# peer lt 1
esr(config-lt)# enable
esr(config-lt)# exit

If none of dynamic routing protocols is configured in VRF, specify static routes for each VRF:

esr(config)# ip route vrf vrf_1
esr(config)# ip route vrf vrf_2
  • Нет меток