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Congifuring authentication in a cluster

For cluster nodes authentication, create a file with the key of 6-1024 Base64 symbols. That can be done in the following way:

openssl rand -base64 741 > mongo_keyfile

This file should have numerical permission 400, so allow owner to read the file and define ownership.

chown mongodb mongo_keyfile
chmod 400 mongo_keyfile

After that, add keyfile parameter containing an absolute path to the created file to /etc/mongodb.conf (in the example considered, add keyFile = /etc/mongo_keyfile line) and restart MongoDB.

This should be done for each node of the cluster:     

     Copy the file to each node of the cluster, check permissions and file owner.

Specification of keyFile automatically enables authentication (auth = true).

Then user configuration should be performed.

User configuration

Creating administrator account

To create administrator account using Mongo shell, the following will need to be done:

1) Connect to admin database:

$ mongo admin
connecting to: admin

2) Enter the command to create a user

db.addUser({ user: "<username>", pwd: "<password>", roles: [ "clusterAdmin", "userAdminAnyDatabase", "dbAdminAnyDatabase", "readWriteAnyDatabase" ] })

After administrator account has been created, restart MongoDB service. If authentication was not configured in the cluster, set auth = true in /etc/mongodb.conf  configuration file

service mongodb restart

After service restart, mongo can be accessible using the new user account.

mongo -u<username> -p<password> admin

admin is the name of the database to which connection is made.

Then users for other databases should be added. In particular for DB: notification-gw, pcrf, wifi-customer-cab

Regular users are added in the same way as administrator, but with readWrite (reading/writing) and dbAdmin (some operations with indices and collections) roles:

Select the required database

> use  notification-gw

Create a user

> db.addUser(\{ user: "<user_name>", pwd: "<password>", roles: \[ "readWrite", "dbAdmin" \] \})

Switch to another database

> use   pcrf

Repeat the operation for PCRF using the same privileges, but add clusterAdmin privilege to get replica set state.

> db.addUser(\{ user: "<user_name>", pwd: "<password>", roles: \[ "readWrite", "dbAdmin", clusterAdmin \] \})

Do not forget to specify login and password for wifi-customer-cab database access in /etc/eltex-wifi-cab/system.xml configuration file of Admin Panel.

Configure pcrf access in /etc/eltex-radius-nbi/radius_nbi_config.txt.

Configure notification-gw access in /etc/eltex-notification-gw/notification.properties.

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