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MAC Checker is a service that provides REST-based API that allows getting an OTT access point's status by its MAC address on SoftWLC server.
An OTT access point can be in the following states:



What must have happened

No MAC detected

MAC address unknown

Either requests have not got from an access point to the Service Activator or something is wrong with a certificate or with the access point's firmware. Or that is not an OTT point. The Service Activator logs should be checked

No init link

AP in a sandbox

The Service Activator has successfully got requests from the access point, but there is no init link for the AP in SoftWLC, and the "ott_default" link is not created (see documentation on OTT)

No OTT link

OTT link does not exist

There is no OTT ESR with OTT profile in the domain specified in the init link

Default Domain

an AP is in a domain included into the default list

An AP has been successfully initialized and got into a domain which is specified as a default one in MAC Checker configuration

Region Domain

an AP is in a domain that is not included into the default list

An AP has been successfully initialized and got into a domain which is not specified as a default one in MAC Checker configuration

MAC Checker should be started on a separate server that is accessible from the Internet (it has a public IP address or a traversed port).

By default, the service uses port 8088. The service accepts client's requests for MAC address check, sends relevant requests to the core via EMS NBI, gets the response from the core and generates a JSON response for the client. A response contains current time, normalized MAC address, affiliation status, domain name and anerror occurred during processing.

The service should have IP connectivity to the EMS service via port 8080.

The module is configured via /etc/eltex-ott-mac-checker/application.conf. Event log is located in /var/log/eltex-ott-mac-checker.

Example of a request to the service using curl utility:
        curl -g --header "Accept: application/json"
        {"time":1536304889422,"macAddress":"a8:f9:4b:22:22:22","status":"No MAC detected","information":null,"error":{"code":null,"description":null}}

Service installation

        apt-get install eltex-ott-mac-checker

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