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Wireless access point 
WEP-2ac, WEP-2ac Smart
Application to the user manual
Quick guide
Firmware version 1.22.2 (06.2021)  

IP address:
User Name: admin
Password: password


This manual contains the following information:

  • connection to WEP-2ac web interface;
  • configuration of WEP-2ac network parameters;
  • WEP-2ac firmware update;
  • SNMP configuration;
  • wireless interfaces configuration (operation mode, band);
  • virtual access points configuration;
  • monitoring of wireless network main parameters.

The manual provides an example of access point configuration without using a softWLC controller.
The following scheme is given as an example.

 WEP-2ac sheme for quick manual.png
Figure 1 – Example of network configuration

Type of the networkVLAN usedSSID usedEncryption/authorization by password
Inner corporate wireless network using 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. The network is isolated from other guest networks. To connect to the network, password authorization is required. The network is dedicated to secure data exchange among company staff.100WorkNetworkWPA/WPA2
Guest wireless network using 2.4 and 5 GHz bands. The network does not require password authorization. It is dedicated to connect users with standard wireless gadgets to a public network for Internet access, for instance.

1 (without VLAN)

FreeNetworkNo encryption and authorization

To perform the configuration, a PC with access to the device via Ethernet and any web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, etc.) are required.

Connecting the web interface

Connect network cable to the PoE interface of the access point and to the PoE switch/injector. Next, connect a PC to the injector or switch.

  1. Open a web browser, for example, Firefox, Opera, Chrome.
  2. Enter the device IP address in the browser address bar.

    IP address by default:, subnet mask:

    The device can obtain IP address via DHCP. Until then, it is available at the factory IP address.

    If the connection has been performed successfully, the authorization page will be displayed. Use the following data for authorization:

  3. Enter username to “User Name” field and password to “Password” field.

    Factory default authorization settings: User Name – admin, Password – password.

  4. Click the Logon button.

A menu for monitoring the status of the device will open in a browser window.

If after entering the IP address in the browser bar, the authorization page does not appear, check the IP address on the PC/switch settings.

If the device factory configuration was changed, reset the current settings. To do this, press and hold the “F” button on the side panel of the device for 20 seconds. The color of the indicator should change to red – this means that the load is in progress.

Network parameters configuration

For remote management of WEP-2ac and WEP-2ac Smart, set network parameters of the device according to the settings of the network that you intend to use.
In the Manage menu, open Ethernet Settings tab and perform the following:

  • Management VLAN ID – specify the VLAN number that will be used for access point management. In the given example VLAN 148 is used;
  • Connection Type – select Static IP to set IP addresses for access points manually. If it is necessary to distribute IP addresses and other network parameters to access points via the DHCP protocol, set the Connection Type field to “DHCP” and this will complete the configuration of the network part;
  • Static IP Address – specify the IP address of WEP-2ac. In the given example, VLAN 10 address is;
  • Subnet Maskspecify the subnet mask. In the given example, subnet mask is;
  • Default Gateway – enter the IP address of the default gateway field. In the given example, IP address of the default gateway is

For the new configuration to take effect and the settings to be stored in the non-volatile memory of the access point, click the “Update” button.

After the configuration, WEP-2ac will be available in 10 VLAN via address.

Before changing the settings, make sure that the managing computer has the access to the access point. If you make a mistake while changing the settings, undo them by resetting the access point to factory settings. To do this, press and hold "F" button on the side panel of the device for 20 seconds until the indicator on the front panel is blinking.

Firmware upgrade

For correct operation of WEP-2ac and WEP-2ac Smart, it is recommended to update the firmware to the latest version.

The relevance of the version installed on the device can be clarified on the official website of the manufacturer in the Download Center section or by contacting the manufacturer directly. Contact details are given on the last page of this manual.

After obtaining the relevant firmware version, in the Maintenance menu, open Upgrade tab and perform the following:


  • Upload Method – check HTTP;
  • New Firmware Image – click Browse button and select relevant firmware version in the window that opens.

To start the upgrade process, click Upgrade.

The process may take several minutes (its current status will be shown on the page). The device will be automatically rebooted when the upgrade is completed.

Do not switch off or reboot the device during the firmware update.

The current firmware version can be viewed in the Basic Settings menu. The current software version is indicated in the Firmware Version field.

SNMP service configuration

SNMP service configuration is performed in the SNMP section of the Services menu.

  • Restrict the source of SNMP requests to only the designated hosts or subnets – reception of SNMP requests only from devices with specific IP address. Check the Enabled;
  • Hostname, address, or subnet of Network Management System – specify IP address of SNMP server from which SNMP commands will be transmitted.

In the Trap Destinations section, perform the following settings:

  • Set the flag in the column with the Enabled heading;
  • Host Type – specify whether the enabled host is an IPv4 host or an IPv6 host. In this example, IPv4 is selected;
  • SNMP version – select the version of the SNMP protocol. In this example, the snmpV2 protocol is selected;
  • Community name for traps – set community name public;
  • Host name or IP or IPv6 Address – check one of the fields for specifying traps receiver address and enter an IP address of the device to which WEP-2ac will send traps. In the given example, IP address to receive SNMP traps is

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.

Wireless interfaces configuration

WEP-2ac and WEP-2ac Smart have 2 radio interfaces (Radio1 and Radio 2) that capable to operate simultaneously. Radio 1 operates at 5 GHz band, Radio 2 – at 2.4 GHz.
The example of configuration of a network with the following characteristics is given below:


  • Frequency range: 5 GHz;
  • Standards: 802.11a/n/ac;
  • Bandwidth: 80 MHz.


  • Frequency range: 2.4 GHz;
  • Standards: 802.11b/g/n;
  • Bandwidth: 20 MHz.

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.

In Manage menu, open Wireless Settings tab and perform the following:

  • Country – select settings according to the rules of selected country. Select Russia in the list;
  • Transmit Power Control – configuring the Transmit Power Limit parameter restrictions. Select On in the list. 

Configuring Radio 1:

  • Radio Interface – check the On box;
  • Mode – select value IEEE 802.11 a/n/ac.

Configuring Radio 2:

  • Radio Interface 2 – check the On box;
  • Mode – select value IEEE 802.11 b/g/n.

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update

In the Manage menu, open the Radio tab and perform the following:

Configuring Radio 1:

  • Radio – select value 1;
  • Channel Bandwidth – set value 80 MHz;

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.

Configuring Radio 2:

  • Radio – select value 2;
  • Channel Bandwidth – set value 20 MHz.

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.

Virtual access points configuration

On each wireless interface, up to 16 virtual access points can be configured. Each access point may have individual name of wireless network (SSID) and type of authentication/authorization. According to the network scheme given in the figure 1, it is necessary to configure 2 virtual access points on Radio 1 and Radio 2.

Band Steer feature allows clients to have opportunity of operation at 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz to set priority of connection to 5 GHz band.

The following is necessary for Band Steer feature operation:
– configure radio interfaces for operation at different frequency ranges;
– create virtual access points (VAP) on each frequency range with the same SSID;
– when using encryption, make sure the passwords of the VAPs are the same;
– activate Band Steer feature on the access points.

In the Manage menu, open the VAP tab and perform the following:

Configuring Radio 1:

  • Radio – select the radio interface on which VAP will be configured. Select 1.
  • Enabled – enable VAP. Check the boxes for VAP 0 and VAP1.
  • VLAN ID – VLAN number from which the tag will be removed when transmitting Wi-Fi traffic to clients connected to this VAP. When traffic flows in the opposite direction, untagged traffic from clients will be tagged with VLAN ID (when VLAN Trunk mode is disabled):
    • set VLAN ID value 100 for VAP 0;
    • set VLAN ID value 1 for VAP 1.
  • SSID – wireless network name:
    • set SSID value Work Network for VAP 0;
    • set SSID value Free Network for VAP 1.
  • Station Isolation – forbid packet transmission among access point clients. Check the box.
  • Band Steer – set a priority of users connection to SSID configured at 5 GHz. Check the box.
  • Security – secure network mode:
    • set WPA Personal value for VAP 0:
      • Key – set a password for this network connection. The password should be from 8 to 63 characters long.
    • set None value for VAP 1 – client device will be able to connect to this wireless network without password.

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.

Configuration of Radio 2 is performed in the same way. Select 2 value in Radio and perform the configuration as for the Radio 1 (given above). The password for "Work Network" SSID should be the same for both VAP Radio 1 and VAP Radio 2. 

After configuring VAP on Radio 2, click Update.

When using WPA Enterprise mode, the authorization is implemented through RADIUS server. The request on user connection to SSID with WPA Enterprise security mode is sent to a RADIUS server.

To connect to the RADIUS server, specify the following parameters in the Global RADIUS server settings table:

  • RADIUS Domain – user domain;
  • RADIUS IP Address  IP address of the RADIUS server;
  • RADIUS Key – password to access the RADIUS server;
  • Enable RADIUS Accounting – when checked, the Accounting messages will be sent to RADIUS server.

In the VAP settings, in the Security field, select WPA Enterprise, then check the box next to Use Global RADIUS Server Settings in the window that opens (if the window does not appear, click the "+" sign on the left in the VAP settings line).

If it is necessary to use a different RADIUS server for each VAP, then uncheck the box next to the Use Global RADIUS Server Settings and set the parameters for the RADIUS server listed above in the VAP settings window.

Monitoring main parameters of wireless network

The list of connected users can viewed in the Client Association tab of the Status menu.

Clicking on the client's MAC address reveals detailed information about the client operation and statistics on packet transmission.

To update information on the page, click Refresh.

The list of third-party access points in WEP-2ac and WEP-2ac Smart area with data on wireless channel used and transmitted signal level is presented in the Rogue AP Detection tab of the Status menu.

The list of events is given in the Events tab of the Status menu. Redirection of events to a third-party SYSLOG server can be configured here as well.

Cluster operation mode


The cluster operation mode allows managing devices in a cluster simultaneously, which sufficiently improves operation efficiency while deploying, configuring or exploiting a wireless network.

When operating in Cluster mode, it is enough to configure only one access point. The rest of the access points will copy the configuration of the device with set parameters. If the configuration of one access point in a cluster has been changed, the other access points will apply the same changes. The solution is valid while firmware update. Operation in Cluster mode allows performing manageable consistent firmware update of devices in a cluster.

The cluster is a group of devices allocated in a single broadcast domain with synchronized configuration and firmware. Cluster mode is enabled by default.

The defining parameter of the mode is the name of a cluster by which the identification of device attachment to this cluster is performed. The default name of a cluster is default.

After loading, WEP-2ac defines if there are devices located on the network with the same name as in its configuration. If the devices with these parameters are not found, WEP-2ac becomes a master of the cluster. If the devices belonging to the cluster are found, WEP-2ac starts copying the configuration of a master. Thus, the first device with enabled Cluster mode occurred on the network becomes a master of its cluster. Other devices occurred on the network later and having the same cluster name start duplicating the master configuration. Several clusters with different names might be located in the same network simultaneously. One access point should be included to only one cluster.

WEP-2ac announces its affiliation to a cluster through a special protocol. The device sends broadcast UDP packets to LAN with data on affiliation to a particular cluster. Thus, all the access points included to a cluster exchange data among them, identify a master of the cluster and its configuration. The master carries out an inventory of the devices in the cluster and always controls the quantity of the access points in the cluster and their addresses.

Only access points from the same group can be combined into a cluster:

1 groupWEP-12acWOP-12ac

2 groupWEP-2acWEP-2ac SmartWOP-2acWOP-2ac SFPWOP-2ac GPON


It is sufficient that only one access point is configured when deploying a network. For providing data exchange among devices in a cluster, install a DHCP server for network addresses distribution.
Network installation algorithm:

  1. DHCP server installation;
  2. Configuration and physical connection of one access point;
  3. Physical connection of other access points in the cluster.

After installing the first access point, there is no need to configure the rest, it is sufficient to connect them physically to the network. The devices will obtain network addresses, define the master of the default cluster and will be automatically configured according to the master configuration.

Cluster configuration

  1. The device may operate in a cluster only if WDS (Wireless Distribution System) and WGB (Work Group Bridge) features are disabled.
  2. For operation in a cluster Management Ethernet interfaces of all access points should be located in one network.
  3. Cluster operation mode is disabled by default.

In the Cluster menu, open Access Points tab and perform the following:

To edit the settings in the Clustering Options section, switch cluster mode to Off state.

In Clustering Options menu, perform the following configuration:

  • Location – specify physical location of the access point. The option is used to analyze and control the network in different monitoring tables. Eltex is used in the example;
  • Cluster Name – set cluster name. The access point will be connected only to a cluster, which name is specified in Cluster Name. default is used in the example;
  • Clustering IP Version – select the IP version being used for management data exchange among access points in the cluster. IPv4 is used in the example;
  • Cluster-Priority – set the priority of the device in the cluster. The access point with the maximum value of this parameter becomes the Master point. If the parameter is not set, the access point with the lowest MAC address becomes the master point in the cluster. To avoid a situation in which the master point of the cluster will be re-elected, since an access point with a lower MAC address than that of the configured point was included in the network, set the value of the parameter to 255.

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.

In Single IP Management menu, perform the following configuration:

  • Cluster Management Address – specify unique address via which the device may access the master cluster. The master should be located in the same subnet with the cluster and not match IP address of other devices. is used in the example.

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.

To enable cluster mode, select On in the Clustering field.

To enable automatic channel selection according to the data on channels used by neighbouring access points and spectral analysis of environment on third-party access points noise, switch to the Radio Resource Management tab and click Start in the Channel Planner section.
To enable automatic output power distribution of the access point according to influence of neighbouring access points which operate in the same cluster, switch to the Radio Resource Management tab and click Start in the Transmit Power Control section.

In the Locked field, channel change for the radio interface of the access point can be locked. If the flag is set, when the optimal channel is selected by all access points, this radio interface will use the previous channel for any outcome of the optimal channel selection.

In the Advanced menu, perform the following configuration:

  • Change channels if interference is reduced by at least – select a percentage that the interference must be reduced by for the access point to change channels. 75% is used in the example;
  • Refresh when access point is added to the cluster – enable re-counting of common spectral structure of environment and selection of optimal channel for the access point (enable value) when new access point is being connected to the cluster.
  • Determine if there is better set of channel settings every – set a time interval to schedule updates of environment spectral structure determination and selection of better channel for the access points. 1 Day is used in the example.

To apply a new configuration and save setting to non-volatile memory of the access point, click Update.


To view sessions parameters of clients connected to the access points of given cluster, switch to the Sessions tab.
Clients are defined through MAC addresses and an access points which they are connected to.
To view the statistics, select necessary value and click Go in the Display section.
The following parameters might be viewed:

  • AP Location – access point’s location. The value is obtained from location description on the Basic Settings tab;
  • User MAC – MAC address of client’s wireless device;
  • Rate – transmit data rate between an access point and a particular client in Mbps;
  • Signal – signal level received from an access point;
  • Rх Total – total number of packets received by a client within current session;
  • Tx Total – total number of packets transmitted by a client within current session;
  • Error Rate – total number of packets dropped by an access point within current session.

To view correspondence of access points in a cluster and wireless networks detected by these devices, switch to the Wireless Neighborhood tab.

On the Wireless Neighborhood tab, there is a table that shows which wireless networks are detected by each access point and what signal level each access point accepts.


This table shows which wireless networks are detected by each access point and what signal level each access point accept.

According to this table, spectral analysis of the whole network might be carried out and there is an opportunity to estimate interference influence to each access point.  This will allow assessing the correct location of access points across the coverage area and indicating problem areas in which the level of interference may interfere with the quality of services.

The top line of the table contains data on each radio interface of access points included in a particular cluster. The left column contains data on wireless networks which are defined by the devices in the cluster. A value of signal level of each access point is displayed in the top-right cell of the table.

The table is formed in the way that wireless networks organized by a cluster are displayed first, the third-party networks follow after them.

To view current list of the access points in the cluster and their parameters, switch to the Radio Resource Management tab. The Current Channel Assignments table consists of the following parameters:

  • IP Address – IP address of the access point in the cluster;
  • Radio – MAC address of a radio interface of the access point in the cluster;
  • Band – standards supported by the radio interface of the access point in the cluster at the moment;
  • Channel – number of a channel on which the access point operate;
  • Status – operation state of the access point’s radio interface in the cluster;

Click Refresh to update the Current Channel Assignments table.

The Proposed Channel Assignments table contains data on available channel values, which the radio interface will switch to if optimal channel selection has been launched:

  • IP Address – IP address of the access point in the cluster;
  • Radio – MAC address of a radio interface of the access point in the cluster;
  • Proposed Channel – channel number to which the radio interface will switch when optimal channel selection is launched.

Firmware upgrade

The operation in the cluster mode allows performing automatic firmware upgrade for all the access points in the cluster without using external systems or controllers.

Firmware upgrade might be performed:

  • through the web interface;
  • through the DHCP Autoprovisioning (opt 66, opt 67).

Firmware update via web interface

To update firmware on devices in a cluster through web interface, open the Cluster Firmware Upgrade tab of an access point.

When updating firmware of devices in a cluster, the firmware file will be loaded to each access point and set to Primary Image. Reloading of the devices with new firmware version loading is performed automatically. The previous firmware version will be saved as Secondary Image (backup firmware version).

Download the file with the current firmware version on PC.

The firmware file can be uploaded to the device via HTTP or TFTP protocols:

Upload via HTTP. Set Upload Method flag to HTTP. Click Browse. In the window that opens select a path to the firmware file on the PC. In the leftmost column of the table, set flags for access points for which firmware will be updated. Click Start-Upgrade to start upgrading.

Upload via TFTP. Set Upload Method flag to TFTP. In the Image Filename field specify the name of the firmware file that will be uploaded to the device. File name must contain .tar extension. In the Server IP field specify the IP address for the TFTP server on which the firmware file will be stored. 

Click Stop to abort device upgrade process. 

In the Overall Upgrade Status field, a summary status of the software upgrade process on access points is displayed. 

While firmware upgrade, do not switch off the devices and do not update or change the web page with progress bar.

Firmware upgrade via DHCP Autoprovisioning

To upgrade firmware, a TFTP server and a DHCP server with particular configuration are required. The upgrade process is as follows:

  1. An access point is loaded and obtains address via DHCP. The access point obtains 2 parameters from the server while DHCP session: tftp-server and file name, where tftp-server – an IP address of TFTP server, and filename is a name of the file with .manifest extension which contains data on the firmware.
  2. A master of the cluster, according to received data, starts make attempts to download manifest-file from TFTP server. After downloading the file, the master compares firmware version specified in a file with its own. If firmware versions are different, the master downloads firmware file from the TFTP server (file name of the firmware is specified in manifest-file) and updates automatically.
  3. The other devices in the cluster define that the master is not in operation. Then, new master is selected in the cluster. The device with bigger uptime value becomes a master. New master also repeat the second step: downloads manifest-file, compares firmware versions and updates.
  4. The cycle is repeated until all the devices in the cluster are upgraded.

Firmware upgrade algorithm through DHCP Autoprovisioning:

  1. Place the "wep2.manifest” file on TFTP server, the file should contain the following string:

VERSION= "1.22.X.X" WEP-2ac-1.22.X.X.tar.gz,

where WEP-2ac-1.22.X.X.tar.gz is a name of the archive containing firmware for WEP-2ac;
        1.22.X.X is a firmware version included to the archive. The firmware version can be viewed in “version” file in firmware archive.

2. Place archive with firmware for WEP-2ac on TFTP server.

3. Add the following strings to the DHCP server configuration file (dhcpd.conf):

option tftp-server-name "";
option bootfile-name "wep2.manifest";

 where is an address of the TFTP server;
         wep2.manifest is a manifest file name.

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