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Mercury is a service for Hotspot users' accounts management (it is used by eltex-portal and eltex-apb services).

Interaction between services is based on gRPC API.

Service configuration files:

  • /etc/eltex-mercury/application.conf
database {
  host = localhost
  port = 3306
  name = radius
  user = javauser
  password = javapassword

  readOnly = false           # For ReadOnly database 

  pool {
    maxPoolSize = 20         # Maximum number of database connections
    minimumIdle = 1          # Minimum number of idle connections
    connectionTimeout = 5000 # Database connection timeout


# Enable sending information on changes in radstat table to logging-service
sorm3Enabled = false

# Configuring connection to eltex-logging-service
logging	{ 
	host = localhost 
	port = 9099 

  • /etc/default/eltex-mercury
# Eltex-Mercury daemon parameters

# Initial size of Java heap
# Maximum size of Java heap

# Additional arguments to pass to java
JAVA_OPTS="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/log/eltex-mercury"


Communication between eltex-portal and Mercury is set in Portal Constructor — "System settings" - "Mercury access":

Communication between eltex-apb and Mercury is set in apb configuration file - /etc/eltex-apb/apb.properties:


Service installation: apt-get install eltex-mercury

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