Creating a tariff with captive portal authorization

To create a new tariff, select the "Tariff management" tab of the "RADIUS" menu and click the button "Add". Fill in the following fields in the opened window:

  • Tariff name;
  • Tariff code;
  • Domain;
  • Tariff description;
  • Set "Deactivated" checkbox to enable portal authorization.

When "Deactivated" checkbox is checked, the following parameters for portal authorization scripts become available for editing:

  • Set state N — enable state N (the first one is always enabled by default);
  • External URL — URL address for user redirection after registration is completed;
  • Start session before redirect — when the checkbox is set, a session starts before redirection to an external URL address;
  • The duration of the state, min — maximum duration of state N in minutes;
  • Time quota of the state — common quota for all user sessions within state N in minutes;
  • Traffic quota of the state — common quota for user downstream traffic within state N in megabytes;
  • Max Bandwidth Down/Up, kbps — bandwidth limit for user downstream and upstream traffic within state N in kbps;
  • Profile Policy Down/Up — Policy profile for a specific downstream user within state N;
  • User away time, min — time during which user authorization information for state N is keeped on AP (in minutes);
  • Permitted hosts and IP addresses — the list of DNS and IP addresses that are accessible to the user. To enable functionality, the external URL address should be configured. Permitted addresses should be separated by a comma.
  • Period for switching to next state — a cron expression at which the switch to next state happens. To enable the functionality, cron period should be specified.

Script examples

Several examples of typical states used for portal authorization will be considered below.

Tariff with time limit

Description: within the tariff a user with portal authorization is granted time-limited Internet access. When the limit is exceeded, a user will be redirected to the session timeout page and informed of the session termination reason.  After clicking the close button, a user will be redirected to the authorization page.
Configuration: to set the tariff with time limit, enable "The duration of state" parameter in state 1 and define time limit in minutes.

For the session timeout page to be displayed on expiry of time limit, enable state 2 and provide a link to captive portal in "External URL" field.

Tariff with traffic quota

Description: within the tariff a user with portal authorization is granted Internet access with traffic quota. When the limit is exceeded, a user will be redirected to the session timeout page and informed of the session termination reason.  After clicking the close button, a user will be redirected to the authorization page.
Configuration: to set the tariff with tariff quota, enable "Traffic quota of the state" parameter in state 1 and define traffic quota in Mb.

For the session timeout page to be displayed on expiry of time limit, enable state 2 and provide a link to captive portal in "External URL" field.

Tariff with bandwidth limit that changes at certain intervals

Description: the tariff consists of 3 cases:
1. The duration of the state is 20 minutes, no bandwidth limit. After this state, a user is redirected to a page created in portal settings.
2. The duration of the state is 30 minutes, max Bandwidth Down/Up is 10 Mbps. The state is entered after clicking "Continue" button on the state 1 page.
3. The duration of the state is 30 minutes, max Bandwidth Down/Up is 2 Mbps. After this state, a user is redirected to the session timeout page.
Configuration: to configure the first case, enable "The duration of the state" field in state 1 and define 20-minute time limit.

To set redirection to the page created in portal settings, enable state 2 and provide a link to http://<ip">http://<SoftWLC ip address>:8080/eltex_portal/page1 in "External URL address".

To configure the second case, enable "The duration of the state" field in state 3 and define 30-minute time limit. To set bandwidth limit, enable "Max Bandwidth Down" and "Max Bandwidth Up" fields and define 10 000 kbps limit.

To configure the third case, enable "The duration of the state" field in state 4 and define 30-minute time limit. To set bandwidth limit, enable "Max Bandwidth Down" and "Max Bandwidth Up" fields and define 2 000 kbps limit.
Description: the tariff consists of 3 cases:
1. The duration of the state is 20 minutes, no bandwidth limit. After this state, a user is redirected to a page created in portal settings.
2. The duration of the state is 30 minutes, max Bandwidth Down/Up is 10 Mbps. The state is entered after clicking "Continue" button on the state 1 page.
3. The duration of the state is 30 minutes, max Bandwidth Down/Up is 2 Mbps. After this state, a user is redirected to the session timeout page.
Configuration: to configure the first case, enable "The duration of the state" field in state 1 and define 20-minute time limit.

For the session termination page to be displayed, enable state 5 after the third case is completed and provide a link to captive portal.

Tariff with limited access to resources

Description: within this tariff, a user is granted access to certain resources. When a user tries to open a resource that is not permitted, redirection to an external URL address is done. "The duration of the state" and "Start session before redirect" should be also set.
Configuration: to configure the tariff with limited access to resources, enable "External URL" parameter and provide URL address for user redirection after registration. Specify dns and ip addresses in "Permitted hosts and ip-addresses" field. Enable "Start session before redirect" and "The duration of the state ". Define time limit in minutes.

For the session timeout page to be displayed on expiry of time limit, enable state 2 and provide a link to captive portal in "External URL" field.

Note! For the tariff to work correctly on an access point, DNS server access should be configured on it

Tariff with periodic bandwidth limit change

Description: The tariff consists of 2 cases:
1. The duration of the state is not limited, Traffic quota of the state is 1 Gb, and Bandwidth limit is 10 Mbps. After the case is completed, a user is redirected to the page created in portal settings with notification on the quota.
2. The duration of the state is 10000 minutes, max Bandwidth Down/Up is 1 Mbps and Period for switching to next state is once a day at 0:00. The state is entered after clicking "Continue" button on the state 1 page.
Configuration: to configure the first case, enable "Traffic quota of the state" field in state 1 and define 1000 Mb traffic quota. To set bandwidth limit, enable "Max Bandwidth Down" and "Max Bandwidth Up" fields and define 10 000 kbps limit.

To set redirection to the page created in portal settings, enable state 2 and provide a link to the page created in Portal Constructor http://<ip">http://<SoftWLC ip address>:8080/eltex_portal/page1 in "External URL address"

To configure the second case, enable state 3 and define 1000 kbps limit in "Max Bandwidth Down" and "Max Bandwidth Down" fields. Set "Period for switching to the next state" to "once a day at 0:00" and define "The duration of the state" that should be higher than the first parameter.

After 0:00, a user will switch to next state (to the first state for the example considered, as there are no more states enabled).

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