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Preparing for installation

To install a minimum configuration of SoftWLC, the server with the following parameters is required:

  • Random access memory size >= 8 GB
  • CPU >= 2200MHz
  • Hard drive capacity >= 35 GB
  • Internet connection
  • Ubuntu 16.04 operating system

Find more information on server requirements here.

It is recommended to clean install the controller.


Download the archive with the relevant eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.XX.sh installation script and save it to the root directory of the operating system.

The operation can also be performed via the terminal:

vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ wget http://archive.eltex.org/wireless/help/softwlc-1.14/eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh

--2019-07-18 11:28:43-- http://archive.eltex.org/wireless/help/softwlc-1.14/eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh
Resolving archive.eltex.org (archive.eltex.org)…
Connecting to archive.eltex.org  (archive.eltex.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent. Awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 25961 (25K) [text/x-sh]
Saving to: «eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh»

eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh 100%[=============================================================================>] 25,35K --.-KB/s за 0s

2019-07-18 11:28:43 (102 MB/s) - «eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh» saved [25961/25961]

Assign permission to execute the eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh file:

vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ chmod +x ./eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh

Start the script under the super user and wait for the completion:

vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ sudo ./eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1.14.sh
Platform : x86_64
Repository: http://archive.eltex-co.ru/wireless
Java vendor: openjdk
Ubuntu distrib code name: xenial
--2019-04-29 08:33:06-- http://archive.eltex-co.ru/wireless/nginx/conf/softwlc_1.XX_nginx.conf
Resolving archive.eltex-co.ru (archive.eltex-co.ru)...
Connecting to archive.eltex-co.ru (archive.eltex-co.ru)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Upon completion of the work, the following data will be available in the terminal:

Installation of Eltex SoftWLC finished
URLs of SoftWLC components:
Eltex.EMS GUI: http://localhost:8080/ems/jws
login: admin
password: <empty>

Portal constructor: http://localhost:8080/epadmin
login: admin
password: password

Wi-Fi customer cabinet: http://localhost:8080/wifi-cab
login: admin
password: password

The script installs software using default passwords. If custom passwords are necessary, edit them before installation and save the script.

# MySQL administrator's username


# MySQL administrator's password


# SoftWLC administrator's username


# SoftWLC administrator's password


# SoftWLC service user's password (softwlc_service)


After changing the password, duplicate the changes in SoftWLC modules:

v1.14_How to change a password for accessing Admin Panel_Portal Constructor

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