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A Shared Block

Metadata list
|| Device | SoftWLC |
|| DocMainTitle | Руководство администратора |
|| DocTitle3 | Привилегии пользователей Личного кабинета |
|| fwversion | 1.8 |
|| issueDate | 26.10.2017 |

Role attributes

SoftWLC platform administrator

The privilege implies full access to the system including Admin Panel and Portal Constructor system settings.

Admin Panel

Additional role parameters



'Digits only' format of password for Wi-Fi users

When checked, only digits can be used for Wi-Fi users' passwords.

Length of password for Wi-Fi users

Minimum length of Wi-Fi users'passwords.

Show passwords of Wi-Fi users

Permission to view passwords to Wi-Fi users' accounts.

Show IP addresses of access points

When checked, an additional column containing IP addresses of access points is displayed in the table of access points.

Show tariff of Wi-Fi users

Permission to view tariffs in Wi-Fi users' accounts.

WiFi B2B Admin Panel tabs

There are several privilege levels:





Services and tariffs


Setting tariffs for Wi-Fi users connection

PCRF services

Configuring services used in BRAS (PCRF) tariffs

PCRF scenarios

Configuring scenarios used in BRAS (PCRF)

Wi-Fi users

Enterprise Users

The table of 'enterprise' users that authorize on Eltex access points via EAP (RADIUS)

Hotspot users

The table of 'hotspot' users that authorize on Eltex and other access points via BRAS (PCRF) using Eltex.Portal.


The table of randomly generated users.

Blocking Account

Configuring black lists of MAC addresses.

Block by def

Configuring access lists of clients' phone numbers

Top active users Enterprise

Monitoring and blocking of Enterprise users with maximum traffic consumption

Top active users Hotspot

Monitoring and blocking of Hotspot users with maximum traffic consumption

Event log

Event log

System events log

Wi-Fi users event log

The log contains Wi-Fi users' accounts changes parformed by system administrators



Scheduled operations management


Contact technical support

Tech support request form


Feedback/Claim submit form

Access points


The table contains a list of access points and consolidated information on them

Problem devices

The table contains a list of emergency (unavailable) access points

Offices status

The table contains integrated figures and status of offices with access points installed


The map on which access points are displayed according to their geodata.

SMS statistic

SMS statistic by time

The page with charts showing SMS sent at specific times.

SMS statistic by group

The table with SMS sending statistics

Outgoing SMS

The table showing sent SMS and their status.

PCRF settings

L2 subnetworks

L2 subnetworks are created in this tab

PCRF info

Information on CoA requests status and BRAS sessions statistics

CoA log

Information on CoA requests status between PCRF and BRAS

MAC addresses

Information on clients' MAC addresses

URL lists

URL lists for BRAS

Statistic of a provider


Information on Admin Panel users

Summary data

General information about the system state


Information on the Wi-Fi platform operation in graphic form

Session statistic profile

The table contains information on Wi-Fi users' sessions

SSID Groups

Information on the whole network in relation to SSID

AP groups

Statistics on access points groups

Access points

Information on a status of access points installed on the network

Confirmation methods

Statistics on Wi-Fi users authorization ways

Advertising platform

Advertising platform

Configuring integration with advertising platforms

Enterprise statistics


Traffic statistics for 'enterprise' users

User sessions

Session statistics for 'enterprise' users

Hotspot statistics


Statistics on the number of 'hotspot' users


Statistics on providing 'hotspot' users with services


Traffic statistics for 'hotspot' users


Statistics on 'hotspot' users' revisits

User sessions

Session statistics for 'hotspot' users

Portal Constructor

Portal Constructor

The button to go to the Portal Constructor from the Admin Panel

Wireless networks

Wireless networks

The section for SSID wireless networks configuration


System users

Configuring accounts for Admin Panel and Portal Constructor users

System roles

Configuring roles for Admin Panel and Portal Constructor users

RADIUS clients

NAS table for eltex_auth_service

Portal Constructor

Virtual portals management

The privilege gives the right to create, delete or edit virtual portals' names and domains.

Access to Portal Constructor sections

There are several privilege levels:


Permission to view is given to any user by default.



This option gives an opportunity to work with the image gallery.
Even if the option is unavailable for a user, images from the gallery can be used for virtual portals configuration.

Advertising platforms

Access to advertising platforms configuration. This section is located in virtual portal settings.

System settings

The option allows changing Portal Constructor system settings. This privilege should not be given to average users.

Payment service

This option gives rights to configure integration with payment services. The section is located in virtual portal settings.


Access to virtual portal appearance configuration. Since it is the main user function,the privilege is automatically added to any role, at least at a minimal level (viewing).

Security settings

CAPTCHA algorithms and Wi-Fi users access lists settings. These settings are located in the section "Common settings".

Common settings

Virtual portal settings section comprising specific parameters of each portal such as MAC address storage time, Mode, Additional pages. Antispam settings are also located there.

Language settings

The option for portal settings that are specific for each language and not related directly to appearance. For example: SMS template, Redirection URL, Page titles.
The section is located in virtual portal settings.


Access to portal tariffs configuration. The section is located in virtual portal settings.


Description of the Admin Panel and the Portal Constructor users' default roles

A role is a set of attributes that allows structuring of the Wi-Fi B2B Admin Panel users' (operators') rights and simplifying rights configuration.Each system role contains a set of main attributes defining user rights in the systems "Wi-Fi B2B Admin Panel" and "Portal Constructor" and an expanded list of attributes that specifies user rights for each page of a system. All these allow creating a flexible Platform resources management scheme.
A set of default system roles is provided for the Admin Panel. Each role is preset for a user to be able to deal with necessary tasks.


Platform administration

Administrator of the SoftWLC platform. The role implies access to all system elements.


Adding new platforms for clients

Provider's staff member. Has rights to configure domains, tariffs, portals, roles and Admin Panel users. Wi-Fi users, all statistics. Does not have access to settings that have impact on the work of the system


Customizing some aspects of the system

A client's administrator. Has rights to create new enterprise users, vouchers, virtual portals settings and to gather client statistics


Virtual portals customization

A client's marketer. Virtual portals configuration privileges, client statistics gathering



A client's staff member. Viewing portals, statistics, lists of Wi-Fi users



A provider's staff member_read only.Has permission to view domains, tariffs, portals, roles, Admin Panel users. Wi-Fi users, all statistics. Does not have access to settings.

Converting roles to the default set

In the version SoftWLC 1.8, domain settings are put into the System users tab instead of the System roles. It helps to get rid of excessive roles that were created for each client of a provider within the context of previous versions. Hence conversion of roles created before to the default set is needed. That allows making roles and users management easier.
To convert existing roles to the default set automatically, the special script 'auth-roles-converter' was created. The scripts changes user roles according to the following rules:
