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Pre-starting procedures


It is recommended to reset the device to factory settings when switching it on for the first time. Use display menu and buttons to reset the device — implement the following:

Menu -> 3. Settings -> 2. System -> 5. Reset settings -> Yes

The device will automatically reload.



Before you start, please, update the software. See section «Firmware upgrade» submenu.

You may download the up-to-date firmware version on the Downloads page or contact Eltex technical support. You may find contacts on TECHNICAL SUPPORT page.

Web interface description

Web interface operation modes

Web interface of the VP-12(P) device can operate in two modes:

  • Configuration — a system mode which enables full device configuration. The mode has three tabs: Network, VoIP and System.

  • Monitoring — system monitoring mode — allows you to view various device operation information: Internet connection activity, phone port status, amount of received/sent data via network interfaces, etc.

Key elements of web interface

User interface window is divided into 6 areas (see figure "Key elements of web interface"):


 5. Configuration management buttons. For detailed description see  Applying configuration .

    • Apply — apply and save the current configuration into flash  memory of the the device;

    • Discard — discard changes (effective only until 'Apply' button is clicked).


Main elements of web configurator

Applying configuration 

«Apply» button appears as follows: . Click it to save the configuration into the device flash memory and apply new settings. All settings will be accepted without device restart.


AppearanceStatus description

When you click the 'Accept' button, settings will be applied and stored into the device memory. This is indicated by the  icon in the  tab name and on the 'Apply' button.

Successful settings saving and application are indicated by icon in the tab name.

If the parameter value being specified contains an error, you will see a message with the reason description and icon will appear in the tab name, when you click 'Apply' button.

Discarding changes

Discard changes button appears as follows: . Click it to restore values currently stored in the device memory. 
