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On the VP-12(P), it is possible to configure options received by DHCP clients on various interfaces.

Distribution of requested options while multiservice mode: 


Internet interface

Internet + VoIP

Internet + VoIP + Managment






1 = Subnet Mask







3 = Router







6 = Domain Name Server







12 = Host Name







15 = Domain Name







26 = Interface MTU







28 = Broadcast Address







33 = Static Route







42 = Network Time Protocol Servers







43 = Vendor-Specific Information







66 = TFTP Server Name







67 = Bootfile name







120 = SIP Servers







121 = Classless Static Route







249 = Private/Classless Static Route (Microsoft)







According to the table above, options 1, 3, 6, 26, 28, 33, 121, 249 can be requested by dhcp clients for each sub-interface.  These options will be individually applied to each interface. Options 12, 15, 42, 43, 66, 67, 120 can be requested and applied only to one dhcp client because of they are system-wide settings and do not result in network interface configuration.

Configuration of the list of requested options may be changed. Configuration is saved into the configuration file /etс/config/cfg.yaml like all other settings. List of oprtions is not specified by default (DHCPOptionList: "" is a record example in configuration), it means options are requested and applied according to the table above.

Configuration editing methods

I. Using vi editor.

  1. Internet interface option list is specified by DHCPOptionList parameter in Internet=>Network  section.

  2. VoIP interface option list is specified by DHCPOptionList in Voip=>Network section.

  3. Management interface option list is specified by DHCPOptionList  parameter in System=>ManagementVLAN section

After editing and saving in vi editor, execute the following commands:

  • reloadcfg – applies reconfiguration, the command result should be «Configuration accepted». 

  • save – saves reconfiguration into non-volatile memory.

You can execute save command only if the previous command has been executed successfully. Save command is forbidden if the result of reloadcfg command execution was message «Configuration not accepted».

II. Using setconf command

This method is recommended and obviates the need of executing reloadcfg and save commands

Use getconf (display the current information) and setconf (set the parameter value) commands.

Example 1. It is necessary to obtain DHCPOptionList value:

  • for Internet interface

    getconf Internet.Network | grep DHCPOptionList
  • for VoIP interface
    getconf Voip.Network | grep DHCPOptionList
  • for Management interface
    getconf System.ManagementVLAN | grep DHCPOptionList

Example 2. It is necessary to specify some option list:

  • for Internet interface
    setconf Internet.Network  DHCPOptionList "3,6,26,28,33,121,249,12"
  • for VoIP interface (assigning option list by default)
    setconf Voip.Network DHCPOptionList ""
  • for Management interface
    setconf System.ManagementVLAN DHCPOptionList "3,6,26,28,33,42,43,66,67,121,249"

III. Configuring on a PC

We do not recommend this method

If you use this method for changing configuration, proceed as follows:

  1. Downloads configuration from the device on a computer.
  2. Specify values of new parameters and save them.
  3. Download configuration back on the device.

DHCPOptionList rules editing

  1. Valid values: 3,6,12,15,26,28,33, 42,43,66,67,120,121,249;

  2. Options in DHCPOptionList parameter are comma-separated without space between them, for example, DHCPOptionList: "3,6,12,15,26,120,121";

  3. Sequence order of options in DHCPOptionList does not matter;

  4. Each option (options 12, 15, 42, 43, 66, 67, 120) may be requested and applied only from one interface;

  5. Options 1, 3, 6, 26, 28, 33, 121, 249 may be requested by dhcp clients for each subinterface;

  6. Options 66 and 67 must be specified on the same interface;

  7. If DHCPOptionList is empty, list of options requested by default will be used (take into account section 8);

  8. If options specified in DHCPOptionList (see rule 4) are requested from another interface where DHCPOptionList is empty, these options will be requested from the first interface and will be excluded from the second interface of the default option list*;

  9. If option list is specified for interface in DHCPOptionList, these options will be requested only;

  10. Option 1 can not be specified in DHCPOptionList. This option is always requested and applied from all interfaces regardless of other settings.

If any of the paragraphs is violated, you will see message "Configuration not accepted" after an attempt to apply configuration. You can find an error if configd logs are enabled. In this case, when applying configuration is unsuccessful you can view the reason why in details.

* Example for section 8:

For example, the option list is specified for Internet interface as follows: Internet.Network.DHCPOptionList: Internet.Network.DHCPOptionList: "3, 6, 26, 28, 33, 121, 249, 12"

  For Management interface, nothing is specified: System.ManagementVLAN.DHCPOptionList: ""

  If nothing is specified, the default option list including options 3, 6, 12, 15, 26, 28, 33, 42, 43, 66, 67, 121, 249 should be requested according to rule 7 but option 12 will be excluded because of it is specified in Internet interface.

In the result, option list would be as follows:

  Parameter value: Internet.Network.DHCPOptionList: "3, 6, 26, 28, 33, 121, 249, 12" Requested option list: 1, 3, 6, 26, 28, 33, 121, 249, 12. Parameter value: System.ManagementVLAN.DHCPOptionList: ""
  Requested option list: 1, 3, 6, 15, 26, 28, 33, 42, 43, 66, 67, 121, 249

Reboot the device after editing DHCPOptionList. Before rebooting, proper device operation is not guaranteed. 

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