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SoftWLC Video Manual

Preparing for installation

To install a minimum configuration of SoftWLC, the server with the following parameters is required:

  • RAM >= 8 GB
  • CPU >= 2200MHz
  • Hard drive capacity >= 35 GB
  • Internet connection
  • Operating system Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS / Astra Linux Common Edition 2.12.44  / Debian 9 / Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7.1

More information on requirements to server can be found here.

It is recommended to install the controller on a clean OS.

Before installation, it is recommended to update packages on the server using the sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade commands.

A demo license is included with the controller.


Installation on Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS/Astra Linux Common Edition 2.12.44/Debian 9 operating systems

Download the relevant eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh installation script from the archive and save it to the OS root directory.

The operation can also be performed via the terminal:

vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~$ wget http://archive.eltex.org/wireless/help/softwlc-latest/eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh

--2019-04-29 08:30:24-- http://archive.eltex.org/wireless/help/softwlc-latest/eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh

Resolving archive.eltex.org (archive.eltex.org)...
Connecting to archive.eltex.org (archive.eltex.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 25615 (25K) [text/x-sh]
Saving to: ‘eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh

eltex-softwlc-helper-mos_1 100%[=====================================>] 25,01K --.-KB/s in 0,02s

2019-04-29 08:30:24 (1,61 MB/s) - ‘eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh’ saved [25615/25615]

Grant eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh file execution rights:

vagrant@ubuntu-bionic:~$ chmod +x ./eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh

Start the script under the super user and wait for the completion:

vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ sudo ./eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh
Platform : x86_64
Repository: http://archive.eltex-co.ru/wireless
Java vendor: openjdk
Ubuntu distrib code name: xenial
--2019-04-29 08:33:06-- http://archive.eltex-co.ru/wireless/nginx/conf/softwlc_1.XX_nginx.conf
Resolving archive.eltex-co.ru (archive.eltex-co.ru)...
Connecting to archive.eltex-co.ru (archive.eltex-co.ru)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Upon completion of the script, the following data will be available in the terminal:

Installation of Eltex SoftWLC finished
URLs of SoftWLC components:
Eltex.EMS GUI: http://localhost:8080/ems/jws
login: admin
password: <empty>

Portal constructor: http://localhost:8080/epadmin
login: admin
password: password

Wi-Fi customer cabinet: http://localhost:8080/wifi-cab
login: admin
password: password

If errors occur, refer to the documentation.

Installation on Astra Linux Special Edition 1.7.1

Download the installation script and save it to the OS root directory.

The operation can also be performed via the terminal:

vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ wget http://archive.eltex.org/wireless/help/softwlc-latest/eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh
[sudo] password for tester:
--2023-03-14 16:37:43-- http://archive.eltex.org/wireless/help/softwlc-latest/eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh
Resolving archive.eltex.org (archive.eltex.org)...
Connecting to archive.eltex.org (archive.eltex.org)||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 73208 (71K) [application/octet-stream]
Saving to: ‘eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh’

eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh 100%[======================================================================================================================================>] 71.49K 340KB/s in 0.2s

2023-03-14 16:37:43 (340 KB/s) - ‘eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh’ saved [73208/73208]

Grant eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh file execution rights.

vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ chmod +x ./eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh

Start the script under the super user and wait for the completion:

vagrant@ubuntu-xenial:~$ sudo ./eltex-softwlc-helper-astra-latest.sh
Installation started for softwlc-1.25, from http://archive.eltex-co.ru/wireless
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
wget is already the newest version (1.20.1-1.1).
wget set to manually installed.
lsb-release is already the newest version (10.2019051400+ci202012021351+astra2).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Platform : x86_64
OS distributer ID: astralinux
OS distrib code name: 1.7_x86-64
Repository: http://archive.eltex-co.ru/wireless
Java vendor: openjdk
Setting portal constructor and customer cabinet link addresses..
External IP address has been detected


If errors occur, refer to the documentation.

After installation, run the following on the server:

sudo sed -i 's/ProtectSystem=strict/ProtectSystem=off/g'


sudo systemctl daemon-reload

sudo systemctl restart tomcat9

Launching the EMS applet

Before running the EMS applet via the Java Web Start application, make sure that Oracle Java is installed on the PC.

In the browser bar, enter the following address:

http://<ip address SoftWLC>:8080/ems/jws/

In this case, the browser will offer you to open or download a file with the jnlp extension. Open this file using the Java Web Start application.

We recommend using Oracle Java 8.

To create a shortcut on the desktop to launch the EMS applet, temporary file storage must be enabled in the Java Control Panel.

After installation, you can change passwords in various SWLC modules: v.15_Changing password in SoftWLC

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