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File structure: /etc/config/cfg.json

File structure:

Version: (object)

Configuration version

Value: '2' (unsignedInt)

Configuration version value.

Tab in web interface: Network

Network: (object)

'Network' section configures the device network parameters. In web interface it is displayed as 'Network' menu.

Common: (object)

'Common' section configures common parameters of 'Network' section.

Hostname: '' (string)

Hostname – device network name.

Name in web interface:
Internet → 
Common Settings Hostname

IPSettings: (object)

'IPSettings' section configures network operation modes.

Common: (object)

The section configures common parameters of 'IPSettings' section.

Mode: 'DHCP/Static/None' (string)

• DHCP (default) – dynamic access when IP address and all the necessary parameters are received via DHCP;

• None – no IP address;

• Static – in this case, the parameters necessary for access are set manually: IP address, Netmask, DNS server, Gateway.

Name in web interface:
Internet → LAN → Protocol

MTU: '68...1500' (unsignedInt)

MTU – maximum size of the data unit transmitted on the network (default: 1500).

Not used in VP-30 configuration

Static: (object)

The section configures static parameters.

IPAddress: (IPAddress)

IPv4 address, used when 'Static' mode is selected.

Name in web interface:
Internet → LAN →
IP Address

Netmask: (IPAddress)

Netmask of the device IPv4 address, used when 'Static' mode is selected.

In web interface: Netmask

Name in web interface: Internet → LAN

DefaultGateway: (IPAddress)

Default gateway IPv4 address, used when 'Static' mode is selected.

Name in web interface:
Internet → LAN → 
Default Gateway

PrimaryDNS: (IPAddress)

Primary DNS – domain name server address (used to determine the device IP address by its domain name). This field can be left empty if it is not required.

Name in web interface: Internet → LAN
1st DNS Server

SecondaryDNS: (IPAddress)

Secondary DNS – domain name server address (used to determine the device IP address by its domain name). This field can be left empty if it is not required.

Name in web interface:
Internet → LAN
2nd DNS Server

DHCP: (object)

The section configures DHCP mode parameters.

CustomVendorID: (object)

Alternative Vendor ID (Option 60) — when selected, the device transmits Vendor ID (Option 60) field value in Option 60 DHCP messages (Vendor class ID). When not selected, a default value is transmitted in Option 60 in the following format:

  • [VENDOR: device vendor][DEVICE: device type][HW: hardware version][SN: serial number][WAN: WAN interface MAC address][LAN: LAN interface MAC address][VERSION: firmware version]
    Example: [VENDOR:Eltex][DEVICE:VP-30P][HW:1.0][SNVI23000118] [LAN:02:20:80:a8:f9:4b][VERSION:#1.2.2].

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable CustomVendorID.

Name in web interface:
Internet → Common Settings Alternative Vendor ID (option 60)

Value: '' (string)

Option 60 value (Vendor class ID) which is transmitted in DHCP messages. When the field is empty, option 60 is not transmitted in DHCP messages;

Name in web interface:
Internet → Common Settings Alternative Vendor ID (option 60) → Vendor ID (option 60)

Options: (object)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

List: ''

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

82CID: ''

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

82RID: ''

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

EthernetSettings: (object)

'EthernetSettings' section configures Ethernet ports parameters.

Common: (object)

The section configures Ethernet port LAN MAC address.

MAC: '' (string)

Setting of Ethernet port LAN MAC address.

Not used in web interface

LAN: (object)

The section configures LAN port operation mode.

SpeedDuplex: 'Auto'/'100f'/'100h'/'10f'/'10h' (string)

Setting of data rate and duplex operation mode on LAN port (default: 'Auto').

Not used in web interface

PC: (object)

The section configures PC port operation mode.

SpeedDuplex: 'Auto'/'100f'/'100h'/'10f'/'10h' (string)

Setting of data rate and duplex operation mode on PC port (default: 'Auto').

Not used in web interface

VLAN: (object)

'VLAN' section configures VLAN parameters.

VoIP: (object)

The section configures LAN port VLAN.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable VLAN on LAN port (default: 'false').

Name in web interface:
Internet LAN → 
'Use VLAN' checkbox

ID: '0...4095' (unsignedInt)

VLAN identifier which is used for the network interface.

Name in web interface:
Internet → LAN VLAN ID

Priority: '0...7' (unsignedInt)

802.1P attribute (also called CoS — Class of Service) attached to egress IP packets from the interface.

The value is from 0 (the least priority) to 7 (the highest priority).

Name in web interface:
Internet → LAN 802.1P

EnableDHCPVlan: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Support for VLAN option in DHCP packet.

Name in web interface:
Internet → LAN 'DHCP VLAN (132/133 options)' checkbox

PC: (object)

The section configures PC port VLAN.

Enable: (boolean)

Enable/disable VLAN on PC port (default: 'false').

Name in web interface:
Internet PC → 
'Use VLAN' checkbox

ID: (unsignedInt)

VLAN identifier which is used for the network interface.

Name in web interface:
Internet → PC VLAN ID

Priority: (unsignedInt)

802.1P attribute (also called CoS: Class of Service) attached to egress IP packets from the interface.

The value is from 0 (the least priority) to 7 (the highest priority).

Name in web interface:
Internet → PC 802.1P

LLDP: (object)

'LLDP' section configures LLDP main parameters.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable LLDP (default: 'true').

Name in web interface: System → Advanced

Period: '60' (unsignedInt)

  (default: '60').

Name in web interface:
System → Advanced →

QoS: (object)

'QoS' section configures QoS tags for SIP and RTP for both accounts at once.

RTP: '46'

Value of the DSCP field of the IP packet header for voice traffic (default: '46').

Name in web interface:

SIP: '26'

Value of the DSCP field of the IP packet header for SIP signaling traffic (default: '26').

Name in web interface:

8021X: (object)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Enable: 'false' (boolean)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

EAPMethod: 'MD5' (String)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Username: '' (String)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Password: (String)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

AuthPeriod: '30' (unsignedInt)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

HeldPeriod: '60' (unsignedInt)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

MaxStarts: '3' (unsignedInt)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

LocalDNS: (object)

'Local DNS' section configures local DNS server by adding IP address – domain name pairs to the database.

Lease1...30: (object)

Node number.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable selected node.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Domain: '' (string)

Domain name

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

IPAddress: '' (IPAddress)

IP address

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Firewall: (object)

'Firewall' section establishes passage rules of input, output and transit traffic. It is possible to restrict different type traffic passage (input, output) depending on the protocol, source and destination IP addresses, TCP/UDP source and destination ports (for TCP or UDP messages), ICMP message type (for ICMP messages).

Rule1...30: (object)

An object that represents a rule under a specific number.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable selected rule.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Name: '' (String)

Name is a rule name.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

SenderIPAddress: '' (IPAddress)

Sender address establishes initial sender IP address. Use '/' symbol to specify netmask in formats xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or xx, for example, or, to select a range of addresses at once (a netmask entry in the form /24 corresponds to an entry / The parameter is available when 'Traffic Type' parameter is set to 'Input'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

ReceiverIPAddress: '' (IPAddress)

Reciever address establishes initial reciever IP address. Use '/' symbol to specify netmask in formats xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx or xx, for example, or, to select a range of addresses at once. The parameter is available when 'Traffic Type' parameter is set to 'Output'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Protocol: 'TCP/UDP/TCP/UDP/ICMP/Any' (string)

Packet protocol that is subject to a given rule.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

SenderPortStart: '' (unsignedint)

The first port from the list of sender ports whose packets will fall under the given rule.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

SenderPortEnd: '' (unsignedint)

The last port from the list of sender ports whose packets will fall under the given rule.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

ReceiverPortStart: '' (unsignedint)

The first port from the list of reciever ports whose packets will fall under the given rule.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

ReceiverPortEnd: '' (unsignedint)

The last port from the list of reciever ports whose packets will fall under the given rule.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

ICMPType: 'any' (string)

Message type: it is possible to create a rule only for a specific type of ICMP message or for all types.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Action: 'Accept/Drop' (string)

Action performed on packets (Accept/Drop).

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface
TrafficType: '' (string)

Traffic type: select the type of traffic that the given rule applies to:

• Input: traffic incoming to the device (the recipient is directly one of the device network interfaces);

• Output: traffic outgoing from the device (traffic generated locally by the device from one of the network interfaces).

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Routing: (object)

'Routing' section configures the device static routes.

Route1...30: (object)

An object that represents a route under a specific number.

Enable: 'true/false' (boolean)

Enable/disable selected route.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Name: '' (string)

Name is a route name, used for human readability. The field can be left empty.

Not used in web interface.

Not used in web interface

Destination: '' (IPAddress)

Destination address is IP address of the destination host or subnet to which the route should be established.

Not used in web interface.

Not used in web interface

Netmask: '' (IPAddress)

Netmask: netmask is set to for the host, for subnet depending on its size.

Not used in web interface.

Not used in web interface

Gateway: '' (IPAddress)

Gateway is gateway IP address via which access to 'Destination address' is made.

Not used in web interface.

Not used in web interface

IPSec: (object)

'IPSec' section configures encryption using IPSec (IP Security) technology. IPSec is a set of protocols for ensuring the security of data transmitted over the Internet Protocol (IP), allowing for authentication, integrity checking and/or encryption of IP packets. IPSec also includes protocols for secure key exchange over the Internet.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable IPSec protocol for data encryption.

Not used in web interface

LocalIP: '' (IPAddress)

Local IP address is the device address for operation using IPSec protocol.

Not used in web interface

LocalSubnet: '' (IPAddress)

Local subnet address: together with local netmask, it defines local subnet to create site-to-site or site-to-point topologies.

Not used in web interface

LocalNetmask: '' (IPAddress)

Local netmask for local subnet address.

Not used in web interface

RemoteSubnet: '' (IPAddress)

Remote subnet address defines a remote subnet address used for IPSec-encrypted communication. If the netmask value is, communication is performed with a single host. Netmask that differs from allows  a whole subnet to be defined. Thus, device features allow establishing 4 network topologies that utilize IPSec traffic encryption: point-to-point, site-to-point, point-to-site, site-to-site.

Not used in web interface

RemoteNetmask: '' (IPAddress)

Remote netmask for remote subnet address.

Not used in web interface

RemoteGateway: '' (IPAddress)

Remote gateway is a gateway used for remote subnet access.

Not used in web interface

PreshareKey: '' (string)

(Phase 1) Pre-shared Key is the secret key used by authentication algorithm in phase 1. It is represented by a string from 8 to 63 characters

Pre-shared key is the secret key used in the phase 1 authentication algorithm. It is a string of 8 to 63 characters.

Not used in web interface

AgressiveMode: 'true/false' (boolean)

Agressive mode is phase 1 operation mode when all the necessary information is exchanged using three unencrypted packets. In the main mode, the exchange process involves six unencrypted packets.

Not used in web interface

IKELifeTime: '86400' (unsignedInt)

(Phase 1) Phase 1 lifetime is time in seconds that should pass for nods mutual re-identification and policy comparison(another name for IKE SA lifetime). Default value is 24 hours (86400 seconds).

Not used in web interface
IKEEncryptAlgorithm: 'des' (string)

(Phase 1) Encryption algorithm – select one from the list of encryption algorithms: DES, 3DES, Blowfish.

Not used in web interface
IKEAuthAlgorithm: 'md5' (string)

(Phase 1) Authentication algorithm – select an authentication algorithm from the list: MD5, SHA1;

Not used in web interface
IKEDhGroup: '1/2/5' (unsignedInt)

(Phase 1) Diffie-Hellman group – select a Diffie-Hellman group.

Not used in web interface
IdentifierType: 'address' (string)

Identifier type – device identifier type: address, fqdn, keyed, user_fqdn, asn1dn.

Not used in web interface

Identifier: '' (string)

Identifier – device identifier used for identification during phase 1 (fill in, if required). Identifier format depends on the type.

Not used in web interface

NAT: 'On/Force/Off' (string)

NAT-Traversal IPsec NAT-T mode selection. NAT-T (NAT Traversal) encapsulates IPSec traffic and simultaneously creates UDP packets to be sent correctly by a NAT device. For this purpose, NAT-T adds an additional UDP header before IPSec packet so it would be processed as an ordinary UDP packet and the recipient host would not perform any integrity checks. When the packet arrives to the destination, UDP header is removed and the packet goes further as an encapsulated IPSec packet. With NAT-T technique you can establish communication between IPSec clients in secured networks and public IPSec hosts via firewalls. NAT-T operation modes:

  • On  NAT-T mode is activated only when NAT is detected on the way to the destination host;

  • Force  use NAT-T in any case;
  • Off  disable NAT-T on connection establishment.
Not used in web interface
NATPort: '4500' (unsignedInt)

NAT-T UDP port is UDP port for packets for IPSec message encapsulation. Default value is 4500.

Not used in web interface
NATKeepAlive: '60' (unsignedInt)

Interval Between Sending NAT-T Keepalive Packets is periodic message transmission interval in seconds for UDP connection keepalive on the device performing NAT functions.

Not used in web interface
PfsGroup: '1/2/5' (unsignedInt)

(Phase 2) Diffie-Hellman group – select a Diffie-Hellman group.

Not used in web interface
Lifetime: '3600' (unsignedInt)

(Phase 2) Phase 2 lifetime is time in seconds that should pass for the data encryption key changeover (other name 'IPSec SA lifetime'). Default value is 60 minutes (3600 seconds).

Not used in web interface
EncryptAlgorithm: 'des' (string)

(Phase 2) Encryption Algorithm – select an encryption algorithm from the list: DES, 3DES, Blowfish.

Not used in web interface
AuthAlgorithm: 'hmac_md5' (string)

(Phase 2) select an authentication algorithm from the list: HMAC-MD5, HMAC-SHA1, DES, 3DES.

Not used in web interface
Tab in web interface: VoIP

VoIP: (object)

The 'VoIP' section configures VoIP (Voice over IP) settings: SIP protocol configuration, account configuration, installation of codecs, VAS and dialplan.

Accounts: (object)

'Accounts' section configures SIP accounts.

Common: (object)

Accounts common settings.

DefaultAccount: '1...6' (unsignedInt)

Parameter that specifies default account.

Not used in web interface

Account[1..6]: (object)

The section configures the first SIP account.

Common: (object)

The section configures accounts common settings.

Enable: 'true/false' (boolean)

Enable/disable account. Default: false.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → 'Enable' checkbox

Name: '' (string)

Account Name is an account tag, which will be used for identifying active account or account by default.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings →

Number: '' (string)

is subscriber number assigned to the account.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Phone

VoiceMailNumber: '' (string)


Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings →

PublicIPAddress: '' (IPAddress)

Public IP Address – this parameter is used as an external address of the device when it operates behind the NAT (gateway). As a public address, you can specify an external address (WAN) of a gateway (NAT) that the IP-phone operates through. At that, on the gateway (NAT), you should forward the corresponding SIP and RTP ports used by the device.

Not used in web interface

STUN: (object)

'STUN' section configures STUN parameters, which is used to automatically determine the external IP address.

Enable: 'true/false' (boolean)

Enable/disable obtaining a public address via STUN.

Not used in web interface

Server: '' (IPAddress)

STUN server IP address.

Not used in web interface

Interval: '30' (unsignedInt)

STUN Request Sending Interval.

Not used in web interface

DTMF: (object)

'DTMF' section configures DTMF signal transmission.

Method: 'RFC2833/Inband/SIPInfo' (string)

DTMF signal transmission modes:

Inband – inband transmission;

RFC2833 – according to RFC2833 recommendation as a dedicated payload in RTP voice packets;

SIP Info – transfer messages via SIP in INFO requests.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters →
DTMF Transfer

RFC2833_PT: '96' (unsignedInt)

– payload type for packet transmission via RFC2833 (possible values: from 96 to 127).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters →

RFC3264_PT_Common: 'true/false' (boolean)

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → Use the Same PT Both for Transmission and Reception

SIP: (object)

'SIP' section configures SIP settings.

Common: (object)

The section configures SIP common settings.


'UDP, TCP' (string)

Transport – select protocol for SIP messages transport:

UDP, TCP – UDP (preffered), TCP;

TCP, UDP – TCP (preffered), UDP;

UDP – only UDP;

TCP – only TCP.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings →
SIP Parameters → Transport
AuthUsername: '' (string)

– user name used for subscriber authentication on SIP server and on registration server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings →  Authentication → Login

AuthPassword: '' (string)

– password used for subscriber authentication on SIP server and on registration server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → 
Authentication → Password

UserAgentPort: '5060' (unsignedint)

– UDP port for incoming SIP message reception for this account, and for outgoing SIP message transmission from this account. It can take values from 1 to 65535 (default value: 5060).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings →

TimerT1: '500' (unsignedint)

a time interval between first INVITE transmission and the second one in case there is no answer on the first INVITE (ms). For the following INVITE requests (third, forth, fifth etc.) the interval will be increased twice (i.e. if the value is 300 ms, the second INVITE will be sent in 300 ms, the third — in 600 ms, the forth — in 1200 ms, etc.).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters →

TimerT2: '4000' (unsignedint)

the maximum time interval for retransmitting non-INVITE requests and responses on INVITE requests.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters → 

TimerB: '32000' (unsignedint)

Invite Total Timeout – common timeout of INVITE requests transmissition (ms). When the timeout is expired, it is defined that the route is not available. INVITE requests retranslation is limited for availability definition as well.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters → 

Proxy: (object)

'Proxy' section configures SIP proxy server, registration server, redundant SIP proxy.

Common: (object)

The section configures SIP proxy common settings.

ProxyServerMode: 'Off/Homing/Parking' (string)

– select SIP server operation mode in the drop-down list:


Parking – SIP-proxy redundancy mode without main SIP-proxy management;

Homing – SIP-proxy redundancy mode with main SIP-proxy management.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters →

ProxyServerControlMethod: 'Invite/Register/Options' (string)

– select availability control method for the home SIP server in 'Homing' mode:

Invite – control via transmission of INVITE request to its address when performing an outgoing call;

Register – control via periodic transmission of REGISTER messages to its address;

Options – control via periodic transmission of OPTIONS messages to its address.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters →

ProxyServerControlPeriod: '30' (unsignedInt)

period – periodic message transmission interval in seconds; used for home SIP server availability check.

Available when Register/Options is selected in ' field.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters →

Registration: (object)

The section configures registration parameters.

Interval: '1800' (unsignedInt)

– time during which the subscriber port registration on the SIP server is valid. At the average, account registration renewal will be performed after 2/3 of the specified period.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

ReRegisterInterval: '30' (unsignedInt)

– when the registration is unsuccessful, time period between SIP server registration attempts.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

ProxyList: (object)

The section configures  redundant SIP proxy parameters.

Proxy1: (object)

The first redundant SIP proxy configuring.

ProxyServer: '' (IPAddress)

Redundant SIP proxy address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Proxy Server

RegistrationServer: ''

Redundant registration server address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Registration Server

Proxy2: (object)

The second redundant SIP proxy configuring.

ProxyServer: '' (IPAddress)

Redundant SIP proxy address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Proxy Server

RegistrationServer: ''

Redundant registration server address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Registration Server

Proxy3: (object)

The third redundant SIP proxy configuring.

ProxyServer: '' (IPAddress)

Redundant SIP proxy address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Proxy Server

RegistrationServer: ''

Redundant registration server address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Registration Server

Proxy4: (object)

The fourth redundant SIP proxy configuring.

ProxyServer: '' (IPaddress)

Redundant SIP proxy address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Proxy Server

RegistrationServer: ''

Redundant registration server address

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Proxy Addresses → Registration Server

Subscriptions: (object)

The section configures subscriptions.

EnableMWI: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Subscribe for MWI — when checked, the subscription request on "message-summary" events is send. After obtaining such request, subscription server will notify the device on new voice messages through sending NOTIFY requsts.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters → Subscribe for MWI

Server: '' (IPAddress)

 – a network address, to which SUBSCRIBE requests are sent for subscription on "message-summary" and "dialog" events. You can specify IP address as well as domain name (after colon, you can specify a UDP port of SIP server, default value is 5060).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → SIP Parameters → 

Interval: '1800' (unsignedint)

– time for subscription registration on SIP server. At the average, subscription registration renewal will be performed after 2/3 of the specified period.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

ReSubscribeInterval: '30' (unsignedint)

– when the registration is unsuccessful, time period between SIP server registration attempts.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

Conference: (object)

The section configures conference parameters.

Mode: 'Local/Remote' (String)

Mode – operation mode of three-party conference. Two modes are possible:

Local – conference assembly is performed locally by the device after pressing 'CONF';

Remote (RFC4579) – conference assembly is performed at the remote server; after pressing 'CONF', 'Invite' message will be sent to the server using number specified in the 'Conference server' field. In this case, conference operation complies with the algorithm described in RFC 4579.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → 
Three-party Conference → Mode

Server: 'conf' (string)

 – in general, address of the server that establishes conference using algorithm described in RFC 4579. Address is specified in the following format SIP-URI: user@address:port. You can specify the 'user' URI part only – in this case, 'Invite' message will be sent to the SIP proxy address.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → Three-party Conference Conference Server

DomainSettings: (object)

The section configures SIP domain parameters.

Domain: '' (string)

SIP Domain – domain where the device is located (fill in, if needed).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties → SIP Domain

UseToReg: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Use Domain to Register – when selected, apply SIP domain for registration (SIP domain will be inserted into the 'Request-Line' of REGISTER requests).

Default: 'false'.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

UseToSubsc: 'true'/'false'(boolean)

Use Domain to Subscribe –  when checked, apply SIP domain for subscription (SIP domain will be inserted into 'Request-Line' of SUBSCRIBE requests).

Default: 'false'.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

OutboundMode: 'Off/Outbound/OutboundWithBusy' (string)

Outbound mode:

  • Off – calls will be routed according to the dialplan;
  • Outbound – dialplan is required for outgoing communications; however, all calls will be routed via SIP server; if there is no registration, PBX response will be sent to the subscriber in order to enable subscriber service management (VAS management);
  • Outbound with Busy – dialplan is required for outgoing communications; however, all calls will be routed via SIP server; if there is no registration, VoIP will be unavailable: error tone will be transmitted to the phone headset.
Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties → Outbound mode

Additional: (object)

The section configures additional parameters.

RefuseReason: '480/486/404' (string)

 – select SIP response on incoming call rejection:

480 – 480 Temporarily Unavailable;

486 – 486 Busy Here;

404 – 404 Not Found.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties → 

SubscribersRingback: '180Ringing' (string)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface
Use100Rel: 'Supported/Required/Off' (string)

100rel — use reliable provisional responses (RFC3262):

Supportedreliable provisional responses are supported;

Requiredreliable provisional responses are required;

Offreliable provisional responses are disabled.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

UseReplaces: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

UseAlertInfoHeader: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

– process INVITE request 'Alert-Info' header to send a non-standard ringing to the subscriber port.

Default: 'false'.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

183Progress: 'true'/'false' (boolaen)

Ringback at 183 Progress – when selected, 'ringback' tone will be sent upon receiving '183 Progress' message (w/o enclosed SDP).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties → Ringback at 183 Progress

TimerEnable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Timer Enable – when selected, the 'timer' (RFC 4028) extension support is enabled. When connection is established, and both sides support 'timer' extension, one of them periodically sends re-INVITE requests for connection monitoring purposes (if both sides support UPDATE method, wherefore it should be specified in the 'Allow' header, the session update is performed by periodic transmission of UPDATE messages).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties → Timer Enable
TimerMinSE: '90...18000' (unsignedInt)

– minimal time interval for connection health checks in seconds (90 to 1800 s, 120 s by default).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →
TimerSessionExpires: '0/90...800000' (unsignedInt)

– period of time in seconds that should pass before the forced session termination if the session is not renewed in time (90 to 80000 s, recommended value – 1800 s, 0 – unlimited session).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →
KeepAliveMode: 'Off/Options/Notify/CLRF' (string)

Keepalive NAT Sessions Mode – select SIP server polling method:

Off – SIP server will not be polled;

Options – SIP server polling with OPTIONS message;

Notify – SIP server polling with NOTIFY message;

CLRF – SIP server polling with an empty UDP packet.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties → Keepalive NAT Sessions Mode
KeepAliveInterval: '10...120' (unsignedInt)

– period of time in seconds that should pass before SIP server is polled. Available when the 'Keepalive NAT Sessions Mode' option is enabled.

Default: 30 s.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

CheckOnlyUserInRURI: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

– when selected, only subscriber number (user) will be analyzed, and if the number matches, the call will be assigned to the subscriber port. When cleared, all URI elements (user, host and port — subscriber number, IP address and UDP/TCP port) will be analyzed upon receiving an incoming call. If all URI elements match, the call will be assigned to the subscriber port.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → General Settings → Additional SIP Properties →

InsertIPInCallID: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Not used in web interfac

RTP: (object)

'RTP' section configures RTP and SRTP parameters.

Common: (object)

The section configures common RTP/SRTP parameters.

LocalPortMin: '23000' (unsignedint)

– lower limit of the RTP ports range used for voice traffic transmission.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → RTP → RTPMin

LocalPortMax: '26000' (unsignedint)

– upper limit of the RTP ports range used for voice traffic transmission.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → RTP →

SilenceDetection: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Silence Detector – when selected, enable voice activity detector.

Not used in web interface

SRTP: (object)

The section configures SRTP parameters.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable – when selected, RTP flow encryption is used. Thus, the RTP/SAVP profile will be specified in SDP of outgoing INVITE requests. Also, the SDP of incoming requests will be scanned for the RTP/SAVP profile. If the RTP/SAVP profile is not found, the call will be rejected.

Default: 'false'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

'AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80' (string)

Crypto Suite 1 allows to choose encryption and hashing algorithms to be used. A suite with the highest priority should be specified in 'CryptoSuiteOrder1' field. It is necessary to specify at least one crypto suit:

• AES_80 – according to AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80;

• AES_32 – according to AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


'AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32' (string)

Crypto Suite 2 – allows to choose encryption and hashing algorithms to be used. A suite with the highest priority should be specified in 'CryptoSuiteOrder2' field. It is necessary to specify at least one crypto suit:

• AES_80 – according to AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_80;

• AES_32 – according to AES_CM_128_HMAC_SHA1_32;

• Off – RTP encryption will not be used.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

RTCP: (object)

The section configures RTCP parameters.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

RTCP – when selected, use RTCP for voice link monitoring.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → RTCP
TxInterval: '1..30' (unsignedInt)

– RTCP packet transmission period, in seconds.

Default: '5'.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → RTCP → 
RxTimeout: '1..30' (unsignedInt)

– RTCP message reception period measured in transmission period units; if there is no single RTCP packet received until the reception period expires, the IP Phone will terminate the connection.

Default: '5'.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → RTCP →

ExtendedReports: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

RTCP-XR – when selected, RTCP Extended Reports packets will be sent in accordance with RFC 3611.

Default: 'false'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Codecs: (object)

The section configures codecs.

G711A: (object)

G711A codec configuring.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable codec.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs

Priority: '1...7' (unsignedint)

Codec priority.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs → Priority is selected by dragging the codec in the list

PTime: '20' (unsignedint)

Packet time.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs → G.711a → Packet time

G729: (object)

G729 codec configuring.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable codec.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs

Priority: '1...7' (unsugnedint)

Codec priority.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs → Priority is selected by dragging the codec in the list

PTime: '20' (unsignedint)

Packet time.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs → G.729 → Packet time

G711U: (object)

G711U codec configuring.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable codec.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs

Priority: '1...7' (unsugnedint)

Codec priority.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs → Priority is selected by dragging the codec in the list

PTime: '20' (unsignedint)

Packet time.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs → G.711u → Packet time

G722: (object)

G722 codec configuring.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable codec.

Name in web interface: SIP Accounts → Codecs

Priority: '1...7' (unsugnedint)

Codec priority.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Codecs → Priority is selected by dragging the codec in the list

SupplementaryServices: (object)

The section configures value added services.

Hotline: (object)

The section configures hotline service. This service enables an outgoing connection automatically without dialling the number after the phone handset is picked up with the defined delay (in seconds).

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable hotline.

Default: 'false'

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → Hotline

Number: '' (unsignedint)

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings →

Timeout: '0' (unsignedint)

Default: '0'.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings →

CFU: (object)

The section configures Call Forwarding Unconditional service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

CFU – when selected, CFU (Call Forwarding Unconditional) service is enabled – all incoming calls will be forwarded to the specified CFU Number.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFU

Number: '' (unsignedint)

CFU Number – number that all incoming calls will be forwarded to when CFU service is enabled (in SIP profile being used, a prefix for this direction should be defined in the dialplan).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFU → CFU Number

RemoteOnCode: '' (unsignedint)

Activate Code – activation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFU → Activate Code

RemoteOffCode: '' (unsignedint)

Deactivate Code – deactivation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFU → Deactivate Code

CFB: (object)

The section configures Call Forwarding Busy service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

CFB – when selected, CFB (Call Forwarding Busy) service is enabled – call forwarding to the specified , when the subscriber is busy.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFB

Number: '' (unsignedint)

CFB Number – number that incoming calls will be forwarded to when the subscriber is busy and CFB service is enabled (in SIP profile being used, a prefix for this direction should be defined in the dialplan).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFB → CFB Number

RemoteOnCode: '' (unsignedint)

Activate Code – activation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFB → Activate Code

RemoteOffCode: '' (unsignedint)

Deactivate Code – deactivation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFB → Deactivate Code

CFNR: (object)

The section configures Call Forwarding No Reply service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

CFNR – when selected, CFNR (Call Forwarding No Reply) service is enabled – call forwarding, when there is no answer from the subscriber.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFNR

Number: '' (unsignedint)

CFNR Number – number that incoming calls will be forwarded to when there is no answer from the subscriber and CFNR service is enabled (in SIP profile being used, a prefix for this direction should be defined in the dialplan).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFNR → CFNR Number

Timeout: '0...300' (unsignedInt)

CFNR Timeout – time interval that will be used for call forwarding when there is no answer from the subscriber, in seconds

When multiple services are enabled simultaneously, the priority will be as follows (in the descending order):

  1. CFU;
  2. DND;
  3. CFB, CFNR.
Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFNR → CFNR Timeout

RemoteOnCode: '' (unsignedint)

Activate Code – activation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFNR → Activate Code

RemoteOffCode: '' (unsignedint)

Deactivate Code – deactivation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CFNR → Deactivate Code

DND: (object)

The section configures Do Not Disturb service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

DND – when selected, temporary restriction is placed for incoming calls (DND service – Do Not Disturb).

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → DND

RemoteOnCode: '' (unsignedint)

Activate Code – activation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → DND → Activate Code

RemoteOffCode: '' (unsignedint)

Deactivate Code – deactivation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → DND → Deactivate Code

CallWaiting: (object)

The section configures Call Waiting service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Call Waiting – when selected, the subscriber will accept incoming calls while being in a call state, otherwise '484 Busy here' reply will be sent.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → Call Waiting 

StopDialAtHash: (object)

The section configures Stop Dial At # service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

– when selected, use '#' button on the phone unit to end the dialing, otherwise '#' will be recognized as a part of the number.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings →

CLIR:  (object)

The section configures CLIR service.
CLIR – limitation of caller number identification.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable CLIR.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CLIR

Mode: 'From/FromContact' (string)

FromAnonymous sip: anonymous@unknown.host will be transmitted in the 'From' header of SIP messages;

FromContactAnonymous sip:anonymous@unknown.host will be transmitted in the 'From' and 'Contact' headers of SIP messages.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CLIR → SIP:From/SIP:From and SIP:Contact

RemoteOnCode: '' (unsignedint)

Activate Code – activation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CLIR → Activate Code

RemoteOffCode: '' (unsignedint)

Deactivate Code – deactivation code for the service on remote server.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Service Settings → CLIR → Deactivate Code

Intercom: (object)

The section configures Intercom Call service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Allow Receiving Intercom Call – when cleared, incoming intercom calls are declined automatically.

Not used in web interface

GenTone: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Generate Tone – short sound signal is played before automatic answering to an incoming intercom call.

Not used in web interface

Priority: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Intercom Сall Priority – when selected, an incoming intercom call has higher priority than an active call. Before answering to incoming intercom call, an active call is put on hold. When the option is disabled, the function of automatic answering to intercom calls during active call is disabled.

Not used in web interface

AutoAnswer: (object)

The section configures Auto Call Answering service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Allow Auto Call Answering.

Not used in web interface

GenTone: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Notify Me Before Auto Answer – short audio signal is played before automatic answering.

Not used in web interface

Priority: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Auto Call Answering Priority.

Not used in web interface

Delay: '0' (unsignedint)

Auto Call Answering Delay.

Not used in web interface

NotifyEvents: (object)

The section configures  service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

GenTone: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Not used in web interface

Priority: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Not used in web interface

Pickup: (object)

The section configures Call Pickup service.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Allow Call Pickup.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → Allow Call Pickup

Mode: 'Replaces'/'FeatureCode' (string)

Call Pickup Mode.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → Allow Call Pickup → Call Pickup Mode

Code: '' (string)

, available in 'FeatureCode' mode.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → Allow Call Pickup → Call Pickup Mode → Feature Code →

CodeWithHash: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Additional Parameters → Allow Call Pickup → Call Pickup Mode → Feature Code → Sign '#' terminates the number

Dialplan: (object)

The section configures dialplan.

To define a dialplan, use regular expressions in the 'Dialplan configuration' field.

regexp: 'S4,L8([*#x].)' (string)

Routing plan Structure:

S xx , L xx  (Rule1 | Rule2 | ... | RuleN)


  • хх — arbitrary values of S and L timers;
  • () — dialplan margins;
  • | — delimiter for dialplan rules;
  • Rule1, Rule 2, Rule N — numbers templates which are allowed or forbidden to be called.

Routing rules structure: 

Sxx Lxx prefix@optional(parameters)


  • хх — arbitrary value of S and L timer. Timers inside rules could be dropped; in this case, global timer values, defined before the parentheses, will be used.
  • prefix — prefix part of the rule;
  • @optional — optional part of the rule (might be skipped);
  • (parameters) — additional options (might be skipped).



• Interdigit Long Timer ('L' character in a dialplan record) – entry timeout for the next digit, if there are no templates that correspond to the dialled combination.

• Interdigit Short Timer ('S' character in a dialplan record) – entry timeout for the next digit, if the dialled combination fully matches at least one template and if there is at least one template that requires an extension dialling for the full match.

The timers values might be assigned either for the whole dialplan or for a certain rule. The timers values specified before round brackets are applied for the whole dialplan. 

Example: S4 (8XXX.) or S4, L8 (XXX)

If the values of timers are specified in a rule, they are applied to this rule only. The value might be located at any position in a template.

Name in web interface:
SIP Accounts → Dialplan → Dialplan Configuration
Tab in web interface: System

System: (object)

'System' section configures system parameters.

Time: (object)

'Time' section configures the device system time.

Common: (object)

The section configures common time parameters.

Mode: 'NTP/Manual' (string)

Time setting mode: NTP synchronization or manual.

Name in web interface:
System → Time →

TimeFormat: '24'/'12' (unsignedint)

Setting time format.

Default: '24'.

Name in web interface:
System → Time → Time Format

NTP: (object)

The section configures NTP parameters.

Server: 'pool.ntp.org' (string)

 – time synchronization server IP address/domain name. Manual entering of server address or selection from a list are available;

Name in web interface:
System → Time →

Period: '120' (unsignedint)

NTP server polling period in seconds.

Name in web interface:
System → Time → 

Priority: 'DHCP'/'Config'

Priority of obtaining the NTP server address:

DHCP – when selected, the device uses the NTP server address from DHCP messages in option 42 (Network Time Protocol Servers). DHCP protocol must be set for the main interface;

Config when selected, the device uses the NTP server address from 'NTP Server' parameter.

Name in web interface:
System → Time → Priority

Timezone: 'Europe/Moscow' (string)

Setting time zone.

Name in web interface:
System → Time → Time  Zone

Access: (object)

'Access' section configures device access via LAN using different protocols.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

HTTP: (object)

The section configures device access via HTTP.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable access via HTTP.

Not used in web interface

Port: '80' (unsignedint)

 – number of the port that allows for the device web interface access via HTTP, default value is 80.

Not used in web interface

HTTPS: (object)

The section configures device access via HTTPS.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable device access via HTTPS.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Port: '443' (unsignedint)

HTTPS Port – number of the port that allows for the device web interface access via HTTPS (HTTP secure connection), default value is 443.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

SSH: (object)

The section configures device access via SSH.

Enable: 'true'/'false'(boolean)

Enable/disable device access via SSH.

Not used in web interface

Port: '22' (unsignedint)

SSH Port – number of the port that allows for the device access via SSH, default value is 22.

Not used in web interface

Telnet: (object)

The section configures device access via Telnet.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable доступ по протоколу Telnet.

Not used in web interface

Port: '23' (unsignedint)

Telnet Port – number of the port that allows for the device access via Telnet, default value is 23.

Not used in web interface

UserAccess: (object)

'UserAccess' section contains three groups of elements used in web interface, access to which can be denied for 'User' by setting the parameter value to '0'. To allow access, set it to '1'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

ServicesManagement: (object)

The section contains VAS services that can be denied or allowed for configuration by 'User'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Hotline: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

CFU: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Call Forwarding Unconditional.

Not used in web interface

CFB: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Call Forwarding Busy.

Not used in web interface

CFNR: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Call Forwarding No Reply.

Not used in web interface

DND: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Do Not Disturb.

Not used in web interface

CallWaiting: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Call Waiting.

Not used in web interface

StopDialAtHash: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Stop Dial At #.

Not used in web interface

CLIR: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Anonymous calls.

Not used in web interface

Intercom: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Intercom calls.

Not used in web interface

AutoAnswer: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

NotifyEvents: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Not used in web interface

Pickup: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Call Pickup.

Not used in web interface

DeviceSettings: (object)

The section contains device settings that can be denied or allowed for configuration by 'User'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Language: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

Date: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

Display: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

Accounts: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Account configuration.

Not used in web interface

Network: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

Autoprovision: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

DeviceManagement (object)

The section contains operations available for device management that can be denied or allowed for configuration by 'User'.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Reboot: 'true'/'false' (boolean)


Not used in web interface

ResetSetting: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Factory reset.

Not used in web interface

AddingContacts: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Adding contacts.

Not used in web interface

DeletingContacts: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Deleting contacts.

Not used in web interface

EditContacts: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Edit contacts.

Not used in web interface

ClearingHistory: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Clearing history.

Not used in web interface

Passwords: (object)

'Passwords' section configures passwords for various users.

AdminPassword: '' (string)

Password for 'Admin' user.

Name in web interface:
Passwords → Administrator Password → /Confirm

ViewerPassword: '' (string)

Password for 'Viewer' user.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Autoprovision: (object)

'Autoprovision' section configures autoprovision methods.

Common: (object)

The section configures autoprovisioning common settings.

Priority: 'Static/DHCP' (string)

Parameters Priority from — this parameter manages names and locations of configuration and firmware files:

  • Static settings — paths to configuration, firmware, and manifest files are defined by the 'Configuration File' and 'Firmware File', and 'Manifest File' settings;
  • DHCP options — paths to configuration and firmware files are defined by the DHCP Option 43, 66, and 67 (it is necessary to select DHCP for the Internet service).
Name in web interface: 
Autoprovisioning → Common Settings → 
Parameters Priority from

Config: (object)

The section configures automatic configuration update.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable automatic configuration update.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic configuration updates →

URL: '' (string)

Configuration File — full path to configuration file; defined in URL format (TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP are available):

• tftp://<server address>/<full path to cfg file>;

• http://<server address>/<full path to cfg file>;

• https://<server address>/<full path to cfg file>;

• ftp://<server address>/<full path to cfg file>,

where <server address> — HTTP, HTTPS, FTP or TFTP server address (domain name or IPv4),

          < full path to cfg file > — full path to configuration file on server.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic configuration updates → Configuration File

Mode: 'Periodic'/'Timetable'

Provisioning Mode:

Periodic – the device configuration will be automatically updated after defined period of time;

Timetable – the device configuration will be automatically updated at specific time and on specific days.

Name in web interface: 
Autoprovisioning → Automatic configuration updates →

Period: '300' (unsignedint)


Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic configuration updates →
 → Periodically → 

Day: 'Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun' (string)

Days of Configuration Update – week days with defined time that will be used for Timetable mode.

Name in web interface: Autoprovisioning → Automatic configuration updates →
Scheduled → 
Days of Configuration Update

Time: '' (dateTime)

Time of Configuration Update – time on 24-hour format that will be used for Timetable mode.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic configuration updates → Time of Configuration Update

Username: '' (string)

FTP User Name – a user name used for authorization on FTP server when loading configuration.

Not used in web interface

Password: '' (string)

FTP Password – a password used for authorization on FTP server when loading configuration.

Not used in web interface

Firmware: (object)

The section configures automatic firmware update.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable automatic firmware update.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic software updates → Firmware

URL: '' (string)

 – full path to firmware file; defined in URL format:

• tftp://<server address>/<full path to firmware file>;

• http://<server address>/<full path to firmware file>;

• https://<server address>/<full path to firmware file>;

• ftp://<server address>/<full path to firmware file>,

where <server address> – HTTP, HTTPS, TFTP or FTP server address (domain name or IPv4),

          <full path to firmware file> – full path to firmware file on server.

Name in web interface: 
Autoprovisioning → Automatic software updates →

ManifestURL: '' (string)

Manifest File – full path to manifest file; defined in URL format. The use of the manifest file is due to the large size of the firmware file, which is downloaded periodically using the firmware auto-update algorithm. To reduce load on the network in such cases, it is recommended to use the Manifest file.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic software updates → Manifest

Mode: 'Periodic'/'Timetable'

Provisioning Mode:

Periodic – the device firmware will be automatically updated after defined period of time.

Timetable the device firmware will be automatically updated at specific times and on specific days.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic software updates →

Period: '300' (unsignedint)

– time period in seconds that will be used for .

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic software updates →  → Periodically →

Day: 'Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun' (string)

– week days with defined time that will be used for Timetable mode.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic software updates → → Scheduled → 

Time: '' (dateTime)

 – time on 24-hour format that will be used for Timetable mode.

Name in web interface:
Autoprovisioning → Automatic software updates → → Scheduled →

Username: '' (string)

FTP User Name – a user name used for authorization on FTP server when loading firmware.

Not used in web interface

Password: '' (string)

FTP Password – a password used for authorization on FTP server when loading firmware.

Not used in web interface

PhoneBook: (object)

The section configures automatic phone book update.

Remote: (object)

Automatic remote phone book update.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable automatic remote phone book update.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote → Enable Remote PhoneBook

URL: '' (string)

PhoneBook URLa full path to the remote phonebook file – is set in URL format:

• tftp://<server address>/<full path to file>;

• http://<server address>/<full path to file>;

• https://<server address>/<full path to file>;

• ftp://<server address>/<full path to file>,

where <server address> – HTTP, HTTPS, TFTP or FTP server address (domain name or IPv4),

          <full path to file> – full path to phonebook file on server.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote → PhoneBook URL

Mode: 'Periodic'/'Timetable'

Automatic phone book update mode:

Periodic –

Timetable – t.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote → 

Period: '300' (unsignedint)

PhoneBook Update Intervaltime interval between phonebook updates in Periodic mode.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote →  → Periodically → PhoneBook Update Interval, s
Day: 'Mon,Tue,Wed,Thu,Fri,Sat,Sun' (string)

Days Of PhoneBook Update – .

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote →  → Scheduled → 
Days Of PhoneBook Update

Time: '' (dateTime)


Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote →  → Scheduled →

Username: '' (string)

FTP User Name – a user name used for authorization on FTP server when loading phonebook.

Not used in web interface

Password: '' (string)

FTP Password – a password used for authorization on FTP server when loading phonebook.

Not used in web interface
Tab in web interface: User Interface

UserInterface: (object)

'UserInterface' section configures the device display and buttons settings.

Common: (object)

The section configures UserInterface common settings.

Language: 'RU'/'EN' (string)

Language of the IP-phone display menu.

Not used in web interface

StandbyMode: 'Handsfree'/'HeadsetAndHandsfree' (string)

Active audio interface.

  • Handsfree;
  • HeadsetAndHandsfree.
Not used in web interface

ErrorIndicationTimeErrorShowAndBusyToneTime: '3' (unsignedint)

in seconds.

Not used in web interface

Display: (object)

The section configures display parameters settings.

Backlight: (object)

The section configures backlit parameters settings.

Time: '0/5/10...60' (unsignedint)

Backlight time when device is inactive in seconds.

Default: 25

  • 0 – always off;
  • 60 – always on.
Not used in web interface

BrightnessActive: '1...7' (unsignedint)

Backlit brightness when device is active.

Not used in web interface

BrightnessInactive: '1...7' (unsignedint)

Backlit brightness when inactive.

Not used in web interface

ReturnToRootScreen: "true"/"false" (boolean)

Return to main screen when inactive.

Default: "true"

Not used in web interface

CustomerNames: (object)

The section configures Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display.


'LocalBook'/'SIPDisplayName'/'RemoteBook'/'LDAPPhoneBook' (string)

Choosing Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display during incoming call from LocalBook, SIPDisplayName, RemoteBook, LDAPPhoneBook.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Priority → Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display

'LocalBook'/'SIPDisplayName'/'RemoteBook'/'LDAPPhoneBook' (string)

Choosing Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display during incoming call from LocalBook, SIPDisplayName, RemoteBook, LDAPPhoneBook.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Priority → Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display

'LocalBook'/'SIPDisplayName'/'RemoteBook'/'LDAPPhoneBook' (string)

Choosing Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display during incoming call from LocalBook, SIPDisplayName, RemoteBook, LDAPPhoneBook.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Priority → Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display

'LocalBook'/'SIPDisplayName'/'RemoteBook'/'LDAPPhoneBook' (string)

Choosing Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display during incoming call from LocalBook, SIPDisplayName, RemoteBook, LDAPPhoneBook.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Priority → Priority of Showing Subscriber’s Name on a Display

Audio: (object)

The section configures audio interfaces parameters.

SpeakerVolume: (object)

Volume Settings of Speakerphone, Handset, Headset, Ringtone.

Ringtone: '0...16' (unsugnedint)

Ringtone volume.

Name in web interface: User Interface → Volume → Volume Settings → Ringtone

GroupListening:  "0...16" (unsignedint)

Speaker volume when group listening is activated.

Name in web interface: User Interface → Volume → Volume Settings → Group Listening

Handset: '0...16' (unsignedint)

Handset volume during conversation.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Volume → Volume Settings → Handset 

Handsfree: '0...16' (unsignedint)

Speakerphone volume during conversation.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Volume → Volume Settings → Handsfree

Headset: '0...16' (unsignedint)

Headset volume during conversation.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Volume → Volume Settings → Headset 

MicGain: (object)

Input Gain Control of speakerphone, handset, headset.

Handset: '-9...9' (int)

Handset Input Gain Control (default: 0.0).

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Volume → Input Gain Control → Handset

Handsfree: '-9...9' (int)

Speakerphone  Input Gain Control (default: 0.0).

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Volume → Input Gain Control → Handsfree

Headset: '-9...9' (int)

Headset Input Gain Control (default: 0.0).

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Volume → Input Gain Control → Headset

EchoCancellation: (object)


Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolaen)

Enable/disable Echocanceller.

Not used in web interface

Ringtones: (object)

Ringtones settings.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Account1..6: "" (string)

Ringtone name.

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Jitter:  (object)

Jitter buffer parameters settings.

Delay: "40" (unsignedInt)

Minimum expected IP package network spreading delay.

Not used in web interface

MaxDelay : "130" (unsignedInt)

Maximum expected IP package network spreading delay.

Not used in web interface

Factor : "7" (unsignedInt)

Parameter used for jitter buffer size optimization. The recommended value is 0.

Not used in web interface

Threshold : "500" (unsignedInt)

Maximum time for voice package removal from the buffer. The parameter value should be greater or equal to maximum delay.

Not used in web interface

PhoneBook: (object)

'PhoneBook' section configures phone book parameters.

LDAP: (object)

The section configures remote LDAP phone book parameters.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable LDAP.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP → Enable LDAP

ServerAddress: '' (IPAddress)

– domain name or IP address of LDAP server.

ServerPort: '389' (unsignedInt)

– port of LDAP server transport protocol.

Base: '' (string)

Base – indicates the location of base directory, that contains the phone book, and from which the search begins, in the LDAP directory. Specifying this parameter narrows the search and thereby reduces the time it takes to search for a contact.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP → Base

Login: '' (string)

Login – username that will be used when authorizing on LDAP server;

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP → Login

Password: '' (string)

Password – password that will be used when authorizing on LDAP server.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP → Password

VersionProtocol: '3' (unsignedInt)

LDAP protocol version of formed request.

MaxHits: '30' (unsignedInt)

MaxHits – the parameter indicating the maximum amount of search results that will be returned by LDAP server.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP →

NameAttributes: 'cn' (string)

Name Attributes – the parameter that indicates the name attribute of each record returned by the LDAP server.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP →

NumberAttributes: 'TelephoneNumber' (string)

– the parameter that indicates the number attribute of each record returned by the LDAP server.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP →

DisplayName: '%cn' (string)

Display Name Attributes – the parameter that indicates the display name attribute.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP → Display Name Attributes

NameFilter: 'sn=%' (string)

– the filter used to lookup for the names. The '*' character in the filter indicates any character. The '%' character in the filter indicates the input string used as the filter condition prefix.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP →

NumberFilter: 'TelephoneNumber=%' (string)

– the filter used to lookup for the number. The '*' character in the filter indicates any character. The '%' character in the filter indicates the input string used as the filter condition prefix.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP →

LookupForIncomingCall: 'true/false' (boolean)

– when selected, lookup for a name using a number during incoming calls.


LookupForOutcomingCall: 'true/false' (boolean)

Lookup For Outcoming Call – when selected, lookup for a name using a number during outcoming calls.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → LDAP → Lookup For Outcoming Call

TLSMode: 'Off/StartTLS/LDAPS' (string)

Not used in web interface

CheckCert: 'Off/Full' (string)

Not used in web interface

Remote: (object)

The section configures remote phone book parameters.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book  → Remote

Common: (object)

Общие настройки удаленной телефонной книги.

InputFileFormat: 'XML'/'CSV' (string)

Phone book file format.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book  → Remote →

CSV: (object)

CSV parameters.

Delimiter: ' , / ; / . / : / | / tab ' (string)

Delimiter symbol.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote →

HeaderExist: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Header in .csv file.

Name in web interface:
VoIP → Phone Book → Remote → Add Header


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface


Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Buttons: (object)

Section 'Buttons' configures actions for each button to be performed on pressing.

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing. The followings are available:

Screen – open a screen selected in the additional parameters;

Call – call the number specified in the additional parameters;

Switchline – change the account by default;

BLF – only for buttons with LED indicator (F5-F10). LED indicates line status of the subscriber specified in the additional settings. Pressing the button in stand-by mode initiates a call. In conversation mode, pressing the button redirects the call to the selected subscriber;

Forward – call forward to specified subscriber;

• XML-Browser – XML-Browser;

Group listening – group listening function activation. Duplication of incoming speech from the handset to the speakerphone;

Line – account;

Params  – select parameters for the selected function. Each parameter may have parameters;

Label – button label, which is displayed on the screen next to the button;

Additional parameters – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

User Interface → Buttons

Common: (object)

Common parameters of functional buttons.

DigitTimeout: '800' (unsignedint)

Entry timeout for the next digit whyle entering text.

Not used in web interface

F1-F14: (object)

Object, containing action parameters for specified button to be performed on pressing.

Function: 'Screen' (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Buttons → Key Customization → F1-F14

Params: 'Screen=History' (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

NavOk: (object)

Object, containing action parameters for specified button to be performed on pressing.

Function: '' (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Buttons → Key Customization → OK

Params: '' (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

NavUp: (object)

Object, containing action parameters for specified button to be performed on pressing.

Function '' (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Buttons → Key Customization → ^

Params: '' (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

NavDown: (object)

Object, containing action parameters for specified button to be performed on pressing.

Function: '' (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Buttons → Key Customization → v

Params: '' (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

NavLeft: (object)

Object, containing action parameters for specified button to be performed on pressing.

Function: '' (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Buttons → Key Customization → <

Params: '' (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

NavRight: (object)

Object, containing action parameters for specified button to be performed on pressing.

Function: '' (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Buttons → Key Customization → >

Params: '' (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

NavBack: (object)

Object, containing action parameters for specified button to be performed on pressing.

Function: '' (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface:
User Interface → Buttons → Key Customization → x

Params: '' (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

Notifications: (object)

Notifications that are displayed on the device screen.

MissedCalls: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

The display shows notifications of missed calls.

Not used in web interface

RedirectedCalls: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

The display shows notifications of forwarded calls.

Not used in web interface

TextMessages: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

The display shows notifications of unread text messages

Not used in web interface

VoiceMessages: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

The display shows notifications of unheard voice messages.

Not used in web interface
Tab in web interface: System → Log

Trace: (object)

The section configures the device logging.

System → Log

Common: (object)

Common logging configuration.

Enable: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable logging.

Name in web interface:
Syslog Settings → Enable

Mode: 'Server'/'ServerAndFile'/'File'/'Console' (string)

Log output mode:

  • Server – log information will be sent to the remote Syslog server;
  • ServerAndFile – log information will be sent to the remote Syslog server and saved to the local file;
  • File – log information will be saved to the local file;
  • Console – log information will be sent to the device console.
Name in web interface:
Syslog Settings → Mode

Server: 'syslog.server' (IPAddress)


Name in web interface:
Syslog Settings → 

Port: '514' (unsignedint)


Name in web interface: 
Syslog Settings →

File: 'log'

Name in web interface:
Syslog Settings →

Size: '5000'


Name in web interface:
Syslog Settings →

Configd: (object)

Configd Log.

Error: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Error' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Configd Log → Error

Warning: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Warning' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Configd Log → 

Info: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Info' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Configd Log → Info

Debug: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Debug' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Configd Log → Debug

Networkd: (object)

Networkd Log.

Error: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Error' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Networkd Log →

Warning: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Warning' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Networkd Log → 

Info: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Info' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Networkd Log → 

Debug: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Debug' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Networkd Log → Debug

VoIP: (object)

VoIP Log.

Error: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Error' type messages.

Name in web interface:
VoIP Log → Error

Warning: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Warning' type messages.

Name in web interface:
VoIP Log → Warning

Info: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Info' type messages.

Name in web interface:
VoIP Log → Info

Debug: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Debug' type messages.

Name in web interface:
VoIP Log → Debug

SIPLevel: '0...9' (unsignedint)


Name in web interface:
VoIP Log →

MediaManager: (object)

Media Manager Log.

Error: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Error' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log → Error

Warning: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Warning' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log → 

Info: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Info' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log → 

Debug: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Debug' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log →

PhoneManager: (object)

Phone manager Log.

Error: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Error' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Phone Manager Log →

Warning: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Warning' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log →

Info: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Info' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log →

Debug: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Debug' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log →

Console: "true/false" (boolean)

Enable/disable extension console routing.

Name in web interface:
Interface Manager Log → Extension Console

AutoUpdate: (object)

Auto-update Log.

Error: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Error' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Auto-update Log → Error

Warning: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Warning' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Auto-update Log → 

Info: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Info' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Auto-update Log → Info

Debug: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Debug' type messages.

Name in web interface:
Auto-update Log → 

LDAPUpdater: (object)

LDAP phone book update log.

Error: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Error' type messages.

Not used in web interface

Warning: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Warning' type messages.

Not used in web interface

Info: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Info' type messages.

Not used in web interface

Debug: 'true'/'false' (boolean)

Enable/disable 'Debug' type messages.

Not used in web interface

Console: (object)

The section configures the VP-EXT22 extension console buttons.

Console1..Console6: (object)

The VP-EXT22 extension console buttons settings.

Display: "default" (string)

Not used in VP-30 configuration.

Not used in web interface

Buttons: (object)

Section 'Buttons' configures actions for each extension console button to be performed on pressing.

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing. The followings are available:

Screen – open a screen selected in the additional parameters;

Call – call the number specified in the additional parameters;

Switchline – change the account by default;

BLF – only for buttons with LED indicator (F5-F10). LED indicates line status of the subscriber specified in the additional settings. Pressing the button in stand-by mode initiates a call. In conversation mode, pressing the button redirects the call to the selected subscriber;

Forward – call forward to specified subscriber;

• XML-Browser – XML-Browser;

Group listening – group listening function activation. Duplication of incoming speech from the handset to the speakerphone;

Line – account;

Params  – select parameters for the selected function. Each parameter may have parameters;

Label – button label, which is displayed on the screen next to the button;

Additional parameters – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

F1..F22: (object)

Adding function to extension console button.

Page1..Page3: (object)

Adding function to extension console page.

Function: "" (string)

Function – select action to be performed on the button pressing.

Name in web interface: User Interface → Buttons → Extension Console 1...3

Params: "" (string)

Params – select additional parameters for the button (options depend on the action selected).

Name in web interface: User Interface → Buttons → Extension Console 1...3

  • Нет меток