Pre-starting procedures

It is recommended to reset the IP phone to factory settings when switching it on for the first time. Use display menu and buttons to reset the device and go to:

Menu → 3. Settings → 2. System → 5. Reset settings → Yes

The device will automatically reset.

To start the operation, connect the device to PC via LAN interface. Use a web browser:

1. Open web browser, i.e. Firefox, Opera, Chrome.

2. Enter the device IP address in the browser address bar.

By default, IP phone obtains an IP address and other network parameters automatically via DHCP.

To get an obtained IP address, go to Menu → 1. Status → 1. Network using display menu.

When the device is successfully detected, login and password request page will be shown in the browser window:

By default, login is admin, password is password.

3. Enter your login into 'Login' field and password into 'Password' field.
4. Click 'Log in' button. Monitoring panel will be shown in the browser.

Before you start, please, upgrade the firmare. See 'Firmware upgrade' submenu.

You can download the up-to-date firmware version on the Downloads page of the Eltex website or contact ELTEX technical support. You can find contacts on TECHNICAL SUPPORT page at the end of the manual.

Web interface description

Web interface operation modes

Web interface of the VP devices can operate in two modes:

  • Configuration is a system mode which enables full device configuration.
    The mode has four tabs:

    • Network;

    • VoIP;

    • User Interface;
    • System.

  • Monitoring is a system monitoring mode which allows viewing various device operation information: Internet connection activity, phone port status, device information, etc.

Key elements of the web interface

User interface window is divided into 6 areas (see picture below).

Key elements of the web interface

 1. User name for log in, session termination button in the web interface ('logout') for the current user and dropped down-menu for language changing.

 2. Menu tabs allow you to select configuration and monitoring categories:

  • Network;
  • VoIP;
  • User Interface;
  • System;
  • Monitoring.

 3. Submenu tabs allow you to control settings field.

 4. Device settings field based on the user selection; allows viewing device settings and entering configuration data.

 5. Configuration management buttons. For detailed description see 'Applying configuration' submenu.

    • Apply — apply and save the current configuration into flash memory of the the device;

    • Cancel — discard changes (effective only until 'Apply' button is clicked).

 6. Informational field shows firmware version and web interface version.

Applying configuration 

'Apply' button appears as follows: . Click it to save the configuration into the device flash memory and apply new settings. All settings will be accepted without device restart.

See the following table for detailed information on web interface visual indication of the current status of settings application process: 

AppearanceStatus description

When you click the 'Apply' button, settings will be applied and saved into the device memory. This is indicated by the  icon in the tab name and on the 'Apply' button.

Successful settings saving and application are indicated by icon in the tab name.

If the parameter value being specified contains an error, you will see a message with the reason description and icon will appear in the tab name, when you click 'Apply' button.

Discarding changes

Discard changes button appears as follows: . Click it to restore values currently stored in the device memory. 

Use 'Cancel' button before clicking 'Apply' button only. After you click 'Apply', you will not be able to restore the previous settings.

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