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Eltex-radius package has been supplemented by 1.7-28-build eraddebug and eradmin utilities (raddebug and radmin in the original) from Freeradius parent package.
eraddebug allows obtaining debugging output (like the output when using radiusd -X) from a running server. Therefore, it is possible to obtain debugging information without impacting service availability in Production.
For RADIUS server proper operation the following settings are required:

listen {
        type = control
        socket = ${run_dir}/${name}.sock
        uid = eltxrad
        gid = eltxrad
        mode = rw

the settings above are stored in the file /etc/eltex-radius/servers/control of eltex-radius package.

To start the server, the following commands are used:

sudo -u eltxrad eradmin
sudo -u eltxrad eraddebug

The first command launches eradmin utility, and the second command runs eraddebug script under eltxrad username. To obtain debugging output, the second command is used. eradmin is an independent utility for RADIUS server administration. eraddebug is a shell script wrapper around eradmin that automates the server debugging process.

Attention! Set conditions to prevent information overflow.




-c condition

Set a specific debug condition.  The format of conditions is specified on: http://freeradius.org/radiusd/man/unlang.html#lbAF

-f socket_file

The path to the control socket that is defined with socket = ${run_dir}/${name}.sock. Usually reads configuration files. If something goes wrong, set a socket manually.

-i ipv4-address

Show debug output for an access point having IPv4 address. The equivalent command using conditions:  -c '(Packet-Src-IP-Address == ipv4-address)'

-d config directory

The RADIUS configuration directory, usually /etc/eltex-radius.

-n mname

Read raddb/name.conf instead of raddb/radiusd.conf.

-I ipv6-address

Show debug output for an access point having IPv6 address. This option is equivalent to using: -c '(Packet-Src-IPv6-Address == ipv6-address)'

-t timeout

Debug output printing timeout in seconds. Stop printing debug output after "timeout" seconds. The default timeout is 60 seconds. Use "-t 0" to disable the option.

-u name

Show debug output for a certain user. This option is equivalent to using:  -c '(User-Name == name)'

-t option should be used with extreme caution! Using "-t 0" in Production is not recommended.


eltex@ubuntu:/$ sudo -u eltxrad eraddebug -u wifiuser

This command run not under the root superuser, executes eraddebug script under the eltxrad name, shows debugging output for the wifitester user and stops automatically after 60 seconds (default timeout).

eltex@ubuntu:/$ sudo -u eltxrad eraddebug -t 300 -u wifiuser

This command run not under the root superuser, executes eraddebug script under the eltxrad name, shows debugging output for the wifitester user and stops automatically after 5 minutes.

root@ubuntu:/# eraddebug -t 0 -u wifiuser

When running under the root superuser, sudo is not required. This command will show debug output until it is stopped manually with Ctrl+C.

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