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One of the integration options allows getting data on users' calls via RADIUS protocol. That implies that eltex-ngw service waits for radacct-stop (Acct-Status-Type = Stop) package containing a caller's telephone number in Calling-Station-Id parameter.


1.Specify the number of the gateway that is expecting a call from a client in NUMBERS_FOR_INCOMING_CALLS parameter of /etc/eltex-ngw/rtk_sbc.conf. In RADIUS_PORT and RADIUS_SECRET parameters, a listened port and radius-secret are specified. PHONE_NUMBER_PREFIX  parameter automatically adds the given prefix to accounting notifications on incoming calls from SBC. Configuration example:

# prefix to be applied to the phone number in Calling-Station-Id attribute

# numbers for receiving incoming calls
# comma is a separator

2. In /etc/eltex-ngw/notification.properties file, specify the parameter:


3. After that, restart eltex-ngw.


Send acct-stop request using radclient utility:

echo 'Acct-Status-Type = Stop, Calling-Station-Id = "<sip:+79234567890@exmple.ru>"' | radclient localhost:8041 acct eltexsecret

Note that when rtk_sbc configuration is used, eltex-ngw service expects a number in the following format: <sip:telephone number@some_text> (for example, <sip:79234567890@a>). If the format is inconsistent with the one above, a processing error will occur, and the following message will be written to logs:

2017-10-10 00:00:00.001 [SbcRadiusReceiver] WARN  SbcRadiusReceiver:151 - Could not extract phone from Calling-Station-Id "79234567890"

An example of radacct package that should be sent to eltex-ngw:

A traffic dump file with a package example:


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