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Eltex-doors is a service that provides user authentication by creating a token and verifying it.

Eltex-doors forms a JWT token based on a POST request and containing login, password and metadata.

JWT(JSON Web Token) -  a JSON object defined in RFC 7519

Generated tokens are keeped in the auth_token table of the eltex-doors database. On expiry of the period specified in the configuration file (token.expire.timeout), outdated tokens are deleted from the database.

The parameters "token lifetime{iat}" and "token creation time{exp}" are specified in a token's payload and can be obtained by token decoding.

Available API methods: /api/signin/

An example of parameters sent in a POST request

    "username": "user", 
    "password": "password", 
    "metadata": {
        "nasIp": "",
        "sessionId": "5692549928996308667",
        "vrf": "1", 
        "clientMac": "FC-45-96-5F-50-AC" 
  • In success, the service's response will be:

    "status": "OK",
    "accessToken": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1c2VyIiwiYXV0aCI6WyJST0xFX0FETUlOIl0sImlhdCI6MTU1OTcwOTQ2OCwiZXhwIjoxNTU5NzgxNDY4LCJuYXNJcCI6IjEwMC4xMTIuMC4xIiwic2Vzc2lvbklkIjoiNTY5MjU0OTkyODk5NjMwODY2NyIsInZyZiI6IjEiLCJjbGllbnRNYWMiOiJGQy00NS05Ni01Ri01MC1BQyJ9.VQ1NKCcG445eSMz7jOoTGt7PC1HVhTkFxxwWWxdVO3Y"

where status - response status

access token - generated token

  • If an error occurs, the service will answer:
{"status":"FAIL","error":"Invalid username or password"}

where status - response status

error - error description


The configuration file is located at /etc/eltex-doors/application.properties

## Mysql datasource properties
spring.datasource.username=eltexdoors			Login 
spring.datasource.password=eltexpassword		Password

spring.flyway.user=eltexdoors					Login
spring.flyway.password=eltexpassword			Password

## Eureka settings and starting server port
server.port=9097								The port listened by the service

## Custom application properties
## Token expiration timeout
# Use time format HH:mm:ss
auth.cron.session.timeout=*/60 * * * * *		Token lifetime checking period
auth.token.expire.timeout=20:00:00 				Token lifetime

# Login and password from basic account
auth.username=user  						    A login to connect to eltex-doors
auth.password=password 							A password to connect to eltex-doors

The logging configuration file /etc/eltex-doors/log4j2.xml

The configuration file for service initialization /etc/default/eltex-doors

# AP Monitoring service

# Initial size of Java heap
JAVA_INIT_HEAP=8m 							Amount of RAM allocated during initialization
# Maximum size of Java heap
JAVA_MAX_HEAP=64m 							Amount of RAM allocated during operation 

# Additional arguments to pass to java
JAVA_OPTS="-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError -XX:HeapDumpPath=/var/log/eltex-doors"

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