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reconfigure olt slot

This command applies the configuration and resets the current state (reconfig) of the GPON OLT interface to the specified slot or slot range.


reconfigure olt slot <SLOT>.


<SLOT> – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15).

Command mode



ma4000# reconfigure olt slot 1-2

reconfigure interface gpon-port

This command applies the configuration and resets the current state (reconfig) of the GPON interface (gpon-port).


reconfigure interface gpon-port <SLOT>/<PORT>.


<SLOT> – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);

<PORT> – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7).

Command mode



ma4000# reconfigure interface gpon-port 6/1
Slot 6
    GPON-port 1 reconfigured successfully

reconfigure interface ont

This command applies the configuration and resets the current state (reconfig) of the ONT.


reconfigure interface ont <SLOT>/<PORT>/<ONTID>.


<SLOT> – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15).

<PORT> – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7).

<ONTID> – ONT number or number range { ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID } (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000# reconfigure interface ont 6/1/1-5,11,22
Slot 6
    Reconfigure [ONT1/1]
    [ONT1/1] (ELTX06001500) reconfigured successfully
    Reconfigure [ONT1/2]
    [ONT1/2] (ELTX0600208D) reconfigured successfully
    Reconfigure [ONT1/3]
    [ONT1/3] (ELTX06002671) reconfigured successfully
    Reconfigure [ONT1/4]
    [ONT1/4] (ELTX06002663) reconfigured successfully
    Reconfigure [ONT1/5]
    [ONT1/5] (ELTX0600266A) reconfigured successfully
    Reconfigure [ONT1/11]
    [ONT1/11] is not connected currently
    Reconfigure [ONT1/22]
    [ONT1/22] (ELTX06002654) reconfigured successfully

send omci pptp-video-uni administrative-state

This command performs operational management of the ONT RF port by OMCI command. Support for this feature should be implemented on ONT.


send omci pptp-video-uni administrative-state <COMMAND> interface ont <INTERFACE>.


<COMMAND> – port management command: enable/disable;

<INTERFACE> – ONT inteface:  SLOT/PORT/ONTID, where

  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range { ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID } (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000# send omci pptp-video-uni administrative-state enable interface ont 6/1/1

send omci reset

This command restarts ONT by OMCI command.


send omci reset interface ont <interface>.



  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range {ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID} (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send omci reset interface ont 6/1/1
    [ONT 6/1/1] has been reset successfully

send omci restore interface ont

This command resets ONT to the factory settings by the OMCI command. Support for this feature should be implemented on ONT.


send omci restore interface ont <INTERFACE>


<INTERFACE> – ONT interface: slot/port/ontid;

  • <SLOT> – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • <PORT> – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7).
  • <ONTID> – ONT number or number range { ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID } (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send omci restore interface ont 6/1/2
    [ONT 6/1/2] was successfully restored to default config and rebooted

send ploam disable-sn mode enable-all gpon-port

This command controls the operation of the optical transmitter ONT: enable on all ONTs connected to the specified GPON-port OLT.


send ploam disable-sn mode enable-all gpon-port <interface>.


<INTERFACE> – ONT interface, specified in format of SLOT/PORT/ONTID. Optional parameter. If an interface is not spesified, the command to enable will be sent to all ONTs;

  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range {ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID} (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000# send ploam disable-sn mode enable-all gpon-port 6/1

send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont from-configuration gpon-port

This command controls the operation of the optical transmitter ONT: enable on all ONTs registered in configuration of the specified GPON-port OLT.


send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont from-configuration [gpon-port <INTERFACE>]


gpon-port – optional parameter, command to enable will be sent to all ONTs;

<INTERFACE> – ONT interface, specified in format of SLOT/PORT/ONTID:

  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range { ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID } (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont from-configuration gpon-port 6/6

send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont serial

This command controls the operation of the ONT optical transmitter: enable on ONT with the specified PON serial number.


send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont serial <PONSERIAL>


<PONSERIAL> – ONT serial number in format:

  • AAAAXXXXXXXX, where A is uppercase letter, and X in HEX format [0-F];
  • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, where X in HEX format [0-F];
  • XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX, where X in HEX format [0-F].

Command mode



ma4000#send send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont serial ELTX06002628

send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont

This command controls the operation of the optical transmitter ONT: enable on ONT registered in configuration of the specified GPON-port OLT with specified ONTID.


send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont<INTERFACE>


<INTERFACE> – ONT interface, specified in format of SLOT/PORT/ONTID:

  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range { ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID } (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send ploam disable-sn mode enable ont 6/1/2

send ploam disable-sn mode disableont from-configuration gpon-port

This command controls the operation of the optical transmitter ONT: disable on all ONTs registered in configuration of the specified GPON-port OLT.


send ploam disable-sn mode disableont from-configuration [gpon-port <INTERFACE>]


gpon-port – optional parameter, command to enable will be sent to all ONTs;

<INTERFACE> – ONT interface, specified in format of SLOT/PORT/ONTID:

  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range { ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID } (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send ploam disable-sn mode disableont from-configuration gpon-port 6/6

send ploam disable-sn mode disableont serial

This command controls the operation of the ONT optical transmitter: disable on ONT with the specified PON serial number.


send ploam disable-sn mode disableont serial <PONSERIAL>


<PONSERIAL> – ONT serial number, specified in format:

  • AAAAXXXXXXXX, where A is uppercase letter, and X in HEX format [0-F];
  • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, where X in HEX format [0-F];
  • XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX-XX, where X in HEX format [0-F].

Command mode



ma4000#send send ploam disable-sn mode disableont serial ELTX06002628

send ploam disable-sn mode disable ont

This command controls the operation of the optical transmitter ONT: disable on ONT registered in configuration of the specified GPON-port OLT with specified ONTID.


send ploam disable-sn mode disable ont<INTERFACE>


<INTERFACE> – ONT interface, specified in format of SLOT/PORT/ONTID:

  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range {ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID} (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send ploam disable-sn mode disableont 6/1/2

send ploam ber-interval gpon-port

This command sends a command to ONT: enable downstream error rate calculation for all ONTs registered in the configuration on the specified GPON-port OLT.


send ploam ber-interval <COUNT>[gpon-port <INTERFACE>]


<COUNT> – number of frames, may take values [1000..1000000000];

gpon-port – optional parameter, command to enable will be sent to all ONTs;


  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range { ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID } (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send ploam ber-interval 1000 gpon-port 6/6

send ploam ber-interval ont

This command sends a command to ONT: enable downstream error rate calculation for ONT registered in the configuration on the specified GPON-port OLT with a specified ONTID.


send ploam ber-interval  <COUNT>  ont <INTERFACE>


<COUNT> – number of frames, may take values [1000..1000000000];

<INTERFACE> – ONT interface, specified in format of SLOT/PORT/ONTID:

  • SLOT – slot number or range {slot or slot, slot or slot – slot or slot, slot – slot or slot – slot, slot – slot}  (0..15);
  • PORT – number or port range of GPON port on the line card {port or port, port or port – port or port, port – port or port – port, port – port} (0..7);
  • ONTID – ONT number or number range {ONTID or ONTID, ONTID or ONTID – ONTID or ONTID, ONTID – ONTID or ONTID – ONTID, ONTID – ONTID} (0..63).

Command mode



ma4000#send ploam ber-interval ont 6/6/6

show slot <SLOT> gpon olt state

Commands to view the software version on a specific PLC8 module:

  • Device count – GPON chips number;
  • Channels per device – number of ports on GPON chip;
  • Driver version – driver version;
  • Device 0 – information on GPON chip:
  • Firmware version – GPON chip firmware version;
  • Hardware version – GPON chip hardware version.


show slot  <SLOT>  gpon olt state


<SLOT> – PLC8 module number, may take values (0..15). You may specify the list of numbers using comma ( , ) or specify the range using hyphen ( - ).

Command mode



ma4000#show slot 6 gpon olt state 
    Device count:            2
    Channels per device:     4
    Driver version:          1.2.561
    Device 0:
        Firmware version:
        Hardware version:    5211.2
    Device 1:
        Firmware version:
        Hardware version:    5211.2

show slot <SLOT>information

Commands to view system information about a specific PLC8 module:

  • Module type – module type;
  • Hardware version – module hardware version;
  • Software version – module firmware version;
  • Build revision – firmware version build;
  • Build time – firmware file creation time;
  • Uptime (d:h:m:s) – module operating time since the last power-on;
  • CPU load average (1m, 5m, 15m) – module CPU load;
  • Free RAM/Total RAM (Mbytes) – free memory/memory size;
  • Temperature (sensor1/sensor2) – sensor temperature.


show slot  <SLOT>  information


<SLOT> – PLC8 module number, may take values (0..15). You may specify the list of numbers using comma ( , ) or specify the range using hyphen ( - ).

Command mode



show slot 6 information 
    [slot 6] System information:
        Module type:                      PLC8
        Hardware version:                 2
        Software version:       
        Build revision:                   41050
        Build time:                       09:26:00 27/11/2014
        Uptime (d:h:m:s):                 0:4:15:53
        CPU load average (1m, 5m, 15m):   0.29  0.86  1.00
        Free RAM/Total RAM (Mbytes):      118/241
        Temperature (sensor1/sensor2):    24C/23C
  • Нет меток