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For technical assistance in issues related to operation of Eltex Ltd. equipment, please contact the Service Centre:

29v Okruzhnaya st., Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 630020

Feedback form on the site: http://eltex-co.com/support/

E-mail: techsupp@eltex.nsk.ru

Visit Eltex official website to get the relevant technical documentation and software, benefit from our knowledge base, send us online request or consult a Service Centre Specialist in our technical forum.

Official website: http://eltex-co.com/

Technical forum: http://eltex-co.ru/forum

Knowledge base: https://docs.eltex-co.ru/display/EKB/Eltex+Knowledge+Base

Downloads: https://eltex-co.com/support/downloads/

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