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Problems independent of the operating system

The script failed with an error due to problems checking the availability of ports

It is possible that some services did not have time to load in the alloted time (120 seconds).

In this case, check the availability of ports by running the installation script again with the key --test-ports

sudo ./eltex-softwlc-helper-latest.sh --test-ports

All checks must be passed.
Use a script that checks the availability of ports (the same script is run at the end of the installer script). Transfer it to the server with the controller, grant execution rights and run it.

chmod +x tools_check-port.sh
sudo ./tools_check-port.sh

All checks must be passed.

Solving problems on Debian 9.13 (stretch) platform

Missing "dirmngr" packet


During the execution of the installation script, it ends with an error.

Executing: /tmp/apt-key-gpghome.N4BkULSyIP/gpg.1.sh --keyserver hkp://keyserver.ubuntu.com:80 --recv 9DA31620334BD75D9DCB49F368818C72E52529D4
gpg: failed to start the dirmngr '/usr/bin/dirmngr': No such file or directory
gpg: connecting dirmngr at '/tmp/apt-key-gpghome.N4BkULSyIP/S.dirmngr' failed: No such file or directory
gpg: keyserver receive failed: No dirmngr


Install the dirmngr packet

sudo apt install dirmngr

Version of mysql-common newer than required


During the execution of the installation script, it ends with an error.

Packets will be replaced with OLDER versions:
0 updated, 0 new packets installed, 1 packets replaced with older versions, 0 packets marked for deletion, and 0 packets not updated.
E: Packets have been replaced with older versions and the -y parameter was specified without --allow-downgrades.


Delete the current version of mysql-common along with the configuration

sudo apt purge mysql-common

Solving problems on Astra Linux SE 1.7

With the following log:

Media change: please insert the disc labeled
'OS Astra Linux 1.7.1 1.7_x86-64 DVD'
in the drive '/media/cdrom/' and press [Enter]

It is necessary to switch the repository from DVD to http. To do this, go to the file /etc/apt/sources.list_astra

sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list_astra

Comment out the line deb cdrom:[OS Astra Linux 1.7.1 1.7_x86-64 DVD ]/ 1.7_x86-64 contrib main non-free

#deb cdrom:[OS Astra Linux 1.7.1 1.7_x86-64 DVD ]/ 1.7_x86-64 contrib main non-free
deb https://download.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-main/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free
deb https://download.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-update/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free

deb https://download.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-base/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free
deb https://download.astralinux.ru/astra/stable/1.7_x86-64/repository-extended/ 1.7_x86-64 main contrib non-free

Documentation of the Astra Linux SE 1.7 : https://wiki.astralinux.ru/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=3276859

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