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1. Configuring APs configurated in accordance with SNMP.

Enabling the Captive Portal mode

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To do this, select Captive Portal. Global in the Configuration tab, click Edit and select On for Captive Portal Mode option. Specify Roaming service URL in the format of ip_addr_swlc:8090 — this is APB address available from the AP management network, AP IP alias — this address will be displayed to users when redirecting to the portal. Disconnect before redirect — user disconnection before redirect (required to be enabled if using tariffs). After changing the settings, click Accept button.

Figure 1Captive Portal. Global settings

This setting can be done by creating a configuration template in the Wireless settings/Configuration template manager menu and applying it to one or more access points.

1.2 Configuring APs under netconf

Enabling the APBD service for AP WEP-1L, WEP-2L, WOP-2L, WEP-3ax

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  • To do this, in the Config tab in the APBD Settings section, select the Enable APBD checkbox ☑ Enable.
  • Set the APBD Service URL in the format of ws://ip_addr_swlc:8090/apb/broadcast this is the APB address available from the AP control network.
  • The Initial APB Service Connection Delay field is the lower limit of the possible delay of the device connection. This parameter is used to distribute the server load over time.
  • The Maximum APBD Service Connection Delay field is the period of time, in seconds, during which the customer can enter authorization data on the portal page to access the network. If the interval is exceeded, the customer must refresh the page or reconnect to the network. The default value is 120 seconds.

The same setting can be made by creating a configuration template in the Netconf/Netconf Configuration Template Manager menu and applying it to one or more APs.

After changing the configuration, click the Edit config button, so that the modified configuration is loaded from the EMS RAM to the device's RAM and becomes candidate-config for the device (Figure 7).

Figure 7 – Edit config – downloading configuration into the device's RAM (candidate-config)

Next, in order for the downloaded configuration from the downloaded (candidate-config) to become the current (running-config) it must be applied. To do this, click the Apply config button (Figure 8)

Figure 8 – Apply config – applying candidate-config in running-config.

Click the Save button to save the current configuration into the non-volatile memory of the device (Figure 9).

Figure 9 – Save – saving the current configuration (running-config) into the non-volatile memory of the device.

2. Open the SSID manager and create a new SSID. Specify the following parameters:

Type = Hotspot
Name = Test_hotspot
Domain = root
VAP status = up
Security mode = w/o encryption
Status of Client QoS = on
VLAN-ID = 1000
RADIUS IP Address =
RADIUS key = eltex
Radius Accounting = Up
Select Captive portal checkbox as Enabled
Virtual portal name = default1
Verification = CaptivePortal
Select External checkbox
External URL =

User mobility domain = root2


VLAN-ID = 1000 is used as an example. Specify here the service VLAN that is actually used on your network and comes to the access point. The DHCP server must be accessible for VLAN user.

Select the Radio interfaces to which the generated SSID will be assigned. If you assign an SSID to all radio interfaces simultaneously (Radio - All), it is recommended to enable Band steer (select the checkbox) for priority connection to the 5 GHz network by devices that support both bands. When you assign SSID on one radio interface, Band steer mode should be off.

To optimize roaming, the minimal signal mechanism is used:

Figure 2 – SSID settings

In order for the client to be redirected to a specific page for authorization when connecting to Hotspot SSID, it is necessary to select the name of this page in the Virtual portal name field. Pages are pre-created in the portal, and then appear in the list and become available for selecting.

Figure 3 – Settings of SSID Captive portal

After clicking Accept button, the created SSID will appear in SSID table (Figure 4).

Figure 4 – SSID manager

3. Assign the SSID to the access point via the Add SSID link button.
The SSID will be assigned to the first disabled VAP on the access point. The result can be seen in the Configuration/Virtual access points tab (Figure 5).

Figure 5 – Virtual access points

4. Add a tariff plan.
In the RADIUS/New tariff settings menu, click Add button and specify the basic tariff plan settings:

  • Name: tarif1;

  • Code: 2;

  • Domain: root.

Select the Portal auth checkbox.
Examples of using tariff plans can be found in the article SoftWLC. Tariff plan configuration for portal authorization available on http://kcs.eltex.nsk.ru/articles/899

Figure 6 – New tariff settings

5. Activate the tariff plan on the portal.
To activate, follow the link

            Login: admin
            Password: password

In the left pane, select the portal to which the redirection is configured in the created SSID (by default). You can find out more about creating and customizing new portals in the article Portal Constructor.

Open Tariff plans tab, click Add button and select the checkbox against the created tariff plan tarif1.

Figure 7 – Selecting a tariff plan

Enter its name which will be displayed to the client on the authorization page when several tariff plans are used. Click Save button.


Figure 8 – Tariff plan activation

Portal operation modes and confirmation of phone numbers are configured in the General settings menu (sections Operation Mode and Confirm phone number). The register and authorize mode is set by default. To confirm the phone number in portal authorization, two ways are used: Demo mode и Incoming SMS. The Demo mode is intended for testing, after entering the phone number, a code is generated and automatically inserted into the form. When commissioning the system, clear the Demo mode checkbox.

Outgoing call and outgoing SMS confirmation methods become available to on after they are configured in the configuration files. The list of SMS gateways with which the integration is carried out can be found here: SMS gateways

Configure the /etc/eltex-ngw/notification.properties file for real SMG sending.

Configuring the phone number confirmation by incoming messages when the smsc.ru gateway is used

Depending on the interacting protocol used, specify the required configuration file (/etc/eltex-ngw/application.conf) in the outgoing.config line:

  • smsc.conf for HTTP
  • smpp.conf for SMPP (v 3.4)
outgoing.config = "smsc.conf"

Use this file also for configuring message transmission.

// Server configuration
server {
    port = 8040

sms {
    // Incoming (user to service) sms config
    incoming.config = "smpp.conf"
    // Outgoing (service to user) sms config
    outgoing.config = "smsc.conf"

    // Sms gateway pool settings
    pool {
        min = 1
        max = 20
        waitTimeout = 5s

call {
    // Incoming (user to service) call config
    incoming.config = ""
    // Outgoing (service to user) call config
    outgoing.config = ""

    // Call gateway pool settings
    pool {
        min = 1
        max = 20
        waitTimeout = 5s

email {
    // Outgoing (service to user) email config
    outgoing.config = "email.conf"

    pool {
        min = 1
        max = 20
        waitTimeout = 5s


database {
    host = localhost
    port = 3306
    name = eltex_ngw
    user = javauser
    password = javapassword

    pool {
        // Time to wait for a connection
        connectionTimeout = 10s

        min = 1
        max = 10

    // Configure the lifetime of different tables' content
    cleanup {
        // incoming events
        events = 365d
        // sms
        messages = 365d
        // email
        emails = 365d
        // files
        files = 7d
        // limit deletions by this number (0 if no limit)
        limit = 0
        // cleanup schedule cron-like expression, e.g. "0 0 3 ? * *"
        // set to "-" to disable
        cron = "-"

1. When using HTTP, edit the smsc.conf configuration file

In the /etc/eltex-ngw/gateway.d/smsc.conf file, fill in login and password for a SMSC service account. Choose the http/https transmission protocol and specify Sender ID:

connection {
  login = "test"		//Account login
  password = "pass123"	//Account password
  protocol = http		//Gateway communication protocol

common {
  sender = smsc			//The sender's name displayed in the recipient's telephone. Latin letters, numbers, space are allowed. Length is 11 characters or 15 digits.
  charset = utf-8		//symbol coding standard

2. If SMPP is used, you should fill in the following data in the smpp.conf configuration file: login, password, server address, port and other parameters required to use SMPP.

In the /etc/eltex-ngw/gateway.d/smpp.conf file, fill in the credentials for the SMSC service account and specify the dedicated number of the telephone purchased, it will be displayed to the user in the portal:

Contents of smpp_gate.conf file:

connection {
  login = "test"
  password = "pass123"
  host = "smpp.smsc.ru"
  backup_host = "smpp2.smsc.ru"
  port = 3700

  // seconds between sending ENQUIRE_LINK packet to maintain connection with SMPP server
  // for SMSC SMPP 15 seconds is OK
  enquire_link_interval = 15s
  // Seconds waiting response from SMPP server on SUBMIT_SM packet
  transaction_interval = 5s
  // type of number for ESME address (UNKNOWN|INTERNATIONAL|
  esme_number_type = UNKNOWN
  // numbering plan indicator for ESME address (UNKNOWN|ISDN|
  esme_numbering_plan_indicator = UNKNOWN
  // service type (|CMT|CPT|VMN|VMA|WAP|USSD)
  service_type = ""
  // source address type of number when sending (UNKNOWN stands for 0|INTERNATIONAL stands for 1|
  source_addr_number_type = ALPHANUMERIC
  // source address numbering plan indicator when sending (UNKNOWN stands for 0|ISDN - 1|
  source_addr_numbering_plan_indicator = ISDN
  // source address to indicate in smsc.ru log, you may set anything or leave empty, max length is 20 symbols
  // russian symbols will be translitirated
  source_addr = ""
  // destination address type of number when sending (UNKNOWN stands for 0|INTERNATIONAL - 1|NATIONAL - 2|
  dest_addr_number_type = INTERNATIONAL
  // destination address numbering plan indicator when sending (UNKNOWN stands for 0|ISDN - 1|DATA - 2|
  dest_addr_numbering_plan_indicator = ISDN
  // replace message prefix with another one or nothing
  dest_addr_replace_prefix = ""
  dest_addr_replace_prefix_with = ""
  // protocol ID
  protocol_id = 0
  // flag shows priority of sms in smsc queue (0|1|2|3) 3 - the highest
  priority_flag = 3
  // encoding (1 stands for 8-bit ASCII|2 for UCS2 (UTF-16)|0 for 7-bit in data coding, but for text will be used UTF-8).
  // To send messages with cyrillic text use 2
  encoding = 2
  // encode text in win1251, but send data coding marker as defined above
  encode_to_win1251 = false
  // concat long text on smpp server into 1 message (TRUE|FALSE). May pay less money of concatting
  concat_long_text_on_server = true
  // ESME settings
  // MessageMode (DEFAULT stands for 0|DATAGRAM - 1|TRANSACTION - 2|STORE_AND_FORWARD - 3)
  message_mode = STORE_AND_FORWARD
  message_type = DEFAULT
  gsm_specific_feature = DEFAULT
  // GeneralDataCoding settings
  // ignore these settings (for proper data coding 0x08, for ex.) (TRUE|FALSE)
  ignore_optional_data_coding_settings = true
  // compressed (FALSE|TRUE)
  compressed = false
  // messageClass (0|1|2|3)
  message_class = 1

common {
  incoming_sms_numbers = [79123456789]
  incoming_call_numbers = []

Section connection:

login = login of the account in the SMS gateway;
password = password of the account gateway;
host = SMS gateway address;
backup_host = backup address of the SMS gateway;
port = port to which the SMS gateway is listening.

Section common:

incoming_sms_numbers = phone number allocated for SMS;
incoming_call_numbers = phone number allocated for calls.

3. Restart the service by using command:

udo service eltex-ngw restart

Next, add and activate a tariff plan on the portal, as shown in points 4 and 5 of this article.

There is a "default" page on the portal by default. The page is customized for ELTEX Enterprise as an example.

2 The name of the group within which roaming can be carried out in case of portal authorization. If the access point has a firmware 1.9.0, you should specify user mobility domain. This option is not available in firmware versions above 1.9.0.

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